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June 27, 1925 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1925-06-27

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Ai onymous communi:ations will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.

g except Monday
miner Session by
Student Publica-


ssociated Press is exclusively en-
he use for republication of all news
ocredited to it or not otherwise
n this paper and the local news pub-
lat the Ann Arbor, Mithigan,
as second class matter.
ption by carrier, $i.so; by mail,
Press Building, Maynard Street,
r, Michigan.
nications, if signed as evidence of
, will be published in The Summer
the discretion of the Editor. Un-
inmunications will receive no con-
The signature may be omitted in
aif desired by the writer. The
Daily does not necessarily endorse
rents expressed in the communica-
Telephone 492 '
tor...........Robert S.,Mansfield
.tor....... ....Manning Houseworthp
of' the Editorial Board...,...... f
.Frederick K. Sfparrow, Jr.'
Editor........ . aron Mead
Editor......... Leslie S. Bennetts
itor..............Willard B. Crosby
itor...........W. Calvin Patterson
T. Barbour Marion Meyer
)uBois Catherine Mliller
Finsterwald Robert E. Minnich
Lardner Kenneth B3. Smith
ehtiner Nance Solomon
Lehtiner Marion Welles
Marcuse Mary L. Zang

To the Editor:
Men! Where are those men of yes-
teryear? Where are those models of
masculine strength, vigor and culture
that made Michigan of ten or twenty
years ago a place the very mention of
which would thrill a feminine heart
from the Atlantic to the Pacific? I
have returned to. my Alma Mater aft-
er "serving" twelve years on a high
school faculty and I am wretchedly
disappointed in the Michigan men of

Ltr SUM ER -
Yesterday afternoon having been a
splendid day for playing golf, we went
fishing. We have no other excuse.
Some bozo had told us that there
were trout to be had in a little stream
some thirty miles out, so with our
companion whom we shall call Bill
for want of a better pseudonym, we
set out shortly after noon.

BN TELLE Mats. edGlendale 9792
Tuesday, Thursday
PLAYHOUSE and Saturday. 5oc-y5c
Woodward at Eliot. Eves. 75c-$1.OO
Downtown Ticket Office at Grinnell's.
TheBnstele Co.
in Louise M. Alcott's Famous Story
Uittle Women"
Meg, Joe, Beth and Amy
Brought to Life on the Stage.


Cream of Chicken Soup

Our Special $1.09 Sunday I

Celery Hearts


ti Restaurant
Strictly Amer can
209 E. Liberty St.
Ann Arbor
4 4

Roast Spring-Chicken---Dressing
Fricasse Chicken---Asparagus Tips
Fried Spring Chicken, a

Mashed Potatoes

Scalloped (
Ice Tea


Telephone 21214
...... Thomas
. Charles
... . .. . . . Frank

K. Klein

kTURDAY, JUNE 27, 1925
t Editor-W. C. PATTERSON
ago would like the gods tof
hier among the stars; she wants
ood. Don't laugh. It is not.
norous as it seems. Her pop-j
i right now is four times that
zona, Nevada, and Wyoming
ned. Her mayor has as .many
to thandle as the governor in
ne of 37 states. But (and still
in. that smirk) the reasons for
o's statehood are not so startl-
the probable results. Should
4tain it, how many other cities
follow suit! Detroit, Balti-
Philadelphia, New York, at
Wet should see ourselves en-
a renaissance of the city state.-
city* that contains a very large!
tion of the population of a state
the same boat as Chicago. Its
entatiyes in the legislature and
from the bulk of the state are
in continual bitter conflict.
the interests of the city or
of the state outside its bound-
are thought to be in jeopardy..
aber. the "gas tax" fight atj
Lg; and there have been others.
o thinks that it would be bet-
get a complete divorce than
nid this constant domestic nag-
She, like other women, longs
e expression. She would be the
.ce of America, the Venice of
Mfichigan, or possibly the Rome
ren sand dunes.
e are, of course, things to be
n the other side. Every public
that served outside the city line
come under the Interstate Com-
commission., Most of the state
sities lie outside the cities men-
And last but inverse to least,
hole project would fail without
astitutional amendment. The
tion of the state outside would
o vote -infavor of the' change
II as the population of the city.
rmer wilf not be so asinine as
ot to boost their tax rate. Chi-
we're afraid you'll be disap-
d. te
the front page of one of the
metropolitan newspapers there
yesterday morning, 24 stories.
3 number, three were on divorce
ad charges, two on murders and
r trials, three on shooting
three on prohibition raids and
charges, and two on holdups;
I of 13 out of 24 stories on the
t, most sordid, side of life.,
glad we work on a paper whose
forbids publishing such stories.

