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December 04, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-12-04

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Goal Beyond The Missile Race

# his~ Atr~ilgatt atly
Sixty-Eighth Year

Uhen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

To The Editor
Unilateral Disarmament...
To the Editor:
AFTER READING Jim Elsman's editorial on unilateral disarmament
I was impressed by his serious thought and intense sincerity. As he
says, the only means of peace must be peaceful, not by missile races and
bigger defense budgets.
And certainly our military aid and alliances have not really gained
friends in the underdeveloped countries; rather, they have forced them
to turn to Russia for desperately needed economic help. It is not Marxist
philosophy but economic aid and all its concommitantsthat are winning
these people.
But despite my 100 per cent agreement and respect for Mr. Elsman,
I feel that he has ignored a vital question, but certainly not the only



Continuing the Arms Race
The Best of Two Alternatives

MEMBERS of the "Arden Farms" study group,
a body of top businessmen, scientists and
economists in New York, recently completed a
rather thorough survey of the United States
defense system in both its military and civil
aspects. The result was a comprehensive, top-
secret report, submitted to the office of Defense
Administration. The report reveals in some
measure the alarming overall deficiency in our
present defense setup and gives an indication
of our helplessness to rebound and retaliate
in event of attack.
Elements of this report which have leaked
to the press, coupled with Central Intelligence
Agency disclosures of SRussian superiority in
almost all phases; of modern warfare should
suffice to jar us out of any lingering compla-
cency or feeling of American omnipotence.
The most significant disclosure of the Arden
Farms report is the virtual impotence, in a
missile war, of our front-line Strategic Air
Command bases, the much-vaunted keystone of
our defensive and offensive power.
AN ALL-OUT, concentrated Soviet missile
attack on the United States would wipe out,
at one stroke, most of these SAC bases and a
major portion of the heavy industry sup-
porting them. I
Since such a move would center on our large
cities, it would also destroy most of our stock-
piled food reserves, which are normally stored
in big-city warehouses and grain elevators. This
would leave us with an estimated 20-day food
supply, hardly enough to launch a war on.,X
Strict rationing would be necessary, but even
that has not been provided for. The war might
well be over before it could be instituted.
The revelations of the Central Intelligence
Agency in regard to Soviet military might are
equally disturbing. Although the American
stockpile of nuclear bombs, for e/xample, is
larger than Russia's, the Soviets nevertheless
have enough to cripple this country. Russia is
also known to possess the hydrogen warhead,
with an improved trigger mechanism, and is
thought to be ahead in the development of an
atomic rocket capable of space flight, the Inter-
continental Ballistic ,Missile, and, of course, the
artificial "moon."
IN THE REALM of more conventional military
weapons, the United States again compares
unfavorably. Regarding air power, the score
is about 13,000 modern Russian jet combat
planes to less than 9,500 for the United States,
which inculdes a ratio of two to one on
intercontinental bombers. And faster Soviet
production is constantly widening the gap.
The Russian Navy now is undisputed second
place in size, relegating the fabled British fleet
to a poor third. This includes a huge fleet of
submarines, far larger than that of the United
The ratio of manpower in land armies is an
appalling ten to one. Russia is known to have
175 highly mobile, well-trained and equipped
Red Army divisions, compared to 17 for the
United States.
In the light of figures such as these, two
vital questions arise: How did we drop so far

