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October 04, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-04

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

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Beck Retires as Service to Successor



Faubu i

Start Riot
-Polish riot police
ory militiamen at-
ating students last
aes with tear gas.
its were arrested.
rallied to protest
an on their weekly
aper Po Prostu-
s "Straight On."
t dispersed a group
vith tear gas gren-
g rubber trunch-
s Regroup
dents who regroup-
of a; student hostel
hour later by an-
attack set off after
Gestapo, Gestapo"
managed to get in-
ia from the Zeran
i came to reinforce

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. ( P-Davev
Beck; agreed last night to bow out
earlier than scheduled as Team-
ster president, so his expected suc-
cessor, James R. Hoffa can take
over the union helm right away.
.Beck is retiring from office but
his term extends to Dec. 1.
- But he proposed to the union
convention that it either termi-
nate the term by Oct 15 or put
him on leave of absence after that
date until Dec. 1.
1Hoffa in Charge
Hoffa, obviously in full charge
of the convention, jumped up with
a motion to put Beck on leave
effective Oct. 15.
The convention approved the
motion by unanimous standing
Beck told delgates he was of-
fering to step but sooner than
scheduled because he felt his suc-,
cessor should take over at the
earliest opportunity.
It was possible Beck's move may
have been inspired, however, by.

friinds of Hoffa. who want the
latter in full command of the
giant union for a coming battle
with the AFL-CIO.
The federation has threatened
to oust the Teamsters if they re-
tain Hoffa in the union. a
Oct. 15 happens to be the date
Hoffa is due to go to trial in New
York City on wiretap charges and
be arraigned on perjury charges.
Beck made his proposal to the
convention after a speech in
*hich he said "some people, be-
cause I have been financially suc-
cessful, feel I am not honest."'
Under Indictment
He is under indictment charg-
ing evasion of more than $250,000
in federal income taxes.:
The outgoing union president
fended his tangled financial deal-
ings with union firms and his re-
peated invoking of the F i f t h
Amendment before the Senate
Rackets Investigating Committee
in refusing to tell about them.
One deal Beck particularly de-

fended was his handling of a
memorial fund raised by union
member donations for the widow
of oneof Beck's closest Teamsters
It was charged before the Senate
committee that Beck shared in a
brokerage fee paid for investing
the funds.
Kn owland

Recent Actions

Cites Hat
In Aikaii
Little Rol
Integration Cr
Remains Unso

>ke out and an-
ht the students
in the hostel and
nis were taken to
,w's first hostile
against Poland's
adyslaw Gomulka
)mmunist leader-

French Relations Severed
By President of Tunisia
TUNIS (A') - President Habibd-Bourguiba declared yesterday it
is "not possible to maintain friendly relations with France" and or-
dered Tunisia's ambassador to Paris hiome at once.
In a speech prepared for broadcast to the Tunisian people, Bour-
guiba accused France of concentrating troops along the Tunisian-
Algerian frontier and said they "could at- any mnoment attack our
The President also charged that several Tunisian frontier posts'
have been bombed by French planes and added: "This is' aggres-
' sion which the Tunisian govern-
D a ment will not take lying down:
e11 "ope91 were killed and wound-
ed. .TMe population is wrought.

for the

zng through the
llowing brown
Af students met
about 7 p.m.
the group and
incheons after
ur and trading