There was once a time when "looks"
weren't everything and the college
men selected their girt friends for.
their intellectual accomplishments
and their "ways". But those days,
are gone forever. Today the college
man wants his "woman" to be "hot
looking" and even if she is an intel-,
lectual moron she may be quite pro-
ficient at "handing a line". These are.
not passing observatious, for I live
with several "flappers of today" lin
one of Michigan's league houses.
The courtesy that marked the Mich-
igan man of 1905 from any other col-
lege man is missing on the campus
today. The pleasant smiles that for-
ever will make a 'class room more
than four walls and a blackboard are
not to be found here. If the man has
been compelled to attend an eight o'-
clock session, you can be certain that
he will be scowling as he trudges into
the rom ten minutes late. The men-
of my day used -to come to class-
their countenances shining with the
realization that they were prepared
to recite.
Moremarked than their mein in the
classrooms is the- attitude of the
male members of our Summer session
in the local cafeterias. I confess that
I never have seen such boorish man-
ners or ungentlemanly conduct on the
part of so many. men in one city. For
instance, they think nothing of forc-
ing their way ahead of a lady who is
waiting in line to place her order at
the food counter; they utterly disre-
gard the presence of women and make
it a point to discuss most questionable.
subjects especially whey they are
within feminine earshot.
What is responsible, for this great
change that has come over the Men of
Michigan? 'Tis a pity they cannot
profit by the rightous heritage which
is theirs. And we are the unfortun-
ate victims of this conduct. We who
have attended Michigan when "men
were men" and not "mollycoddles" or
"lounge lizards" utter our feeble but
well meaning protest to the changing
ofder of men.

Arriving, we found the stream to
consist of nine tenths grassandoneI
tenth water. Undaunted, we jointed
our rods, Bill used a fly rod while we #
decided in favor of, the more con-
servative worms, chiefly because we
didn't have a fly rod. The ground ad-
joining th s'eam we found to have
a tendency to proceed up and down
in irregular ranges, all well hidden in
level topped grass.
"That," said Bill, laying' a nice cast
into a weed bed, "should produce re-
sults." . It didn't, nor did the next cast
nor the next.
"Haw," said we, dropping a worm
into the water, "Watch us."
Our next move was to step jauntily
into a vacant space in the sod. Aft-
er our leg had sunk in the muck to
about knee depth, we decided that the
best thing to do was to sit down quite
suddenly. We did so.
"Oh, did: you fall?" says Bill.
"No," says we, nastly-like. "We

- ____ ~ EFes. - 500 tc
_ 1N d. Mat. 50c to
8th Big Week sat. Mat. 50c t
The ."iracle Play of America

ra ce ,
.o $2.50

I' _ ________________



"Abie's IrishRose"
SEE IT .'reT'h h
' ""s i 'cu " "9

GOOd Used Cars
We have a complete stock of good

For This and

Next Week.

used cars at all prices.

