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URDAY, JULY 11, 1925
(The Detroit Free Press)
Down in Chattanooga a month ago,
William J. Bryan diligently soft ped-
alled the wider implications of the
Scopes case. He said, "The real point
is that the legislature has a right to
control what is taught in the publicj
schools and that Scopes or any otherl
teacher has not the right to receive
the state's money and teach a prin-
ciple which has been forbidden. We3
are prosecuting Mr. Scopes because
he is teaching children in the schools
of the state a theory which is against
the law of the state." And having
stated this strictly legalistic view, Mr.
Bryan asserted positively, both then
and thereafter in Atlanta, that neither
free speech nor religious liberty is
involved, or, as he put It, thinking
perhaps of the posies that bloom in
the spring, "have nothing to do with
the case."
But having arrived in the little city
of Dayton and banquetted, Mr. ryan
visualizes the Scopes case a, little dif-
ferently. Now he describes it as a
move in "the contest between evolu-!
tion and Christianity," which, he de-
G lares, is "a duel to the death." Ap-
parently forgetting the wide public-
ity the discussions, debates and squab-
bles between the fundamentalists and'
modernists. have been receiving for j
years, he asserts that in the past this
duel has "been a death grapple in the
dark," but that from this time on, it,
will be "a death grapple in the light"
because "this trial is going to give in-
formation or be the means of bringing
out information upon which this con-
troversy will be decided."
And having laid this foundation,
Mr. Bryan proceeps to the enunciation
of "a real point" quite distinct from !
the one he emphasized in Chattan-
ooga and Atlanta. He says, "If evolu-
tion wins, Christianity goes-not sud-
denly, of course, but gradually-for
the two cannot stand together; they
are as antagonistic as light and, dark-
ness, as antagonistic as good and
Now that you've read the crumbs,,
you can try to figure them out. We
can't help you-we don't know our-
selves, but it seemed a splendid idea
at the time. Which reminds us of a'
joke, but we have always placed a
ban upon jokes in the col, so. if you
ivant to hear it, come around to our
office and we'll do what -we can for
Daily Dissertation
Swedes would still be starving.
He also 'wants to know if we knew
that If all theshoe blacking used in
Ann Arbor in one semester were ap-
plied to a ton of coal, the coal would-
n't be much blacker.
He will be buried on Monday at 2:15
o'clock. The public is cordially in-
a 83rd Performance
A R RIVK Eves. - -5c to $2.50
SWed. Mat. 50c to $1.50
10th Big Week st. Mat. soc to $1.50
The iracle Play of A murica
"Abie's Irish Rose"
SEE IT!' You Will Eventully
For This and Next Week.
Oh Henry!
"The loyalty of my Legions was un-
questioned and now for the first time
I'll bare my secret. I paid them, you
see, with barsof Oh Henryl
A Fine Candy
1Oc Fverywhere
to 8 ste eregisteredtrads= ere aWUUaM-
een clsdso, oloao. A, G. aumson,Pr.
At the New Lake House Pav
Every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
A large, cool pavilion
with real music and a wonderful floor.
The Playground of Washtenaw 'County"
Fox Point
Today's Topic: More on the Heat.
Yesterday we said that this was a
hot 'topic, so we can't say that again
today, but there is so much more to
say about the heat, and it is so much
on our mind, that we :just must do
our stuff.
Today we shall try to suggest a
remedy. Like perpetual motion, we
know there ain't none, but we're go-
ing to suggest just the same. This
is it:
Pick yourself out a nice refined
bathing beach (by refined we mean
one where bathing suits are required,
not requested), and try to imitate the
man pictured below. For members of
the sleeker sex, the cigar is not ne-
cessary. Remain in this posture and
in swimming off and on all day. This
is guaranteed to keep you cool during
the day. That night ,however, you
are quite likely not to be so cool.
Bathing Beach
Portage Lake
-A Real Sand Beach.
-Freshest of Water
-Diving Tower and Regulation Spring Board.
-Only thrty minutes drive 'from Ann Arbor
on L
-Go through Dexter-First turn right after passing
Michigan Central Railroad bridge.
b 5
a borrower nor a lender
he advice 'thatF Polonius
son, Laertes, and that ad-
een proven worthy many,
s since. But whether he
d it or not, Shakespeare, when
these words into the mouth of
his characters, was talking as
to nations as to individuals.
our relations with France, the
I States has been both a bor-
and a leader. But how differ-
ur attitude in the two roles.
f. Louis C. Karpinski of the
matics edpartment and Charles
a great-grandson of Benjamin
lin, have colaborated on an ar-
on the French aid to America
and following the American
ution in the current issue of the
orn Independent. Mr. Bache, be-
direct descendant of the man
nay be. said to have financed the
ution, has inherited documents
e utmost value in tracing the
funding"' of America's war for
the article mentioned, we find
aents to the effect that through
oans and gifts to the United
, France herself was more or'
inancially crippled. At any
it is certain that the French'
urged on by Beaumarchais and
Jin, refused loans only when it
bsolutely impossible to make
and that at such times he eitl-
dges France as security for
from other sources, or made
outright gifts, to the colonies
much money as 'he could scrape
er. Iij addition to this, he con-
ly remitted the interest until
oung nation was -able to pay,
ade many gifts of guns, powder,
her supplies.
