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July 25, 1929 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-25

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1 N umtttr
Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise,
credited in this paper and the local news rub-
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postofl'ice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier. $1.50; by mail
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Telephone 4925

Editorial Director.......... Howard F. Shout
Women's Editor...........Margaret Eckels
City Editor...................Charles Askrea
Music and Drama Editor.. R. Leslie Askren
Books Editor............ Lawrence R. Klein
Sports Editor ............ S. Cadwell Swanson
Night Editors
Howard 2. Shout Walter Wilds
S. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren
Charles Askrenj
Ben Manson Ledru Davis!
Ross Gustin Margaret Harris!
Dorothy Magee William Mahey
Paul Showers
Telephone 21214
Assistant Business Manager...........Vernor Davis
Publications Manager.............Egbert Davis
Circulation Manager............Jeanette Dale
Accounts Manager...............Noah Bryant
Night Editor - HOWARD SHOUT.

others in, England is in having the
collegiate system, thati, an or-
ganization into a number of sep-
arate colleges, each of which has
its own grounds and buildings and
in each of which the students live
together, eat together, and study
together. This makes for greater
poise, celerity of expression, and
open mindedness." With the opin-
ion of this English scholar and
educator in mind, we should like
i to point out that Oxford and Cam-
bridge have long been noted for
the brilliant, liberal-minded men
whom they graduate.
Another point of importance -
and perhaps the most important of
all - is the value of the dormitory
in the orientation of the, freshman
to his new life in the University.
This problem has been causing
more concern among educators of
late than almost any other, for it
is in the failure properly to adjust
the entering boy or girl to the
strange environment of the cam-
pus, that the reason for lessened
ability and efficiency among college
students and for lowered standards
can be found. Many first-year men
are taken into fraternities and
many of the women into sororities,
leaving the rest more or less out-
side the group. A great number of
these independents make no effort
to establish contacts with others
and go through their university
careers without any of that inter-
play of ideas and feelings that
makes the years spent in college a
valuable investment and a pleas-
ant memory. Undoubtedly, if these
men and women . were housed in
dormitories where they would meet
others daily at the dining table, in
the lounges, and in their rooms,
the value of their work at Michi-
'gan would be greatly enhanced.

About Books
"Living," by Henry Green. Price
-$2.50. E. P. Dutton Co., N. Y.,
(By Edward Garnett)
"Living," by Henry Green, is an
extremely clever novel; in fact, I
am not sure that, as a work of art,
it is not too clever. But that raises
points too debateable to discuss
here. Henry Green has created a
method of his own, an original
technique to describe the life of
his characters, mostly Birming-
ham factory hands. By this au-
thor's plan of telling the story!
through the talk of scores of the
employees, Gates, Traver, old Mr.
Craigan, Tube, Bridges,, Bert Jones,
Jim Dale, Aaron Connolly, Mr.
Eames, etc., and two women, Mrs.'
Eames and Miss Gates, we are leti
inside the men's minds, and be-
come marvellously intimate with
their manners, habits, little ways,
and their opinions of one another.
Young Mr. Dupret, the son of
the head of the Arm, comes down
from London to replace his dying
father, and to reorganize the bus-
iness, and he becomes the center of
the interested speculations of the
managing foremen and the old
hands, who are afraid of losing
their jobs. The atmosphere of pet-
ty intrigue inside the foundry is
relieved by scenes in the adjacent
streets and pubs, and in the house-
hold of old Mr. Craigan the foun-
dry-man, where Lily Qates keeps
house for him and her father, and
Mr. Dale, the lodger.
The story arrests one from the
first by its cool daring closeness to
life, and steadily increases its hold
on the reader from Chapter XIV
to the end, a section which de-
scribes how the old hands get the 1
sack, and how Lily Gates elopes
with Bert to Liverpool, and then
comes back.
The achievement of Henry Green,
throughout, however, is that he has
come closer to the working-class
consciousness, to its ways of feel-
ing and manner of expressing it-
self, than any other English vixer
of today. The realism Qf the book
is startling, and its human interest,
as a stucy of the life of Birming-
ham operatives, is great. A few
scenes flashed in here and there
of the Dupret family's upper-elass
life in London, intrcd.ced as a
change from the dingy foundry at-
mosphere, show that Henry Green's
sympathies are with no particular
class, and that should he write of
Mayfair, his dissection 9f its char-

"Folks, how -can I make Whoope.
up here . *e when down in front
the ccoughers' are whooping?"

"Maybe the audience would be grateful if I stepped
to the footlights some night and voiced the above
protest about the 'coughing chorus' down in front.
"But that wouldn't be kind and it wouldn't be just.
The cougher doesn't cough in public on purpose.
He can't help it. It embarrasses him as much as it
annoys his neighbors.
"What he needs, to avoid that throat tickle, is an
introduction to OLD GOLDS."
Why ' not a cough in a carload?
OLD GOLD Cigarettes are blended from HEART-LEAF tobacco, the
finest Nature grows. Selected for silkiness and ripeness from
r the heart of the tobacco plant. Aged and mellowed extra
long in a temperature of mid-July sunshine to insure that
honey-like smoothness.

0 P. LOXrd ' O(I, EMireH

1 . - - . i

bunr i cho pocial!