behind so quickly, and what can and should
be done toward achieving some form of national
THE REASONS behind United States failure
to stay ahead in the arms race have been
extensively investigated since the advent of
Sputnik I. The results of these myriad investi-
gations and inquiries are numerous and varied,
but the blame for the present state of affairs
tends to center on inter-service rivalry and
duplication, Administration economy, the in-
feriority of American education, and excessive
government secrecy and security, with conse-
quent persecution and loss of top scientists
in government service.
The remedy to each of these situations is a
study in Itself, Suffice it to say the problems
do exist, are being realized, and solutions being
sought. Some constructive steps have already
been taken in several of the above areas.
Approaching the question of what is to be
done, we are immediately faced with essentially
two almost equally unsavory, alternatives: One
is to launch a crash program of scientific
education and investigation, catch up with
the Soviets and continue the race, thereby
perpetuating a vicious circle that seems to lead
THE OTHER alternative is to take the initia-
tive in disarmament, strip ourselves bare of
the means of waging war, and trust to the
dubious power of world opinion or the mythical
conscience of the Soviet leadership to bring
communist conformity to our shining example.
The first alternative is admittedly forbidding.
But the second is, in a phrase, incredible folly.,
World opinion has repeatedly proven itself
largely impotent against the ruthless advance
of world Communism, and the leaders of that
advance have, in the course of the last 40
years, proven themselves devoid of conscience.
Moralistic appeals and the wagging finger of
indignant reproof are of little value. A great
force can only be met and repelled by a greater
force, a great threat by a greater threat.
If, then, a continuing arms race is the lesser
of two evils, We must look for a way to achieve
superiority without straining ourselves to the
point of exhaustion and to the defeat of our
bown purpose.
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles has
prepared a means to this end in a radical new
proposal he plans to present to the NATO allies
at their meeting in Paris this month.
HIS PLAN involves an intimate system of
military interdependence among the Allies,
including a centralization of administrative
power, pooling of scientific resources and war
machinery, extended exchange of science stu-
dents among American and European universi-
ties, and the construction of an arsenal of
nuclear weapons and guided missiles in Allied
Whatever the road taken, the ultimate goal
is peace and survival. If preparedness for war
is the surest way of achieving that goal, then
this is our only course.
Associate Editorial Ilirector

(Herblock Is on Vacation)

copyright. 1957. The Pulitzer Publishing Co.
St. Louis Past-Disuatch

Behind Dodger Transfer

LOS ANGELES - Baseball fans
in Brooklyn, plus taxpayers in
other parts of the United States
aren't going to like it when they
learn the real story of how the
Brooklyn Dodgers were inveigled
out to Los Angeles.
The story involves a city coun-
cilman's strongbox and secret
checking accounts containing $57.-
570, together with a $4,720,000
gift to Los Angeles by Uncle Sam
for the land on which the Dodg-
ers will build their ball park.
In other words, the taxpayers of
Brooklyn, as well as the rest of the
USA, are helping to pay for trans-
ferring the Dodgers to Los Angeles.
But perhaps most shocking of all
is the fact that 3,300 ill-housed
families in Los Angeles were.
kicked out of their homes by con-
demnation on the excuse of putting
up a new modern, public housing
project. Instead, their land is now
being turned over to the Dodgers.
* * *
FURTHERMORE, it is being
turned over under a contract by
which Walter O'Malley, the Dodg-
ers' owner, gets the parking rights,
the concession rights, and even
half the oil rights. Oil has already
been discovered all around this
In addition, O'Malley will con-
trol and operate the parks, play-
grounds and junior ball diamonds
in the entire area turned over to
him. by the city,; thanks. to the
$4,720,000 bonanza handed Los
Angeles by other federal taxpayers.
In San Francisco, Mayor George
Christopher r e t a i n e d parking
rights and concessions in San
Francisco's contract with the New
York Giants, but not Mayor Nor-
ris Poulson of L.A.
The story of this amazing base-
ball deal goes back half a dozen
years when public housing officials
in the sprawled-out city of Los An-

geles were trying to clean up the
Negro shacks and Mexican tene-
ments that contrast with the
flower-bedecked syimming pools of
motion picture stars.
Under the Taft Housing Act,
Mayor Fletcher Bowron and the
City Council signed a contract
with the federal government to
build a housing project and make
L.A. look more like the City of
the Angels.
* * *
IN UNKEPT, crowded Chavez
Ravine land was condemned,
families ousted. Suddenly city
Councilman Ed Davenport
switched his vote. This, together
with another wavering council-
man, turned a bare majority of
the City Council over to the side
of the real estate interests which
had been trying desperately to
stop public housing.
Later, City Councilman Daven-
port died. In his safe deposit box
was found $30,000 in crisp, clean
cash. In three checking accounts
was found $27,570. The total, $57,-
570, was more than the $7500 an-
nual salary he had drawn from
the City Council in his eight years
in office.
Davenport had lived at the
swank Park Wilshire apaytment
house into which he move shortly
after taking office, yet after draw-
ing a salary of $57,000, he had $57,-
570 left.
Later, his wife made a formal
statement all but admitting the
money had come from the real
estate lobby. The $57,570, she in-
formed Internal Revenue, was
"gifts of money" to her husband
Since you can't give gifts of mon-
ey legally to a city official, these
were bribes.
Los Angeles Internal Revenue
agents started a thorough investi-
'gation with a view to finding out
who paid the bribes. They were

