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July 04, 1924 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1924-07-04

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FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1924


Published every morning except Monday
during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press. The As-
sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches
credited to it or not otherwise credited in
this paper and the local news published here-
Fntered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
,Subscription by carrier or mail, $.5.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
Communications, if signed as evidence of
good faith, will be published in The Summer
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Un-
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. The signature may be omitted in
publication- if desired by the writer. The
Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments expressed in tae communica-
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
News Editor...... ..... Robert S. Mansfield
Chairman of the Editorial Board..
.........Andrew E. Propper
City Editor............. ..Verena Moran
Night Editor..........Frederick K. Sparrow
Telegraph Editor.......... Leslie G. Bennets
Womens' Editor.............Gwendolyn Dew
Louise Barley Marion Waler
Rosalea Spaulding Leonard A. Kellet
Virginia Bales Saul Hertz
Hans Wickland David Bramble
Telephone 96o
Advertising Manager.....Hiel M. Rockwell
Copywriting Manager......Noble D. Travis
Circulation Manager......Lauren C. Haight
Publication Manager ......C. Wells Christie
Account Manager.............Byron Parker
FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1924
Night Editor-J. A. LAANSMA
1776 AND 1924
July 4, 1776-an earnest group of
our forefathers created a new nation
dedicated to the principles of relig-
ious and political liberty. Those who
gathered at the cradle of American
freedom dreamed of a nation united
under a system of justice, pledged to
a conviction of universal education,
bound by ties of brotherhood, and
faith of common religion. Theirs was
a vision of great things to come, but
it is not likely that they saw beyond
the horizon nor had they any realiza-
tion of the mighty achievements of
human progress which have come.
July 4, 1924, and still, the American
people need a new Declaration of In-
dependance. The independance they
desire, should contemplate the restric-
tion of group influences, narrow
minds, and all the limits that pre-
judice, bias and ignorance place upon
us, obscuring the broad outlook of
life. It is freedom from selfishness,
from greed, from stupid fear, from
mildewed tradition born of supersti-
tion, that must come in the new de-
claration of Independence.
Every year we read pleas and warn-
ings on the subject of making the
celebration of Fourth of July a safe
and sane one. Still every Fourth has
its toll of injuries and accidents sus-
tained by celebrators who are more
enthusastic than they are careful.
While the dangers connected with the
observance of this national holiday
are not nearly as grave as they were
years ago it still is imperative that
everyone should be asked to obey the
city ordinances in regard to fire-
crackers and fire-works.
Not many years ago the chief na-
tional entertainment of Independence

Day was the "shooting off" of explos-
ives during the daytime and the light-
ing of fireworks at night. It was a
busy day for the doctors and the am-
bulance drivers. Pleas for other meth-
ods of celebrating have slowly but
surely been taking effect, while city
ordinances regulating the sale and use
of fireworks have also aided in reduc-
ing the hazards of the day. A small
minority, however, always have fail-
ed to realize the value of protective
measures and have insisted on includ-
ing explosives in their celebration of
America'si independence. This edi-
torial is aimed at that minority.
Have a good time today. Holiday--
are not so numerous that an oppor-
tunity for pleasure should be neglect-
ed. Today offers so many safe sub-
stitutes for the old style Fourth of
July celebration that the sanity of
those who insist on the out-of-date
way will be questioned .
If ever party neeled a leader, the
Democrats, in convention gathered at
New York City, need one now. Mr.
William Jennings Bryan demonstra-
ted the fact that he is no longer a
"leading influence." In vain his silv-
er tongue, in one of those bold, mast-
erful moves by which he had formerly
so ofteu molded the destiny of his'