The paper was held up twice by
censorship last month for its criti-
cism of Stalinism. Government and
party leaders said the paper had
gone too far.
Gov. McKeldin
Is in Wrong
CHICAGO (P) - Gov. Theodore
McKeldin of Maryland criticized
the governor of Arkansas yester-
day and said "the time has come'
when the federal government
should reveal all that it knows"
about the integration troubles in
Little Rock.
.Gov. McKeldin, a Republican,
said Gov. Orval Faubus' calling
out the Arkansas National Guard
and upsetting the integration plan
of thie Little Rock board of edu-
cation was "particularly obnox-
In a statement listing Gov. Fau-
bus' actions Gov. McKeldin con-
Government Should Reveal
"I believe the time has come
when the federal government
should reveal all that it knows -
all the information that it has--
of events and maneuvers preced-
ing the calling out of the Nation-
al Guard on Sept. 2 and of all
that happened behind the scenes
in Arkansas after the Guard was
withdrawn under an brder of the
Gov. McKeldin posed a series
of questions which he indicated
could be answered by such a re-
lease of information. These were:
Started Rumors-
"Who started the rumors of
prospective violence on which
Gov. Faubus based his original
"'What forces excited the vio-<,
lence after the troops were with-1
drawn? Who provided its leader-
Gov. McKeldin read his state-
ment to newsmen when he ar-
rived for ,a session of the joint
federal-state action committee.

Cheer Plan
A group of University adminis-
trators, acting "in a purely ad-
visory capacity," has decided not
to endorse women-cheerleaders at
this time, Dean of Men Walter B.
Rea, said yesterday.
Dean of Women Deborah Ba-
-on, Dean Rea, William D. Revel-
II, director of bands, Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James
A. Lewis, Newt Loken of the ath-
letic department, and T. 14awley
Tapping, general secretary of the
alumni association, met informal-
ly yesterday afternoon to discuss,
the problem of women cheerlead-
The meeting had been called
after Lou Sussman, '59, told Stu-,
dent Government Council Wed-
nesday night, that while Miss Ba-
con had remained uncommitted,
Dean Rea, Revelli, Tapping and
Loken had expressed favor for
the project.
Dean Rea denied that he had
ever come out for. women cheer-
He emphasized that any such
action was strictly up to the
Board in Control of Inter-Colle-
giate Athletics, whildl many other
groups suchas the M Club, Mich-
igan Managers Club, and Alumni
Association would probably be
asked for opinion.,
Newt Loken, gymnastics coach,
Rea said, was not even very
Dean Bacon commented she
"has never been non-committal
about any issue." She didn't feel
the group should go' into such a
deeply emotional project.
And Revelli, according tot Dean
Rea had not recommended the
Sussman said he was "terribly
embarrassed" by the whole affair,
and sorry for any confusion he
might have caused.
"I may have been carried away
by enthusiasm for the move," he
said, "and misinterpreted the
comments I had heard.

Post Hopes
SACRAMENTO, Calif. 00)-Sen.
William F. Knowland yesterday
announced his candidacy for the
governorship of California, but
avoided an outright pledge that
he won't run for president in
The Senate minority leader, in
announcing he would oppose Gov.
Goodwin J. Knight for the Repub-
lican nomination in the state's
primary next June 3, said:
No Commitments
"Should the people-of California
entrust me with the responsibility
of being their chief executive, they
have my pledge that I shall enter'
into that great office with no com-
mitments other than the ones I.
make publicly to them."
He said he is running for the
four-year gubernatorial term "with
no purpose other than, if nomi-
nated and elected, to devote myself
faithfully . . . for the term or
terms to which I might be elected;".
However, the 49-year-old sena-
tor didn't irrevocably take himself
out of the 1960 presidential race
which is certain to involve another
Californian, Vice-President Rich-
ard M. Nixon.
Still Eligible
Asked at a news conference if
he could conceive of himself as a
candidate for the White House
three years hence, Sen. Knowland
"No one has a crystal ball as to
1960 or to 1964."
Gov. Knight issued a statemeht
later calling Sen. Knowland's move
to unseat him "a hydra-headed
bid" for the presidency.
Knight said:
"Sen. Knowland's carefully
worded statement is properly as-
essed by all who heard it as a
thinly disguised' invitation to his
later 'draft' for the presidential
nomination in 1960.
Such a comment is no substitute
for the honest, straightforward
declaration of intent that the
people of California are demand-,
ing" '
Sen. Knowland made his an-
nouncement in Gov. Knight's
backyard-at a hotel just across
the street from the big white
Capitol where he began his politi-
cal career 25 years ago as a state

