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August 08, 1924 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1924-08-08

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shed every morning except Monday
the summer session.
er of the AssociatedPre s. The As--
IPress is exclusively entitled to the
republication of all news dispatches
Ito it or rnot otherwise_ credited in
er and the local news published here-
ed at the postoffice, Ann Arbor,
n, as second class matter
ription by carrier or mail, $t.50.
s: Ann Arbor Press Building.
nunications, if signed as evidence of
ith, will be published in The Summer
t the discretion of the E~ditor. Un-
comnmunications will receive no con-
un. The signature may be omitted in
ion if desired by the writer. The
r Daily does not necessarily endorse
timents expressed in the communica-
Telephones 2414 and 76-M
Editor.. .. .RobertS. Mansfield
an of the Editorial Board.
.Andrew E. Propper
itor......... .......Verena Moran
Editor....... .Frederick K. Sparrow
ph Editor..... .Leslie S. Bennetts
s' Editor.... . . Gwendolyn Dew
Barley Wenley B. Krouser
Spaulding Marian Kob s-
SWalker J.Albert' Laansma
Coursey Marion Meyer
t Chase Mary Iiargaret Miller
A. Donaldson Matilda Rosenfeld
,wing Dorothy Wall
end E. Hartloff
Telephone 960
sing Manager....Hiel M. Rockwell
iting Manager ....... Noble D. Travis
tion Manager...Lauren C. Haight
.tion Manager......C. Wells Christie
t Manager..... .ByronParker
e E. Morse Florence McComb
L. Lewis Maryellen Brown

think how alarmingly these destruc4
tive germs are likely to increase!
Truly the thinker bears a terrible re-o
Was it not Henry David Thoreau
who wrote, "What we call knowledge
is often our positive ignorance; ignor-
an ce; ignorance our negative knowl-
edge. By long years of patient in-.
dustry and reading of the newspapers
-for what are the libraries of science
but the files of newspapers?-a man
accumulates a myriad of facts, lays
them up in his memory, and then
when in some spring of his life he'
saunters abroad into the Great Fields
of thought, he, as ia were, goes to
grass likea horse andleaves all his
harness behind in the, stable."
We are inclined to believe that
"souls of red tape" are extremely use-
ful; and a man is to be congratulated
at times when he casts aside thought
and starts the established routine
"The Sick Man of Europe" lies
back in his wheel chair, and launghs
loud and long at the rest of the world
and not withoue cause. For the man
-who" dared predict ten years ago that
Turkey, after having been virtually
annihilated would still remain in Eu-
rope in 1924 would have been relegat-
ed to a nearby home for the feeble-
minded; yet this is exactly what has,
For five centuries Europe has
sought to ride herself of her un-
welcome visitor, the Ottoman Turk,
and for five centuries, she has been
unsuccessful. Three times in the 19tl-
century . Russia would have accom.
plished this, but for the intervention
of Bismark et als. In 1912-13 the Bal-
kan Alliance crippled Turkey effec-
tively, but again, through jealousy
and fear, the Sublime Ottoman Porte
graced the Hellespont, and "points
Then followed four years, in'whicb
Europe strove to reproduce a certain
place that Dante surveyed long ago
At the close of the war the "sick man
looked very sick, indeed, but bolster-
ed up by the tonic of Ismet Pasha and
Mustapha Kemal he drove the Greeks
from his capitol, and at London, Turk-
ish diplomats made imbeciles out of
the Allied, representatives.
So the Turk still remains in Europe
and -gives every evidence of his in-
tention to remain there for some years

edge of the conference of ambas-
sadors. The only conclusion is that l
some of the Allied powers are deliber
ately conniving at it. Under our ver
noses French finance is making Eu-
rope into a powder magaaine.
"If the Continent of Europe is to be
savedsfrom another war," Morel con-
cludes, "the people of Britain and oth-
er countries must ceast to live in
world of illusions. They must de
mand the whole truth, and the con
vocation, before it is too late, of an
international conference on this pro

Text Books and Supplies


Both Stores

"And what is this man, that
his welfare should be consider-
d? An ape, reft of his tail, and
grown weary at climbing--an
ipe who chatters to himself of
kinship with the archangels
w'hile filthily he digs for ground-
nuts! Yet more clearly do I
preceive that thisi man is a
naimed god, who walks the
world dependent upon many
wise and evil councillors. He
nust measure, to the hair's
breath, every content of the
world by means of some blood-
ed sponge, a sponge which is
ungeared by the first cup of
wine and ruined by the toch of
his own finger. He must ap-
praise all that he judges with no,
better instruments than two bits
>f colored jelly, with a bungling,
tnakeshift so maladroit that the
nearest horologer's apprentice
could have devised a more ac-
curate device. In fine, man is
under penalty 'condemned to
compute eternity with false
a yard-stick;rand he very often
weights, to estimate infinity with
does it."

to come.



