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July 06, 1928 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-06

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Probably fair today. Not
much change in temperature

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I111 1 +

VOL. IX, No. 11.




Speaker Shows How Air Currents Are
Passed Through Furnace To
Warm House Properly



The second week of the conference

A Rev iew, By Philip C. Brooks
Those wh3 hoped to see in "The'
Man Who Married a Dumb Wife" a re-
vival of the delightfully cheerful and
amusingly reckless spirit of "Gam-
mer Gurton's Needle" ("Ye Pithy Mer-
rie Comedie" of last summer season)
could not help but notice last night
a lower average of ability and es-
pecially a lack of the cooperative con-
fidence, justified by performances in
which the entire cast felt a mutual
satisfaction of creation, which charac-
te! ized the previous company.
A combination of unattractive parts
and a play with little character de-
velopment of any profound nature,
and less point, has resulted in a
lack of the sparkling spontaneity that
is absolutely essential in putting over
such an unconventional affair. A cer-
tain amount of sheer careless nerve
is required, and seemed lacking last
For decidedly attractive productions
of difficult roles requiring a real sense
of the spirit of the production and
some very clever "business," Lillian
Bronson deserves credit especially,
a.s she provided at least a third of
^"1 4h'^ a i^ +,, 7~- -., 7.-..x.7


we are told she can demonstrate.
An awkward stage arrangement in
which the purpose of the position of
the red framework of the house is
still somewhat vague was the only
obstacle to complete admiration of
the set, which was worked out with
care and imagination in design, and
in accord with. the atmosphere of the
play. Not only accurate in detail, but
convincing in ensemble effect, such
scenery I4 a decided asset to the'conii-
Some pleasing effects were noticea-
ble also in the costumes of most of
the cast, with those of Bonnell, the
street urchin, Lillian Bronson, the de-
lightful maid, Buck, the interesting
and very well played secretary, and
Henderson, appearing especially at-
tractive and suited to the play. The
American circus clown suit on Roman
Bohnen seemed slightly out of place,
and the clash of color in the unat-
tractive straight gown of Miss Kelly
and the yellow cloth which she sewed,
detracts somewhat.
The dances and songs interspersed
throughout the !play sparkled with a
pl'easant liveliness. A better violin in-
tn^ t~ "~~ ~^ ^ ^ ^i^^matn i^ ^

course for superintendents, super-
visors, principals, and teachers offer-
ed by the School of Education will
open Monday with a lecture by Prof.
George C. Kyte on "The Principal's
Mr. Kyte will make an analysis of
the principal's work in the elementary
school, and will point out the ways in
which he can render the most educa-
tional service. The series scheduled
for the second week will deal with
phases of the educational work in the
elementary field, and it is felt that the
lecture by Professor Kyte, an author-
ity. in educational work, will effec-
tively open the series. The meeting
will be held in they auditorium of the
University High School, and will start
promptly at 4:05 p. m.
Commerce Secretary Will Delay Trip,
home For Notification


"A direct and positive answer to
the question, 'which is the best heat-
ing system, warm air, steam, or hot
water,' cannot be given, due to the
fact that each has its\place, depending
on a variety of conditions," said Pro-
fessor Ransom S. Hawley, of the
Mechanical Engineering department,
in his lecture, "Heating the Home,"
given at the Natural Science auditor-
ium yesterday afternoon.
Illustrating his talk with a number
of slides depicting the various sys-
tems of heating and the defects that
might be found in them, Professor
Hawley went on to give a brief out-
line of the principles governing home
heating that might be of interest to
the ordinary home owner.
Must Understand Air Curret
'To understand the proper way in
which to heat a home we must first
learn the action of heat and air cur-
rents," said the lecturer. "The reason
we must continually force heat into
a home in cold weather is, partially,
because the heat passes out of the
house, either directly through the
building materials or by means of
what is known as air infiltration. The
latter is the movement of air around
and through loose joints in the win-
dows and doors, and when this occurs
it takes the heat with it. Heat will
pass directly through building ma-
terials, the rapidity depending on the,
kind of material."
Professor Hawley placed greatt
stress on the importance of humidity
in the atmosphere of a room, stating
that the reasons were both economicalj
and because of health. If the air is
moist a person can stand a lower i
temperature with the same degree of
comfort as that of warmer dry air E
and so less fuel is needed to heat thet
home. The speaker also stated that 1
experts were agreed that a moist airt
is a more healthy air in which to
Some, Rooms Unheatedl
"You may have a room in your
house w'hich does not heat. That may
be due to several reasons. First
there may'be poor circulation, that is
there is little opportunity for the cooln
air to leave the room and allow thek
warm air to enter. Or one of the
warm air ducts may be very long and
in a more or less horizontal position.
Warm air must travel upward," said
the speaker, "and if the duct has not
enough slant the warm air will seek t
ducts that have more slant. And,n
finally, the room may have a bad wind
exposure, which makes it naturally
colder in the winter and thus harder
to heat."
In dealing briefly with steam heat-
ing systems, Professor Hawley ex-n
plained the difference between thee
single pipe system and double pipeo
.system. He gave as 'the probabled
chief cause for faulty steam systemsE
the fact that they did not provide forc
the proper release of the air and thusc
the steam could not enter the radi-
ator. He also showed by means of
slides some of the faults ina chimney I
that might give a poor draft and thusC
spoil the work of a good furnace. 1
(Associated Press) t
KING'S BAY, Spitzbergen, July 5. d
-Fifty miles of pack ice today sepa- 1
rated the five marooned members ofi
the Italia crew and Lieut. Lundborg
Swedish flyer, from the Russian ice- i

