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June 27, 1925 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1925-06-27

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vent W. Isolate Noise, And l
lvs Lengien Period of
Man's Lfe
Daniel L. Rich, of the Physics
ient, dmonstrated a practical
e for the detection of noises.
Illustrated lecture on the meas-
t and elimination of noises, at
ck Friday in the West lecture
Af the old Physics building.
hachine was worked out and
ed by F. A. Firestone, an as-
investigator in the department
.neering research.
ssor Rich said, "This particu-
might be classified as an age
ation but a good name for this
the age of noise. No animal
proach men in the variety of
ity of noises of this age." He
ed, "My name is Daniel. I
ver in a lion's den but I was,
w York subway. The nervous
>f such inventions is decreasing
gth of life. Noise grows with -
tions were divided by Profes-
:h into two kinds, the audible
e inaudible. The audible are
noisy or musical, the distine-
ng that musical tones are us-
imple, while noises are gener-
ite complex. Sound itself is
to isolate for there is neither
)aratus nor unti for measure-
ctors of noise are much more
to build than those of- musical
said Professor Rich, but de-
of resonance can be made."
apparatus developed here Ini
ysics department is based up-c
principle. The instrument
was invented for the detection'l
mnination of this kind of noise.
>e used to measure audible andt
le sounds.
Instrument contains an ordin-
t of head phones and a gal-
ter arrangement which showsI
ount of deflection, the amount,
ction being proportional to the1
of niose. The machine will 1
y give quantitative measure-1
of noises and vibratios. ]
e Of Alumnus
Vill Appear Soon'
next issue of the Alumnus, a
ne published by the alumni of
iversity, which will come out
ext week, will be devoted al-
ntirely to the Commencement
es. In its pages will be in-
the Commencement and Bacca-
e a dress and an accounfit ofl
-Annual meeting in Detroit.
Excursion to Ford Motor com-

Highland Park, arriving at
about 10:45, finishing by noon.
ends at 3 p. m.
-Sermon by Mr. Jump. Spirt.
Parable in Sedgwick's "The Lit-
French -irl." Congrogati~nal
-Open forum. Kelleth Chang of
a on "The Far East 'Today."
-regational church.
Student supper at Conggrega-
t church parlors, "Questions

Appointment Of William Worrell
Adds Noted Scholar To Faculty

New Minister Is
don fronted With
Chinese Troubles
F- ° ,

The appointment of William H.
Worrell as associate professor in
Semitics has been received with much
satisfaction by scholars in the Hum-
anistic field. His work had previous-
ly brought distinction to the Univer-
sity and his appointment will row af-
ford the campus further opportunities
for researches as well as for advanc-
ed instruction in Arabic and other
languages of the Near East.
Professor Worrell was born, in Tol-
edo, April 28, 1879. He graduated
from the classical course of the Uni-
versity' of Michigan .in 1903. After-
wards he studied at the Universities
of Berlin, Leipzig, and Strassborg
He received the degree of bachelor of
divinity from the Hertford Theolog-
ical seminary, and of doctor of philos..
ophy from the University of Strass-
Mr. Worrell commenced work of
teaching as an instructor in Semitics
at the University of Michigan in 1908,
but after two years became a member
of the faculty of the Hartford Theol-
ogical seminary, then of the Ken-
riedy School of Missions in Hartford,
where he had the rank of professor.
Professor Worrell's work as a schol-
ar has won international recognition
in two lines. He has carried forward
scientific investigation in phonetics
especially as applied to the languages,
of the Near East, and has also contri-

through publication of Ethiopie and
Coptic languages. In 1916 he publish-
ed a Coptic version of the Psalms
from an interesting manuscript in
the Freer collection. This was fol-
lowed in 1923 by the publication of
two Coptic Homilies and a magical
text, from manuscripts partly in the
Freer collection and in part in the'
British Museum.
Since there was no suitable Coptic
type in the United States for these
monographs, Professor Worrell made
designs for two fonts of Coptic type,
which were cast in Boston. The types
have been admired and highly com-
mended by Coptic scholars. The two
monographs are published together
as Volume X of the Humanistic series
of the University of Michigan studies.
The other publications of Professor
Worrell are distributed in a wide
range of journals. At the present time
he is carrying through the press a
volume containing fifty letters and
documents written in Hebrew char-
acters but largely in the Arabic lang-
uage. These range in date from the
tenth to the fifteenth century and are
of much historical inte-rest. The or-
iginal documents are loaned by the
Freer gallery in Washington to the
University 9f Michigan for publica-
tion and their interpretation is a
task of great difficulty. They were

found with a

large mass:

of similar

buted to the literature of his subjecti material in Cairo.

