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July 06, 1928 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-06

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lr4 aln ath
blished every morning excep tMonday dur-
the University Summer Session by the
'd in Control of Student Publications.
e Associated Press is exclusively en-
I to the use for republication of all news
tches credited to it or not otherwise
ted in this paper and the local news
ished herein.
itered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post-
eas second class matter.
bscription by carrier, $i.so; by mail, $1.75
ffices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 492
orial Directors. ........ George E. Simons
Martin Mot
Editor. .......... ..Lawrence R. Klein
ure Editor..............Eleanor Scribner
ai and Drama Editor.......Stratton Buck
,ks Editors ............ Kenneth G. Patrick
Kathryn Sayer
graph Editor...........Daryl W. Irwin
Night Editors
K Bochnowski Martin Mol
George X. Sinons


Isabel Charles
Howard F. Shout
Robert O'Brien
Jack Sumner

Telephone 21214
Advertising............ ....Lawrence Walkley
eVv>rrtising........ ... . Jeannette Dale
" lccout .........Whitney Manning
Circulation... ...............Bessie V. Egeland
Samuel Lukens Lillian Korvinsky
Janet Logie
FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1928
Contiuing the policy of the regular
Michigan Daily, the Summer Daily
will. print on the editorial page any
such communications regarding situa-
tions of the campus as may be sent
to the editor of the Daily. All such
opinions for publication must be sign-
ed by the writer, but the initials of
the wrlt4r will be substituted for the
name in the actual publication if the
writer so desires.
Among the most valuable of the
features offered for a liberal educa-
tion by the University are the lec-
ture series arranged for both the reg-
dlar and Summer Sessions. The win-
ter lecture series invariably includes
a list of the most prominent men in
the country who have become success-
ful in the. highest degree, but it is
during the summer that the climax of
,he lecture programs is really reach-
On the faculty of the Summer Ses-
sion are many visiting professors who
are recognized as heading the list of
authorities in their lines and who
bring to Michigan theories and views
which might otherwise be practically
unknown to students at the Univer-
sity. The lectures as they are given
afford the listener a chance to com-
pare the various aspects of the sub-
ject matter as they are pointed out
by visiting lecturers and by resident
- So far this year there has been a
marked improvement in the attend-
ance at these lectures as compared
to the last few years, but there still
are many vacant seats to be filled.
Any .number of excuses might be of-
fered for failing to attend, but ex-
cuses are not reasons.
The lectures during the present sea-
son cover a wide variety of subjects
lich are treited by leading author-
ities. Whether or not one's interest
As centered on the subject matter of
a particular lecture, there is an op-
portunity to broaden one's outlook on
life' berig wasted if the lectures are
missed. They are not arranged in a
series of related subjects, but are re-
lated to each other to the extent
that they afford an opportunity for
obtaining a liberal education. The.
will not make specialists out of those
who .listen to them, but will assure an
intelligent understanding of the sub-
jects which are foremost in the minds
of, educated people.
.Natural Science auditorium is not
an. overly warm place even on the ho-
te't of days and certainly is not so
uncomfortable as to dull the interest
thAt the lectures should hold. There
have been from 50 to 300 in attend-
ance, but there is room for about 500
in the auditorium, and until every
seat is taken the lectures will not be
properly attended.
As a means of bringing into closer
relationship the members of Congress

and the heads of the various depart-
ments of government, Congressman i
Clyde Kelly, of Pezinsylvania, is ad-
vocating the "introduction of a bill
in the next session of Congress which
would provide for allowing 'cabinet
members to have seats in Congress.

