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January 10, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-01-10

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r Ddign aily
Sixty-Eighth Year

w/hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.

DAY, JANUARY 10, 1958


Debate: Should Regent
Elections Be Partisan?

"Think They'll Stand Still While We Catch Up?"
-_ .
3 4- .

Ike's Budget Program
Based cm T wo AiEms
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-President Eisenhower's State of the Union message
yesterday is supposed to alert Americans to the overseas threat to
national security and to calm the nerves of those who fear for the
health of the domestic economy.
Congressional leaders who have been briefed on both yesterday's
message and the federal budget still to come say that the administration
program seems based on two aims:
1) Increased military spending to meet the Russians advance in
missiles, without cutting back much if any on domestic spending.
2) A boost to the domestic economy by the increase in federal
spending to a peace time record of 74 billion dollars. It is hoped this

Partisan . : .

TERE IS AN OLD and fallacious belief that
there is something inherently evil in politics
and politicians. Any many observers, arguing
from this premise, contend there are certain
public offices and institutions which should be
as far removed from partisanship as possible.
Proposals to have University Regents elected
on a non-partisan ballot are just one form of
this argument.
If election is to be the method by which the
controlling body of a state-supported educa-
tional institution is selected-and it may well
be this is not the most adequate method--
then there is little reason why the institution
should be exempt from the partisan political
method of policy formulation.
EACH YEAR the Michigan voter is faced with
several elections and a host of candidates;
the Regents election is not one of the better
known contests. Because of this, political par-
ties provide the candidate an easy and effective
method of 'reaching the voter; indeed, most
voters probably would prefer to identify Re-
gental candidates by the general philosophies
of their parties rather than by seeking and
individually judging their personal views on
education. And since it seems obvious that most
voters never would seek out the candidates
separate views, non-partisan elections provide
no basis which he (the voter) could use to
make a decision.
Another objection to non-partisan elections
rises when the mechanics of such a process
are considered. It is quite likely there would
develop a situation similar to Michigan's meth-
od of electing Supreme Court justices where
the candidates are nominated at party con-
ventions and elected on a separate, "non-
partisan" ballot.
The play of forces in politics is still one of
the best methods for directing institutions and
officers in the public limelight, and as much as
the University might like to be out of this
limelight, such is not the case and, as long as
it recdives state funds, never will be.

Non-Partisan .. .
THREE NEW Democratic members of the
Board of Regents will attend the Board's
January meeting Friday for the first time. Two
Democrats were elected last spring and the
other was appointed recently by Gov. Williams.
Partisan-wise, the Board is now equally "split"
with , four Democrats and four Republicans
holding seats.
But should the Board of Regents be thought
of in partisan terms? Since they function as
an autonomous group, severed from legislative
control, except through appropriations, and
apparently severed from political control, why
not make 'this break complete by electing
regents on non-partisan tickets?
Ideally, our educational system here should
be above politics, and the people who control
our University should be elected on merit, not
on party lines. Since the function of the Board
is essentially a-political, no question of parti-
san politics should arise in connection with
the regents and their decisions.
THOUGH IT seems unlikely that parties do
exert political control over Board members,
the possibility is there-and shouldn't be. Un-
fortunately, since the average voter is ignorant
of the Board's function and candidate qualifi-
cations, many regents tend to be elected along
party lines. If party support were withdrawn,
candidates would have to rely more on strong
campaigning tactics and less on party popu-
In the case of the recent appointment, it
was rumored consideration was given for ap-
pointing ex-Regent Connable. But since Con-
nable is a Republican, and' the Regents are a
partisan institution, the possibility is strong
that partisan considerations prevailed. This is'
understandable, considering the position of the
Governor. But the question still remains, should
this decision ideally have been made along
partisan lines?
Personnel Director


To Meet or Not to Meet.. .