breaker, Krassin attempting to resuce'
them. The huge masses of ice halted
the Krassin in its advance, but in the
meantime the castaways were drift-
ing nearer the vessel.

Miss Marvel Garnsey
One of the most favored of the
Rockford Players, who plays the role
of the very dignified Madame de la
Bruine in Anatole France's "The Man
Who Married A Dumb Wife," which
opened last night at Sarah Caswell
Angell hall.
New York Governor Returns To State
Capitol After Stay Of Four
Days In Metropolis
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, July 5-Scoffing at
the thought that his four days' stay
in New York "was a vacation," Gov-
ernor Alfred E. Smith left for Albany
late today aboard William F. Kenny's
private car and hoping for cooler
Just before the train departed, one
who remembered that the Democratic
presidential nominee had said he was
coming to New York "to rest," in-
quired, "how did you- enjoy your va-
cation, Governor?"
"Vacation," expostulated the gover-
nor, "why how can a man have a
vacation when eight telephones are
going at one time, nine million people
are coming to see you, when you have
to speak at a couple of meetings and
have to change your clothes three
times a day because of the heat-"
The governor spent most of the day
at Baltimore. During the morning he
had two callers, former Judge Henry
J. Hayden of California and former.
Ambassador Hugh Wallace of Wash-.
This afternoon he spent some time
motoring about the city park with his
body guard, Sergeant William Boyd.
With the governor on the train for
Albany were Mrs. Smith, their son,
Alfred, Jr., and his wife, and Mrs.
Mary Collins, a friend of Mrs. Smith.
The governor will return here in
time for the National Democratic
meeting on Wednesday morning.
The class of '09 carried off the
major share of the honors at the
election of officers of the University
of Michigan club of Detroit on Mon-i
day. The officers were elected by the
Board of Governors, who had been1
chosen at the annual meeting of thet
club two weeks before.
The officers elected were: Armin1
Rickel, '09, president; John A. Mac-
vor, '09E, vice-president; Eugene G.
O'Brian, '09, second vice-president;i
Carrol P. Adams, '13, secretary; and
Frederick G. Beattie, '21L, treasurer.,
The Detroit club is the largest of
he organized alumni clubs, having 7,-I
00 names listed in its directory. Un-
dergraduates of the University areĀ£
his summer at work compiling the
lirectories of the Detroit and Cleve-1
and clubs. The work in Cleveland ist
n charge of James W. Page, '31E. The
Detroit budget for the preparation oft
ts directory approaches $15,000.
American Leaguec
Philadelphia 5,. Boston 0.
Only game nlayed.

Child Of The Future To Be Prepa
For Professional Collehe
At Au Early Age
"It will not be more than a gene
tion or two until the regular sch
period will comprise the full twe
months of the year," declared Pro:
sor Arthur B. Moehlman in a lect
delivered yesterday afternoon at f
o'clock at the University High Scli
auditorium. "The present long' si
mer vacation is a relic of the p
when the students were dismissed
assist with farm-work."
The lecture was taken up with
outlining of the history of a
tional organization in this count
indicating the important changes
methods and policies as they to
place, and pointing out the pres
trend of progress in the field. '"1
system which is in use in most cc
munities today of eight years of pri
ary schtpol and four of seconds
school-work is doomed," said the 1
turer. "This is due to three mo-
ments now under way: the nursi
school movement, the Junior Colle
movement, and the scientific mov

all1 the life in the play by nerself t. Lat4ion wouiU assis materl~l1y.

