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October 11, 1957 - Image 1

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



No. 21




tcial Integration
Isis eaodloked
aubus Refuses To Compromise;
roops Still Guarding Central High
',LE ROOK, Ark. (A') - The Central High School racial inte-
crisis subsided yesterday into a silent deadlock.
. Orval Faubus stood firm on his stand that no compromise is
unless nine NegrQ students are withdrawn from integrated
siden't Dwight D. Eisenhower has refused to withdraw regu-
y troops and federalized Arkansas National Guardsmen from
mtil he is "satisfied that the court-endorsed Central High
ion plan will be enforced by local authorities.
a of them reaffirmed their positiong Wednesday. President
wer sdd he is hopeful it will soon be possible to withdraw
the troops. The. six Negro girls
I T.and three boys were all in class

al Loan.
apl 'U'
ng Plan

eral loan to help finance
for 288 married students
)roved yesterdayby John
tine, commissioner of the
ity Facilities Administra-
the Housing and Home
oan will help erect eight
f apartments'to be located
to. the current 682-unit
od Apartment project.
dition to the loan $1,850,
m of $1,570,000 was raised
roject by bond issue.-
ling to vice-president for
, aff'airs Wilbur K. Pier-
ho negotiated the loan,
units will be one-bedroom
nts, while the other half
apartments will contain
rchitect is Yamansake &
ber of Royal Oak and De-
s yet, however,, no con-
has been hired for the
onstruction of the apart-
3ids, which were received
are now being consid-

Escorted by Guards
As they have been since-arrival
of the troops, they were escorted
on the campus by a detachment
of guardsmen.
President Eisenhower sent the
soldiers in Sept. 24, the day after
white adult mobs rioted outside
the school.
The rioting followed withdraw-
al of the guardsmen by Gov. Pau-
bus, after they had kept the Ne-
groes out of Central High for the
better part of a month.
Showed Pictures -
Gov. Faubus Wednesday:
showed newsmen photographs
which he said depicted soldiers
and officers "sauntering through
the shorts-clad high school girls
1during their- gym, class."
He said he regarded this as in-
discreet on the part of the troops.
One of the Negro girls, Carlotta
Walls, 14, was the pitcher for one,
of two teams engaged in a shrillf
softball game yesterday.
The white girls exhorted her
by name as she pitched.
She, in turn, slapped several of
the white girls on their backs in
congratulatory fashion -for base
hits or good fielding plays.

Deems Vote
Says Beck Influential
In Hoffa's Election
L. McClellan (D-Ark.) declared
yesterday that a scandalous and
shocking situation developed rin
James R. Hoffa's election as presi-
dent of the Teamsters Union.
What if anylhing may result
from this latest charge by the sen-
ator remained to be seen.
Sen. McClellan said the Senate
Rackets Investigation Committee,
of which he is chairman, will con-
tinue its study of Hoffa and his
union. Then he added:
"This is also a matter for the
Hoffawas overwhelmingly elect-
ed president of the Teamsters in
convention last week at Miami
Beach, Fla., succeeding Dave Beck.
The Senate committee Wednes-
day received a box full of records
from the convention's Credentials
Joseph Konowe, secretary of the
Credentials Committee, said the
papers had been thrown out by a
hotel maid, who later died.
But Konowe said he believed
substantially all of the records had
been recovered.
Sen. McClellan, on the other
hand; said the delivered records
were so incomplete "as to be'al-
'most useless."
But even a preliminary exami-
nation of what was available, the
senator said, "revealed a shock-
ing situation . . some situations
which are just plain scandalous."
He said the Senate committee
had found where Beck instructed
the Credentials Committee to ig-
nore the union constitution.
/ "Without this dictatorial action
on the part of Mr. Beck, Mr. Hoffa
-the candidate of his choosing,.
could not have been elected presi-
dent of the Teamsters," Sen. Mc-
Clellan said.