party, pleaded the cause of his favor-
ite, McAdoo. Vainly he tried to dis-
solve the deadlock and lead the dele-
gates in the ways of agreement. In-
stead of agreement, his speech loosed
angry passions and a commotion that
approached the verge of riot.
The Democrats have made a pretty
sad mess of it. They met jubiliant.
The common boast among the party
leaders was that "the Lord had de-
livered the Republican Philistines in-
to their hands this year," and that
"any Democrat could be elected Presi-
dent." Now it is the Republicans who
are jubiliant and the Democrats ev-
erywhere are disappointed and deject-
The delegates are plunged into a
bitter quarrel; the balloting has been
irresolute, long, and dawdling; the
party has been torn into two dis-
traught factions on the Klan issue;
the adoption of a League of Nations
plank in the platform was unsatisfac-
tory both as to content and degree;
the lack of leadership-all this has
brought the Democrats to a sad state.
A doctor is badly needed, and if aid
is not speedily applied the patient
will soon be beyond recovery.
Thus far, the Democrats have not
been fighting the Republicans; they
have been fighting themselves. In-
stead of further balloting, the party
should search diligently and prayer-
fully for a great leader. If he is pos-
sibly to be found, the Democratic par-
ty may still entertain a faint hope of
avoiding humiliation and disaster.
A Detroit lady files divorce on the
grounds that her husband, a radio fan,
spent all his money on apparatus, and
refused to speak to her for long in-
ervals. We have had just plain wid-
ows, grass-widows, golf-widows, and
now comes the radio widow.
Recipe for an economics text book:
take one bushel of wheat in the Unit-
ed States and one yard of cloth in
England; add a bit of Comparative
costs, and a dash of the principle of
reciprocity; mix thoroughly and serve
in chapters.
Half the world is beginning to know.'
how the other half lives. Hence the
growth of the sensational newspa-


By A.E.P. M

Salubrious Fourt!
If you've washed your little faces
and hands and eaten your oat meal
and rolls, gwan out in the yard andt
shoot off your firecrackers. The re-
sult predicted in the crumbs will un-
doubtedly be forthcoming, but we are-
n't greatly disturbed about it. Gwan
* * *
We are going to Cleveland this
morning. By the time you are read-
ing these rolls, we shall be oi our,
way to hear Bob La F nominate him-F
self and to watch the fight for a thirdE
party VP candidate. If nothing tre-t
mendous breaks, we shall reserve
comment, otherwise we shall send
some hot dope back to the home pa-
per by wire. Watch for our digest
of the convention in an early issue.
Li'l Gwennie has been in and leftt
a few reams of rolls for your perusal:
Lil Gwennie Rolls a Bit
Lo, Taman - Here's one I heard
lately-"why doth yon varlet clutch
so closely at his torso? Was he hurt?
"No-he got a cut in his last class."
At the Lake last night I saw the
copy writer on the business side of
the Greatest Summer Daily. He had
been getting advertisements all day
-but the thing that interested me was
the paper sticking out of his pocket
which read. "Michigan Daily Dum-
Do you remember the signs they
used to have in the theaters, "Don't
smoke. Remember the Iriquois fire.
I now suggest such signs for the
lobby of the Maj-"Don't spit. Re-
member the Johnstown flood." Or
"Don't Blow. Remember the Lorain
I agree. "It isn't so much that she
wouldn't as that she doesn't want you
to know that she would." I agree.
It isn't so much the profile that
counts-as how many counts you get
on the profile.
John-Did you go to lecture this
morning and hear Dr. Hopeless lec-
ture on "The Food Value of Bolog-
Jean-Yes. Awfully good, I thought.
He was so full of his subject".
Li'l Gwlnnie
Add Gwennie
And Tam-I was in an auto acci-
dent last night. And this morning
the man had th enerve to come to the
'hospital where I laid all broken to
pieces and tell the nurse-"I think it
is only fair for me to come and give
her the kiss I was trying to."
This sorta thing can't go on any'
longer. Li'l Gwennie is doing more
work than is good for her. Just think
how much space she has saved us
today. Gwennie, you're too good to
us, that's all.
The City Editor wants to know why
we don't run her picture when we ran
one Li'l Gwennie. We hate to say it
here, but we don't have a picture of
her ladyship, so howinell can we run

one?( All of which is quite personal,
we know.
This business of getting crumbs
and last lines is getting on our nerv-
es. Whoever started the idea should
be sunk without warning. All sug-
gestions will be gratefully received,
but we reserve the right to decide as
to their value for use in the col.
For the time being we shall run a
helpful hints last line. Each day
some hint which will bring sunshine
into somebody's life will appear at
the foot of the rolls.
Today's hint: Extra parking space
will be found on the north boulevard
when the river road is filled to ca-
It is generally claimed that the rad-
ical movements emanating from the
Northwest are spreading through the
country like smallpox and will un-
doubtedly result in a formidable third
party. A great many look upon this
as a menace. Why should this make
the outlook pessimistic? A third par-
ty and a demand for reform is not ne-
cessarily a menace. It will lead to an
attempt to remedy certain outstanding
evils and then subside. When people
cry "Boo" very loudly, they gener-
ally lose their wind in a short time.