From this time forward it shall Dormitories have one other out-
be the policy of The Daily to pub- standing advantage: the small
lish no more reviews of the Play I amount which it will cost the stu-
Production efforts in the League dents to live in them. Arguments
theater. This action is necessitated pro and con have been advanced
by the resignation of Mr. Leslie on t his subject, but it can scarcely
)Askren, editor of the Music and be questioned that the housing and
Drama column of The Daily. In feeding of hundreds collectively is
the opinion of the editor there is certain to be cheaper than the
no one at the present time on the cost of eating and rooming inde-
campus eligible scholastically or pendently.
critically to assume the direction In addition to these points, there
of the column and to maintain on is the matter of student gtidarnce
the high basis of sound, construe- and supervision which can by this
tive critical judgment the work be- arrangement be more carefully and
gun by Mr. Askren, adequately maintained than in the1
To those who know the state of past.
campus drama there is little doubt Considering the dormitory ques-
of the value. of Mr. Askren's work tion from these angles, it can read-
in connection with Prof. Rowe of ily be seen that their erection will
the rhetoric department and Val- be an enormous benefit to Michigan
entine Windt of the speech depart- and to the students. The dormi-
ment to take Play Production from tories should be built not as an ex-

--- - II


. ,

a position of ridicule on the cam- periment but as a definite part in acters will be as keen as is his study
pus to their present laboratory in the program of developing the Uni- of the workers in a machine-shop.
the League theater, where they are, versity, * * *
after all, respected and patronized. _THE THEATER OF THE MIDDLE,
And because we are unable to.. WEST
find so capable a man on the cam- Campus Opinion (Continued from Wednesday)
pus 'at present, we are discontin- Contributors are asked to he briet, In a conversation held recently
uing the column and the reviews. confining themselves to less than 300 regarding ideals of playwriting as
To allow a writer who lack's Mr. munications will be disregarded. The they may be discovered in the re-
n anmes of communicants will, however,
Askren's background and critical, becregarded as confidential, upon re cently issued volume of "Michigan
discermting viewpoint to continue q Letters published should nutrbe Plays" Director Windt of the Play
construed as expres'sing the editorial
with the work would be to under- opinion of the Daily. Production department madte the
mine the splendid platform of pol- statement that American play-
icy for campus dramatics that Mr.I To the Editor: wrights have not observed the pri-
Askren has erected. i To those on the campus who en- mary principle of genuine literary
joy trenchant criticism and who craftsmanship. Mr. Windt said
THE PROPER VIEWPOINT I have liked the engaging freshness that it was his relief that. future
The dormitory question has been and vigorous charm of the under- products of the Americn dramatic
buried under such a mass of per- graduate critical mind as express- pen should be tle res lt of care-
sonal bickering and debate that the ed in the columns of The Daily, ful and sympathetic observation of
true substance of the problem has Ithe resignation yesterday of Mr. the American milieu, and that ren-
been given scant attention. The Askren as Music and Drama Edi- dering the picture should be con-
question should not-as we have tor came as a shock and a disap- trolled by ideals of accuracy and
pointed out previously-involve any pointment. Throughout last year simplicity.
consideration of increased tax- and so far this summer the cam- Mr. Windt's criticism has consid-
rates, lowered property values, or pus has watched Mr. Askren slow- i erable force when directed against
individual losses. If it would be ly rid his column of the stigma at- what is perhaps the only outstad-
best from the standpoint of the tached to it by the puerilities of ing piece of Americana, Eugene O'-
state as a whole and of the prin- his predecessors, Mr. Wall and Mr. Neill's "Desire Under The Elms."
ciples on which the American sys- I Henderson, and build up a new ( The colorful bizarrities of subject
tem of education is based to house tradition of sound thinking and!matter and the theatrical method
the students in dormitories, then constructive viewpoint. of dealing with situations are not
the dormitories must be built; if, Particularly is Mr. Askren's deci- American, and militate againgt te
on the other hand, to live ir them sion to resign his column unfor- excellencies of character prtrayal
would prove detrimental to the Stu- tunate in view of the still precar- that distinguish the iece.
dents, they must not be built. All ious position of the 4rama on this' The observatio! might be made
other considerations are secondary campus. Under the stimulus of his that playw ight toay co not
and unimportant. acute criticism and his hearty en- writ -f At1e? ernan audience,
It is our belief-and we propose couragement of worthwhile exper { but for the New York mixture of
to give our reasons-that life in i imentation, students have come to European tinged dilletantes and'
dormitories would be much more realize the place campus dramatics rubberneck visitors from, "the
beneficial to the young men and rightfully should have in universi- sticks." The only remedy for which
women who come to our campus ty life, and play production activi- would seem to, be the creation, at}
than life in scattered rooming ties have risen from the plane of of protest, of a theater of the Mke-
houses all over Ann Arbor. stultifying adolescence, where they dle West wherein authentic Arineri-
In the first place, the dormitory stood a year and a half ago, to cana may be given the recognition
in one form or another is an in- their present position of compara- it deserves.
stitution and a tradition of college tive maturity and affluence. Thei Which is not to say that there
life. From time immemorial stu-; movement toward better campus is very much of that sort of writ-
dents in university towns have been dramatic facilities, which The Daily ing, but a theatrical declaration of
lodged in these large units and it has always tried to foster and in ipdependence would very much en-
is from them, that colleges have, partial success it has had no in- courage its production.
achieved their reputations for con- considerable part, surely owes R. L. A.
geniality, fellowship, and youthful something to Mr. Askren, who was
spirit. I the first really to take it serious- "Just Married," the Ann Nichols
Prof. E. A. Milne, visiting Oxford ly. piece at the Comoedienhaus thea-
physicist, pointed to one of the Mr. Askren is to be congratulated ter, had a moderate reception. It
greatest advantages of the univer- on the performance of a difficult was planned as old fashioned, but
sity "club" in an interview of some and exacting task, and my only most reviewers voted it amusing
weeks ago, when he said, "The ad- regret is that the interruption of nevertheless.
vantage of these two universities his labors is so untimgv f ro n -. r a


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