The State of the Union

Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
Union message indicates there is a good
chance that United States foreign policy is
coming out of the dark woods at last. The
President said - and said forcefully - many
things which had to be spelled out to get the
cold war into proper focus.
The President's review suggests that Ameri-
can policy makers-a year almost to the day
from the promulgation of the Eisenhower
Doctrine-have been taking a thoughtful look
at the facts of life in an era of unrelenting cold
It indicates a recognition of the probability
that despite Sputniks, missiles and armaments
in general, the East-West military standoff
persists and the decisive battles of the cold war
still must be fought in the economic and poli-
tical arenas. The President kept his eye on
the nation's defense requirements in his ihnas-
sage, but he appeared to be cautioning against
a national stampede.
"We could make no more tragic mistake
than merely to concentrate on military strength.
For if we did this, the future would hold
nothing for the world but an age of terror,"
he said.
r ENATION, said the President, must "never
become so preoccupied with our desire for
military strength that we neglect those areas of
economic development, trade, diplomacy, edu-
cation, ideas and principles where the foun-
dations of peace must be laid."
With the Russians throwing all their energy

into "total cold war," the President cautioned:
"The nonmilitary drive, if underestimated,
could defeat the free world, regardless of our
military strength. This danger is all the greater
precisely because many of us fail or refuse to
recognize it."
These are forthright words. United States
policy leas erred in this respect in recent years.
The President showed a willingness to concede
some errors of judgment. If this means there
has been some soul-searching going onamong
American policy makers, then the country has
reason to be reassured.
IF THERE is an economic war ahead, then
the United States must use its economic
weapons with more effectiveness than the
Communists are using theirs. Thus, the Presi-
dent says investments in security and peace
through economic aid to friendly nations can-
not be called give-aways.
"We cannot afford to have one -of our most
essential security programs shot down with a
slogan," he said.
The. President's vow to wage "total peace,"
coupled with. his appeal for the continuation
and strengthening of the foreign aid program,
will make a great deal more sense to the people
of the East. An American policy closely geared
to the President's general outlines can offer a
hope that sagging United States fortunesin the
so-called "neutral" world can be rescued.
It can offer, too, a chance for the United
States to seize and hold the cold war initiative
by bringing great challenges to the door of the
Kremlin and demanding Soviet performance.

Daily Staff Writer
MOST HOTLY debated question
at Wednesday night's Student
Government Council meeting was
when-or if-the Council should
meet next week,
Members who said nothing dur-
ing the entire meeting had opin-
ions on this issue, as the Council
debated whether to meet Monday
night, Tuesday night, Wednesday
night, one of those afternoons, or
not at all.
At every time considered, some-
one had something pressing to do,
and for a time it appeared the
Council might not meet, period.
One reason for this was expressed
most succinctly by Dan Belin when
he asked, "What precisely must we
do next week that can't wait?"
This sentiment was sharply
criticized by Jean Scruggs, who
reminded the Council, "We knew
we would have to make some sac-
rifices when we ran for SGC. Two
hours next week won't hurt any-
one's grades."
* * *
PRESIDENT Joe Collins also
said the Council should meet each
week, even if only for a brief
meeting. Despite a straw vote in
favor of Tuesday night, the Coun-
cil decided to meet "as usual" on
Wednesday, with the meeting time
moved up half an hour.
Probably, as Belin suggested,
nothing absolutely e sential will
come up next week. However, Miss
Scruggs was correct in saying the
Council members have a duty to
SGC and the University perhaps
transcending that to themselves.
But no one could blame the
members who groaned privately at
the thought of meeting Wednes-
day night, with finals only two
days away. Next week's meeting
will probably set a semester rec-
ord for shortness.
Current champion in this de-
partment was this week's meeting.
Debate was generally kept short
and to the point.

The much-discussed motion on
studying fraternity and sorority
bias clauses was dispatched in half
an hour, with two amendments.
One changed the composition of
the committee from six SGC mem-
bers to three, and added two mem-
bers each from Panhellenic asso-
ciation and Inter-Fraternity Coun-
cil. The other moved the report
date from Feb. 13 to March 26.
Aside from discussion of these
points, members had few -points
to make, most having said their
pieces last week.
IFC President Rob Trost repeat-
ed that he was confused about the
scope of the motion, and urged
some definite limits be established.
Ron Gregg suggested several areas
for study. Some few other points
were made, and the motion passed,
with none of the lengthy speeches
typical of the previous meeting.
ALL MEMBERS but one were
appointed to the five self-evalu-
ating committees Wednesday. The
groups were established last month
pursuant to the two-year trial re-
port on SGC, which approved SGC,
but suggested areas needing
The five committees have their.
work cut out for them. Every one
of the areas has been in the fore-
front in the present semester. In
particular, the size of the Council
has come in for considerable dis-
cussion, both among SGC mem-
bers and constituents.
The present small membership,
it is generally agreed, makes for
greater efficiency. However, it may
not provide sufficient diversity of
opinion. Few holders of "odd"
views presently sit on the Council.
This has caused some to charge
that SGC lacks originality.
Closely tied t'o this is the prob-
lem of elections. Each term new
high votes are predicted, and new
lows result. Fewer candidates run
each election. This may be merely
a manifestation of the widely-be-

