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July 29, 1923 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1923-07-29

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ig except Monday

Associated Press. The' As-
exclusively entitled to the
on of all news dispatches
not otherwise credited in
local news publishedl here-
postofice, Ann Arbor,
d class matter.
carrier or mail, $t.3o.
bor Press Building.
if signed as evidence of
published in The Sunimer
'etion of the Editor. Un-
ions will receive no con-
enature may be omitted in
red by the writer. ThFie
es not necessarily endorse
ressed in the conimunica-

these diverting influences reaches in-
to the hundreds as it does here. If
personal acquaintanceship between
every studentand his dean could be
achieved there might be some means
of pulling the indifferent student into
the spirit of comradeship and particip-
ation which alone can make a real col-
lege bred individual. This is of course=
impossible because of the numbers in-
The ability to associate with oth-
ers marks the success of one's educa-
tion and whether or not the graduate
has absorbed the greater part of that
culture and practical knowledge to
which he was exposed at 'college, he
cannot succeed without adapting him-
self to the art of conversation and in-
telligent interchanging of ideas. Many
of those who have the best intentions,
'and think they are getting the most
out of their college course in reality,
benefit the least for that very reason.
The American tourist invasion of
France this year outnumbers all prev-
ious records except 1917 and 1918
when the visitors were, chiefly male
and did not do much de luxe travel-
_. E

L'elephones. 2414 and 176-M
tor ...............William Stoneman
s ..... ... Paul L. Einstein
itors................Nathan Davis
Robert G, Ramsay.
Heidemann Ada Phelps
trGeddes Andrew E. Propper
[eraper Regina Reichnian
Mitts Margaret Stuart
Moran Lucy T(AhUrSt
oyer Matilda Rosenfeld
Telephone 96o
Eng ....... . .......Iliel M. Rockwell
ion....... .D. L. Pierce
A. S. Morton
.John C. Haskin.
Bartholomew George Stracke
e S. Griffiths John A. Barrett
SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1923
i any discovery is made in sciw
r medicine, the newspapers are
interested. Stories of new
ons and latest developments in
fi research always have a-
ews interest value, and when
*f some discovery reaches the
*f a daily paper the opinion of
ent men are naturally solicit-
it here the reporter often finds
f in a quandary because of the
invariable attitude of the spe-
'spaper science" is always ridi-
>y the specialist. To the doc-.
id men of science, reports of
s scientific in the daily press
bsuid," or "untenable" or "in-
hensible-" The general atti-
f the savant is that the lang-
f science is comprenhensible
the initiate, and that any at-
at accurate and comprehensible
ts of scientific news in the daily
s useless.
rdingly, whensthe reporter ap-
es the scientist for "dope" on
ew development, the interview
t cases (there are exceptions
rse) is either 'refused or else
iguage of the learned gentle-
s couched in the longest and
lifficult words and scientific
The result is that even an in-
it and literate journalist often
es a somewhat garbled account
ew discovery. The silent and
ptuous scientist will, howhver,
insist that the inaccuracy or
ration of "newspaper science"
lly the fault of the reporter. A
r attitude to those who are al-
eeking to bring the latest hope
cience offers an eager puiblic
undoubtedly produce better and
.ccurate results.,

Pola gave her
shoulder once to+
match is out.

"Charlie" the cold
oQten and now their

Still Going Down-Sub-basement
Since the quotations for German
marks. have reached 'another lowest
mark in history, a new system of ex-
pression offers itself to replace the
former phrase of "marks to the dol-
lar." The New York foreign ex-
change market yesterday quoted the
foreign paper as "1,000,000 marks for
85 cents." It's now cents to the mil-
lion marks. Getting pretty low and
still they/keep on turning paper off the
presses as fast as the machines will
How would you like to be tak ig a
course in accounting over in Gei-
many now? 'The problems which puz-
zle students of Ec 38 here would look
like nothing next to dealing in rtril-
lions of marks. Unless the tumbling
stops soon there will be a paper short-
age caused by two phenomena, the
voluminous prouluction of currency
and the tremendous consumption of
accountancy paper for keeping books.
Or maybe money has come to mean so
little to the German proprietor that'
he doesn't bother with keeping ac-
counts any more. r
Blue Law Blues
Mason county, Michigan, will en-
joy a blue law Sunday. Notices were
issued yesterday to the effect that all
persons will be arrested if they drive
an automobile, dlrive a horse, dance,
play croquet, golf, checkers, dominoes,
tiddlewinks, authors, or whist; swim,
dance, wade, whistle, sing-otherwise
than in worship-or yin any manner
indulge in any activity which may be
classed as recreation. No trains will
be allowed to enter the county, nor
trolleys to run, nor taxis, buses, or
other vehicles. Theaters, drug stores,
confectioneries, billiard halls, and res-
taurants will be closed. No newspa-
pers will be sold, and only "neces-
sary" work will be permitted.