called off by higher-ups in the
Eisenhower administration.
Meanwhile, friends of the real-
tors plus a referendum had re-
housing. Bowron, a liberal Repub-
lican, was defeated by Congress-
man Norris Poulson, a conserva-
tive Republican who had voted in
Congress with the real estate lob-
* * *
project was dead. Several thous-
and people had been moved out,
their shacks and tenements torn
down. The real estate lobby had
won. However, the city of Los An-
geles owed federal taxpayers about
six million dollars, and to get
Mayor Poulson off the hook for
this amount, Vice-President Nixon
and Senator William Knowland,
both potent on Capitol Hill, dis-
creetly helped put a rider in the
1954 housing bill permitting Los
Angeles to unload the abortive
Chavez Ravine housing project
on Uncle Sam for the knockdown
price of $1,279,000. This was $4,-
720,000 less than the government
had advanced Los Angeles.
In other words, all the taxpay-
ers paid Los Angeles for the cost
of throwing Negroes and Mexicans
out of their homes, tearing down
their tenements and buying the
land which now stands empty. To-
tal cost was $4,720,000.
The rider was sneaked through
the Senate when pro-public hous-
ing senators were away attending
the funeral of a great pro-housing
Republican, Sen. Charles Tobey of
New Hampshire. Sen. Saltonstall
of Massachusetts helped Know-
land and Nixon put it across.
Thanks to this bonanza, given
to no other city in the United
States, Mayor Poulson was able
to offer this empty tract of land
to the Brooklyn Dodgers at no cost
to him.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)

one, as to why we pursue our
present foreign policy. That is the
question of our economic system
and the resutant attitudes.
After all, the organization of a
society defines many of the motives
and acts of the society, as has re-
cently been seen in the centralized
effort of Russia to launch a rocket
as against our overlapping, wide-
spread, and relatively decentralized
*4 * *
WHEN ONE considers that a city
like Detroit must plead for defense
contracts to ease unemployment,
one may legitimately ask what
would happen to the internal econ-
omy if suddenly 10 million defense
workers were not needed. It is
argued that they would work in
other areas, but this involves the
probem of education (another fun-
damental sorespot) for the highly
technical and administrative jobs
of today.
It also involves government
spending as a source of outlay, in-
come, and employment in medi-
cine, housing, roads, schools, dams,
which heretofore have been dubbed
"socialistic" and are certainly not
a source 'of profit for private in-
Externally, we are restricted in
our ability to help underdeveloped
countries. Few private investors
can make much profit in a short
time in such places unless the lat-
ter become virtual colonies of the
U.S. such as Guatamala under
United Fruit, or Venezuea.
AND TODAY no country can af-
ford nor will tolerate the exploita-
tion of foreign investors who build
sumptuous hotels but cannot help
to provide a sound industrial base,
an absolute necessity for economic
advancement today.
Neither can we help these coun-
tries if the President of the World
Bank refuses industrial loans be-
cause "it would be helping socialist
It. is more, then, than just a
matter of trying to persuade our
policy makers to see the futility
and wastefulness of their execu-
tions. The causes which have
been only partially hinted at lie
in very real mental and material
barriers; and it will take men of
far greater vision and courage than
we now possess to initiate a more
constructive and ultimately more
realistic foreign policy.
-Judy Perloe, Spec.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
vOL. LXvIi, NO. 63
General Notices
Annual Fall Meeting of the Univer-
sity Senate Mon., Dec. 9 at 4:15 p.m. in
the Rackham Lecture aall.
Professional Qualification Test: Na-
tional Security Agency. Students tak-
ing the Professional Qualification Test
on Dec. 7 are requested to report to
Room 130, Business Administration
Building at 8:45 a.m. Sat.
All Choral Union and Extra Series
ushers are hereby reminded that one
performance of the Messiah Is included
in each series of concerts. The help of
each usher is very urgently needed at
these concerts as they are especially
difficult to handle. Absence from these
concers will count against you at May
Festival time.

