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August 08, 1924 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1924-08-08

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. XV. No. 42




London, Aug. 7-(By A.P.)-The al-
lies and Germans have reached a com-
plete agreement on the mattes on
which defaults are to be declared Un-
der the Dawes plan.
The council of fourteen today adopt-
ed the full text of the report of the
first committee of the inter-allied con-
ference. The council will meet again
at 5 p. m. to take up the report of
third committee.
After this morning's meeting of the
big fourteen" of the reparations con-
ference a French spokesman said an
agreement was in sight by which Ger-
many would be allowed to address the
inter-allied reparations commission
should be adjudged in default under
the Dawes plan.
It was emphasized by this inform-
ant that this concession would be ac-
.corded Germany as a privileg'e rath-
ter than as a right and that the final
determination of Germany's possible
default must remain strictly an -al-
lied affair. On this point the French
spokesman was optimistic that the
Germans would accept the agreement
reached by the allied delegates among
themselves before the Germans were
invited to London.,
In a lengthy summary of the Ger-
man memorandum to the internationalf
conference, the diplomati correspond-
ent of~the Daily Telegraph today says1
that some of the objections raised byt
the Berlin delegates are serious, es-P
pecially regarding the protocol of thet
third commission which deals with de-y
liveries in kind and transfers of re-
The German criticism in this re-
spect, he says, "goes amazingly 'far 1
and is wholly destructive of the con- t
cerns reached by the third commission t
and the conference."c
Among other things the Germans 3
insist, according, to the correspond-
ent upon the right of appeal againstv
the program for deliveries in kind toI
be elaborated by the reparation com-d
mission and the bodies emanatingo
therefrom. -
American Ambassador Kellogg hasr
written to the secretary of the inter-F
national conference, according to the i
Daily Chronicle, stating that the rep-F
resentatives of the United States are i
in accord with the French proposal
to hold a conference of finance min- t
isters in Pari simmediately after the 1
close of the meeting here.s
The proposal was contained in res- t
olutions submitted last Saturday for o
adoption by the allied delegates. The
first of these resolutions pertains to v
the allocation of payments received t
from Germany since January 1, 1923, G
and to payments t. be received dur- 1V
ing the first year the Dawes plan is in
Ambassador Kellog's letter accord-
ing to the newspaper, states that, in-
asmuch as the question of reimburse-

ment for the cost of the American ar-
my of occupation inthe Rhineland and
certain American claims for war dam-
ages are involved, and as' the agenda
will also include the question of al- si
locating German payments for the o
first year under the Dawes program t
the United States as the only "asso- d
ciated power" should participate ing
the proposed conference. t
Davis Opens Campaign .
Poughkeepsie, N.. Y., Aug. 7.-(By t
A.P.)- John W. Davis, Democratic e
presidential candidate,. opened his t
campaign in New York state tonight c
at a rally of Democrats in the Duch- .5
ess county. Called upon to speakj un- c
expectedly after Gov. Alfred E. Smith s
had vigorously assailed the Republi-
can party in this state and the na- a
tion, Mr. Davis told a cheering crowd b
that he believed the great issue of
this campaign is "Honesty in govern- e


Tarkington Play
To Be Given By
Cla.ss Tonight

No Scarcity Of Suitors

_ _ .

1 {P : t' r

"The Intimate Strangers," onee
the most delightful of Booth Tarkin
ton's comedies, will be given tonig
at 8 o'clock in the University h
auditorium by the class in Play Pr
duction. The story deals with a fla
per, her long-suffering aunt, and the
respective lovers and the problemc
the play is "How old is Aunt Is
bell?" She seems t be a most intri
guing lady-quite a paradox whe
one considers her appearance and he
glib comments on the period of th
Civil War. The mystery becomes i
fact so fascinating that all the wil
of Florence, the flapper, do not hol
the attention of Mr. William Ame
for whose special benefit they wer
Lionel Ames, '24, of Michigan Oper
fame, will appear as Johnny White,a
dapper youth, who patiently follow
Florence because, as he says, thi
Mr. Ames is only attractive becaus
he is a stranger and when she doe
get sick of whim she will be awfull
sweet to Johnny.
Tlge entire cast is composed of am
ateurs who have had considerable
stage experience.
Prof. Louis C. Karpinski a'ccom-
panied by Profs. Walter B. Ford and
T. H. Hildebrandt and all of the math-
ematics department will leave for To-
ronto, Ontario, Sunday night to at-
tend the International Conference of
Mathematics and the British Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Science
which will meet in that city. They
expect to spend all of next week in
Toronto. The two conferences over-
lap, the dates of the British Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Science
being August 6 to 12 and the dates
of the International Conference of
Mathematics, August 11 to 16.
Other professors on the campus
who will leave for Toronto are: Prof.
Harrison M. Randall of the physics
department, Prof. William G. Smeat-
on of the chemistry department, Prof.
Bradley M. Davis of the botany de-
partment, Prof. William H. Hobbs,
Prof. Ermine Case of the geology de-
partment, Prof. James Glover and
Prof. Shirley Field of the mathemat-
cs department.
Dean William L. Bragg of Manches-
er University, London, who has been
ecturing here this summer, will al-
o attend the onference. He will re-
urn here in the fall to act as Dean
f the Faculty of Science.
General Bruce of the British army
will act as president at the Associa-
ion for the Advancement of Science.
General Bruce was the leader in the
Vt. Everest expedition last year.
Washington, D. C., Aug. 7.-(By. A.
.)-The Honduras republic is again
nvolved ina civil war despite efforts

