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August 07, 1923 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1923-08-07

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a tDal

ublished every morning except Monday
ng the summer session.
ember of the Associated Press. The As
ated Press is exclusively entitled to the
for republication of all news dispatches
ited to it or not otherwise credited in
paper and the local news published here-
'tered at the postoflice, Ann Arbor,
higan, as second class matter.
abscription by carrier or mail, $t.so.
iices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
ugnmunications, if signed as evidence of
d faith, will be published in The Summer
ly at the discretion of the Editor. Un-
.4 communications will receive no con-
ration. The signature may be omitted i
ligation if desired by the writer. The
imer Daily does not necessarily endorse
sentiments expressed in the communica-
Telephones a414 and :76-M
Eiitor ..............William Stoneman
torials ............. .Paul If. Einstein
t Editors................Nathan Davis
Robert Ge Ramsay.
lard Heidemann Ada Phelps
aret Geddes Andrew ,."Propper
C.Heraper Regina Reichman
othy Mitts Margaret Stuart
ena Moran Luca Tolhurst
K. foyer Matilda Rosenfeld

ed with the possibility of a prompt re-
cuperation to normalcy.
r Two successive Presidents have giv-
en their strongest efforts during their
terms of office to the emulation of a
great spirit of intern'ational co-op-
eration and good fellowship. Two
have passed from the chair of office
with their purpose unfulfilled. Al-
though opponents in political prin-
ciples, they had a common purpose.
At the failure of one's method the suc-
cess of the other's seemed imminent,
but the latter also failed. Still, the
motive behind each was in accord with
that which incites every human be-
ing to .a love of peace. It is then, the
ideal which we must preserve and
formulate, an ideal which would be
the highest possible tribute to the late
President and of inestimable benefit
to posterity.

Telephone 96o
Iyertising...............Hiel M. Rockwell
ablication ....................D. L. Pierce
ccounts...... .....A. S. Morton
rculatioz ...............John C. Haskin
lizabeth Bartholomew George Stracke
atherine S. Griffiths John A Barrett


Night Editor-NAtHAN M. DAVIS
The world must move along. Noth-
ing, no calamity however great, can
prevent the sun from rising or day
from succeeding night. Ma. in the
same way must keep going; a na-
tional loss, though keenly felt, must
be immnediately .illed. So it takes
nothing'' from .the sincerity of the
inourning for the late President, that
there should be an immediate discus-
isionas to'4what mnannr of man is this
thrust'suddenly into the Presidency
of the United States.
Mr. ooidge who succeeds Presi-
dent Harding as the chief magistrate
is somewhat mystifying. He is best
recalled to the public mind by his
handling as governor of the police-
inens' strike in Boston. He has a
considerable reputation for shrewd-
ness; he is credited with courage and
vior; and he is apparently a man of
few words. Outside of this little can
be forecast'
Will Coolidge carry on his prede-
cessor's policies unchanged or will he
re-direct the course of the nation?
There is no way of telling. In his
first public announcement as Presi-
dent, Mr. Coolidge declares, "It will
be my purpose to carry out the pol-
icies which he has begun for the serv-
ice of the American people and for
mieeting their responsibilities wher-
ever they may arise." There can be
no prophecies based on that state-
mnent. Emerging from the mist that
clothes our Vice-Presiden, the man
nw at the helm is a big question
Tributes are not. the business of
politicians. Nevertheless the -most
suitable memorial which could be
erected to the honor of the great Am-
erican who has just passed away
would be a world brotherhood embody-
ing the ideals which President Hard-
ing held for a World Court plan.
Strorig in his feeling, of moral obliga-
tion toward Europe and the rest of the
world, the late Executive realized the
all-important influence which this
country would exercise in internation-
al circles without active participation
in the petty quarrels and disagree-
ments of the Old World.
Thl' institution of a permanent
world brotherhood would not only im-
mortalize the ideals of the present but
of many generations of peace-loving
American Presidents, who, despite
their antipathy for foreign alliances,
"would have sacrificed much to set the
nations of the world on a basis of in-
timate understanding and unimpaired
co-operation.* Even the men who
inost strongly insisted that we re-
frain from any diplomatic agreements
outside the western hemisphere would
have welcomed gladly, an organization
of this kind under the prevailing con-
ditions of the day.
President Harding did all within his
power to bring the nations of the
world into closer harmony, and could
his ideal of a World Court have been
accepted so that at this time it might
be working on the many perplexing1