that the contract
d sometime after
-ts' meeting, one

Braves Defeat Yanks, 5-U
Capture First Series Title
NEW YORK R) - Lew ,Burdette became the first World Series
pitcher in 52 years to pitcfi two shutouts as his 5-0 seven-hitter
over the New York Yankees yesterday gave the Milwaukee Br'aves a
world chanlpionship on the very first try.
The fidgety righthander touched off a roar that echoed
from Yankee Stadium to delirious Wisconsin Avenue in Milwaukee
when he retired Bill Skowron, the last Yankee batter, to end the sev-
%enth game. Not since Christy

Mathematician Denounces
'Second Rate Intellects'
CRAWFORDSVILLE, Ind. (R) - The American education sys-
tem is turning out "second rate intellects" instead of sorely needed
creative scientists, one of the nation's leading mathematicians
charged here yesterday.
Norbert Wiener of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
one of the pioneers in development of high speed caculating ma-
chines, made his, attack in a speech at a symposium marking the
125th anniversary of Wabash College.
Do Not Know Math
"Our mathematics teachers do not know mathematics, our lan-
guage teachers do not know languages," Wiener said. "The result is
that a large part of the years of "

a high school are spent in a lock-
step marking time,. rather than
in marching anywhere in par-
The United States school sys-
tem, the MIT professor said, is
under control of the National Ed-
ucation Assn., which he described
as "a powerful and self -perpetu-
ating lobby of vested interests."
Attacked Industry
Wiener accused both the mili-
tary and private industry of valu-
ing a scientist "in accordance
with the amount of money that
he spends" and said of the United
States intercontinental missile
"Even the merest layman may
be pardoned for his suspicion that
all is-not going well."
A second member of the sym-
posium, Dr. Wtney J. Oates of
the Princeton University classics'
department, described the job of
liberal education "to impart to its
students the breadth and depth of
vision' wherewith to choose first
and rescrutinize throughout a
questing lifetime, a sustaining in-
terpretation of that which is."
U.S. To Aid
Turks, -Block
Reds in East
WASHINGTON ()-The United
States bluntly told Soviet Com-
munist chief Nikita Khrushchev
last night that it will stand by its
treaty obligations to defend Tr-
At the same time, the Eisen-
hower administration re - empha..
sized that it is "determined to
carry out the national, policy" of
[blocking any Red aggression in the
Middle East.
The government's view was set
forth in a formal State Depart-
ment announcement read to re-
porters at a news conference.
The American statement ad-
vised Khrushchev to heed his own
words that a modern war once
started is difficult to confine to
any particular locality.
"That truth should be prayer-
fully and Constantly contemplated
by every responsible official of
every country," the statement said.
The American attitude was ex-
pressed in the form of comment
on an interview Khrushchev gave
to a New York Times reporter in
In this interview, Khrushchev
accused Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles of trying to entice
Turkey into war against Syria..
Russia Offers
Uranium 235
VIENNA, Austria ()-Russia of-
fered 50 kilograms of uranium 235
to the International Atomic Ener-
gy program yesterday with the
comment that it has "the most
advanced knowledge in the field of
nuclear science" of any nation.
Prof. V. S. Emelyanov, corres-
pondent member of the Soviet
Academy of Sciences, made the
offer and comment.

United States Propost(
Multi -Nation Me eting

Look to U.S.
On Satellite
PARIS (R) - The Soviet earth
satellite has jolted the press of
Western Europe from its orbit of
assailing United States policy.
After long second thought, these
newspapers once more are looking
to Washington.
The criticism of segregation
troubles in Little Rock and the
editorial hangover from the United
States policy of supporting Egypt
in the Suez c r i s i s have, been
eclipsed by the man-made moon
circling the earth.
The German press predicted the
United States soon will overtake
the Soviet Union in the fields of
satellites and guided missiles.
The British press urged a pool-
ing of Western brains and know-
how to meet the Soviet challenge.
Italian newspapers took a simi-
lar stand.
Even the French press, only
lately accusing the United States
of betraying France in Algeria,
appeared to feel that criticizing
the United States now Is a dan-
gerous luxury.
The press and radio in Commu-
nist Eastern Europe concentrated
on broadcasting United S t a t e s
press praise of the Soviet achieve-
ment, but giving an impression
of United States dismay.