serve many purposes. In addition to
enabling members of Congress to se-
cure first-hand knowledge about mat-
ters of the various governmental de-
partments by asking the department
head on the floor of Congress, it will
permit the various secretaries to gain
first-hand information regarding leg-
islative matters. Much time will be
saved which under the present order
of things is wasted by the Congress-
man having to ask in writing for
information from the department
heads which could in a much shorter
time be gotten from them if they were
allowed a seat on the floor.
In past years it has meant embar-
rassment whenever, a cabinet member
appeared on the floor of either branch
of Congress. A short time ago much
criticism was directed, at the secre-
tary of the Navy when he was seen
on the floor of the House while it
was in session. He was charged with
endeavoring to meddle with legislative
affairs. The charge was a weak one,
to be sure, but nevertheless the
precedent of the cabinet members not
attending the sessions of Congress is
so securely established that it be-
hooves the secretaries to remain far
removed from the legislative cham-
bers. It is obvious that such a condi-
tion is far from ideal. In, view of the
many things in common that the leg-
islative and administrative branches
have It is only reasonable to assume
that some steps .should be taken in
the direction of the development of
closer contacts between them. To
this end Representative Kelly's pro-
posal will be effective.
Several present and former cabinet
members have endorsed the proposal.
Among them are Herbert Hoover,
Secretary of Commerce; Charles E.
Hughes, former Secretary of State;
Dr. Hubert Work, Secretary of the
Interior, and James J. ;Davis, Sec-
retary of Labor.
Mr. Hughes says, "It is quite con-
sistent with our system that the head
of a department should have the op-
portunity personally to be heard
where important departmental meas-
ures and policies are under considera-
tion." Mr. Hoover states that the
plan is "one of the most construc-
tive steps that can be taken in further-
ing the development of our govern-
mental machinery.
Up until 1790 the system of de-
partment heads appearing . on the
floor of Congress was in vogue, but
for some unforeseen reason the cus-
tom was reversed. It is hoped that
the next Congress, which convenes in
December, will weigh the matter
carefully and at least enact some
form of legislation which will bring
about closer relationship between
members of Congress and the secre-
taries in the President's Cabinet.
The government bureau of educa-
tion gives at least a partially satis-
factory answer to the common ac-
cusation against colleges that their
courses of study do not properly
train their graduates for permanent
and responsible positions, in a recent
survey of the advancement of college
The survey shows that the highest
percentage of increase in college and
university enrollment from 1915 to
1924 was 410 per cent in commercial
courses. In schools of less-than-col-
lege rank, the number of women en-
rolled in courses of commercial study
increased faster than the number of
men, but in institutions of higher
educational rating, colleges and uni-

versities, the increase in the number
of men taking courses of commercial
value, such as business administra-
tion, economics, accounting, and com-
mercial geography, was considerably
greater than the increase in the num-
ber of women.
The most logical inference is that
the women are preparing themselves
for positions as secretaries, steno-
graphers, and clerks, thus being
qualified for positions of only limited
responsibility, while the men look for-
ward to a life of commercial careers
as heads of great business enterprises,
with opportunities for advancement
and expansion.
This newer system will doubtless
tend toward greater efficiency in ad-
ministration, but it will probably de-
tract to a great extent from romance
in big business, for, in competition
with collget trained men, the average
office boy will fhad the Way to the
presidency of the corporation a far
rougher read than the one traveled
by the captains of industry who rose
from shipping clerk to chairman of
the board of directors during the lagst
few decades.
The Democrats are said to be quar-
relling among themselves. Just some
of the work tliey did not find time for

Here is part of the Rockford Play-
Pas' rogue's gah ery, Another pub-
licity scheme, but maybe we'll rate a

:J".Dp°.M,/",.r. d. S, ".r! ) " '.I"

He is the oh-so-virile leading man.
You can't tell whether you want to
kiss him or kill him.

'. , ~
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t '


She is the scintillating juvenile
lead, and though she claims to be un-
der forty, we have our doubts.



"Of all sad words of tongue or pen,
the saddest are these, it's a has-been."
To be continued in the next Rolls

v«... waw..,. i ^w..r±4a. aavti aaaaaa. ..aau'v -a..vi

would at Houston. A. colmn.La



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