Le latest criticisni of that much
ed and discussed branch of "ho-
sapiens"--man-comes from a
learned lady of New York who
s to remark that men have "red
souls." r
ie intends to speak in disparag-
t and points out with scorn that
sterner sex possesses an inclin-
n to do things by established
ne rather than give individual
ight and attention to each project
problem as it arises. This she
is wholly bad; and she seems to
n it.
e are inclinde to believe that the
c is right. Men have red tape.
s and are inclined to work along
.blished routine.I But fait from
rreling with them for that we are
e inclined to view the fact with
Red tape" and routine does away
6 a certain amount of thinking
. would otherwise be necessary
eems to us that there is already;
too much thought in the world
d a goodly list 'of recent books
see if you do not agree that toc
ty damn fools are beginning te'
k nowadays. And the daily out-
of this commodity seems to be
'easing at an alarming rate. ,
ow the trouble with mere thought
hat it is just as likely to be wrong
right. A man who "is alway
king is not necessarily a wise
t; nor is he necessarily advantage
to society. Think of all the germr
neorrect and destructive ratiocin-
in wbinh such a prsoan i slkly tr-

"Europe at the present moment is
a vast arsenal. At any moment some
section of the community might apply
the match that would plunge it into'
all the horrors of another great war,"
declared Edmund D. Morel, Socialist
Member of the British parliament,
and authority on foreign affairs in a1
recent interview.
He charges that the real danger
point in powerful industrial and fin-
ancial interests in France,' and calls
for the convocation of an internation-
al problem and the political and eco-
nomic issues which have created it.
"There is going on at the present
moment," Morel declares, "a more ex-
tensive output of war material than
at any time since the peace. The
chief centers of production are two-
the Skoda works in Czecho-Slovakia
and the Austrian State factories.
French influence and French money
are directing both.
"In the Spring of this year the
French owned shares in the Skoda"
company worth $10,000,000; the man-
aging director and the chief technical
experts are Frenchmen. I go so far
as to say that France new control4
practically the whole war mechanism
of Czecho-Slovakia.
"War material is being produced in
enormous quantities at the Austrian
State factories. During the past 15
months Jugo-Slavia has been supplied,
by the Austrian factories with 1,000,.
000 rounds of rifle ammunition, 133
wagouloads of infantry machine guns,
large quantities of field guns, and an
immense amount of smaller mate-
"Roumania has placed large orders
for shells, guns and ammunition
which are now in process of execu-
lion. Poland is also a large pur-
chaser, among the items already de-
livered to her being 35,000,000 piece-
of 7.9 millimetre ammunition and 34
wagonloads of smaller ammunition.
"Austria is being enabled to do all
this manufacturing with the aid of
the French taxpayers' money, by
which I mean loans, that these small-
er countries are able to purchase the
"Under the treaty Austria is not 8
fie agent and is not allowed to man-
ufacture war materials. The orders
to the Austrian State factories could
not even have been placed, let alone
executed, without the direct knowl-