We sell


(The Detroit News)
While American universities have
been wondering what, if anything,
to do about the automobile, Oxford
and Cambridge have taken action.
They have decided that motor-cars
and motor-bikes are not for freshmen.
First-year men must show themselves
serious enough to become sophomores
before they can indulge in the ex-
penditure of petrol, the curious Briti
ish word for gas.
At Cambridge a special proctor is
to be employed whose business will
consist in policing the town, watching
for violations of the motor rules on
the part of students. He is to have
assistants, and a secretary, and the
motor record of each undergraduate
will be on his books.
It is reported that the vote of the
Cambridge governing body in favor,
of the motoring restrict'ions was sur-
prisingly large. Why surprising? Is-
n't it human nature of a learned pro-
fessor who is getting the salary of a
janitor, and can't. afford to ride in
a motor-care, much less keep one,
to resent having to skip out of the
way of some siiip whose papa has
money enough to buy him a car, and
influence enought to get him into
The Free Press approves the slim
girl because she is easier to row
about in a boat. Doesn't it forget
the other point-that she doesn't have
such a balancing effect on the canoe?
Government dry heads are to have
their salaries raised. But perhaps
they will have their commissions tak-
en away.
"Fight Develops in 'Phone Case,"
says a headline.. That irate subscrib-
er must have met central. ,

were merely trying to keep out of the
fishes' sight. Who told you you were
a fisherman if you didn't even know
that ?"
And so it went. At last we reached
a pool which looked good.
"I'll take it first," says Bill, be-
ginning to whip his rod back and
"Oh, will you?" says we, tossing a
worin intothe current.
"Yes,"' says Bill, rather meanly.
"The fly fisherman should always
work a pool first. Whadya know about
fishing, anyway?"
We subsided for a moment, but kept
our line in for all that. In a little
while we felt our line siezed violent-
ly. We tugged, and out flopped a
"Put it back," suggests Bill.
"Shut yur head," says we,
"Don't tell me to shut my head,"
threats Bill.
"'wan," we sneers.
Then we came home, after an aft-
ernoon of pleasant angling by the
murmuring brook as the poets say, but
if we ever catch any of them saying
it, we'll crown 'em.
To Our Readers
Belit known to all and sundry that
we, Tamam, will particularly welcome
communications from you one and all.
None others need apply. You will
find by reading this column regularly
that contributions need not be hum-
orous. Off course, if they are too
serious, we wil Iturn them over to
fellow Op., better known as Campus
Opinion. This is unethical, but none
the less ardent.
, Assistant
* * *
Food is like classes-three bolts
and you're gone.
*, * *
Animal Story
Boree, son of Klaxon, first saw the
world thru two eyes which tho lit-
tle, yet gave promise of the prowess
that would probably be his in time to
Boree's mother, whom you no doubt
have heard thru the pages of the oth-
er of my "animal" books, such as
"Klaxon to the Jlescue" needs no in-
troduction. Suffice it to say, she was
a true child of the North.
Boree suddenly, like a cat, felinely
leapt to his .feet, stretched his mag-
nificient body to nadir and zenith,
arched hi beautiful back, and opened
his mouth, exposing his teeth, set like
pearls in a cavern of red. Boree was
Borees' eyes suddenly narrowed.
Underneath a fallen leaf he saw Tit-
ipi, the field mouse. Boree crouch-
ed. Boree sprang. Boree pounced.
Then thru the resounding green-
wood rang a long scream of triumph,
and Maxine the lioness crept, with
her tail down, to her lair. Boree had
made a kill!
Unfortunately the scream hurt lit-
tle Boree's tender throat and he fell
down groveling in the dust. He died.
* * -Beezlebub.
* *s
No, Adonis, people don't go on the
Union tower to skylark.


this noon. Watch this
space for them.
Ham Sandwich
Dill Pickele
Pie or Ice Cream




Corner Washington and Division


Van's Lunch


°r- " '""

ii I



for cash, on terms, or trade. If
you contemplate buying, it will pay
you to consult us before making a

This paper contains all the news of the events
going on around the Campus. ... Also all'
offiCial news from the faculty to the student

$2.00 Foreign

$1.50 Local


Press Building

Phone'k 212 14




he Chinese riots against
is rumored that Secre-
is preparing a note for
ing violently to Amer-


In a


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