moaned student "apathy," but
SGC needs to rouse students from
that apathy, and quickly.
One of the causes of that apa-
thy-the committee structure, or
"bureaucracy," as students often
term it-will be investigated by
the committee on the structure
and organization. Here, too, much
work could be done. -
SGC establishes new committees
weekly, and often goes weeks or
even months without hearing from
them again, At Wednesday's meet-
ing, it was reported that the
Campaigning Committee could not
report, as ordered when it was set
up, because it had not met yet.
This is a fairly routine occur-
rence; it occasions either laughter
or distaste among constituents at
meetings. It leads to the popular
charge, "What does SGC ever do?"
A thorough investigation of what
happens in the committees would
be one of the most beneficial pro-
jects SGC could undertake.
* * *
THE OTHER committees, con-'
sidering the role of the Board in
Review and the Council's func-
tions and areas of control, also
have important questions to dis-
This fall's controversy over the
Board's action on the Galens drive
indicates that a clear definition
of the Board's role is needed. It
also shows that some study of
SGC's power is in order.
In a system whereby SGC grows
by precedent, in the British tradi-
tion, rather than by written rules,
a periodic evaluation of functions
and powers would be valuable,
perhaps every two or three years.
If a conscientious job is done
oy the five committees, much of
the present student apathy toward
SGC could Pe combated. The
members have a task ahead of
them that is at least as important
as any other duty they may have.
Theirs is a high responsibility;j
they must live up to it.