(Boston Evening Transcript)
It used to be said in favor of
taching as a profession that those
who followed it were sure of three
months' vacation each year. The arg-
ument was never wholly sound inas-
much as many teachers discovered
that only by devoting the summer to
remunerative labor were they able to
make income equal expenditure. It
is even less sound today. To be sure,
salaries have risen substantially, but
keeping pace with them in the up-
ward movement have been the quali-
fications demanded of candidates for
positions in the schools. As a result
most teachers are confronted with the
desirability, if not necessity, of giving
over the summer months to organ-
ized study and further professional
preparation. Hence the vogue of the
summer schools, never so popular and
populus-as now and never before in-
cluding in their enrollmentsbso large
a proportion of the teachers already
in service.
Reports which have come from, state
superintendents of instruction indi-
cate that between 40 and 50 percent
of the public school teachers of the
country are in attendance at summer
schools, such as French and history,
schools, where they are not only tak-
iug courses in specifima ubjects, such
as French and history, but are re-
ceiving a professional training in
methods that is resinged to make
their own instruction the more effici-
ent. . . . That -teachers in all parts
of the United States have yielded to
the urge for self-improvement is one
of the most hopeful of signs. Import-
ant as the steady revision of the
course of study may prove to be, there
is nothing more calculated to contri-
bute to the eventual advance of the
schools than this determination on
the part of the teachers o keep fully
abreast of the educational times. The
pupils of the country, and of course
the country itself, will be the ulti-
mate gainers. The citizenery of the uf-
ture promises to be more enlightened
than the citizenry of the present.
If the 748 newspapers and maga-
zines 'of Michigan, with an average
'circulation of about 500, have usedthe
word "flapper" only twice in the past
three months, the term has appeared
before the readers of the state 14,538
times. But could one of the three
and one-half million readers form an
accurate definition of the word?
Webster, had he given it space,
would have probably defined flapper
as "one who flaps." But if as a
piece of slang it in any way connects
the girl with abbreviated tresses and
,dresses with the family of domestic
fowls, there's some mistake, for peo-
(ple have always thought of the rooster'
superficial vanity and cocksureness.
Prof. W. G. Bleyer, director of jour-
nalism at the University of Wiscon-
sin, held up a high ideal before the
future newspapermen when he declar.
ed the other day that "one of his mair
duties would be to train a new gener-
ation of readers to whom news, real
news, would appeal as of more im-
portance than the society column, the
sporting page, or the funny strip."
Whenever prohibition in any cou-
try suffers a temporary setback, a"

it recently did in western Canada, the
news is invariably displayed under
big headlines in the "liquor-friendly'
press; but when it either makes a step
forward or is reaffirmed, as it recent-
ly was in Norway, the fact gets lit
tle prominence.
Is the British Empire a single state
or is it the League of Nations in min-
Around this time of the year, the all
A student sits back and calmly waits
for examinations; but the rest of us
cannot C how he does it.
Automobiles are educating millions
of Americans in the art of true dis-

Make Shopping Today and Tomorrow an Economy

Read The Daily "Classified" Columns
Calkins-Fletcher Drug Company
Bring in your old fountain pen and get a new one. We will
allow you a dollar for your old pen.
Select a pen to suit your hand from our complete stocks of
Parker - Shaeffer - Mo ores - Conklin - Waterman.,
Calkis-Fletcher Drug Company
324 S. State. Corner E and S. University Aves. Corner S. State and Packard Sts.

Today and tomorrow represent two of the greatest shopping days in the life
of our store for on these two days our great annual, store-wide Dollar Days
are in effect. From top to bottom, the store is filled with real value-giving
bargains. Select the many little things you need today or tomorrow at the
greatly reduced price.

. I




A Bathing- Suit

for that
$1.00 Less
After exams will come that glor-
ious vacation! And how much'
enjoyment refreshing swims will
bring! Blue book blues will soon
vanish when one engages in such
And so you will want to buy a
fine, wool jersey bathing suit to
have ready for that vacation.
Our regular $4.95 suits had al-
ready been reduced to $3.95 and
for this sale we are offering them
at $1.00 less than that price.
Tub Blouses
Several Styles
A group of tub blouses, some in
the over blouse style and others
tuck-in mode, dainty and simple,
slightly soiled through display,
will be included in the Dollar
Day Sale at $1.00.


$3.:95 Voile Froc
will sell at
$1.00 Less
A group of voile dresses in dark
colors with lighter designs,
trimmed with lace and touches
of ribbon, originally priced $3.95
will bo included in the Dollar
Day sale at $1.00 less.



Pure Silk Hose
Dollar Days make fine silk
those in black and several pop-
ular light shades in $1.50 and
1$1.75 qualities available at
An assortment of dainty mus-
lin night gowns with round
and. square necks will be in-
oluded in the Dollar Day'sale
at $1.00.
White Footwear
White footwear including both
cloth and kid moders will be
closedout during this sale
at $1.00.
Women who prefer athletic
underwear will find Dollar
Days the time to select barred
dimity suits in white or flesh
at $1.00.
Shell and Ivory
A group of shell and ivory
toilette articles including
powder boxes, hair receivers,
brushes, scissors, and other
articles will sell at $1.00.
Coty's Powder
Coty's L'Origan and Paris
face powder and also Paris
and Chypre talcum powder
will sell at $1.00.


Summer Hats

For that vacation to be enjoyed after exams at some
resort where summer apparel will be worn you will find
a new summer hat a pleasant companion and today and
tomorrow you will find a group of summer hats on sale
at $1.00.
A~k 4t


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