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July 31, 1923 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1923-07-31

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except Monday

iber of the Assciated Press. The As-
dl Press s exclusively entitled to the9
r republication of all news dispatches
d ato' it nor not oterise credited in
ps and the local news published here.
red ; at4 ths potoffice, Ann Arbor,1
'an, s second class matter.
cription by carrier or mail, $i.so.
leia: Anl Arbor. PrsuBuilding.' 1
munications,'if signed as evidence of1
aith, will be published in The Summer
Rt the discretion of the Editor. Un-
communications will receive no con-l
ion.. Te signature may be omitted in
ttoa 'if :desired; by the Writer. The
r Daily doe not necessarily endorse1
atiments expresed in the cmaunaica-
'elephones *414 and 176-M
itor.............Wiliam Stoneman1
als ...............Paul L. Einstein
Editors...............Nathan Davis
Robert G Ramsay.
d Heidleann Ada Phels r
et Geddesa Andrew 1. Propper
Heraper Regina Reichman ]
ty Mitts Margaret Stuart
iMoran Lugk Tolhurst
Boyer Matilda Rosenfeld
Telephone 96o
.......Hiel M. Rockwell
........ .D. l. Pierce
its ........... ..,. S. Morton
tion ..... ...........John C. Haskin
eth rthAomew George Stracke
ies. Grifiths John A. Barrett
TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1923
it Editor-W. H. STONEMAN
xd fellowship such as was evid-
by the recent banquet tendered
Yost and other members of the
ing School faculty by the stu-
in that department is typical of
pinit which should exist between
>ers of the student body and their
ies. The dinner, which was giv-
appreciation of' the efforts of the
1and his associates, reflected a
nal appreciation of the work the
tilg staff has done during the
iar course.
ile intimacy and personal contact
iuch more frequent in classes
icted informally, as are many of
oaching courses, than elsewhere,
not a difficult thing to estab-
closer personal relationship be
:the student and his professor .
man who goes through . college
>ut becoming personally acquaint-
ith. at least one member of the
by with whom he can talk freely
o whom he can come for advice
ighty problems has not obtained
tat a university education has to
partmental or class functions in
6 the entire faculties would meet
ly with their students could do
in encouraging a personal com-
Lp between professors and their
s. Annual or semi-annual smok-
ad other gatherings of a similar
e at which only a few members
te faculties are present cannot
iately fill the need. More fre-
:and personal meetings are ne-
ry. Even informal, (possibly
informal),. conversations would
ice the desired result. Occasion-
aversation with an intelligent in-
nal always arouses in one who is
elf intelligent, the desire for more
.sive and closer relationship.
e European plans of higher edu-
n invariablyallow for much more
.acy between professor and stu-
Here it is not prohibited, and
s not encouraged. To be sure we
a large institution but still there

e professor to approximately ev-
L6 students. Apportioning these
g four years, (that is to say
intimate terms be reached only
e senior year), there would be
our students to each member of
'aculty. It certainly is not too
for a professor to acquire four
friends each year, in fact the op-
nity to so establish himself as a
ade would in all probability be
omed.. If such an ideal state of
s could be reached, teaching
d no longer be considered merely
>cess for diffusion of information.
professor - student relationship;
d become a personal element, one
ie most influential factors in
ding an ideal university.
interesting instance of national-
functioning as the sole preserv-
of a state was presented by Boris
meteff, Russian ambassador to
counntry under the Kerensky re-
in a discussion before the Insti-
of Politics in session at Williams

to carry the armies of Russia into Po-.
land and Germany in the cause of the
Soviet. Citing the instance of the re-
cent war against Poland the diplo-
mtt stated that the Red army "fought
valiantly while they were driving the
Poles out of Russia, but when they
reached the border they refused to
fight any more and turned around."
Such a spirit of protective nation-
alism, not mercenary, land-grabbing
nationalism which has self-perpetua-
tion and expansion at the expense of
others as its sole aim, is ideal. It is
hard to conceive of anything in chao-
tic Russia' as "ideal" but If this at-
titude persists and eventuallytrans-
forms the radical system of govern-
ment into a well organized, self-gov-
erning organization; as the former am-
bassador feels it will, nationalism, of
the proper sort will indeed be the hero
in a cause which at one time appeared
hopeless .,
Henry Ford celebrated his birthday
with "business as usual," making lit-
tle of the fact that 60 years ago today'
he was ushered into the world with a
lucky tin star hovering over-head.
We suppose that if he, should by any
remote chance be elected to the Pres-
idency, he will change his attitude and
proclaim July 30 a national holiday.
Reports state that the five wives of
the late Francisco Villa are all pre-
sen'ting claims for his fortune. In one
respect at least, did the bandit chief
have something in common with a
great historical figure. Henry VIII,
had five wives too. Still, he didn't al-
low many of them to survive him.
Classifying Couzens,
Sen. James Couzens is being crit-
icized, laughed at, abused, excoriated,
and praised for his stand in favor of
five per cent beer. In Detroit, the
Sunday sermons attacked the senator
and accused him of everything from'
insanity to traffic with criminals.
"I ask you, Senator Couzens, if you
are prepared to accept the responsi-
bility of being associated with the
renegades of the law, the dive-keepers
the denizens of the underworld, who
will flock to your banner?" asks one
clergyman. Another sermon says, "It
is hoped that Senator Couzens, who
seems morally afflicted with an eating
disease, will join the cause of law-
abiding, virile forces of the nation
rather than the leprous forces of so-

