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July 11, 1925 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1925-07-11

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Probes Dance Clubs; Checks Collapse Toll



abrey Tealdi, of the land-
gn department, and his wife
it his former home at Pisa,
ey left home May 27, stop-
ance to see French gardens.
Tealdi graduated from the
:hnical Institute at Leodor-
s planning to stay five


The Many, Activities of



cert series for the coming
1 include artists of note.
umber will be given by the
n Opera Sextette which
Giovanni Martinelli and
x, tenors; Nina Morgana1
Rappold, sopranos; Helen
tralto; and Thomas Chamb-;
one. Sergei Rachmaninoff,
,n pianist, will make his de-
city; and Jan Kdbelik, the
will also play here. Two
concerts will be given by
t Symphony orchestra andt
Minneapolis Symphony Or-
athletics do not pay in
e huge gate receipts of the
football games, according
s compiled by the Yale
s. Three kinds of colleges{
en to show this: a large
pool, Princeton:d asmall
e, Williams; and a large
itern one Michigan. Prince-
I the greatest profit, Wil-
ftcit 'of $2000, and Michigan
only $200. The low profit
.o is due to the fact that
he profits have been ex-
a new stadium. Of the
'ts, football showed the
rofit and track was a total
ere the minor sports.
'al sports attracted 2,314
wring the past year, accord-
actor Floyd Rowe. This is
e of, 256 over last year.
ic Association pays $5 00
intenance of the intramural
t as there is no income ex-
,le of numerals. The most
ort is basketball, next are,
eball and tennis and then
ate, Bertram Monk, '13D.,
i second lieutenant in the
talion of the Royal War-
regiment, was killed in a
ge on German trenches.
Ky .,July -10.-Joe Stech-
it to the world's wrestling
hip, threw Oresta Vadelfl,
ie Italian champion, in
Is here last night in 17 and.

Now Necessitate Comforta
ble and Cool Lingerie, such
as the new Net Girdles

and Brassieres Here

Even the most sultry days will not entirely dis-
solv your desire for a trim appearance, nor will
any sport, however active and pleasureable, force
you to completely relinquish that ambition. That
has been the 'problem of women all over, and these
cool, comfortable bits of lingerie the solution. The
girdles have two pairs of attractive hose supporters
attached and both' brassieres and girdles are bound
about the seams with satin ribbon, and they' are
made of a fine quality double layer of net without
boning. The girdles hook in the front and a pastel
rose bud adorns the opening. In flesh, maize,
shrimp and Nile they are equally engaging,







Rigid investigation of the condition of buildings housing other night dance clubs is being made by
Boston city officials as an aftermath of the collapse of the building hous ing the "Pickwick Club," which
killed close to 100 merrymakers and injured scores. Building experts believe that the "overload" on the
floor and the weakened condition of the building due to excavation activities along side it, were contributing
causes of the collapse. Photo, the most striking one taken after the collapse, shows the manner in which the
floors gave way and how the one brick wall, which remained standing, m enaced rescue work.


,i df a

Prim ary Tennis defeated D. H. Chapman 6-3, 6-2.
All these winners advance to the
TourneyPlyed jsecond round, while Fernandez is also

Several matches in the first round
of the summer tennis tournament
were played yesterday, and the re-
mainder will be played soon, as all
results for this round must be turn-
ed in by Tuesday night, July 14.
J. D. Goldsmith defeated L. W.
Miller, 8-6, 6-2, H. B. Gill defeated
A. Hartwell 6-4, 6-0, and J. Rosales

in this round, having had a bye.
Tseng, who it was first announced
had a bye in the first round, will play
Edward Stimson.
Paris, July 10.-A Moscow dispatch
to the Havas Agency says the Soviet
In desirable neighborhood, outs
without down payment, on month

government has granted Germany's
request for a suspension of the death
sentences of two German students
charged with plotting to kill Leon
Trotzky and other Soviet leaders. The
students, Dr. Karl Kindermann and
Theodore Volscht, were sentenced
last week.
Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv.
ide city limits. Will be sold
ly payments no larger than such





You will enjoy a
Light Lunch
or an.

.ss-se cion of a tooth, shmftn
Acd Deca at The Dan& ne.

at the
Fountain Room


Betsy Ross Shop

titt' To XWribe
C onklin E ngin eers called 0 & "the
Students' Special" because it was "built
to meet the severe stresses of school
and college use."
Which is a scientific way of saying
that here's a pen that will walk right
into the jaws of calligraphy for the
most aggressive logomachist in the
class room.
For men and women, fitted with "the
clip that can't slip" or the gold ring for
ribbon. Try one at your favorite store.

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a house would rent for in town.
Phone my residence for appointment to see it.
Visit Detroit This Summer
And Enjoy a Reat Vacation
Put-In-Bay In Lake Erie'
The most picturesque and delightful Summer pleasure Island near
Detroit. Everysport that pleases: Bathing, dancing, sailing; explore
the mysterious caves; see Perry's battle monument, picnic groves,
athletic fields. Numerous fine hotels and cottages cater to Summer,
visitors and at reasonable prices. Stay a day or a week and enjoy
yourself, forget your troubles and renew your health.
This beautiful island playground is reached only by the palatial and speedy day
excursion steamer PUT-IN-BAY. One great deck devoted to dancing and music;
restfulicabins and breezeswept open decks.
Steamer PUT-IN-BA4 givesexcursions daily from Detroitto Put-In-Bay Island
at 9 a. in. from the Wharf at the foot of First Street. Four hours crowded with
pleasure at the island, and arrive back in Detroit at 8 p. m. Fare for the round
trip 80 cents week days; Sundays and Holidays, $1.25.
Cedar Point and Sandusky, Ohio
After leaving Put-In-Bay Island the steamer sails on through -the narrow chan-
nels among the delightful Lake Erie Islands to Sandusky and Cedar Point, Ohio.
Cedar Point. just across the bay frhg Sandusky,is known as the Atlantic City of
the West. With its huge hotels, a ectric. park, magnificent bathing beach and
board walk it is easily the Queen of'the Great LakesgSummer resorts.
On Fridays, after July 4, kteainer Put-In-Bay gives a special excursion to cedar
Point, allowing four hours at the wonderful resort, and reaching Detroit at
10:30 p. in.
Dancing Moonlights Writ, for Map Folder
Leaves Detroit 8:45 p. mn.
Far~d h . St.,Ashley & Dustin
Fare, Wed. Thurs. 60c. Sat,
Sun. and 'Holidays,75c.Steamer Line
Foot of First Street
Detroit, Mich.

You can't scour
away the acids
in the mouth
which cause decay. You
can neutralize them.-
safely and effectively-
with Squibb's Dental
Cream, made with
Squibb's Milk of Mag-


At druggists.



Made with SquibbslM1,/jofM/agnesia
E. R. SQUIBB & SONS, Chemists to the MedicalProfescow inca 1858
Send for free booklet regarding the $25,000.00 Squibb
Educational Contest. Contest Editor, E. R. Squibb & Sons,
P. O. Box 1132, City Hall Station, New York City.

Student's Sp~ecial


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