Wouldn't it be just as wise to have
term papers mimeographed as to have
several copies of one paper typed one
at a time? If for no other good, it
would help solve the rush in the typ-
ist's office.
The official report of ligfor sales in
the province of Quebec states that the
income has been steady. Judging from
the steadiness of the flow of Canadian
whiskey to this country, it is not sur-
It cost the Spanish government a
little over $7,000 to have Columbus
discover America, according to the
Living Age. It costs some people more
than that to discover Paris.
The French won't be satisfied that
they're in the wrong until Germany
blows up the whole works.
Eyes Across the Sea
Europe in the midst of wrangling
and confusion pauses for a moment to
pay tribute to the memory of Presi-
dent Harding, and wonders how the
change of chief executives in the
great power across the ocean will af-
fect them in their bickering and jeal-
ously contested conferences.
London prepares tohold memor-
lal serviices for President Harding
either in Westminster Abbey or St.
Paul's Cathedral. Numbers of Amer-
ican 'and British flags are flying at
half mast, and newspapers make the
President's death the subject of their
leading editorials. Above all the
coming attitude of the American gov-
ernment on the Ruhr situation, the
League of Nations, and European debts
is anxiously awaited.
Paris is especially interested in
President Coolidge's probable foreign
policy. French statesmen would like
to know his attitude toward the World
Court, The French speculate a good
deal on whether the new President
will travel in the direction of Euro-
pean intervention or isolation. For
the present, the world is watchfully
Preacher's Politics
The clergyman who joins the ranks
of politicians in buying people into
office,. Whether they be the right of
the wronk (sort, ceases to retain his
license of unrestricted criticism of
the "unscrupulous electioneer." Mm-
bers of the church are too often prone
to consider their ideas as unquestion-
able and beyond dispute. And so when
the newly appointed superintendent of
the Michiganu Anti-Saloon league
states that $5,000,000 must be raised
in the United States within the next
decade to "put the right kind of men
in offices of public importance, raise
the moral standards of the nation, and
to make the whole world dry," he ex-
pects that we accept his notion as the
final word of fact.

says that a man is innocent until he
is proved guilty and hence this is a
case of an innocent man spending six
long months in a prison. It sounds
like the Bastille. Is this an exception-
al case or does the law forget more
I confes to that I agree with Long-
fello which says there is one big mis-
take in the human body, as viz.: that
our backs are where they are. If
they reposed in front we would not
catch could even we open our coats;
all so, wen we went to scratch our
backs we could do a good job of it.
* *. *f
Scientists have hashed over many
moons about the deep question-did
monkey or man come first? (A youngc
lady named Eva Lution started thist
here fuss). Wel, refering back to the
above problam, I feel confident thatj
my solution to this will set all doubt
at rest; first come man, then comes
woman, and woman makes monkey
out of man.
Aint Sience grand? Following the
steps of politicians and introducing
graft into there trade, the scientists
are now grafting monkey glands into
old geezers to refresh 'em. Those fel-
los, can do every thing but reduce,
the TI. C. of L. But now, I ask you,
dust to dust, because of which can't
they give us chicken glands and then
we can lay our own eggs?
Much words -hds been passed in re-
gards about the Irish and the Mexic-
ans are so much a like because they
both are all ways fighting. With my
rights per citisen of the U. S. I pro-
tests most violently. War is only a
habit with the Mexicans, but, begorra,
an industry to the Irish!
In reflecting back over the long list
and annals of Dumbells, ( I come to
none wich tells of a human so less
of intelligence as one wich I met. On
the edgness of exasperation I pointed
up towards the sky and asked, "Is
that the sun or the moon up there?"
To which le. answers in reply, "I
don't know; I don't live in this neigh-
I --------'-----

pundit. This is one reason why
there is more hope from self-gov
e~rnment in industry than from State
But if leisure is a necessity, sat-
isfying a strong immemorial instinct,
how can there be too much of it? Why
should anybody work at all, save as a
spontaneous contrast to his leisure?
In August, even the mildest specula-
tion is a weariness. It is enough for
the lazy to know 'that laziness is a
virtue, industry a vice to be restricted
as much as the present industrial sys-
tem admits. As for the ant, she is in-
vited to go to the -sluggard, consider
his ways and be wise.
Instead of paying a big price for
blank stationery, send us your name
and address and we will send you a
free sample of Milo Name and Ad
dress Stationery.
It sells at $1.00 per box of 75 en-
velopes with 75 double sheets to
match. The paper is beautiful-
Linen Finish-and on each envelope
and sheet of writing paper we print
your name and address in rich blue.
In fact, it's a $3.00 value for $1.00.
It's a wonderful quality and costs
leess than you have been paying for
blank paper.
Milo Name and Address Stationery
will please you: Write for free sam-
ple today. Address Westlake Station-
ery Co., 120 North Erie Street, Toledo,
F O O D always tates
much better if the
surroundings are right.
There is no pleasanter
place in Ann Arbor in
which to eat than

