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October 30, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-30

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

t t

page 4






Russia Says U.S.

Ben-Gu triont

Injured By


Plots Syria





on car

rial UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. R)--The Soviet Union accused the
United States yesterday of withdrawing support for United Nation's
iris inquiry commission in the Turkish-Syrian border crisis in order to
hide plans for unleashing war.
Eisen- Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko made the charges in an-
stened other bitter attack on United States policy during Middle East debate
ssional by the 82-nation General Assembly.
esterniGromyko Demands Inquiry
Gromyko demanded that the Assembly name an inquiry commis-.
-N.C.) sion as the "next and minimum step"* in dealing with Syria's cow-
s move plaint that Turkey is planning to
oposal D attack across the Syrian border.
sident Citizens ilot "Who canobject to setting up
British such a commission in the atmos-
nillan. phere which now exists around
A tier Vote Syria?" Gromyko asked. "The only
ones who can object are those
nice of planning aggression, those who
ate on have something to hide."
st for In uiirKC - Syrian Foreign Minister Salah.
by the Bitar asked the Assembly' to take
Terally-P the preliminary step of naming a
ISTANBUL, Turkey ing)wa -Post, commission, but submitted no for-
, if it election rioting was,reported yes- mal resolution setting forth de-
way" terday from at least five cities. tails as to- what countries should
icreas= 'Martial law'was imposed in the' le named, or specific instructions.
>ration Syrian border city of Gaziantep Bitar said zthe Assembly could act
after two persons were killed; and on its own without any formal
is ask- the town hall sacked, press re- proposal.
of the ports said. , Syria, Russia Suspicious
to any The national ministry of the in- Both Syria and the Soviet Union
n "the terior in Ankara denied knowledge declared they could not accept as-
atomic of the incidents. surances voiced by Turkey in the
cerned But independent press reports UN that it had no intention of
f such said backers of the People's Re- attacking Syria. r,'
ot of. publican party, which lost to Pre- Bitar and Gromyko said assur-
mier Adnan Menderes' Democrats ances given before the outbreak of
in Sunday's Parliamentary elec- the British-French-Israeli attack
with tion, rioted in Samsun,, Kayseri, on Egypt last-year served only as
n Eu- Mersin, Islahiye and other' local- a cloak of aggression.
States ities as well as at Gaziantep. Neither Syria nor the Soviet ,Un-
: their The Republicans claimed the ion mentioned the mediation offer
atomic government-used illegal means to of King Saud of Saudi Arabia,
to ic gove elct- n. .which -was accepted by Turkey,
'could win the election.'Enoi pesa?
ion in In Gaziantep, center of one of 'Economic Oppressionth.
Turkey's main troop concentra- They made no references to the
is sure bons about 30 milesnorth' of 'themove being pushed by some na-
No. 1 Syrian border, a cro d destimated tions to have the Assembly in-
Y call- at from 2,000 to 8,000 stormed the sm arskclda to vit. D
Con- town halrand Democrat party crisis area. The United States is'
' Jan- headquarters.' understood' to look with favor on
Nineteen persons were reported the idea.
ivance wounded in a clash in Kayseri, in Gromyko's speech was filled
isider- central Anatolia wh bitter denunciations ofdnit-
n the After Menderes' Democrats won ed States policy in the Middle
about 432 to 610 seats in the National East. He accused the United States:
der. Assembly Sunday, the Republi- of systematic interference in in-
cans lodged complaints in each of ternal affairs of the Arab coun-
the province* they lost claiming tries and .of engineering plots to
irregularities.' ' . overthrow their governments.
Troops patrolled Istanbul to The United States aim, he add-
guard against new violence. One ed, is economic subjugation of the
of yesterday's partisan clashes area so it can be turned into bases
came after a local Republic'an for NATO.
leader was found shot to death. '_
Police held a local Democratic
vice chairmanfor questioning. H atch rSee
Theprosecutor general yester- s
day ordered Istanbul newspapers "
not to publish any news of 'dis- No Relaxatio in 1
week" orders in Gaziantep and Mersin. -

