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September 16, 1957 - Image 37

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Michigan Daily, 1957-09-16

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Dolfers Had Potential, But Never Found It':



"I feel like we were kissing the
That was Michigan golf coach
Bert Katzenmeyer, summing up
the 1957 season.
It was a long line of ups and
downs, of breaks and breaks not
made. The dual meet record was
six won and eight lost, and the end
of the Conference found them in
third place.
'Had Potential'
"We had the potential - it was
there in all the boys - but they
never found it," Katzenmeyer
states. "We just didn't have the
concentrated effort that is neces-
sary for a championship team."
The 1956 team had placed sec-
ond in the Conference, being

and Buckeyes two consecutive
Saturdays, the Michigan team fi-
nally came alive. On their home
course, the Wolverines downed
both of these squads and that of
Michigan State.
For one day they were on top
of the world. They had shot a neat
team score of 921, and had com-
pletely outclassed Purdue and
Ohio State, besides handing the
Spartans an even worse licking.
This wasn't the case with Mich-
igan State, however, at their next
two, meetings. On the Lansing
course, the linksters from State
turned in a sizzling 884 to trounce
Michigan, even though the Wol-
verines again shot well for a 922.
*On their third meeting the

out the team for the Conference
Law Impresses
At the beginning of the sea-
son, two sophomores had im-
pressed the coach greatly. John
Law had shot two 72 rounds on
the vacation trip, but since then
had lost his touch. It didn't re-
turn until the last dual meet of
the season, in which he shot a
fine 145.
Pat Keefe had also looked good
early in the season, but he didn't
play consistently. MacMichael, a
two-year v e t e r a n, was also
plagued with inconsistency, and
wasn't able to retain his starting
berth by the middle of the sea-
Katzenmeyer finally decided on
Schubeck, Uzelac, Micklow, Kwas-
iborski, Law and Keefe for his
Conference meet team.
Three of them shot great
rounds, but the other three didn't
live up to expectations.
Uzelac, Micklow and Law did
well. Law was low man for Michi-
gan, tying two others for fourth
best in the Big Ten. "He really
shot well for a sophomore and for
a first try in the Conference
meet," Katzenmeyer said. "He
plays well under pressure."
Micklow Draws Praise
Micklow was also among the top
ten in the Conference, and he,
too, drew praise from the coach.
"Except for one bad round, he
shot excellent golf."
Uzelac had been a dependable
and consistent player all year, and
again showed his colors at Iowa
City. Katzenmeyer simply stated
that "Steve played really good
Schubeck and Kwasiborski, on
the other hand, didn't draw such
favorable comment. Schubeck had
been fourth in the Big Ten in his
junior year with a 298, but could
do no better than a 309 on the
Iowa course.
Meanwhile, Kwasiborski shot a
317, which Katzenmeyer figured
was about 15 strokes over what
he should have had.
"If those two had shot up to
their capabilities, we might have
won the meet. We simply needed
more concentrated effort from all
This was the year, but the team
didn't materialize.
Moments of Glory
There were moments ,of glory,
like that victorious Saturday in
Ann Arbor when Joe Campbell
and Purdue fell to the Michigan
But those moments were fewer
than the ones when Michigan fell

Card Section Adds to Color of Football Saturdays

. ,. departing golfer

A GOOD GOLFER, TOO-Coach Bert Katzenmeyer of the golf
team sizes up a putt in a moment of non-instructive leisure.
Katzenmeyer thinks he could have had a winner last season, but,
as he puts it, the team lacked the "concentrated effort."

downed only by a strong Purdue
team, led by Big Ten medalist Joe
Five members of that second-
place squad returned, including1
John Schubeck, who was fourth in
the Big Ten in his junior year.
Captain Steve Uzelac, Fred
Micklow and Ski MacMichael were
all, seniors and Stan IKwasiborski
was a promising jupior. It looked
like the year to make or break.
They broke.
However, the process was a long
one. After losing, as expected, to
North Carolina and Duke, two
strong southern teams, during
spring vacation, they launched the
Bif Tei campaign.
Trouble From Purdue, OSU
They ran into immediate
trouble in the forms of Purdue
and Ohio State. Campbell was still
around, and he was teamed with
several other talented Boilermak-
After losing to the Boilermakers

Spartans again came out victor-
ious, with a 913 compared to
Michigan's 920. About this time
Katzenmeyer was c o m p l e t e l y
stumped. His team improved con-
stantly, but were still getting
His problems were obvious, he
said. "I simply can't get all of the
boys to shoot well at the same
time. One day three or four will
be hot, while the others don't do
well at all.
"We're all pretty constant,
around 76 or 77. This is good bal-
ance, but we can't win the Con-
ference with 76's. We have to be
balanced at 73's or 74's if we hope
to -win."
Some of the players were com-
ing up with the necessary 74's.
Uzelac, Schubeck, Kwasiborski
and Micklow were drawing Kat-
zenmeyer's praise with consistent-
ly fine rounds. However, they
needed a fifth good player to fill