Paul Stephenson's characterization of
the apothecary brought most of the
real laughs in the show, and was
thorroughly effective.
A Bohnen whose Doctor Colline re-
sembled too closely in his presump-
tuous manner the American father in
"So This Is London;" a Henderson1
whose voice went 'through all too
many stages of contrasting inflection
and whose gushing sentimentality ap-
peared slightlynoverdone, except for
his amusing insanity scene; and a
Miss Kelly who has shown in neither
this play or the previous one any of
the striking power or individuality on
strength of which she was heralded,
seeming to go through her lines and
business without conviction and with-
out busilding up any body of sympa-
thetic coordinated expression in her'
supporting cast, were disappoint-
ments. .
The play offers little in the w~ay of
parts meriting serious expression, and
little opportunity for the display of1
the distinctive powers of individual
players. It was especially unfortu-t
hate that Miss Garnsey, who so far,
appears to be the outstanding member
of the cast, was relegated to an in-1
conspicuous role. Miss Trowbridge1
must have been miscast in every pio-
duction so far to hide the ability thatc
"The Contribution of the Scandinav-
ian People to American Humor" was
the topic of Prof. Evans Holbrook of I
the law school in an address before1
the Men's Educational club Monday
night at the Union. After briefly re-
viewing the history of the Scandinav-
ian people in the United States, Pro-t
fessor Holbrook recounted a series1
of anecdote's dealing with the life ofI
Danes, Swedes, and Norwegians int
this country. His Swedish dialect was
inimitable and greatly enjoyed by hisI
audience. Professor Holbrook spent
much of his early life in a Scandi-
n,avian settlement in Minnesota. F

Two-Day Program Includes Atkins.
Hoad, Greene, Werle, Woodhead,
Buck, and Barbara Bartlett
Opening the third of the series of
special Public Health institutes at 9
o'clock this morning in the West Med-
ical building, Dr. H. S. Atkins of the
Pontiac health department will deliver
an address on principles and prac-
tices of sanitary inspection by the
city. Following Dr. Atkins, Dr. Ed-
ward B. Greene of the psychology de-
partment will talk on mental hy-
Mr. Theo Werle, executive secre-
tary of the Michigan Tuberculosis
Association,'will deliver a lecture on
Tuberculosis. After lectures on "Pub-
lic Health Engineering" and "Animal
Parasites in Relation to Disease" by
Prof. W. C. Hoad of the engjneering
school and Mr. Arthur E. Woodhead,
of the zoology department, respective-
ly, Miss Sally Jean, health consultant
for the Metropolitan Life Insurance
Company, will give a lecture on
"Child Hygiene."
On Saturday, Miss Mabel C. Bragg,
assistant superintendent of schools at
Newton, Mass., will speak on health
teaching and supervision in public
schools, and Professor Barbara Bart-
lett of the Medical School will speak
on "Principles and Practices of Pub-
lic Health Nursing." Problems of
public 'health administration will be
discussed by Dr. Carl Buck, epidem-
iologist of the Detroit department of
Health. Prof. Hoad, . Mr. Woodhead,
and Miss Jean will also give lectures
at the afternoon session of the in-

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 5-Determined
to have his national campaign organ-
ization shaped up' before he goes
away, Secretary Hoover probably will
delay until late next week his depar-
ture for his old home in Palo Alto,
California where he will be notified
formally of his selection as the Re-
publican presidential nominee
Another step in national organiza-
tion will be taken here Saturday at
a conference to be participated in by
the Republican National Committee-
imnn from the eastern seaboard states.
The committeewomen have not been
invited to attend this meeting at
which it is expected the manager for
the eastern division will be select-
A similar conference of committee-i
nien from the western states may be
held next week to select a manager
for the western division. He will have
his headqjutarters at Chicago, while
the eastern manager will hpve his of-
fine in New York city; the two to
work directly under national head-
quarters in Washington.
Secretary Hoover again was busy
today in his office at the Commerce
Department, but he talked briefly with
Senator Waterman, of Colorado, w'ho
gave him encouraging reports about
conditions in that state and held a
luncheon conference with Dr. Hubert'
Work, chairman of the National Com-
mittee, Ogden Mills, undersecretary of'
the Treasury and Frnklin Ford, of{
New Jersey, National Committee Se-
(Associated Press)
ROME, July 5.-The newspaper
Giornal d'Italis, without citing the
source of its information, says thej
trans-Atlantic plane of Ferrarin and
Del Prete reached Brazil today and
was going on to Buenos Aires, Ar-
gentina. The newspaper says that at,
2:30 p. m. Rome time the flyers werec
between Pernambuco and Bahia andt
were five hours from Rio Janeiroj
with about 1,000 liters of gasoline<
still remaining. At the time of goingc
to press no confirmation of this dis-
patch nor further news had been
If the flyers are successful in their1
flight of 4,635 miles they will better
the distance record set by ClarenceI
Chamberlin and Charles A. Levine byl
more than 700 miles. They already
hold the duration flight record of 58E
hours, 34 minutes, and 26 1-5 seconds.a
The flyers left Rome on Tuesday
and when sighted at Gibraltar at 5:15
a. m. they were close to their esti-
mated - schedule. After 22 hours ofa
steady flying they were making an
average of 135 miles an hour, accord-+
ing to computations.+
Since the flyers left Rome they have+
been in frequent radio communicatIon
with ships and land stations and have