a doubt"
1 contribul

is proposal i
rear, probably
s soon after
its session in
he had no ad

Brief Attack
Hurts Four
Ministers Wounded;
Only One Seriously
JERUSALEM (P) - A bomb
hurled from the public gallery in-
jured Prime Minister David Ben-
'Gurion and four of his ministers
in Parliament yesterday.
Social Welfare Minister Moshe
Shapira was wounded seriously.
The others escaped with lesser
The bomb thrower, identified as
Moshe Ben Jacob Douek, a 25-
year-old Jew, was seized in the
gallery by a maintenance em-
ploye and held for police.
Casualties Listed
Authorities said Douek was un-
balanced mentally and had tried
to burn an Israeli hospital 2 years
Police quoted him as saying he'
had a grudge against Yough Al-
yah, an organization for the immi-
gration, training and absorption
of new imnmigrants in Israel.
Officials listed the casualties
Ben-Gurion-superficial injuries
from splinters in the hands and
left leg.
Minor Wounds
Foreign Minister Golda Meir--
slight splinter wound in the right
Health Minister Israel Barzilai
Communications Minister Moshe
Carmel-broken bone in the left
Social Welfare Minister Shaiira
-wounds in the stomach, head
Parliament Continues
Shapira underwent- surey and
received a blood transfusioi.
Parliament resumed its session
--with the police guard reinforced
and public spectators barred-a
little more than two hours after
the bombing.
Speaker Josephr Sprinzak told
the deputies Ben-Gurion's condi-
tion was good.
The government radio station
announced that the Prime Minis-
ter had been detained in a hospital,
despite his insistence that he be
permitted to go home.
Barzilat attended the resumed
parliamentary session.
Most of the wreckage had been
cleared away by then.
Douek was grabbed by a main-
tenance employe, Moshe Greenfeld,
before police moved in .Greenfed
was making an inspection tour
when the bomb exploded. Both
Greenfeld and Douek were injured
slightly in their scuffle in the
SGC To Hear
Housing News
Student Government Council
will hear a report by its housing
committee, according to Janet
Neary, '58, SGC executive vice-
The committee was set up last
April to look into the correlation
of housing information for Ann
At the same meeting, the forum
committee will present a progress
report. The committee was estab-
lished to set up a speakers pro-
gram, which would encourage
debate on controversial *areas in
education, politics and religion.













Ref uses



_ " "

Dulles Urges
U.S. Caution
With Soviets
WASHINGTON (A)-Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles said yes.
terday the West "must constantly
be alert" against Russian launch-
ing some foreign adventure to
divert attention from what's going
on at home.
"But I don't want to give you
the impression that we think there
is a war around the corner be-
cause we don't think it is," he said.
'Dulles spoke out- in guarded
terms-at-a news conference which
covered, among other things, Mar-s
shal Zhukov's sudden dismissal as
Soviet defense minister.
Declines Predictions
Dulles declined to predict what
might be, the outcome. He did ex-
press the view that the lengthy
sessions the Comminist Central
Committee is reported to be hold-
ing means that issues of "very con-
siderable importance" are being
Dulles said the new Moscow cri-
sis probably "relates more ,to do-
mestic issues than they do to in-,
ternational problems."
He said, the "pulling and haul-
ing" may reflect serious issues
developing from the scrapping of
Russia's. five-year economic plan
and the move, started last spring,
to decentralize industry.
Awaits Developments
Dulles, obviously waiting for de-
velopments, refused to say whether
the new Moscow situation repre-
sents good or bad news, for the
Regardless of shifts in personnel,
he said, Moscow's dictatorship
eventually will change 'either by
evolution or revolut4on. This re-
form may take a generation but it
is inevitable, he said.
He added that President Eisen-
hower would give sympathetic con-
sideration to an invitation to at-
tend the 15-nation North Atlantic
Pact Council meeting in Paris
Dec. 16.