The French Defense Ministry
said Wednesday French planes
flying over Algerian territory near
the Tunisian frontier had been
hit by automatic fire from posi-
tions in Tunisia.
The announcement said the
-planes "opened fire on the auto-
matic arms."
Long a French protectorate,
Tunisia won independence last,
year but its relations with France
have deteriorated steadily.
Source of the trouble has been
the continuing anti-French re-
bellion in neighboring Algeria. .
The already exisitng tensions
have been increase recently by
Tunisia's quest for arms to equip
her small military force. "
Egypt and Italy responded f.a-
vorably and the United States
said it favored Western nations
supplying arms to the new repub-
France, fearing that arms going
to Tunisia might get into Algerian
hands, has asked her allies to
hold up any deliveries pending a
French-Tunisian conference on
the question.
B o u r g u i b a previously had
okayed such a conference, but
said today he had reconsidered.


-Daily-Robert Snyder
NO PARKING-The map above shows where students can park and when. Tickets will be given out
for parking violions starting Monday.

Dwight D. Eisenhower an
Orval Faubus of Arkansas d
the Little Rock school inte
crisis at long range yesterda
The question of withdra
federal troops was still fa
At his first news conferi
more than a month; Pr
Eisenhower said he believe
Faubus is "mistaken in whi
doing, -and is doing a disser
the city and to his state."
He added there are two
ent situations that could
withdrawal of federal troo
Two Ways
"One, the satisfactory a
equivocal assurances that
ders of the federal court I
grate the Little.Rock Centr
School would not be obst
and that peace and order
be maintained in connectior
"The second would be an
factual development of p
conditions to the extent wh
local city police would say,
will be no difficulty that w
control in the carrying out
court's orders.'
Given Assurances
In Little Rock, Gov. Faul
a news conference he .ha
the President "unequivocal'
ance'that he would maintai
and not obstruct ,integra
federal troops are withdra
the Arkansas National Ou
turned to state control.
Faubus made noirnmed
ply to President Eisenhow
mark that the governor
taken and is doing a isse
the city and state.
,He did say he thought t
guage of his Tuesday reply
said integration orders wo
be obstructed "by me" con
an unequivocal assurance.
The integration issue to
nearly the entire half hou
White House news con
which was attended by 243
ers compared with a nor
around 200.

State Road
Plan, OK'd'


Ann Arbor To Enforce

All-Night Parking Ba


By Mackie

Asian Flu Reaches Epidemie.
Proportions in State, Country

Health Service spokesman yester-
day said Asian flu is regarded as
having reached epidemic propor-

No Increase
Seen in Flu

tions in five states-New York,
Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi and
The spokesman also said the
disease probably has reached epi-
demic proportions in Alabama,,
Illinois, Michigan and Oregon and
possibly has done so in California.
He explained that a decision on
whether a .disease has reached
epidemic proportions in a state or
other area is one of judgment on
the part of state health authorities
--whether;the disease occurrence
in their opinion warrants designa-
tion, as an epidemic area.
Many colleges all over the coun-
try have been sorely, hit by the
flu epidemic.

LANSING (P)-Highway Com-
missioner John C. Mackie yester-
day blocked out a one and one-
quarter billion dollar road building
program keyed to a system of ex-
pressways across Southern Michi-
Mackie said the expressways will
link all cities .of the state of 50,000
or more population.
The programinvolvesconstruc-
tion or reconstruction of a total
of 2,900 'miles of highways. All will
be under contract by mid-1962,
he said, with completion expected
a year to 18 months later.
Of the financing, 415 million
dollars will come from issuance
of bonds, 505 millions from federal
aid and 330 millions from state
Salient features of the express-
way network call for Detroit-Mus-
kegon, Detroit-New Buffalo and
Ohio - to - the - Soo thoroughfares,
all built to four-lane, divided,'
limited access specifications, and
virtually all on completely new
route lines.
The expressway construction
milage will top 900. He set aside
300 million dollars for metropoli-
tan expressway development in the
Detroit area, the details to be
announced in November.