of the U. S. and the other four cen-
ral American countries to restore or-
[er and pave the way, for more stable
government in. the distressed coun-
A dispatch today from Minister
Franklin E. Morales at Tegucipalopa,
he Honduran capital, said that Gen-
ral Ferrera, minister of war under
he provisional government, left the
apitol on the morning of Aug. 6 with
500 fully armed men, each soldier
arrying three extra rifles. The mes-
age also added:
"The country is again at civil war
and termination of hostilities cannot
e expected for some time.."
The dispatch indicated that the Lib.
ral party in Honduras was held re-
ponsible for the new outbreak.




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Staff Relations COWDENTALKS ON Scoi
Vital' 1Subject Fro
Says Cleavenger GH OSTS FICTION E
Taking for his subject, "Staff Rela- TRACES Prof. F
tions,",Mr. J. S. Cleavenger, head Li- TRUE R V LUTION OF Prof.
brarian of the Public Libraries of Sag- STORIES
inaw, Michigan, lectured before the _'___ moths
members of the University library and Rationalism and disbelief was Prof. In the wi
students in Library training yester- R. W. Cowden's supposition as he be- Mediterra
day afternoon at 4 o'clock in Room gn his lecture on ghosts and the sup- ily, retur
110, University Library. ernatural in fiction before an attent- London.
Staff relations, according to Mr. ive audience yesterday afternoon in Of all t
Cleavenger, is a very, vital subject Natural Science auditorium. Then he sor Scott
in Library Administration and the told of the natural phenomena ac- and Sicil
head of the institution can do a great companying man's earliest fears, and
public service by developing a proper stirred up some spooks and shivers Egypt he
staff, of his own before he went on to auk-amen
"The Librarian must lie the med- speak of the success of writers in this the tomb
ium between the staff and the gener- field. quarrel.
al public," said Mr. Cleavenger and In early times the struggle that man were take
went on to outline the functions of undertook made him learn much, and and Prof
the average sized library and the du- soon he suspected the existence c whole thi
ties of the librarian. "He must, keep much that he did not know, the speak While he
the trustees informed and interested er explained. Fear and a more or less Syracuse,
in the work of the library; he must insistent curiosity forced him to make ated. Th
present the facts in an interesting crude guesses, and with magic he same isl
way of what the library is doing; he sought to outwit nature. EventuallyI beautiful
must carry out the policies establish- the magician became the priest, and Profess
ed by the trustees; the librarian must prophet of superior powers which interestin
follow such principles whether he were thought of as shapes or shadows Lord Balf
agrees with them or not; anOI the Ji- or ghosts. France h
brary must be always ready to Init- Primitive man devised systems of tion in ho
iate new forms and fields of service, taboo to prevent an attack of evil. thor Anat
always having the good of the pub- Thus historically we feared and we He wen
lic in mind," said Mr. Cleavenger. believed. Only two centuries ago our bly two d
The lecturer stressed training of ancestors resorted to black magic, and opening o
staff members and laid special empha- sent witches to the gibbet. In liter- of Wales
sis upon a careful and interesting ature, the professor stated, ghosts from ever
choice of books by the librarian who have always been used to suggest and the U
is always supposed to know what the tragedy, devils bring in the comic el-, ond visit
public demands. Besides the technic- l ement. ill speak.
al work of librarians, Mr. Cleaven- A fiction writer Vhen he makes a
ger showed the importance of their at- ghost story simply breaks through our such stori
titude as-faithful public servants. veneer of reality, said Professor Cow- in illusion
dent. Chronologically his success has ality, and
Mimes Adopts New Policy come by three methods. Savagery alize their
Mimes of the University will adopt and the wonders of wood and storm gest that
an entirely new policy during the first created the impression. Later er he is b
coming year, according to an an- authors used our own people and
nouncement made yesterday by the times to produce truly artistic stor- All stud
president of that organization. 1ies in which reality was only momen- Ferris Ins
The organization wil ycenter its ef- tarily lost. Science, and especially are invite
forts on a series of short plays which psychology, is responsible for the ing, Augu
will be written by students on the third group, which rests partly upon in front g
campus and all the committee wor the results of physics and chemistry_
vjill be under the students' direction and partly transcends absolute know- There -
'A call will be sent out for manu ledge of mental experience. the Union
scripts at the end of the first month Lately the speculative attitude has terminate
of school in the fall, weakened the ghostly character of fall term,