meeting bitter protests from such,
countries as Russia which have
denounced fingerprinting as a de-
vice to discourage visitors to the
United States.
Khrushchev Complains
Soviet Communist chief Nikita
Wtirushchev bitterly complained
about the fingerprinting require-
ment to President Dwight D.
Eisenhower during. the Geneva
summit conference in 1955.
Khrushchev contended finger-
printing should be reserved for
As long as the requirement re-
mained, he said, Russians would
refuse to visit the United States
except under official passports
which did not lrequire fingerprint-
The State Department in an-
nouncing the end of the require-
ment yesterday said it would be
"on a basis of reciprocity."
Visitors from Liberia, Peru and
Ecuador will continue to be finger-
printed, officials said, until these
countries abandon their finger-
printing practice.
Fingerprints also may be re-
quired, it said, of visitors who
arrive witho t visas of any kind
such as foreign seamen who want
shore leave and seasonal workers
from Mexico.


Moscow's Izvestia even
Lenin with. making the,
possible, saying he freed
science from "its slavish
to the interests of dirty

Government A bolishes
Required Fingerprints
WASHINGTON ()-The United States yesterday abolished, with
some few exceptions, its controversial requirement that all visitors from
abroad be subjected to fingerprinting.
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and Atty. Gen. Herbert
Brownell, acting on authority given them by Congress a month ago,
swept aside the pracitice of 15 years standing.
Can Get Visas
Dulles and Brownell ruled that in most cases foreigners yisiting
the United States for a year or less can be given visas without first
submitting to fingerprinting. The move seemed clearly aimed at



African Guest
Hears Apology
In White House
WASHINGTON (P) -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower smoothed
over an international incident yes-
terday with a breakfast of bacon
and e'ggs.
President Eisenhower's guest at
the White House meal was K. A.
Gbedemah, who was refused serv-
ice at a Dover, Del.,. restaurant
Monday evening because he is a
Gbedemnah, who is the finance
minister of Ghana, the new Afri-
can Negro republic, told reporters
after having breakfast with Presi-
dent Eisenhower and Vice-Presi-
dent Richard M. Nixon:
"The President expressed per-
sonal apologies over all that was
done in Delaware."
Gbedemah added President
Eisenhower was "a little worried"
about the snub.
Further quoting the President,
Gbedemah said Eisenhower told
him there are "little things like
that all over the place and you
don't know when they're going to
blow up, or when."
Report Million
Cases of Flu
Health Service estimated yesterday
that Asian flu cases have passed
the million mark.
And a spokesman said the 1,-
077,000 cases reported since early
June do not include several hun-
dred thousand in New York as that,
state has not officially reported
any totals.
The Service's weekly report es-
timatec there were 350,000 new
cases last week.
These, plus delayed reports from'
some states on earlier cases, push-
ed the total past the million mark.
Last week, the total was reported
as 422,650. 1

LSA Committee Studies
Junior Year Abroad Plan


:,, _ _ t

ix Disorderly
Students Held
Six University students were held
by police' yesterday morning for
being disorderly.
The students were Ronald San-
dilands, '58E, Peter .harkey,, '59,
Joseph Conn, '59, William Woods,
'59E' John Barber, '59E, and John
Rogarios, '60.
They were arrested in the alley
between Liberty and Washington
Streets, according to the police
The- report also said that all six
had been drinking, although only
one, Sandilands, was of age.
However, the police report said
that some of the students had been
attending a party at their frater-
nity ,house, Tau Kappa Epsilon,I
and that others had been at a
local, tavern.
The car/which they were in be-
longed to William 'Smink, '58Ed,
also a member of Tau Kappa Epsi-
lon. They were all released without!
charge, although the matter may
be taken' up with University au-
thorities, police said.