Applications for Engineering Research
Institute Fellowships to be awarded for
the spring semester, 1957-58, are now
being accepted in the Office of the
Graduate School. The stipend is $1,175
per semester. Application froms are
available from the Graduate School.
Only applicants who have been em-
ployed by the Institute for at least one
year on at least a half-time basis are
eligible. Applications and supporting
aterial are due in the office of the
Graduate School not later than 4:00
p.m., Tues., Jan. 7, 1958.
The Women of the University Facul-
ty will hold a dinner meeting at the
Michigan League, Wed., Dec. 4 at 6:00
p.m. Miss Marguerite V. Hood, professor
of music education, will show slides
and speak to the group on her recent
year in Germany on a Fulbright Re-
search Grant.
International Center Tea, sponsored
by International Student Association
and International Center, Thurs., Dec.
5 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the In-

Congratulations . .
To the Editor:
THE University is fortunate in
having a Daily Editorial Direc-
tor who is not afraid to advocate
unilateral disarmament at a time
when Sputnik has precipitated a
clamor for increased armaments.
In my judgement, the need for
taking drastic steps toward univer-
sal disarmament is being intensi-
fied by the development of super-
sonic intercontinental missiles. The
proposed U.S. "answer" of dis-
tributing atomic weapons to more
and more countries seems hardly
caculated to enhance the peace of
the world.
Rather, it is time to give serious
consideration to ways of breaking
out of the vicious cycle of the in-
tensified arms race.
Congratulations to James Els-
man for starting us thinking with
his reasoned case for unilateral
-Prof. Robert 0. Blood, Jr.
Department of Sociology
To the Editor:
DAVE TARR, in a recent Daily
editorial, laments student apa-
thy toward discussion of political
Perhaps, university students re-
flect the national disdain for the
me too-ism of the Tweedledee and
Tweedledum political parties of
Like their parents and neighbors,
most students are exposed only to
the many times tried and found
wanting proposals which are aimed
at correcting evils which are gen-
erated by soclo-economic condi-
Little thought is given to elimi-
nating the conditions which pro-
duced the evils. Hence students'
horizons are confined to the pres-
ervation of the status quo. Hence,
indoctrinated as our people have
been to believe that the status quo
must not be tampered with, they
apathetically tolerate what is yet
IT IS DOUBTFUL that the situ-
ation on the University campus is
likely to change until the general
social temper changes. For in-
stance, the Socialist Labor Party,
which insists that social relation-
ships must be' completey changed
and that a new form of govern-
ment based on socially owned and
democratically managed means of
production (on the principle of
production for use) must be estab-
lished, has offered to provide
speakers to campus groups. As yet,
no invitation has been forthcom-
The policy of University officials
with regards to speakers isthat
acquaintance with a subject or
movement must come before the
speakers who could provide that
acquaintance. University officials
are reluctant to supply an answer
as to how this cart-before-horse
arrangement can be productive of
thought and progress.
MR. TAR says that "The na-
tion's economy and its hazy future
could also provide a lively discus-
sion;-." How true! That subject
is the hub of all current questions.
Has Mr. Tarr, or others, not dis-
cerned the growing concern among
students as to whether they will be
able to find jobs when they gradu-
ate? Or what about the conflicting
and hysterical statements and pro-
posals by the country's so-called
best mindls as to both the nation's
economy and Sputnik?
Yes, thorough discussion of the
nation's economy would provide
more than a lively discussion. It
would explain the plight of educa-
tion, the growing numbers of juve-

nile delinquents, the increasing use
of tranquilizers by a fearful people,
and. the pyramiding tensions be-
tween the United States and Rus-
Let us hope that Mr. Tarr suc-
ceeds in promoting a really ana-
lytical discussion of the subject.
-Raph W. Muncy, '23
dent Pedro Aramburu told his
military colleagues last week,
"that political decisions are not
to be taken in barracks, bases or
Still firmly on a timetable for
returning Argentina to democratic
ways, Aramburu issued a decree
fmally stting Feb. 23 as the