e loans were all eventually re-
says the article. "But the
.ies, stated by no authority at
ian ten million livres, were gifts
ever have been repaid."
ve are a group 'of facts taken
an authoritive article. It is
iecessary to attemtp to draw
sions. They are too apparent
yone who has followed the
hi debt situation. Yet, we be-
that the French should pay.
e is 'not a new nation, strug-
to get on her feet, and Germany
tot an ancient rival of the Un-
tates wh'm we desired to keep
led while we recovered from
wars and prepared for hose of
situation today is different. Fair
Loes not demand that we cancel
'rench war debts. The world
ion today almost requires that
e, and every other country, 'pay{
gitimate obligations. But the
States might, if given suffic-
uarantee of future payment, con-
o allow France to defer pay-
In fact that seems like quite
ortsmanlike thing to do.
Mr. Bryan is so weak both as a sci-
entist and as a logician that his de-
ductions aren't worth bothering with
and besides that, conceptions of what
constitutes Christianity differ widely.
But it would be a rather nice thing
if before he goes into court, the gen-
tleman' would try to decide in his own
mind just what the real point in the
Sepoes case really is and stick to that
decision, at least until the trial is
over. We know the suggestion is,
drastic as applied to Mr. Bryan but,
even so we do not think it is unreas-
. y
A good remedy for the latter is to
avoid doing the former and vice ver-
sa. Generally speaking, it is better
to retire to the shade of the old apple
tree and there sit all day and imbibe
freely from a cooling glass - never
mind of what, Aloysius-fanning your-
self the while with a copy of College
Humor (adv.). If no apple tree is
available, try an elm, maple, oak or
ash. Don't use a pine-you might
pine away and die-migod-we pulled,
a pun
Nature Study 147s, Lecture No. 2
t i
t I
Ijr ummr
t 0
~I &tdi
(The, Harvard Crimson)
In spite of what Mark Twain said
about statistics as a .superlative form
of lying, there are times when figures
are very impressive-especially if one
is left to draw his own conclusions.
The Boston Transcript has given such
figures of college attendance in this,
country. "Since the establishment of
colleges in the United States," says
the Transcript, "there have been grad-
uated, In 'round numbers, 900,000 men
-and at the present moment there
are actually in the colleges of the
country about 700,000. In other
words, there are almost as many stu-
dents now In the colleges of the land'
as have been graduated from all the
colleges during two centuries and a
Stephen Leacock in a semi-serious
mood has looked askance at the pres-
ent-day rush to the colleges as a too
evident victory for the spirit of "go-
getting" in American life. He thinks
the desire to make more money is at
the bottom of increased college at-
tendance, and he doesn't like the
Mr. Leacock is right in his analy-
sis of causes, at least in part. Amer-
ica is fast ceasing to be the land of
"great open spaces" where untutored
native talent could always extract a
fair sized plum from natural wealth
which only waited to be plucked. The
United States is rapidly approaching
the crowded condition of European
countries where intensive competition
in every scheme of activity is natur-
ally reflected in intensive training for
It would be erroneous, however,, to
place too much emphasis upon econ-
omic incentives. The very facts of in-
creased competition and increased
wealth have made more prominent
than ever before another course for
growing college attendance. It will
not be too optimistic to interpret the
Transcript's figures as evidence in
America of a real increased demand
for culture for its own sake.
Today we shall discuss the Griffin.
At least we think it is a Griffin, and
if you will follow the'usual class1oom
proceedure, you will take the p ofes-
sor's word for it, despite the fact
that you know he's crazy. He knows
it, too, but you musn't remind him
of it.
The Griffin, as you know, was a my-
thical creature, and therefore is of
great interest to scientists like us
naturalists, we should say. This- in-
terest arises, of course from Our cur-
iosity concerning the creature which
really did exist and which resembled
this mythical creature (see photo-
graph taken from the parthenon
frieze above.)
From the beak we can readily de-
duce that the creature was in some
way evolutionarily connected with the
pterodactyl, but in case the state wins
the Scopes case, it wont be. The claws
remind of the tyrannosaur, but the
same rule applies there. In fact we
can hardly say anything about the
damned thing because of this awful
trial. Science is at a standstill-Bill
Bryan has us guys all stopped up.
If they pass a 20th amendment to the
constitution we shall all be out of
our jobs-oh Bill, please quit it
leave us our living. Or (threat), we
shall place a prohibitive tax on hot
air, and you'll be lost
. * ,
Battling Doug, the office shiek, just
barged in to ask if we knew that if all
the pork sandwiches sold in the col-
lege of the City of New York in one
year were sent for the relief of the
starving Swedes it Italy, those
For all unpaid subscriptions. After
July 15th the paper will be stopped
and 5 cents a copy charged for all
papers received.
Pa at! DailyOfe ei