careless driving has secured upon the
American automobilist is too firm to
Text Books and Sup
EATMOR & -fVAYMOR, ' S , y
NEXT TIME some fare so-educator
fishes around for facial compliments
within our heering we are femly re- WOMEN'S LEAGUE TO GIVE
solvedto say, "Yes, yoursure are per- PARTY SATURDAY EVENING F a
ty, but then even a' barn looks good F 0
wen is frshly aintd." m tch b,
wen its freshly painted." The Women's league will give the s uhni
third of a series of summer parties' I'h is
that it is a scientific fact that nokmat- baturday afternoon at 330 o'clock, in
ter how fast a fish swims, it never Barbour gymnasium. The main fea- place in Ai
sweats? ture of the party will be the stunts. which to ea
Corko.swhich will be put on by various houses
* * *. on the campus. The audience will be TUTTLE
-the judge of the stunts. All Univer-r R
Ans: Thanx weny much for thestywmnndterredsaen-*AYA
info. Praytel did you ever know that sity women and their friends are in- MAYN A
howsoever much a prune may be stew- vifed 'to attend..
ed, it never gets drunk?
* * Patronize The Daily advertisers. II111111 1111iiIi111I
The Accident
_________ __gap__11_1_____ r

)plies for All Colleges

Ends of the Diagonal



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lways takes
letter if the
s are right.
no pleasanter
nn Arbor in
t than



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Every afternoon. .. A iso Sunday
afternoon:; an! evenings
Brown's Pavilion, Lakeland. Mich.

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VISIT historic r
Gatstvay to Irish Hills


Ill Eli III l l fi t I1111111111111111111

A mysterious hish settled over the
excited crowd of spectators, as the
two great football teams rushed to-
gether. There came a crash of man
against man and the thud of falling
bodies. The referee's whistle rose
shrilly from the mass and the players
slowly unwotnd. Figure after figure
stood up until only one silent shape,
surrounded 'by his comrades, lay on
the ground. A startled murmur ran
through the crowd. Who had been in-
jured? Mothers grew pale and pray-
ed that it was not their son; students
groaned a4d imagined the worst.
Why did those ;around the prostrate

Eastern Standard Time
(Effective July jo, 1923)
Limited and Express Cars to Detroit
-6:oo a.m., 7:00 a.n., 8:oo am., 9:05
a.m. and hourly until 9 :05 p.m.
Limited Cars to Jackson--8:47 a.m.,
10:47 am., 12:47 p.m., 2:47 p.m., 4:47
P.m., 6:47 p.m., 8:47 P.m.
Express Cars to Jackson (Local stops
west of Ann Arbor)= :47 a.m. and
every two hours until 94:47 P.m..
Local Cars to Detroit-7:oo am.,
'8:55 am, and every two hours until
8:55 p.m., 1 i :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti
Local Cars to Jackson-7:50 a.m.
and then 12:1o a.m.
Connection made at Ypsilanti to
Saline and at Wayne to Aymouth and

: L aunderers, Cle
Cents' Suits..............I
Ladies' Suits...... $1.5
rHONE 1(

ioRr co.

0 up




one not let him be seen Could it be
something very serious? A player _____________________________
dashed to the sidelines and after a SUPERFLUOUS
brief consultation the coach rushed
onto the field, carrying an extra pair TA L JA f R
of football pants. A quick change, Removed Permanty byally Ex
a scurrying of players, and the game Electro-Cosmetic Service
was on. 224 Nickel's Arcade
.* * * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Court Notes GARRICK TST 25-50c c One
A man was brought up for selling 14th Annual Season Nights 25-50-75c-$1
his vote at the election of City Editor TH"BNSLLE a
of the Garbage ollectingDept. the In Richard Walton Tully's a
other day. When he was asked what "The Bird of Paradise" f'he finest exclus
. . its large baliroom
he called such an act if not criminal, ,NEXT WEEK-'"SIX-CYLINDER LOVEs" dancing aboard,
he remarked that it was merely a prac- Four hours cramme
tical application of Political Economy. groves for lunching
Court Reporter* Connections at Put -


cursion to


Round Trip $ .2
(Return Same Day)
awee Detroit Daly 9 a. (tn. (E. T.)

