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July 11, 1925 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1925-07-11

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)L. XVI. No 19


Claim Too Much Money Was Spent
For Fountain Pens For The
Investigation of the Washtenaw
county records yesterday revealed that,
although the county board of auditors
knew that the funds had been de-
pleted, it allowed and ordered paid
a bill of $500 to the counsel in the
defense of George W. Sample in a
damage suit brought by Netta M. Van
Vorce, which was dismissed without

Palm Beach Builds New Hotel

Use Of The Wary EI8ROR'
ors NotOvrLEI09000U0
Yet, Says Haig
London. July 10. (By A.P.)-Tanks
and other motor equipment will not
supersede the horse in the next war
is the opinion of Field Marshal Haig.
Acknowledging an honorary diploma
as associate of the Royal College of
Veterinary Surgeons recently, the Pershing Soon To
Field Marshal expressed the opinion Leave
that the need of horses in future warsFr
would be as great as in the past.
"We have heard a good deal about Washington, D. C., uly 1.-(By A.
modern war inventions which are like- P.)-General Pershing today fixed
ly to supersede the horse," said the July 17 as the date of 'his , departure
Earl, "but the production of these in- from Washington for Africa to take
ventions invariably produces an anti- up his duties as President of the Ta-
dote, and in order to gain the greatest ona-Arica Plebiscatory commission.
efficiency in the long range of war ap- He plans to go on the cruiser Roches-
pliances we will need well bred horses ter at Key Worth, where the staff
for a great iany years to come." which will accompany film has been

An announcement was made on
Thursday to the effect that the gener-
al and revolving drain funds appro-
priated by the board of supervisors
for a period of 12 months had been
overdrawn in nine months.
It was thought, following the meet-
ng of the finance committee of the
board of supervisors yesterday, that
money would be borrowed for the
purpose of financing the county for
he remainder of the fiscal year, and
hat it would be paid out of the bud-
gelt for 1926.
It was learned that the supervisors
went so far as to draw pay for work
hey did not do. Althought the board
was only in session for ten days, each
upervisor drew pay for 12 days, and
vas paid for full time whether he was
resent or not.{
Representatives of the state board
A auditors have recently completed
in audit of the county books. They
nformed the county officials that the
action on the part of the board of
upervisors was not legal and that
he supervisors had ordered payments
nade to themselves for two day's work
rhich they. had not done. The pay
rawn by the auditors amounted to
Between $100 and $125 has been
pent yearly for the purchase of foun-
ain pens which were presented to the
oard of supervisors. Some of the
nembers of the board have served for
s period 10 to 15 years, and they prob-
,bly received as many pens, at the
rpense of the county.

-Palm Beach, Florida society play ground, is replacing the two hotels
burned last winter with a $5,000,000 structure which will be known as
Whitehall. It is being erected as a n addition to the famous Flagler
mansion of that name. The architect's drawing of the building is shown.
Discussion Gains Momentum
. First Day Of Scopes Trial

Men's Club Sponsers Discussions
Three Times Weegly For

Dayton, Tenn., July 10.-Twelve
jurors who will try the case of John
T. Scopes, charged with violating the
Tennessee law prohibiting the teach-
ing of theories of evolution in the
public schools of the state, were chos-
en today. The first day of the trial
moved quickly on its way, bringing
University Librarian Contrasts Card
Index System of U. S. With
Mr. W. W. Bishop, University 11-
.brarian, gave an illustrated lecture,
"Some European Libraries," at 5
o'clock yesterday in Natural Science
auditorium. Mr. Bishop has spent
several years in Europe and has made
a particular study of the best known
European libraries.
Mr. Bishop discussed first the Vat-
ican library at Rome, then the library
at Florence, which contains eleven
rooms exhibiting the history of books,
and also the most complete collection
of the specimens of early, printing.
Next he spoke of the library at Milan,
the San March library- at Venice, the
national library of France at Paris,
which has the largest library of
printed books and one of the greatest
collections of rare manuscripts in the
world. Of the English libraries, he
discussed the British Museum library
at London, second largest in the
world, the University of Cambridge
library, and the Oxford library.
"The Cambridge library." Bishop
declared, "is one of. the most interest-
in the world, the Magdalin section
therg containing the actual book col-
,ection of Samuel Pepys. The Ox-
ford library was founded in 1607 and
Is distinctive in that it is kept almost
exactly as established."
The, cataloging system in the Brit-
ish libraries is a contrast to the card
system in -this country, and it consists.
of pasting printed slips into a ledger.
The finest example of true Gothic
art, Mr. Bishop believes, is to be found
in the John Rylands library in Man-.
chester, England. It also contains
the Spencer library, which was the
most famous collection iz the world
at the time it was presented.