Students Seek Release
Of Hungarin Writer
A group of University students led by John Dwyer, '59, and Torre
Bissell, '60, have prepared petitions seeking the freedom of Novelist
Tibor Dery, 63, who is imprisoned in Communist Hungary.
Students will have tables available on the Diagonal today and
tomorrow in an effort to obtain signatures of 'U' students, personnel
and any other interested persons.
Plan Petition..
According to both Dwyer and Bissell, plans call for the sehding
of petitions to the Manchester Guardian, an English newspaper,
and the sending of a )petition to
a high official in the Comnunist
controlled government of Hunga- .F
Dwyer said he learned of the
impending trial of Dery last TA
Thursday from some of his Hun-t
garian friends. News leaked out -
of Hungary to Englahd that Dery A ll
been set for either the 'third or
fifth of November.
Bissell on the other hand said By BARTON HUTHWAITE
that lie was called in on Sunday. Fraternities'at Williams College
He is the chairman of the Young recently established a "no-exclu-
Friends and it was through this sion" policy for pledging, accord-
group that permission was. re- ing to the New York Times.
ceived to set up the petition tables Bill Cross, University Assistant
within the University boundaries. Dean of Men in charge of frater-
Need Signatures nities, "doubts very much" if such
When asked wehther they had a system would be feasible on this
set any goals as to the number of campus.
signatures needed, both Dwyer Under the new system, any stu-
and Bissell said "we need as many dent wishing to join a fraternity
as pBssible." Will be accepted by at least one of
As to the assurance that they the houses on .campus. Th1e in-
would ,obtain results both "were dividual will not be guaranteed his
hopefully optimistic. Both com- choice of a fraternity but he will
mented, ,The aims of this peti- be ledgea by some chapter.
tion are to try to save Dery's life Free Decision
and to show the world thatsome- Fraternity presidents at the
body cares." eastern school firmly declared the
The group has had no- contact new rushing policy had been
with the Manchester Guardian adopted voluntarily. They added
but has learned that the Guardi- that their decision was free from
an is also sponsoring a crusade to administration pressure.
free Dery. The Williams College adminis-
Former Communist ' tration holds that, "no fraternity
As far as Dwyer knew, no oth- may operate whose chapter is not
er group in the United States was free to elect to membership any
attempting or had planned any individual on the basis of his mdr-
course of action, its as a person." /
Meanwhile, the fate of Dery During the regular rushing pe-.
hangs in the balance. Twice be- riod last month, 251 of the 268
fore appeals have worked for the students who expressed interest in
aging writer. joining a fraternity were accepted.

Red Pa
Stress )



Ex-Defense iV
Seen 'In Goo

kov will get ai
have not decid(
Communist bos
chev said yeste
He declined t


sia's top sold
defense mini:
"We have :



one according to hi,
nd qualifieations,"
asserted. "I saw Mar
today. He was in good
Reds Minimize
Khrushchev and
leaders appeared at a
bassy reception hono:




my Auto
11 'Ticket
r Parkin
11 over 100 tickets a

high cno
was an in
Nikolai F



"s all the

being given out to automobiles
sting the city's all-night park-
ban in the campus area, Police
H. G. Schlupe of the Traffic
eau said yesterday.
he situation is getting worse
.er than better, he said, «oting
over 100 cars were ticketed
weekend, without the extra
fic occasioned by a- football
Suggests Fine Raise
return to the five dollar fine
be necessary, Schlupe said.
e' dollar doesn't mean any-
g; it's easier for students to
the dollar rather than hunt
a parking space. We may have
art towing cars away, if things
t improve. People just aren't
ng attention to the signs."
udent opinion on the ban, now
s fifth month, covers a range
ttitudes. One student termed
lefinitely the best thing that
ever happened" for drivers.
here are always parking
;es available in the evenings
he proper side of the street,"
student, who lives in South
drangle, said. He added that
e he drove daily, he was not
ered by having to "switch
Student Opinion yaries
her students who do not make
of their cars each day thought
ban a "nuisance." "I fail to see
I have to move the car every
t," one said. "The city never
anything on our street any-
"He lives on East University.
iother student said the ban
unts to "cutting off a foot to
rid of a hangnail," as far as
t cleaning and snow removal
>oncerned, but added that he'
I ,see the city's point regard-
cars left "in storage" on the
'ts. "Too many cars just sit
e," he said. "Something had to

Gaillard Asked
To Orgaize
PARIS (P)-President Rene Coty
yesterday asked Felix Gaillard to'
form a government. The young
financial wizard. didn't say yes or
It was Coty's sixth attempt to
find a government'to pull France,
out' of a political and financial en-
If the 37-year-old Radical So-
cialist gets enough support in the
splintered French Assembly, he
will be the youngest premier in
post-war France.
Coty called upon him after the
assembly rejected Socialist- Guy
Mollet by a vote of 290-227 early
Gaillard, finance minister in the'
fallen cabinet of Premier Maurice
Bourges-Maunoury, is an advocate'
of austerity:'