5 Svidays
Ioi. -days

It is a curious tact that a country
in which free speech is recognized as'
one of the main accompaniments off
liberty is at all times loud in its attack
upon those of its mnembers who 'are
not afraid to express their views. Sen-
ator Couzenp has had the courage
to speak upon a subject which most
politicians are afraid to touch; and
right or wrong, he is justified in ex-
pecting that his opinions will be con-
sidered sincere and upright, and not
attempts to truckle with criminals.
"Stick to the Job, But Loaf"
"Stick to the job, but loaf!" That
is the slogan adopted by the Indus-
trial Workers of the World to make
lumber production unprofitable- The
bulletin to the lumber workers which
appeared in .a Chicago L W. W. pub-
lication reads, "We must all be on the
job, drawing wages but making no
profit for the boss. It is not neces-
sary to break any laws to do this.
Figure out just how little work you
can A do and get by. Do that and no
The members of the I. W. W. seem
to realize just how unprofitable it is
to have anyone doing as little work as
they can get away with. It is some-
thing that the world in general does
not comprehend. Many stick to their
jobs in a haphazard sort of way-
but they loaf.
Death-Dealing Speed
When one passenger train kills' 13
'people in a single run over a distance
of less than three hundred miles, one
wouldthink it would almost be enough
to demoralize the men who guided
the death-dealer along its course. One
cannot wonder, then, that the train and
engine crew of train jnumber 30 on
the Pennsylvania lines between Terre
Haute and Saint Louis were at the
point of prostration when they arrived
at the former point Sunday after two
distinct collisions with Sunday tour-
ists- After killing four people near
Highland, Ill., the train increased its
speed to make up for the lost time.
Just outside of Terre Haute it crashed
into another auto and instantly killed
'its nine occupants. In neither case
was the train found to blame but
there can be little doubt that the de-
mon "speed," took his full toll in this
incident. Nothing short of complete
abondonment of all grade crossings
will ever eliminate the danger of such

THAT REMINDS us of thescolored
man who wen reproved by, his better
half for laziness, said: "Chile doan,
you-all take cognizance ub de differ-
ence tween laziness and dignified
ease ?",
It was once Ouggested that the let-
ters M. E. following a man's name did
not niean "Mechanical Engineer," but
"Master- at Ease."



(Iron Mountain News)
Without wishing the University of'
Valparaiso any bad luck, it may still
be said that the proposal to relieve
the institution of its financial troubles
by turning it over to the Ku Klux
Klan involves possibilities that would
prove highly interesting.
A university controlled by the Klan
would be-with .obvious differences-
somewhat in the position of a college'
controlled by a church. Will the Klan,
if it takes over the college, establish
a department analagous to a divinity
school and train embryo kleagles in
the ethics, ritual and ceremonies of
the order? Will there be professors
of night riding, intimidation, castiga-
tion and the organized censorship of
private morals?
All of that seems possible, and it is
conceivable that in course of time,
trouble might develop leading to bitter
debate over questions of doctrine with
heresy trials and much talk about ac-
ademic freedom as a result. Valpar-
aiso, has a department of law which,
under Klan management, might get
itself into as much trouble as any lib-
eral theologian ever had with Mr. Bry-
an. Suppose some daring professor of
constitutional law in a Ku Kluxed
'university should teach that public of-
fenses cannot be dealt with in this
country by private organizations, or
should insist upon the sacredness of
trial by jury, what would happen to
The Klan cannot survive where that
kind of law prevails, and cannot nurse
a viper who teaches it. Perhaps there
is enough wisdom in the white-shirted
crew. to anticipate these difficulties
and perceive that a university educa-
tion will never harmonize with Klan
practices. If there is not, then the
country may witness something new
in the ancient field of education.

"Joy co meth in
the morning
Joy to the heart of
every lady who has
been wearing Silk
RUNS the fear
of all is no longer a
disturbing element.

The Put-in-Bay m
one way.
Special F
A special eicursion
. to Atlantic City-ti
groves, and all out
hours at Put-in-Bay
arrive back in Detro
Bay. 80 cents.
Dancing Moon
Leaves Detroit 8:
Faree'Wed., Thurs.i
Sun. and Holidays,,
Lm Sw
- Deliver

:45 p. m.
,c. Sat..


Mive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, not i for
a, makes this trip a memorable one. Orchestra and
without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard.
d wIth outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Bay-bathing-dais-ing-
and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, and P.3rry's
in-Bay with steamers for Cleveland, Toledo and Lai ,iside.
Daily to Sandusky
kes the run through to Sandusky every day. Fare-$1.50
riday Excursions to Cedar Point
is made every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rival
e finest bathing beach in the world-large summer hotels,
door amusements. Four hours at Cedar Point and seven
I Leaving Cedar Point at S p m. and Put-in-P'y at 7 p. m.;
oit 10:30 p. m. Fare-Cedar Point, $1.50 rounml trip; ut-in-

Write for Map Folder -
Ashley & ADustin
Steamer Line
Foot of First Street
Detroit, Mich.


half. your clothes bills from now
on. Heretofore you sold your
clothes or gave them away when
they became spotted. Now all
you have to do is send, them to us
and they are good for another
period of wear. It certainly is
economy "to have them dry-
cleaned with


a Life Insurance -f or
Silk Stockings.



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vissilized Garments Stay Clean Longer


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