into the open the question of admis-
sion of scientific testimony in regard
to evolution which will be fought outI
The discussion started in a small
way at the first session, but gained

immense momentum to show
will be bitterly contested.

that itl

Plans are being carried through for
he continuance of the main diagonal
ralk in a direct line from the engin-
ering arch to the intersection of North
niversity avenue and South State
treet, in order to complete the sym-
ietry of the campus walks. The
taking out of the new walk /was
tarted yesterday as well as that of a
edestrain entrance to be located at
he northwest end of the diagonal.
'his entrance is to include the drink-
ag fountain which is there at present
nd which will be surrounded by a
arge square of cement with semi-
ircular benches made of concrete and
Landscaping of this corner will be
reatly facilitated by this change, and
ill. make possible the improvement.
f this corner which is very difficult
o beautify with shrubbery at pres-
nt owing to the la.ck of good symme-
ry in ' the lay-out of the walks there
ow. The walk along the east side
f South State street is to be mov-
1 nearer to the street, and all of the
oncrete work at the northwest cor-
er of the campus will be torn up and
he iron railing taken away. Shrubs
ill be planted there and behind the
Manned pedestrain entrance.
The B. and G. baseball team will
lay the Ypsilanti team at West Park
t 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The
'psilanti team is made up of Masonic
nd DeMolay members, who are lead-
ig the city league there
Paris, July 10.-The Chamber of De-
uties yesterday ratified the Wash-

Twelve of the twenty prospective
jurors examined became jurors with-
out question from the state. The de-
fense propounded a number of ques-
tions to each man, but used only two
of its three challenges.
No session of the court will be held
tomorrow. The defense asked for a
day in which to confer over points
they desire to express in their con-
tention that scientific testimony will
show that the theories of evolution
and the story of divine creation as
told in the Bible are not conflicting.
Judge John T. Ralston, presiding,
announced that the court would open
at 9 o'clock, continue to a recess at
11 o'clock, and reconvene at 1:301
closing for the day at 4:30 o'clock.
The indictment returned May 25,
was considered of doubtful legality
on account of an oversight in elapsed
time before the summons to the grand
jury and the actual meeting of' that
Attorney General A. T. Stewart said
I was'the desire of all concerned to
have a record that would bear thor-
ough inspection if the case reaches a
higher court.
Attorney General Stewart, replying
to Darrow's announcement that the
defense would' insist on introducing
Bible students to give their views of
the Tennessee law, said that the pros-
ecution would take the position that
they were not competent to bring into
the case to testify as to what the case
of evolution is, or involve the Bible
or any thing of that sort.
The presentation of the series of
plays by the Wisconsin Players next
week will mark the opening of the
dramatic program for the summer.
The Wisconsin Players are present-
ing Miss Zona Gale's "Muss Lulu
Bett" on Thursday night, Sophocles'
"Antigone" on Friday, and Anna Cora
Mowatt's "Fashion" on Saturday.
The class in one act plays of the
public speaking department under the
direction of Prof. R. C. Hunter of Ohio
Wesleyan university will present sev-
eral one act plays on July 31. The fea-
tures to be presented have not yet
been selected.
On August 10 the class in play pro-
duction under the direction of E. E.
Fleischman of the public speaking de-
partment will present Galsworthy's

Group meetings under the auspices
of the Men's Educational club will be
continued the first three days of next
week in the University high school.
These conferences are an innovation
and have thus far proved successful.
Prof. A. B. Moehlman of the admin-
istration and supervision school will
conduct the first meeting at 4 o'clock
Monday in room 121. The topic will
be "The New Michigan Plan of Child
Accounting." At the same time in
room 106, Prof. G. E. Densmore of the
public speaking department will lead
a discussion on "The Plans of the
State Debating League."
At 4 o'clck on Tuesday Mr. K. G.
Smith, state superintendent of inde-
pendent education, will talk 'on "Re-
quirements for Smith-Hughes Aid" 'in
room 121. Prof. C .C. Fries of the
English department will discuss the
field of English in regard to teaching
helps, test material, drill exercises,
and recent supplementary materials
at the same time in room 106.
The last group meeting of the week
will be conducted by Mr. C. L. Good-
rich, assistant state superintendent,
who will discuss common deficiencies
in the administration of small high
schools. This meeting will be in
room 121 at 4 o'clock on Wednesday.

Reed Will


Prof. T. H. Reed, of the political
science department, will lead the
discussion at the Men's Educational
club meeting to be held at 7 o'clock
Tuesday in room 316 of the Michigan

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