tt Returns
m Extensive
uropean Trip
N. Scott of the rhetoric de-
has just returned from an
trip abroad. He spent four
n England and two in France.
inter season he went up the
nean sea to Egypt and Sic-
ning via Italy, Paris, and
he places he visited, Profes-
considers the trip to Egypt
y the most interesting. In
visited the tomb of Tut-
, but was unable to enter
on account of the Carter
He saw the objects which
en from the tomb in Cairo,
essor Scott thinks that the
ing has been overestimated.
was in Sicily, he went to
where rhetoric was origin-
e city of Taorinina on the
and - he con-iders the most
city in the world.
or Scott ifet a great many
g people. In England he met
our and Edmond Grosse. In
e was present at a celebra-
'nor of the great French au-
ole France.
t to the exhibition at Wem-
ifferent times. First, at the
f the affair when the Prince
welcomed 7,000 advertisers
y part of the British Enipire
nited States. Upon his sece
he heard Winston Church-
nes. Writers assume a belief
n as an integral part of re-
r almost completely ration-
"work. Butstill they sug-A
"man can't be sure wheth-
here or hereafter."
tents who have attended the
titute during summer school
d to a picnic, Friday even-
st 8. The meeting place is
f the library at 5 o'clock.
will be dancing as usual at
n Friday night. This will
the Union dances until the

Washington, D. 1A, Aug. 7.-(By A
P.)-An early resumption of the
world flight by the two remanln~
dplanes now at Reykjavik, Iceland
-was expected in military circles to-
day following official informatior
that the army advance party had lo-
cated a safe substitute base for ice-
locked Angiagsalik, which had bee
listed as the next termiihal.
A dispatch. from the cruiser Mil.
waukee relayed a report from the ex-
,plorers declaring a satisfactory -place
had been found at Ekaluit, on the
west coast of Greenland. Nob only
Avill this afford a secure landing place
for the planes, the report said, but
an open harbor was 'available for the
Milwaukee and facilities for hauling
out the planes should moderate re-
airs be necessary.
Place did not appear even on maps
of the general staff and considerable
search was necessary before army of.
ficers finally identified it as the olC
coast listed on Danish charts as
It is considerably farther south
than the proposed base which the
army advance was unable to reach
because of unprecedented ice fields.
Ekaluit was said to enjoy longer per-
iods of open water and has been so
recorded in marine journals.
Belief that the flight would be re-
sumed shortly was strengthened by
other reports particular to the hygro-
praphic office that the ice conditions
around southern Greenland had meas-
ablely improved during the last 2
hours with accompanying moderation
in the' weather. A distance of 79
miles is estimated to be comprised in
the contemplated jump, well within
the capacitX of the planes.
It was pointed out here that no
approval was necessary from Wash-
ington to establishing a substitute
.base or for departure from Reykjavik.
wide discretion having been left i
such matters to the pilots and to their
advisers nearer at hand.
T. Hawley Tapping, field secretary
of the Alumni Association has recent-
ly devised a new plan for securing
football tickets for members of the
Association, whereby all may be ben-
efited. The club members will be sav-
ed a maximum of trouble and the As-
sociation will be better adapted to col-
lect its fees.
All paid-up members may send their
checks along with receipt of dues to
him and he will obtain a block of seats
for the club as a whole. Each mem-
ber will be allowed four seats at each
game, both at home and on -foreign
fields. This does not mean they may
obtain tickets in other ways also. They
will not be allowed more than, the
given number.

The American Pharmaceutical As-
sociation has just issued a.,new year
took, "The Progress of Pharmacy in
1922." Three men of the University
faculty are on the editorial staff. These
are: Prof.. Clifford C. Glover, Asso-
ciate Professor of Pharmascongnosy
and secretary of the College of Phar-
macy and Mr. William J. McGill and
Mr. Leonard R. Wagener, both of the
College of Pharmacy.
Grain has been handled in bags in
South Africa but because of the in-
crease in the crops 38 elevators are
.being built to care for part of it.
Now is the time for all good brain,
to come to the aid of their owners.

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