to Campbell and Purdue, and to
6ther teams.
A third place finish would look
good, except that the team and
the coach know that a first place
finish Was possible.
True, they finished- ahead of
their former conquerors -- Pur-
due - Ohio State and Michigan
State-- but they didn't finish
ahead of Wisconsin and Iowa.
As for the future, it isn't so
The chance was passed up,
since Schubeck, Uzelac, Micklow
and MacMichael are graduating.
Only Kwasiborski, this year's cap-
tain, and juniors Law, Keefe and
Ray Lovell are returning with
Varsity experience.
Two freshmen are possible re-j
placements. Dave Britigan and Al
Spangler have drawn some atten-
tion from Katzenmeyer. Assistant
coach Rod Grambeau has also
awarded Larry Markman, Mike
Schlanger, Jim Schmalzriedt and
Larry White freshman numerals.
Need Improvement
However, Katzenmeyer doesn't
feel that any of these boys are
ready for Big Ten play. They will
need a lot of improvement to fill
the shoes of the graduates.
The future isn't tkright. Anoth-
er team like this yer's isn't pro-
bable. An era in Michigan golf
may be past, and a new one may
need building.
Coach Katzenmeyer will enter
the new season with only one re-
gret - that the last wasn't the
best possible. The golfers had
great potential, but the general
feeling is that they may have
wasted it.
They were goal, but not the

Big Ten football, to the unsea-
soned observor, is reminiscent of
a three-ring circus, what with the
game itself as well as the various
sidelights that add to the color.
Into this latter category belongs
Block "M," Michigan's classy card-
flashing, student cheerleading sec-
tion. Some 1,334 people, a group
fairly well distributed between
upper and lower classmen, will
help inaugurate the Block's sixth
season at the Michigan-Georgia
game this fall.
Signups at Registration
Membership to this organiza-
tion is gained merely by signing
up in :ne spring or at fall regis-
tration. A mass meeting, which
is the only practice session that
is held all year gong, will be held
87 20 Tuesday evening, September
17. Carolyn Fisher and Mike'
Rolfe, co-chairmen, cannot stress
too heavily the importance of this
The veersatility of Block "M"
has increased with each ensuing
year to the point where almost
every type of stunt conceiveable
with a flash card section has been
effectively produced.
They do visual cheers in coordin-
ation with the cheeerleaders. As
the Michigan speller cheer is done,
a yellow letter flashes onto a blue
background, until the entire word,
"Michigan," is spelled out.
Their favorite trick and the
most impressive is done in con-
junction with the Marching Band.
As the band performs a formation
on the field, split-second timing
under the direction of Miss Fisher
enables the same picture to appear
in multi-colored brilliance in the
card section.

One of the most successful was
the unfurling of the United States
Flag during last year's Army game.
This was done at the same time
that the band was releasing its.
The stunts that seem the' most
difficult and are the newest in
the field are those , containing
moving figures.
Several themes were used last
year with tremendous success, in-
cluding a series of movements de-
picting Abe Lincoln chopping a
log, a Roman chariot galloping
along, and a boy and girl dancing
How is this precisioned magic
performed? How many hours are
spent for its preparation? Actually,
the ease with which it's done is
amazing. -
Every stunt first begins on a
drawing board after Miss Fisher

BLOCK 'M'-Michigan home football games receive a weekly
dressing up from the colorful student flash-card section, Block
'M'. The group is looking forward to the coming season-its
sixth-and hoping it will be its most successful.

chairman of a committee, petitions
are submitted.
The committees and their chair-
men are as follows:
Co - chairmen: Carolyn Fisher
and Mike Rolfe
Asst. Chairman: Judy Myers
Design: Carolyn Fisher
Asst. Design: Barbara Garol-
Posters: Gail Sloan
Production: Carol Barnett
Co-Ordinator: Jim Shapiro
Facilities: Dick Freemar
Public Relations: Jenny Carlton
Membership: Helen Horwitz
Photographer Sought
A position that is presently
vacant but very much in demand
is an official photographer.
Plans for the future (probably
this fall) include the use of maise
and blue pom-poms, new capes
for each member, a couple of addi-
tional colored cards and a student
dressed as a Wolverine to become
the official mascot of Michigan.
Michigan Tos
For the third straight school
year, Michigan, though it won
only one Big' Ten title, could be
credited with the best all-around
athletic record in the Western
Conference for 1956-57.
Rated on a scoring system of 10
points for first place down to one
for 10th place, with no points
'awarded where an institution did
not compete, the Wolverines
placed in the first division in ev-
ery sport to score 84 points, as
compared to 82 for Michigan
State and 78 for Iowa, its nearest

has contacted Dr. William Revelli,
conductor of University Bands.
Miss Fisher finds out what the
band has planned for the coming
weekend and then designs stunts
to correspond with the band's
PA System Used
After every one of the 1,334
squares has been accounted for,
instructions are given to the stu-
dents as to which one of the eight
colored cards to display. Miss Fish-
er herself gives the signal to flip
the cards, but a PA system is also
used, as well as giant posters with
the instructions printed on them.
The internal organization of
Block "M" operates similarly to
alamost every other University
club. Students start as just mem-
bers, and then as members of
various committees. To become a


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