of keeping enterprising lumber inter-
ests out of the country rather than al-
low the great forests to be drained
of their stores with one stroke.
The conservation policy will in all
probability be upheld and what wealth
the enterprising capitalists would have
turned into their own pockets will flow
in a slow steady stream toward the
federal treasury. Gradual develop-
ment will establish Alaska as a pros-
perous Amdrican province instead of
turning it into a colony of mental lab-
orers working to increase the resourc-
es of American capitalists.
SAID THE copy of Baseball Mag-
azine, "I am a heavy hitter, I am."
"Well, I've swatted a few mean flies
myself," retorted a copy of yesterday's
Bozo tells us the headline of a story
where a conspirator turned in in-
I formation and prevented a tragedy:
"A Snitch in Time Saves Nine."
Dear Tarik: I noticed that in the
report of a recent meeting of the Buf-
fald city council the gentlemen who
convey away the garbage receptacles
from back doors were referred to as
"Sanitary Engineers." Some enter-
prising young college ought to take
up this suggestion and make a uni-
versity out of it.
~* * *
Contribs! Contribs!
Dear Mr. Tarik: As a new way of
collecting past due bills I would like
ta suggest that the collector ask the
man politely if he would be in a posi-
tion to settle that little.debt, etc.. It
certainly has never been tried.
Inlait Morns.
When a professor makes a mistake
nobody knows the differents.
When a plumber m'akes a mistake
he charges ypu dubble.
When a judge makes a mistake it
becomes the law of the land.
When a doctor makes a mistake h
berries it.'
When a preecher makes a mistake
nobody hears it.
But when an editor makes a mistake
-good nite.
BpLpIEVE US the abuv is certainly
true. Wy, for instance, if we should
misspell a word once, just tiny little
mistake, you' no how 'it is, wy we
wouldn't hear the last of it for years.
(That's one reason wy we go under
a misalliance. "Don't give your own
naim" is a saying which is not to be
sniffed at.)

Text Books and Supplies for All Colleges
GRAHAM'S-Both Ends. of the Diagonal

O O D always tastes
much better if the
surroundings are right.'
There is no pleasanter
place in Ann Arbor in
which to eat than

force; and will be accentuated. It will
have become responsible not alone for
its own indebtedness but for the i'n-
(debtedness of Germany to the other
war allies.
The- creditors of France can prop-
erly be slow also about giving con-
sideration to a "poor mouth," because
France will find itself relieved-or
as an offset to its loss of indemnity,
shorn-of its one excuse for the build-
ing up of its naval and aerial strength
enterprises, now consuming the bulk
Af its revenues.
Look ovgr the values in the classi-
Patronize The Daily advertisers.





'. ^"'

Week Starting ffK Nights 25c-50c--75-$1
TOMORR6W Popular Matnee
r uTues., Thurs.'and Sat.
(Moqday. July 30) 25r-500
STh [UNDAY)I e Gold D uig 11
In Richard Walton Tully's Romanee of Hawaii
The Play of a Woman's Soul
A n Adj usta blIe
'Reading-Lamp $550 -
Made entirely of metal
Will throw the light rays exactly where
you want them, thus making reading and
study as easy as possible for the ,eyes.
Indispensable if one desires to use an easy
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Will lst a lfetime
The Detroit Edison
Main at William r- Telephone 23009

THIS boy is paging us be-
cause h knows that
we can respond to any call
for awnings. We use the
best materials and employ
only the most reliable kind
of workmanship.- Lowest
"We Keep Out the Sun"
A ivnings and Tents
603 W. Michigan Ave.
Ypsilanti, Mich.
No.- 1Autographic
Kodak Special

ill the complaints which make
appearance regularly on a col-
ampus, the most frequent dis-
s the restriction which invar-
directs -the interests of the stu-
ody along certain lines and for-
nterloping on all disapproved
is. .Seldom does one realize that
ministrative officers of the Uni-
r are face to face with a problem
ie opposite in essential nature.
of the puzzles which has com-
d attention for several years is
ow, to interest the "submerged;
of the student- body in extra-
ular activities and associations.
ten per cent of the students
re hermits living in the midst of
sand different interests, yet con-
of none save the dutiful pur-
their studies. , Disinterested in
npus affairs and ignorant of the
which intimate friendships or
ess permanent acquaIntances
ontribute to their development,
ive entirely among their books,
h an existence can be called