will halt the recession by midyear
and then hike collections from
corporate and individual income
taxes enough to bring the budget
into balance by mid 1959.
* *, *
THE RUSSIAN military threat
seems real enough to justify a
speedup in our defense program,
even though that means another
postponement of the long prom-
ised tax cuts.
And businessmen who a couple
of years back pooh-poohed talk of
any real economic competition
from Russia are now taking this
threat seriously, too. Spending to
meet the cold trade war could take
the form either of an increase in
foreign aid or of an easing of
terms in American loans to under-
developed nations.
-Although they feel that Ameri-
can consumer spending will be the
decisive factor in the timing of the
recession, many businessmen feel
that the pump priming to -the
economy fron the increased fed-
eral spending all along the line
should help to cushion and per-
.haps reverse the downtrend in
industrial activity.
BUT, EVEN MORE, it should
bolster confidence among those
tending of late to panic at the
slow down in factory output and
the rise in unemployment.
Some guess that it was fear of
the extent of the recession which
led to what is called a reversal of
administration policy on domestic
After Sputnik startled the
American public, the general be-
lief was that spending on missiles
would be advanced but that the
administration would try to hold
the general budget in balance by
cutting back on domestic spending
for programs of a welfare nature.
The President at first indicated as
* * *
BUT THOSE who have seen the
budget say that it calls for 74
billion dollars over-all, and for
about 40 billion for the Defense
Department. This would leave 34
billion for other spending. Much
of this is fixed by law. More than
seven billion must be spent on
interest on the federal debt.
Spending for veterans and farm-
ers is also largely set by past
The betting, however, now is
that there will be little if any
cutting back by Congress in all the
many other programs the federal
government takes a hand ii-even
the local pork barrel projects so
dear to the constituents of indi-
vidual congressmen.
Today at least, the late economy
drive looks awfully dead.
THE whereabouts of the Soviet
Union's denounced ex-Defense
Minister, .Marshal Georgy Zhukov,
was imprecisely disclosed by his
successor, Marshal Rodion Malin-
As a reward for cultivating his
personality and for exalting army
above. party, Zhukov has won a
three-month vacation.
Zhukov will get a new job
(probably a long steppe away from
Moscow) after his happy holiday.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editori-
al responsibility, Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
The Student Automobile Regulations
will be lifted between the first and
second semester, i.e. from 5 p.m. Wed.,
Jan. 15. to 8 a.m. Thurs., Feb. 6, 1958.
All student driving permit holders
are reminded to report #ny and all
changes of ownership, local adress, in-
surance, license plate number, etc., to
the Office of Student Affairs within
five days. Failure to report such infor-
mation will constitute a violation of
the regulations.
Summary, action taken by Student
Government Council at its meeting
held January 8, 1958.
Approved minutes of previous meet-
Approved appointments to Student
Government Council Evaluation Com-
mittees as follows:
Size and composition of the Council:
Drake Duane, chairman, Ron Gregg,
Maynard Goldman, Roy Lav, Jerry
Elections: Jo Hardee. chairman, Bet
Getz, Jean Scruggs, Marilyn Houck,
Herb Sigman.
Role of Board in Review: Leonard
Wilcox, chairman, Linda Rainwater, Joe
Collins, Pete Eckstein, Gene Hartwig.
Definition of SGC's functions and
areas of control: Don Young, chairman,
Dan Belin, Scott Chrysler, Mary Tower
(one more to be named)
Structure and Organization of the
Council: JanetNeary, chairman, Ron
Shorr, Lois Wurster, Maryen Segel,
Bob Warrick. 4
Recommended three studentsfrom
whomh one is to be selected as student
representative on the University Calen-
dar Committee of five; selection to be
made by the Committee's chairman.
Approved appointment of Lpis Wrs-
ter as chairman of constitution com-
Postponed motion to transfer funds
from Central Pep Rally Committeeac-
count to the Wolverine Club pending
submission of written financial report
on disposition to be made of funds al-
located by the Council.
Postponed to next meeting motion to
adopt .statement relating to final ex-
Approved continuation of Foreign
Student Leadership program next year,
If the University is accepted as a par-
ticipating school by NSA.
Approved Michigan Interfraternity
Council Workshop to be held Saturday,
February 15 under sponsorship of the
Interfraternity Council.
Approved J-Hop plans as outlined
for February 3, including extension of
the closing hour for dances to 2 a.m.,
subject to approval of late permission
for women students by Women's Judi-
ciary Council.
Approved motion providing that the
Executive Committee with the approval
of the Council appoint, at the next
meeting a committee to be composed
of two members from Panhellenic As-
sociation, two from Interfraternity
Council, and three Student Government
Council members to study and compile
information concerning progress made
in recent years in 'the area of fraternity
and sorority membership restrictions
and report to the Council at the meet-
ing of March 26 on the facts and on
possible Council policy in this area.
Midyear Graduation Exercises Jan. 25,
1958. To be held at 2:00 p.m. In Hill
Auitorium. Exercises will conclude
about 4:00 p.m.
Reception for graduates and their
relatives and friends in Michigan
League Ballroom at 4:00 p.m. Please
enter League at west entrance.
Tickets: Three to each prospective
graduate, to be distributed from Mon,
Jan, 13, to 1:00 p.m. Sat., Jan. 25, at
Cashier's Office, first floor lobby of Ad-
ministration Building.
Academic Costume: Can be rented at
Moe Sport Shop, 711 North University
Avenue, Ann Arbor. Orders should be
placed immediately.
Assembly for Graduates: At 1:00 pm.
In Natural Science Auditorium. Mar-
shals will direct graduates to proper
Graduation Announcements, Invita.
tions. etc.: Inquire at Office of Student
Programs: To be distributed at Bin

Doctoral and professional degree can.
TION EXERCISES are entitled to re-
ceive a hood. Those receiving a doctor-
al degree other than Doctor-of Philoso-
phy may exchange the Ph.D. hood given
them during the ceremony for the ap-
propriate degree hood immediately aft-
er the ceremony, in the rear of Natural
Non veterans Notice: Those non-vet-
erans on a mid-year program should
file Form SSS 109 immediately to con-
tinue their student adeferments. Forms
can be obtained from the respective
offices and they should be submitted
at Window A in the Administration
Building for certification.
Architecture and Design, 335 Archi-
tecture; Business Administration, 150
Business Administration; Education,
1439 University Elementary School; Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts, 1513 Ad-
minis-tration; Music, 101 School of Mu-
sic; Natural Resources, 2039 Natural
Science; Public Health, 3520 School of
Public Health: Social Work. 1513 Ad