Mathewson threw three shutouts
for the New York 'Giants against
the Philadelphia A's in 1905 had
a man blanked the enemy twice in
series play.
Burdette, an ex-Yankee, hadn't
allowed a run in 24% innings
while twisting the proud New
Yorkers around his little finger.
As soon as Eddie Mathews
gloved Skowron's hard smash
down the third-base line and
stepped on third for the force
play that ended the game, a
swarm of cheering boys and men
surged onto the field.
Mathews leaped high in the air
to touch off the wildest victory
celebration in many a year.
Escorts Necessary
Fans crowded ar oun d the
Braves' dugout and the wildly
happy Braves had to be escorted
to their quarters by a guard of
Yankee Stadium police.
Working with only two days
rest because his roommate, War-
ren 'Spahn, still was recovering
from a bout with the flu, Burdette
was simply tremendous.
The rawboned gent from the
hill country of West Virginia sur-
vived a first-inning scare and
wobbled again in the ninth when
See BURDETTE, page 3

Rally Begins
With Parade
From Hilltop
Tonight's pep rally, prelude to
the football game with Michigan
State's Spartans, will begin at
6:45 p.m. with a parade from
women's dormitories on the'hill.
Realizing student spirit will be
up, Student Government Council,
meeting Wednesday, urged sup-
port of the team but voiced the
hope that students will respect
public and private property, be-
having as a credit to. the Uni-
Between 7 and 7:15 the parad-
ers will congregate in front of
the Union, with cheers led by the
cheerleaders and music provided.
by the marching band, abetted by
assorted residence hall marching
After milling around at the Un-
ion for a while, the rally will pro-
ceed to Ferry Field.
Upon reachingFerry Field the
students will hear speakers such
as Bump Elliot, backfield coach,
Jim Orwig, '59, team captain, and
Larry Faul, '58, guard.
The band will play several more
numbers, the rally ending by 8
p.m. to permit those in atten-
dance to make the opening cur-
tain. of Varsity Night at Hill
Veep of IFC
Says Rushing
Not Checked
Inter-Fraternity Council had
no check on rushing violations
during the recently completed
formal rush according to Mal
Cumming, '58 BAd, IFC Executive
In the past, "goon squads" con-
sisting of several fraternity presi-
dents would make unexpected
calls on the various houses to see
if men were being rushed illegally.
Rumors that one fraternity
called up another house and can-
celled a rushee's date without his
knowledge are baseless since no
formal complaint has been for-i
warded to the IFC.
It was also reported that sev-
eral rushees were seen in the
company of actives on double
Maximum penalties for viola-
tion of the IFC by-laws governing'
rushing are a fine of $100 and
possible denial of the fraternity's
pledging privileges for one rush-
ing period.-
The rushee could be denied the
privilege of pledging the frater-
nity that held the illegal rush.
Eight Students
Petition SGC

Soviet Unioi
Brands Plan
A s'Tricker
Lodge AarnsAgai
Possible Desti-tuctio
By Space;Missiles
The United States offered yes
day to enter immediately
multi-nation talks on contro
outer space missiles.
The offer was ignored by
Soviet Union, which accused
West of trickery in disarman
United States Ambassa
Henry 'Cabot Lodge warned
United Nations "we must not n
this chance" to harness for pe
outer space missiles "which
blow us to bits."
Gromyko Hits U.S.
But Soviet Foreign Ministea
drei Gromyko, speaking a
Lodge in' the UN's 82-nation I
tical Committee, made no spe
mention of control of missiles.
He declared the Western Pom
are "still unwilling to reach
He added: "For that reason
call upon the governments of
United States, Britain and Fra
to accept an honest and mutt
acceptable agreement.
"It is time to put trickery a
and stop making a good face w]
the game is lost.
Brief Reference
Gromyko made only brief ri
ence to the intercontinental mi
which the Soviet Union now cla
as part of its arsenal.
He called attention to the gi
ing power of atomic and hydro
bombs and the appearance of
tercontinental weapons, capabl
reaching any objective on ear
The Soviet foreign minister
livered one of his toughest
speeches in recent years.
He rejected the 'Western1
posals put forth at the Lon
talks of the UN Disarmaments
committee, and stood on prev
Soviet proposals which put prio
on immediate and unconditi
abolishment of tests of nu
Lodge declared, tfiat outer' sr
missiles, "like atomic energy,
serve the purpose of peace o
can be used to blow us to bits
Lodge added that the Un
States has proposed the setting
of a technical committee to w
out an inspection system to as
that objects sent into outer sp
serve exclusively peaceful'and
entific purposes.