Of Standards'
University president Harlan
Hatcher indicated in "The Future.
is Now," a report for the year
1956-57 published yesterday that
"there will be no relaxation of
academic standards for admission
or performance of University stu-
"For many years, the University
has admitted only those applicants
whose a cademic records and per-
sonal qualities- give promise of suc-
cess in their study," Hatcher
"The validity of this policy of
admission is borne out by the fact
that over a long period of years,
an average of 80 per cent of each
entering class has achieved its
educational objective. This com-
pares with a national collegiate
average of 50 per cent.
"The entering freshman class
in September, 1956, was' one of the
Vniversity's best," Hatcher noted.
"Nine out of ten of its members
ranked in the top half of their
high school graduating class, and
40 per cent ranked in the top tenth
of those classes."

for three da
.public any
kov's - sudde
the leaders
tion might b
porters the':
had to qui
about the cl

Disciplinary .Action Passedi
By Joint Judiciary Council,
Joint Judiciary Council, in meetings held on Sept. 26, Oct. 3, 10
and 17, administered disciplinary action for infractions of University
regulations in cases involving 32 students and two fraternities.'
Names of the violaters were not disclosed by the Council. "It is
the policy of the Council that the publication of the names of indi-'
viduals involved in violations of University regulations serves no
useful purpose in attempting to clarify the Council's action in the
" enforcement and interpretation,
of these regulations," Bob Stahl,
'58, chairman of the council;said.
" " '' Eight cases heard by the Coun-'
D IM ru shes . cii involved violations of state
1? nlaws and city ordinances relating
to the purchase, sale and use of
: intoxicants. Fines ranged from
$10 for drinking on University
property, to $50 for drunk driv-

Crowding t Men's Residence Halls

Of the remaining students, 14 were
pledged later. The others will be-
come eligible in January.
Housing Problem
"The problem here lies in terms'
of housing," Cross said. "There
isn't a house on this campus that
isn't virtually filled to capacity."
Our fraternity system could not
accomodate the 600 rushees who
failed to pledge, he continued.
"I believe that any person, who
really wants to join a fraternity
should be given every opportunity
to become a member of one. This
does not mean an individual
should be entitled to join the
fraternity of his choice even
though the fraternity he wishes to
pledge does not want him in their
brotherhood," Cross said.
The concept of fraternity living
is based on membership selection,
he noted. "The-Williams fraternity
pledging policy violates this con-
cept," Cross said.,
Rob Trost, '58, Inter-Fraternity
Council president, agreed with
Cross on the principle of member-
ship selection. "The fraternity
assigned a certain pledge may not
like the individual and also, the
individual not care for the house
he -has been assigned."
'- .. el .

..As for Zhulkov's new job,
chev said:
"Yo will not hear ab
The Soviet military pre
day was full of admonit
cerning the supremacy
.Communist party.and th
'loyalty. owed to it by tY
forces, The suggestion v
capable that there had b
sort of division of opinio
Chest Drivt
Solicits Aid
In Dorms
Campus Chest solicitz
the University residence
though scheduled to be
this week, are set manl;
day and Thursday.
Personal collections'
ducted yesterday in sev
eight houses in South Qu
West and East Quadra'
scheduled their solicitat
for today and tomorro
Duane, '58, Inter-House
president, said that appr
six houses in East Quad
half the houses in West
conduct personal solicitat
The residence halls 1
allowed to adopt their ow
as to how Campus Chest
tations are to be made. F
then collected from each

Temporary housing in. University men's residence halls has
diminished markedly since the beginning of the semester, according
to figures announced by Jack Hale, Senior Resident Director of men's
residence halls. ,
Hale's figures showed there is far less doubling up this year than
in previous years at the same date,
"There are 49 expanded spaces," Hale said, "and 29 vacancies."
He was not sure whether the vacancies were in the expanded rooms.
"We are letting some men stay in expanded rooms because they

Violations of University driving
regulations were next in frequen-
cy with nine student convictions.
Infractions in these. cases, In-
volved: driving without authori-
zation; lending an automobile to

;;. ::
: ..

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