(The New York Times)
The participation of American bank-
ers in the new Hungarian recon-
struction loan is certain to encour-
age the Hungarians in carrying out
the League of Nations plan for the
rehabilitation of their country. In the
case of the Austrians, observers are
agreed that the mere fact that Amer-
ica had confidence in the future of
their country and was willing to give
form to that confidence by investing
money restored their belief in them-
selves. The same is true in Hungary,
where American participation is look-
ed upon as a recognition of the inher-
ent soundness of the Hungarian na-
Conditions in Hungary differ mater-
ially from those in Austria. Hun-
gary is almost exclusively agricultur-
al, whereas Austria is primarily in-
dustrial. Moreover, great as has been
the dismemberment of Hungary, the
territorial amputations did not cut off
all home food supplies; as happened
in Austria, with the result that the
morale and strength of the Hungar-
ians did not suffer so much as those
of the Austrians. To be sure, the Bol-

shevist revolution in 1919 and the sub-
sequent invasion by the Rumanians
were a great drain on the country's
wealth. But what is left of Hungary
today is still very rich. The Hungar-
ian plains are famed for their fertil-
ity. The people ar sturdy, vigorous
and industrious.
The new Hungarian loan is not un-
derwritten by the governments of Eu-
rope, as was the Austrian loan. It is
felt that the experience of the League I
in Austria has shown that the efficacy
of this form of national receivership
is sufficiently great to render addi-
tional guarantees unnecessary. Fur-
thermore, Hungary's financial posi-
tion is not so desperate as was that
of Austria. Her self-sufficiency in
food and the extent of her natural re-
sources are expected to insure ade-
quate revenues as soon as she is start-
ed on the road toward recovery. The
loan is to be secured by the revenues
from the customs, the tobacco mon-;
opoly, the salt monopoly and the sugar
tax. These funds will be paid over
to the League's Commissioner General,
Jeremiah Smith, Jr., and be adminis-
tered by him.
In one respect the Hungarian plan
stands halfway between the Austrian
scheme and the plan for the recon-
struction of Germany. In the case of
Austria the principal purpose was to


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Both Stores



While that glorious riot, the Demo-
cratic national convention, is draw-
ing the attention of the whole coun-
try towards New York City, another
convention, in another part of the
country, is receiving very little at-
tention on the part of the public and
considerably less publicity on the part
of the newspapers. W refer to the an-
nual conference now gathered at
Washington, of the National Teachers
Ten thousand men and women from
all parts of the United States have
assembled in this convention to ex-
change views and take common action
with regard to education in this
country . Theirs is an important task.
While the political conventions, op-
erating through riot and achieving re-
sults impromptu, are trying to decide
who should run this country, the Na-
tional Teachers' association are look-
ing more to the foundations of the re-
public with a view to stengthening the
basis of our whole democratic life.
Education is an important factor,
socially and politically. But not just
education alone; it must be the right
kind of an education. Not knowledge
factories; but producers of men and1
women of intelligence, ambition, hon-
esty and virtue. It is for principles
such as these that teachers' are con-
stantly required to fight. And in
fighting, they must not forget the high
significance of their calling.
We hope,however, that the National
Teachers association does not ge on
a too active campaign against ignor-
ance. Education like any other com-
modity obeys the economic laws of
supply and demand. With too many
educated men, perhaps a call might
come for the ignorant. Henry David
Thoreau once heard of a Society for
the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge,
and thought that there was equal need
of a Society for the Diffusion of Use-
ful Ignorance, what he called Beauti-
ful Knowledge, a knowledge useful in
a higher sense: "for what is most of
our boasted so-called knowledge but
a conceit that we know something,
which robs us of the advantage of ac-
tual ignorance?

$18 to $30
All Hand Tailored


save the nation from chaos. In the
case of Germany the object is to en-
able her to pay reparations to the
Allies. In the case of Hungary, al-
though the principal objective is the
economiic reconstruction of Hungary,
reparations are not entirely foregone.
During the first two years nothing
will be paid on the reparations ac-
count. Thereafter the total payments
arising from the peace treaties are
not to exceed $2,500,000 annually for
a period of 20 years.
Even the League's enemies have
been forced to admit that in such
tasks as this it can accomplish great
things. The salvaging of Austria has
been of inestimable benefit to the
peace and reconstruction of Central
Europe. The same will be true of
Watch Page Three for real values.
j j
Students registered in the
Summer Session of the Univer-
sity who wish to work on the j
Summer Michigan Daily editorial 1
staff are asked to call Ramsay at
2040 or Mansfield at 396, or to
come to the Press Building on
Maynard Street


We will be open Friday
morning for tire

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