A Home Is More Than

THE RESPONSIBILITY of Ann Arbor's land-
lords goes beyond providing well-furnished,
well-heated, well-lighted housing in the case
of the University's international students.
Special needs on the part of the foreign
students are obvious.
First, the foreign students tend to have less
money to spend on housing.
Second, they tend to show greater need for
personal contacts outside classes, coming as
they do from cultures different from the pre-
dominant one. That these needs are not being
met is obvious.
Residence halls at present satisfy foreign
students on neither count. Fees are too high
and integration of foreign students into partici-
pative dorm life' is little more than a theory.
Changes in the English Language Institute
program to room Iranians or Cubans with
Americans instead of with each other would
help, and would be possible if interest on the
part of the American dorm residents were stim-
ulated. The financial determent, however, would
COOPERATIVES at present come much closer
to filling the needs of the international
students. Costs are low, and the atmosphere is
by nature one of greater contact than that in
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
TAMMY MORRISON ................ Magazine Editor
EDWARD GER'ULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
WILLIAM HANEY .................... Features Editor

the residence halls. But cooperatives, because
of' their, scarcity, are able to house only a tiny
fraction of the foreign students. The responsi-
bility, then, comes back to the landlords.
There are various types of rental housing in
the city, the reception of foreign students in
each depending upon both the nature of the
operation and the personalities concerned.
Some foreign students have comparatively
large incomes and are independent minded.
Such individuals are the only ones who could bq
satisfied with the strings of apartment houses
run by realty companies. These are financially,
if not by discrimination, beyond the reach of
most and at the same time provide for 'no
treating of the tenant as an individual.
Ann Arbor's other apartments, owned by indi-
vidual landlords rather than companies, are
often cheaper. Here the second factor predomi-
nates. While foreign students can and do live
in such apartments, the average apartment
owner makes no effort to make them feel at
THE MOST COMMON off-campus housing,
however, is the one-house operation in which
the landlord often lives in the same building as
his tenants.
Here the cost is often within the reach of
foreign students whether the building contains
rented rooms, apartments or a combination of
both. The foreign students here are completely
at the mercy of the personality of the renter.
If the landlord is sincerely interested in them
as people-and most are not-then they are
well off. But when, as is often the case, the
landlord does not understand the cultural dif-
ferences involved, the student from another
country is as poorly off as he would be in an
apartment or room too expensive.

T H E CU LT U R E B IT : a u s i R f uo
4BReadings n American Humor

IT WAS REVEALED yesterday,
quite entertainingly, that Ameri-
can humor is not totally limited to
Playboy's Party Jokes and Soupy
Sales. The man responsible for the
revelation was Prof. Eric W. Stock-
ton of the English department,
who gave a reading of American
humorists in Angell Hall's Audi-
torium A.
The program was the second of
two presented each semester by
the English department. The first,
some weeks back, was an excellent
reading by Donald Hall of new
English poets: Larkin, Gunn and
Both programs were decidedly
worth hearing and both were pre-
sented to a partly empty house. It
seems fruitless to launch into a
whining diatribe about poor at-
tendance at good programs, but
let the thought hover. Perhaps
this particular situation is due to
the fact that one litte poster hard-
ly stands out on a bulletin board

set list of professors to be asked,"
he said.
As for subject matter, the choice
is left up to the reader. American
humor, for instance, is not Prof.
Stockton's forte. "Actually," he
said, "I read better Middle English
than Modern English."
But American humor is one of
his interests and his choice of
pieces yesterday was wide and var-
ious. The title of the program,
"Archy, Mr. Dooley and Other
Hidden Persuaders" was elaborated
upon at the start of the reading.
"Advertisers and other head
shrinkers," Prof. Stockton told his
audience, "make a career out of
trying to fool all of the people all
of the time." But our humorists
are the men we turn to for the
persuasion that life can still have
its funny side.
"This is not a very funny coun-
try today," he explained, "nor even
a very funny century, except from
the aspect of eternity."
K % 9E

education, a nutty and punny
chapter from Peter DeVries' "Com-
fort Me with Apples" and an E. B.
White sketch called "The Decline
of Sport."
Obviously, with these many
kinds of humor, some were funnier
than others. Matter of personal
taste, of course. Prof. Stockton
read the pieces with affection and
rather fine timing, employing vo-
cal dharacterization and dialect
when necessary. We personally
likednthe Marquis, Thurber and
Maloney pieces best, but all were
certainly well-received.
*4 '4
tant place in literature, Prof.
Stockton told us after the pro-
gram. "There's good humor in
Faulkner, Hemingway, even Haw-
thorne, although some people re-
fuse to notice it," he said.
"America developed its own hu-
mor. The frontier days started the
type-exaggeration in vocabulary
Sarm cn Vnc fa in- a



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