Speaks of Nursery School
Speaking of the first, the Nurses
school movement, Prof. Moehlma
said, "I believe the state will b
forced to lower the age limit for en
trance into the public schools. (
course, the Nursery school idea is no
logical in many communities toda:
but it is being developed rapidly. IV
whole progress is remarkably simile
to the kindergarten at the time of It
first introduction of few years ago."
"The Junior College will in time be
come a part of the secondary schoo
system," the speaker continued. "Th
work that is done there is much mor
of the nature of high school wor
than of college work. The UniversUi
College, which is to be inaugurate
here in 1929, is much the same as
Junior College."
Outlines Future Organization
The lecture was concluded with
sketch of the school organization c
the future. As given, the progra
involved some sixteen years of school
ing before preparation for colleg
would be complete. "Such a system,
said Professor Moechlman, "will un
doubtedly result in the develQpme2
of geater knowledge on the part of th
child, in the training of finer teachers
and in the fostering of a finer teach
ing technique. There will also be
great condensation of the trainin
given the student so that the years o
school can be shortened, and the sti
dent be prepared for .professionas
work in the university when he I
fifteen or sixteen years of age."
MINNEAPOLIS, Miln., July 5.-
The teaching profession has a gres
opportunity to lead in promoting bet
ter understanding among nations, Dr
A. 0. Thomas of Augusta, Me., presi
dent of the World Federation of idu
cation Associations, told the Nationa
Education Association today.
Co-operation must be established
throughout the world and of any
program adopted, education 'must b
"the supporting columns of,;the edifice
raised," said Dr. Thomas, who i
Maine commissioner of education.
Proper instruction may lead tc
elimination of national jealous)
racial animosity and religious intoler
ance and result in co-operation in
stead of conflict, he asserted.
Balloting was in progress today on
a president, treasurer and eleven vice
presidents. Dr. U. W. Lampkin, presi
dent of Northeast State Teacher
college, Maryville, Mo., was the onl
candidate for president. H. T. Smith
dean of the Indiana university schoc


"In the old days people stayed away
from the theaters in the summer be-
cause it was too hot, but modern
theaters have counteracted this
tendency by installing machinery to
combat the heat," generalized Jerry
Hoag, manager of the Michigan, as he
described the "air-washing" equip-
ment in use at that theater. "The air
is brought in from outside by means
of large fans and is passed through
a fine spray of water which removes
from it all dust, smoke, or foreign
matter. During this process it absorbs
a great deal of water, which makes it
necessary to pass it through a de-
humidifier; after this it is circulated
through the theater. This process
also cools it off; the atmosphere in
the theater is from twelve to fourteen
degrees cooler than out in the street.
"The , student patronage is, of
course, a large element in our suc-
cess," said Mr. Hoag,. "but it is not so
overwhelmingly important as the out-
sider might imagine. Our attendance

but the drop here is no more than it
is in other cities. In fact, the week
between Commencement and the start
of the Summer Session was one of our
biggest weeks, yet the Law students'
were the only ones here. We are still
trying to figure it out."
The new Michigan theater building,
first opened to the public the first of
this year, is an excellent example of
theater architecture, according to Mr.
Hoag. "What I like about it," he said,.
"is its roominess. There is plenty of
space to handle crowds without a
"Summer audiences demand a light-
er program as a rule. Pictures must
have a comic slant; the heavy tragedy,
doesn't go very well with hot weather.
The 'general run of pictures this sum-
mer, however, has been -slightly
heavier than usual, and they seemi to
be going over well."
"We try to make our vaudeville
lighter too. During the summer tbere
are fewer song-and-dance acts and
more novelties-diving acts, jugglers,

rirnnq ritxrinrr tha crsmmap nfi nnxxpan yt

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