Text Books and Supplies for All Colleges
GRAHAM'S-Both Ends of the Diagonal

- The Store of Service-
S ET your watch by the Clock
in our window! This time
will always be correct be-
cause it is regulated by electricity.
Just plug into the light socket and
you will have the correct time
right on your desk or in your
own home. We have the agency
for the new clocks. , They are the
Telechron. Be sure you get the
Telechron.. Others are merely


Arthur . Arnold

State Street Jewelry






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Electric Hair Dryer,




(New York Times)
Some of us have never got over our
resentment at the advice and direc-
tions we had to learn at Sunday school;
"Go to the ant, thou sluggard; con-
sider her ways and be wise." This wis-
dom of the ant, pe#petually bustling
and fussing and working overtime,
seems doubtful to youthful observers.
The last instance of that quality was
taken by Mr. Julian Huxley from the
Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences:
For each rise of ten degrees
centigrade the ants go about double
as fast. * * * On a warm day an ant
will go through a task four of five
times as heavy as she will on a
cold one.
Ants must be particularly silly to
do a thing like that. It is a pleas-
ure to be told by an illustrious mathe-
matician, philosopher and recon-
structor of society, Mr. Bertrand Rus-
sell, that too much work, indeed much
work, is immoral. Writing on "Leis-
ure and Mechaxnism," in the Dial, he
defines "virtues" as "those mental and
physical habits which ,tend to pro-
duce a good community"; "vices" as
"those that tend to produce a bad one."
Most men don't like to work. It is
called a curse in Genesis. Heaven is
figured as a place where nobody
works. The regularity of work under
industrialism has made it particularly
unpleasant, a contradiction of instinct.
The best we can do is to mare the
hours as short as possible. "Four
hours' boredom a day" must people
could stand. The important thing is
leisure,, with its opportunities of vol-
untary and various activities, quiet,
return' to the soil; to substitute "in-
stinctive satisfaction" for "instinctive
dissatisfaction." The professional and
other middle classes haven't partially
cured their instinctive dissatisfaction,
greater than that of the wage earn-
ers, as the latter have. The competi-
tive system
should have made life more leisure-
ly, but it has made it more hustling.
Increase of leisure, diminution of
hustle, are the ends to be sought,
not mere quantitative increase of
production. The trade unions have
clearly perceived this, and have
persisted in spite of lectures from
every kind of middle or upper class



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Daily Excursion/ to
0 c One RouodlTrip $1.25 Sund
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Leamres Ded it SDaiy 9 a.-a. (E. T.)
The finest exclusive excu Fon rateamer, the Pat-in-Bay, noted
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Connections at Put-ia-Ba satmametretftrCleveland, Toledo and Lakiei
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A seilexcnruiop Is matde~eeerFr~syto Cedaint-the fresh water r
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at Pu t-n-Bayl Las d Pint at5 nand Put-inBay t 7 p
arivback in Detroit 1t30 pFarp-C sdar oit1.50 round trip;Pat
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'OM twtser Map Felder
laesDetroit 8 m- As hley& Dustin
S ad da7Steamer,.ne
LFeet O First Stireet
"I Detrolt, MI

Morality and the clergy are insep-
arable, and still this solicitous pastor
would stoop to the position of a cam-
paigning politician, maybe not in his
own name, but certainly in that of the
organization he represents, openly
electioneeringL and gtill expect the
respect whicl is due a member of the
church to be forthcoming. The clergy-
man has his acknowledged place with-
in the sphere of moral influence but
in taking a step directly in conflict
with the code which he has preached,
he ceases to perform his assigned
The Law Forgot
John Keogh, of Detroit, has been
waiting since Feb. 7 in the county
jail without a preliminary hearing.
Keogh was charged with a violation of
the Federal prohibition law and for
six months has been waiting arraign-
ment, but someone made a slip and
without due process of law a man has
Pnt ' ninM inno n- .Thelnna r

G. Claude Drake's


"The Quarry"

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