Government Agencies Influence U.S. Economy

The State of Business

NEW YORK (M--Businessmen now have the
president's views on the state of the union.
But their own views on the state of business
continues confused today-most agree that
over-all it is declining, but in some sectors it's
looking up.
News of rehirings is mixed in with reports
of more layoffs. Strength of some commodity
prices tempers the news of weakness in others.
Retail sales gains in some lines offset dips
in others.
Prospects of new defense orders heartens
some primary producers and the large number
of supplier industries that service them. But
other companies reports a slump in new orders.
HERE ARE some of today's cross currents:

United Auto Workers Union officials say that
General Motors is idling 8,800 workers. Ford
has reported cuts in employment. U.S. Rubber
will idle 1,300.
Auto dealers' stocks are estimated at 740,000,
which is 200,000 more cars than at the start
of the year,
The plight of many railroads has been well
aired of late. Over-all employment in the rail
industry has slipped below one million for
the first time in 18 years.
Layoffs in steel have become commonplace.
But Republic is calling off its plan to idle 1,500
in Alabama.
International Harvester reports its employ-
ment rolls are now 1,000 fatter than a month
-1N THE COMMODITY front price weakness

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is
the second of two articles examining
the present economic situation in
the United States and the outlook for
the coming months.)
Daily Staff Writer
rfHE GOVERNMENT plays a'
large part in the Gross Nation-
al Product, through both its
monetary and fiscal policies. Its
monetary policies may extend to
local, state and national expendi-
tures, while the fiscal policies are
a more indirect method of con-
trolling the economy.
Within the realm of fiscal poli-
cy are the Federal Reserve
Board and the deflationary
measures of the Federal Budget
Bureau. The Federal Reserve con-
trols the rate of lending within
each of the twelve Federal Re-
serve districts, by prescribing the
'interest rate on rediscounting
commercial paper to the banks
within the area. The banks then
proceed to lend to both business
and individual investors, guided

ceipts, have undoubtedly received
a severe jolt by the launching of
the Russian satellite. The govern-
ment will of necessity increase its
expenditures next year, but by
what amount or when, no one can
Prof. John B. Lansing, program
director at the University Survey
Research Center and instructor in
the Department of Economics, ex-
pressed the basic query in the
minds of businessmen: "The im-
mediate $64,000 question as far
as economy is concerned is how
fast will government spending in-
crease and how much 'for de-
Prof. Lansing feels that one bil-
lion dollars won't make much dif-
ference in the total value of all
goods and services; that it would
take at least five billion to be felt
and to overcome the reduction in
business investment in GNP.
Professor Wernette of the busi-
ness administration school bears
out this contention: "I don't ex-

Prof. Suits said that, "Sputnik
calls for additional expenditures,
for what we saw in the broad of
day, must now be re-examined in
the light of the moon." Just how
much is appropriated may well
depend on how far the legislators
believe the U.S. is behindRussia,
because for the first time since its
early history the U.S. is militarily
However, Prof. Lansing feels
the situation was not disastrous
before Sputnik (B.S.), but that
the wobbling of the economy was
normal; belying the belief that
Sputnik saved us. "The facts do
not bear. out the contention that
we were headed for disaster be-
fore Sputnik," Prof. Lansing ar-
No matter the size of the ap-
propriations, the urgency instilled
in the business community, and
the feeling that the government's
increased expenditures will pick
up the slack has added to the op-
timism of the economic outlook.
* * *

ances. If income goes down, the
increase in population will still
buoy nondurable goods consump-
tion, and offset the durable goods
However, the same does not
hold true for durable goods. The
Survey Research Center finds
that consumers next year may not
be willing to place too much in
durable goods. Prof. Lansing notes
that consumer attitude is pessi-
mistic and that the consumer will
put off plans to make additional
Furthermore, even though the
consumer has a basic 'willingness
to borrow', Prof. Lansing said
they will not go into debt to pur-
chase durable goods.
* * *
EVEN WITH the present stand-
still, Prof. Gardner said that for
the next ten years, inflation will
continue to rise because of expan-
sion in the population and in
GNP. Over-em ploymen t and
strong nresshr to inrease wages

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