Party of More Than 100 Will Leave
Here This Morning to Inspect
Ford Motor Planlt
More than 100 students had signed
up yesterday afternoon for the second1
excursion of the Summer session,
which leaves for the Ford Motor com-
pany at Highlan'd Park this morning
at 8 o'clock. The party is meeting at
the corner of Packard and State1
streets where it will board a special,
car for Detroit.
It is planned to arrive at the Ford
plant at 10:45 and spend from then
until noon on an inspection tour. At,
this time the pa'rty will go to the
Highland Park high school, a few
blocks away, where they will have
lunch. After lunch the excursion will
proceed downtown to the Detroit pub-
lic library, where they will take an-
other inspection tour. It is expected
that the entire trip will be finished
by 3 o'clock. '
Mr. Carlton Wells of the rhetoric
department, who is conducting the
trip, has estimated the maximum cost
at $2.75, including the lunch at the
Highland Park high school.
I emphis, Tenn., June 26. -- (By A.
P.)-Rep. Finis J. Garrett, of Tennes-
see, minority floor leader, will urge
revision of enacting , onstitutional
amendments before the Tennessee
Bar association today.
Mr. Garrett said he would submit
an amendment that Congress shall
propose amendments to the constitu-
tion whenever two-thirds of each
house deem it necessary, or on appli-
cation of the legislatures of two-
thirds of the states, with the require-
ment that ratification be given by
three-fourths of the state, but with
provision that any state may require
that ratification by its legislature
1 the subject to confirmed by popular

Fifty-Five Sign Up for Biofogical Sta-
tion Work; Forty Study at
Camp Davis
Final figures for yesterday's regis-
tration in the various schools and
colleges showed a total enrollment
of 3,130 for the Summer session. This
figure surpasses last year's mark at
the same time by 93. The loss o f160,
which was noted in the registration
in the engineering college and Medic-
al school, was more than offset by
increased enrollment in all the other
Reports from the Biological station
at Douglas lake showed that 55 have
already signed for the summer work
there, this number being made up
of 23 from the literary college, 30
from the Graduate school, and two
from the School of Education. Word
from the Geology camp at Mill
Springs, Ky., showed that 40 students
have enrolled for the courses there.

John Van A. MacMurray
John Van A. MacMurray, who was
recently appointed United States
minister to China, is facing trying
times in his new position.
Peking, June 26.-(By A.P.-) The
British minister is handing a note to
the Chinese foreign office today form-
ally protesting against the action of
the Chinese at Canton last Tuesday
it firing upon the British concession
and wounding British subjects.
Amoy, China, June 26.-(By A.P.)-
Some minor anti-foreign demonstra-
tions took place here Thursday and
the student element, agitating for a
general strike and boycott of foreign-
ers, is becoming more excited. Chi-
nese authorities and foreign business
men are exerting every effort to pre-
vent the movement from becoming ef-
fective. Measures are being taken to
protect foreigners.
A Japanese merchant gunboat has
arrived and American and British
Marines are expected.
Hong Kong, June 26.-(By A.P.)-
A wireless message from Canton says
everything was quiet there this morn-
Some of the crews of 'he Indo-China
Navigation company's- steamers who
went on strike are returning to their
ships. A British gunboat has gone
to WuChow.
A food control system has been es-
tablished at Macao, the Portuguese
colony at the mouth of the Canton'
The Indo China Navigation com-
pany, a British concern, has a large
fleet of steamers engaged in the
coasting trade of China and nearby