The Literary College Steering Committee is studying various plans
for students studying abroad in their junior year with the possibility
of introducing such a plan at the University.
The Steering Committee has learned in its investigation into the
problem of the junior year abroad that many students on campus have
shown interest in the various plans, but that the expense, or the needed
- proficiency in the foreign language
, keeps them from applying.
Photo Deadline Six American colleges currently
offer a plan whereby juniors may
s at Pstudy at a European university.
Is 5 P * o Plans offered by Smith and
Rosary colleges are available only
Seniors desiring picture appoint- to women, while those of Sweet
ments have until 5 p.m. today to Briar College, the University of
Maryland, Wayne State Univer-
contact the 'Ensian staff at e the sity, and Hamilton College are co-
Student Pubications Building,.420 . educational.
Maynard. Wayne State Universit ~ cooper-
Myn are requested to wear white ates with the Ludwig Maximilian
Men Unia tie;tomearw University and the University of
shirts, coats and ties; women to Munich.,
wear sweaters for the pictures. If Requirements Necessary
the appointment cannot be kept it Students studying under the
must be changed by calling the Wayne plan must be juniors in
Student Publications Building, NO liberal ats, have had two years
2-3241p of college German or\ the equiva-
The pictures, to appear in the lent, and their course of study
1958 edition of the 'Ensian, are approved by their home university.'
taken on' the ground floor of the "Applicants must show superior
Student Publications Building, scholastic ability and excellent
character," reads the brochure.
Parent's permission is also neces-
This publication c o n t i n u e s:
-y i C osts "Every, student, if accepted, agrees
?anilg Coss = =
L i<tS to the supervision and guidance of
the Resident Director of the junior
due to higher rents and inability year in Munich."
to clean clothes on the premises. All members of the group are
High overhead is cited by Mar- expected to behave in accord with
vin Clark, another cleaner, as the group regulations and to conduct
main reason for the price differ- themselves as responsible repre-
ence between all cleaners. He said sentatives of their college and
that additional reasons for high country."
overhead can be delivery service or This plan also offers a limited
"high executive salaries." number of scholarships- and schol-
Price is not the only criterion arship loans.
in cho'osing a cleaner. The amount Intensive Beginning
of service provided varies from The year in Europe begins with
clanert n er. an intensive five week, non-credit

U.S. To


'Shopping' Necessary To Cut Dry Ch

Jupiter, Thor
By The Associated Press
Russia's success in launchin
first Earth satellite may be fig
in the Defense Department's
nouncemnent yesterday that
will continue on both the Jul
and Thor missiles.
Tests of them will be spe
The Jupiter is an Army pr
and the Thor is the Air Forc
Both are intermediate r
ballistic missiles, designed to t
1,500 miles.
In view of the fact that cu
funds for the Jupiter program
vide only for carrying it thi
December, the question was 'r
where the money would come
for continuing it.
A Defense Department sp
man replied that it would be
responsibility of the departme
"find the money."
He also said the Defense De}
menit has lifted any restrictior
the Army for the use of ove
pay for men working on the

Careful shopping among Ann
Arbor dry cleaners and launderers
can cut students' laundering and
dry cleaning bills.
Although rates at nearly all dry
cleaners are up approximately six
per cent over last year, individual
cleaners still show price variations
on all standard dry cleaning items.'
Basic dry cleaning prices on

elsewhere, primarily d o w n t o w n'
Ann Arbor.
While the average on-campus
charge for cleaning men's suits
is only $.03 higher than the off
campus average, any on-campus
cleaner charges at least $.15' more
than the lowest downtown' clean-
Slacks can be 'cleaned for at
least $.05 cheaper at two down-
town cleaners than at any on-

and ironing white shirts, for ex-
ample, vary from $.27 to $.30.
The average charge for rough
dry laundry is close to s e v e n
pounds for $1.00, but again, prices
vary according to the composition
of the bundle and the amount of
work (ironing,' mangling, folding)
The off-campus cost for dry
cleaning women's skirts runs be-
tween $.60 and $.85 with most
gf,.P ,r mrgin n :x.60 r .6.On-

A total of eight people have
taken out petitions for the five
Student Government Council posi-
tions now open.
Joe Collins, '58, council presi-
dent, Maynard Goldman, '59, treas-



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