The people who were so insistent
for blue law enforcement in Luding-;
ton will be permitted to go to church,
eat, walk, and twirl their thumbs on
Sunday. Perhaps they will have time
to do a bit of. thinking and -mayhap
their thoughts will turn to self-analy-
sis. In that case blue law Sunday
dyill not have been wated.
Curing i eart's 1)btemper
Out of fear for William Randblf
He.rt's influence in political affairs
through his numerous publications,
the members of Tanimany Hall are at-
tempting to fortify themselves against
the publisher's editorial hammer by
the nomination of Mrs. Heart for
soibe office on the Democratic ticket.
While Hearst has been only lukewarm
in his support of the Democratic par-
ty, his wife has always stood as an
ardent supporter of everything Tam-
many ever stood for. 'Politicians will
have at least benefited directly from
the suffrage amendment in this one
case if they are able to secure the
husband's support through the nom-
ination of his wife.
A Political Upset
When President harding contem-
plated his trip into the Alaskan terri-
tory, the "anti-conservationists" who'
have opposed the policy of limiting
the exploitation of the wealthy prov-
ince by protective legislation looked
upon his visit as the means which

(Detroit Free Press)
Elementary prudence counsels re-
ceiving with considerable "reserve"
the story from Paris that a dissolution
of the German nation into its compon-
ent parts is inminent as a result of
the fearful financial condition of the
country and as a result of the French
occupancy of the Ruhr. Though Ger-
many's situation is very bad, there
still is a good deal of room for won-
dering whether the wish in France
may not be the father of the thought
that comes from its capital city; and
even granpng that certain German
'capitalists are in Great Britain dis-
cussing plans with the British, it does
not follow that they are presenting for
consideration the alternative schemes
sset forth by the correspondent.,
Still there is no safety in denying
that anything in particular will surely
fail to happen in Europe today. And
if it develops that the story from
Paris i's based on fact, and if Ger-
many goes to pieces and becomes
Prussia, -East Prussia, Saxony, Bav-
aria and several other states large and
small, what will be the position of
France after this has taken place?
France then will have killed the
proverbial gooses and 'mangled its re-
mains. France may thereafter retain
the Ruhr, but there will be no more
hope for reparations because the gov-
ernment under pledge to furnish them
will no longer be existent. It will have
died so hopelessly isolvent also, that
a creditors' meeting will be mostly a
waste of time and energy.
And since the slaughtered bird in
this particular instance will not be the
exclusive property of the executioner,
France will find itself accountable to
the other Entente powers for an in-
jury it has inflicted upon them. Its
financial obligations to the outside
world' in general and to the United
States in particular will continue in full

SOC One Rowid Trip $ .2
Way (Return ae Day)
/ Leaves Detroit Ualy 9 a. m. (E. T.)


Daily Excursion to

The new SPEciAL is the
greatest achievement in hand
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T'S no bigger than your
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ture range hitherto
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Seven adjustable speeds from
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sliding scale that automatically
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Kodak Anastigmat Lens f.6.3
-assuring clean-cut negatives
-24 x 3Y inches.
It's on our Kodak counter.
Price complete $50

The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted for
its large ballroom, makes this trip a memorable on.. Orchestra and
dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteriaaboard.
Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Putin-Bay-bathing-dancing-
goves for lunching and athletic fiels. See the wonderful Caves, and Perry's
Connections at Put-in-Bay with steamers for Cleveland, Toledo and Lakeside.
Daily to Sandusky
The Put-in-Bay mnkes th run tIrough to Sandusky everyday. Fare-S$.50'
one way.
Special Friday Excursions to Cedar Point
A specil excursion is mad1e every Friday to' Cedar Point-the fresh water rival
to Atlantic City-the finest bathing beachin the world-large summer hotels,
groves, and all outdoor amusements. Four hours at Cedar Point and seven
hours at Put-In-Bays Leaving Cedar Point at5 .m. and Put-in-Bay at 7 p. m.;
arrive back in Detroit- 10:30 p. n. Fare-Cedar Point, $1.50 round trip; Put-in-
Bay, 80 cents.


Dancing Moo*lIghtts
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Fare, WDe Thus c. Sat
Sun. and illidays.' 750.

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Ashley & Dustin
Steamer Une
Foot of First Street
Detroit, Mich.



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in his annual
is situation as

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I woni I

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