Football at Michigan Requires
Extensive Coaching Program
Michigan's perennial football
powerhouses are guided by the
brains of eight of the top coaches
in college football, who in their
prime were also great players.
The Wolverines' head coach is
Bennie G. Oosterbaan, who is en-
BUMP ELLIOTT tering his 10th year in this posi-
.new backfield guide tion and his 28th year as a mem-
Herrnei Pace Keys
To 'M' Gridders' A ttack
Top guard candidates are the
veterans Larry Faul and Mary
Nyren, who should provide head-
aches for the opposition only, but
their substitutes are either new-
comers or relatively untried hold-
overs such as Gerry Marciniak,
Tom Berger and Alex Bochnowski.
Watch, in particular, for Stan
Larmee, an Ann Arbor all-stater
who was injured last year; Tom
De Massa of Detroit; Mike Filli-
chio, Chicago; Jared Bushong,
Toledo, and Fred Olm, a 225-lb.
hopeful from Niles, among the
new guard prospects.
Center is fortified with experi-
ence, with Gene Snider back along
with Ray Wine, both lettermen.
Add to these two Bill MacPhee,
a hard-luck senior who has been
Michigan State 9, MICHIGAN 0
MICHIGAN 48, Army 14
MICHIGAN 34, Northwestern
Minnesota 20, MICHIGAN 7
MICHIGAN 17, Iowa 14
MICHIGAN 17, Illinois 7
MICHIGAN 49, Indiana 26
MICHIGAN 19, Ohio State 0
hurt the past two seasons, but
shows real promise, and Don
Rembiesa, among the reserves.
A pair of sophomores could
break in, too. Mike Dupay, of
Monongahela, Pa., a 6'3" 225-
pounder, and Bob Dutnell, 5'11"
and 195 from Lakewood, O., will
be in evidence.
Whether or not this provides us
with an optimistic picture can be
debated. That it is an interesting
one will quickly be proven once
the opening whistle sounds.
ber of the coaching staff. Since
1948, when he replaced Athletic
Director H. O. "Fritz" Crisler, he
has compiled the best record of
any Big Ten coach.
.719 Percentage
In Big Ten play his teams have
run up an enviable .719 record. In
compiling this record, the Wolver-
ines have won or shared three
Conference titles, a national cham-
pionship, a Rose Bowl crown, and
have finished second twice, third
cnce, fourth twice and tied for
fifth once in the Big Ten.
In 1948 he was named "Coach of.
the Year" and in 1951 he was hon-
ored for his playing days when he
was named on the all-time All-
American team selected by sports-,
writers and sportscasters through-
out the Nation.
During his playing career at
Michigan, he earned nine letters
in football, basketball and base-
ball As an end on the football
team, he earned All-American hon-
ors in 1925-26-27 and was captain
of the team in 1927.
On the basketball team he was
also an All-American, and as
picther and first baseman on the
baseball team he is called by Ray
Fisher, who is still head coach of
the team, one of the two greatest
players he ever coached.
Muskegon Product
Oosterbaan, who hails from
Muskegon, was state discus cham-
pion in track and considered a top
Olympic prospect but at Michigan
he decided to concentrate on base-
ball instead.
Following his graduation' in 1928,
he turned down major league base-
ball and professional football con-
tracts in order to accept a position
with the Michigan coaching staff.
Oosterbarin, who is married, has
one daughter.
The newest member of the staff
is Michigan's backfield coach,
Chalmers "Bump" Elliott.
Elliott, whose brother Pete is
head coach at California, was
backfield coach of last year's Rose
Bowl winners, Iowa.
Elliot is one of the most popu-
lar figures in recent Maize and
Blue history and tradition, ever
since he earned four letters on
Michigan's football and baseball
He was right half on the 1946
and 1947 teams, the 1948 edition
going unbeaten and untied and
ripping Southern California in the
Rose Bowl, 49-0. During this sea-
son, Elliott was the Conference's
top scorer with 63 points.
He further distinguished him-l
self in '47 by being named to the
Coaches' All-American and be-
coming the fourth Michigan man7
to be selected as the most valu-
able player In the Big Ten and
thus become winner of the Chi-
cago Tribune trophy.
Elliott hails fron Bloomington,'
Ill, and is the son of Dr. J. Nor-
man Elliott, former Illinois Wes-
leyan athletic star and later head
coach there and line coach at
' He is married and the father of
Th( man who is responsible for
the tremendous lines which Mich-{
Michigan is renown for is Jack{
L. Blott, who in 1923 was an All-
American center for the Wolver-
During his coaching career,.
Blott has turned out a-half-dozen
All-Americans. His lines are dis-
inguished by quickness, smartness
and poise, rarely by size and
Besides playing football, Blott
was also a teammate of Ooster-
baan on the baseball squad, which
he captained during his senior
year. He earned three letters in
this sport and Fisher considers him
to be the finest catcher he ever
coached and with Oosterbaan one
of the two greatest players to play
the diamond sport for Michigan.
After graduating, Blott, played
briefly with the Cincinnaati Red-
He is married and has one
Assisting Blott with the line
coaching is Robert Hollway, who
is a local boy and a 1950 graduate
from Michigan. Hollway played
defensive end on the 1947-48-49
football teams which were all
championship squads.
Rollway, whose father is athlet-
ic director at Ann Arbor High, is
married and has a son and two
The man who is responsible for
Michigan's perennially fine crop
of ends is Matt Patanelli.
Earns Eight Letters
Patanelli, who needless to say is
a Michigan graduate, was an out-
standing end during the 1934-35-36
seasons ano captain cf the team'
in his benior year. Patanelli earned.
three letters in football, three in
basketball and two in baseball.
Besides coaching football duringI
the five years he has been here,
he has been assistant basketball
and baseball coach.
Patanelli, who hails from Elk-';
hart, Ind., is married and has one
Assistant backfield coach is Don
Dufek who in 1951 was the star
of Michigan's last Rose Bowl team
when he scored both TD's against
During the 1948-49-50 cam-
paigns he earned the reputation
of being one of the hardest hit-
ting, most reckless fullbacks in the
Big ren.
Dufek, who is married, has a
son and a daughter.
Keen Enters 32nd Year
Cliff Keen, who with the ex-
ception of Fisher has served the
longest tenure as a Michigan
coach, is now entering his 32nd
year as head wrestling coach and
assistant football mentor.
Keen, who is a product of Mich-
igan's law school, holds the dis-
tinction of being the only assis-
tant football coach to develop two
championship Maize and Blue grid
teams. He accomplished this dur-
ing the two seasons of the short-
lived 150-pound football league in
the Western Conference.
As head wrestling coach he has
p r o d u c e d nine championship
teams and 12 second-place teams.
He was coach of the 1948 Olym-
pic wrestling team and was active
in, setting up the 1952 and 1956
In 1954 he served as president of
the Collegiate Wrestling Coaches
and Officials Association.
Keen, who is married, is the fa-
ther of three children.
Rounding out the football
coaching staff is Michigan's genial
freshman coach, Walter J. "Wally"
Acquaints Freshmen
He has the job of evaluating the
talents of eager freshmen and ac-
quainting them with the funda-
mentals of the Michigan style of
play, which is an extremely im-
portant j*b.
Weber, who was a teammate of
Oosterbaan on the 1925-26 cham-
pionship teams, was a powerful
fullback and tremendous defen-
sive player
During the football season,
Weber also serves as a sports com-
mentator following broadcasts and
telecasts of Michigan football
He is widely sought as an after-
dinner speaker, and in his job as
good-iill ambassador for Michi-
gan he has circled the globe many
times in actual mileage.
Weber is married and has one