Michigan Man
Receives R a re
Honor Abroad
The king of Roumania has confer-
red the order of the Crown of Rou-
mania with the degree of Commander,
upon Enoch E. Peterson, who is a
professor of Decorah college, Iowa,
absence on leave as Research Fellow
of the University of Michigan in
Classics. For two years Professor
Peterson has been a member of the
University expedition to the Near
East. In 1924 he participated in the
important excavation on the site of
Antioch of Pisidia, and directed the
unearthing of the great city gate. In
recent months he has been, recording
the extraordinary finds made in the
area of the goddes Tanit at Carth-
age. Thme distinction was conferredd
upon him by reason of services rend-
ered at the Congress of Byzantine
studies at Bucarest in 1924, of which
he was honorary president for the
United States.
Brussells, June 26.-The third
Bie'nnial Congress of the Internation-
al Chamber of Commerce closed to-
day with the 'adoption of resolutions,
which in the opinion of the leading
delegates, took away the atmosphere
of hopelessness as to the economic
situation with which the Congress
The plain truth told to the dele-
gates by John W. O'Leary, chairman
of the Chamber of Commerce of the
United States, followed by a categor-
ical declaration by the French dele-
gation that it favored the funding of
war debts, cleared the air and re-
moved the uneasiness produced by
foreboding, as to the probable failure
of the Dawes reparations pact.
Etienne Clemenceau, former French
Finance Minister, sent a response in
which he declared that "It is time
to. let bygones be bygones," and that
when Germany signed the Protocol
for execution of the Dawes plan, it
was the sign of a new era, in which
the horrors of the war were to be
forgotten, such as France and Bel-
chnn au suffered.t


Metropolitan Communities Requi
Room for Necessary Develop.
ment, Speaker Declares
Formation of a new municipal are
for the overcrowded metropolita
aeas, is the solution Prof. Thomas H
Reed of the political science depari
ment offered in a lecture on "T
Government of Metropolitan Commur
ities," delivered yesterday afternoo
in Natural Science auditorium. T
equalization, of government for bot
the borough and the county is t
constant demand of both units, Prc
fessor Reed pinted out.
"This is the age of the great city,
stated ProfessortReed. "Whileti
population of Athens in the time to
Pericles was only 115,000 and ancieD
Rome 800,000, cities Qf 1,000,000 a
today not uncommon. The metropo
itan area, including the suburbs ou1
side of the city limits, is an importar
consideration in the planning of go
ernment. Boston has 700,000 einsid
the city and more than a million pec
ple living in its suburbs. The pro
lems of sewage, rapid transit an
police of 'the outlying communities i
a great one. The simple solution I
annexaticn, but local opposition is 01
ten a barrier to this. Many commun
ities are against annexation becaus
the very fact that they have built u
the suburbs is due to the desire o:
the part of the inhabitants to escap
conditions of city life. Simple annex
ation is not a solution."
Professor Reed noted that Los AD
geles. is as large as some Europea
states and Chicago has expande
equally, but these cities made thei
annexations of surrounding territor
early in the development of the re
spective sections. The fact that Lo
don has been froced to create section
as they needed them and created go
ernmnents as the needs arpse 'shoW
that a real metropolitan problem e
"In the swollen metropolis the i
dividual is lost and the conflict be
tween the local units and the city b
comes increasingly bitter," said Pr
. fessor Reed. Regional plans are b
ing constructed in New York, Phi
adelphia and Detroit, which has a
pealed to their state legislature for a
amendment creating a metropolita
district around Detroit.
"A solution can be arrived at t
the creation of a new area," suggeste
Professor Reed. "What we need is
larger area formed around the cit
Around each large center of popul
tion group the territory depende
on it and give it authority co de
with matters of common interest su
as water supply, transportation, tra
fic, illumination, police, charity, a
health administration. Preserve ti
local units as they are, but form th
new unit to cope with problems
interest to all the components. T
region already exists as an econom
and social fact; all that remains Is
prepare a government for this metr
politan area."


Michigan will be well represented
in Europe this summer, Among the
members of the faculty visiting for-
eign countries is Prof. William H.
Hobbs, of the geology department!
who is now in Copenhagen, Swed-
en. Professor Hobbs has charge of
the scientific work involved in thel
preparations being made there for an r
expedition across Greenland.
The Bureau of University Travel is
conducting several tours for faculty-
student parties under the direction of
professors familiar with the places
visited. Prof. Arthur S. Aiton and
Prof. William S. Frayer of the history
department are directing such tours,
their parties being composed of stu-
dents, friends and other faculty mem-
hers. Miss Adelaide Adams of the
fine arts department is accompanying
Professor Aiton's party.
Prof. Bruce Donaldson, also of the
fine arts department, will spend the
greater part of the sum.mer vaca-)
tion travelling in Spain in company
with his father. Others who will be
abroad are Prof. Earl Moore of thel
School of Music, Prof. Jacob E. Reigh-
ard of the zoology department and
Prof. Moses Gomberg of the chemistry
department. Prof. Charles W. Ed-
munds of the Medical school is mak-
ing plans to sail in August,

General Strike Ended
Shanghai, June 26.- (By A.P.) -
The general strike has terminated
and all the larger stores are reopen-
ing, but shipping continues paralyzed
and the Japanese and British cotton
mills still are closed. The radical ele-
ments, supporting the general strike
and boycott of foreigners, are striv-
ing by intimidation - to frighten the
\workers away from many establish-
Hsu Yuan commissioner for foreign
affairs, led a procession of 20 auto-
mobiles through the streets of the
foreign settlement this morning with
the city magistrate and'other officials
bearing banners inscribed. "All shopsi
should reopen. The government takes
full responsibility for the -negotia-
The general 'strike in Shanghai was
declared following the killing of a
number of demonstrators who were
protesting against the prosecution of
strikers in Japanese cotton mills.
Hsu Yuan represented the Peking
government at the . conference last
week with representatives of the di-
plomatic corps at Peking, who went
to Shanghai in an effort to arrange a
settlement of the situation following
the strike.
Quebec, June 26.-Twelve men were
reported to have been killed tonight
when the tug "Ocean King," going
out to meet the Canadian Pacific liner
Marloth at this port, was struck
amidships by the liner,- causing ex-
plosion of the tug's boiler.

New York, June 26.-(By A. P.)-1
Vincent Ric5hards today reached thel
final round of the Eastern New YorkI
state single tennis championship aft-
er a four match with the runner up
Frederick Major, and thus qualified
for his fifth meeting of the season
with the national champion, Willian
T. Tilden. After dropping the first
set, three to six, Richards took the
next three, six to two, six to three,
six to one.
The two rivals will meet tomorrow
afternoon at the New York Athletic
club courts for the title with Tilden
a favorite.

Chicago, June 26.(By A.P.)- Mode
Holdsworth, captain of the University
of Michigan golf team will defend his
title as Big Ten champion in the-
final round of the Western Conference
championship tournament tomorrow,
meeting Kenneth Hisert, of Chicago.
Holdsworth won his way to the 1
finals today by defeating Fred Feeley,
also of Michigan.
Hisert, disposed of Miller, anoth-
er Maroon, five and three.
Johannesburg, June 26. - The'
Prince of Wales yesterday had the
novel experience of descending into
the Crown mines, the greatest gold
mines in the world. He made tme
descent of 2,500 feet in the mine and
declared it as an eerie sensation.
The number of visitors to American
national parks last year was 1,600,
-eight times as great as in 1914. t

Baseball Scores
St. Louis 3, Detroit 4.
Chicago 3, Cleveland 1.
Washington 5, Philadelphia 3.
No advance schedule.
New York 9, Brooklyn 6 (12
Pittsburgh 5, Cincinnati 3.
St. Louis 3; Chicago 2.
Kalamazoo, Mich., June 26.- K
mazoo will be one of the first citie
hear Roald Amundsen give an acci
of his recent perilous, flight tom
the North Pole.

i Young


Annual Session
Planned By Elks



picture service it Con-
church. Douglas Fair-
in "Stephen Steps Out."

Portland, Ore., June 6 (By A.P.)--
Elkdom will own Portland for one
,solid week, from July 12 to 18, when
the sixty-first grand lodge reunion of
Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks will be held in this city.

says Senatorial vani
stering. And now th

es fi
ers v

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