Tickets will be given to cars violating the city's new all-night
parking ordinance beginning Monday, Police Captain Riland J-
Gainsley .said yesterday.
Previously police have been posting warning signs on automobiles
disobeying the regulation, but there have been too many violations to
continue this procedure, Capt. Gainsley said, and therefore police
will begin ticketing cars.
He said, however, that most students were obeying 4he posted
signs, although a few were disregarding them.
Hits Many Streets
The action will affect parking on virtually all streets in the Uni-
versity area between the hours of 2 and 5 a.m. Parking will be pro-
hibited on the even-numbered
(south and west) side of streets
on Mondays, Wednesdays, and immunuists
Fridays and the odd-numbered
(north and east) side on Tudes- Battle Over.
days, Thursdays and Saturdays. Piayrao o h ri
Primary reason for the ordi- -
nance, Capt. Gainsley said, is to San M arino
get cars which are parked on the
streets in., "dead storage" into SAN MARINO (M)-Italian police
parking lots to make more room moved tanks, armored cars and an
extra police battalion up to the
All Night Parking blockaded border of tiny San Ma-
Free all-night parking for stu- ring yesterday and a few Italian
dents' automobiles will be pro- yested and a fewutlian
vided at both University-owned jets buzzed the hilltop republic.
and city-owned parking lots. But San Marino's 200 Red mill-
University lots, at which park- tiamen, protecting the Communist
ing is free from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m., government against an anti-Com-
are located- at Tappan and Hill, munist committee claiming to rule
on Church between Geddes and uhs contry cldd ng o ue
South University, on Thompson the country, suddenly showed up
between Jefferson and William, with modern rifles and subma-
and south and east of the Mater- chineguns.._
nity Hospital. Storage is also Previously they had been armed
available on North Campus. with 19th century types.

St udents

Dr. Morley Beckett, Health Serv-
ice Director, had "nothing new" to
report yesterday on the high inci-
dence of upper respiratory infec-
tion on campus.
We are still in control of the
situation, he said, and although
there are an unusual number of
cases, there is no epidemic and we
hope it stays that way.


Negro Effig
In Little Roc
By The Associated Press
ized National Guardsmen,
across their c h es ts, 'yesl+
broke up a menacing thro
75 white students who walke
of integrated CentralHigh S
The demonstrators had hor
pull out with theme most a
school's 2,000 white students
forceful protest against N
in their classrooms.
But ringleaders admitted
demonstration was a flop. .
"Come on, you chickens,
youngsters shouted at sti
who stayed inside. "Dirty c
For an ugly split-second
peared a new riot might be
ing up on the street' befoi
school where .blood- was shy
adult riots and demonstration
A Negro was hung in effig
the straw-filled dummy, set
The demonstrators shrieke
shouted in angry near-hyste
They milled about seemin
search of leadership that
point a. course of action.
Sixty National Guard
quickly forme" solid ranks.
With rifles aslant across
chests they moved silently
inexorably on the demonstri
For a moment, the sti
seemed inclined to resist.
they grudgingly gave way.
Within 30 minutes the str



Bagdad Educators Discuss School Problems Common to America, Iraq

Education in Iraq is suffering from many ,of the same problems
that face American educational institutions today, according to two
ministers of the department of education in that country.
Abdul A. Bassam, the assistant director-general of education
in Tron sii his rrntrv's nrimarv neer isonne for teachers on both

On the basis of the examinations, students will be allowed to
attend the University of Baghdad.
The two ministers will emphasize learning more about exami-
nations and testing procedures on their stay in the United States,
they said.
Iraq uses this nation-wide testing for the "maintenance of uni-
form standards of. education throughout our country," Bassam said.

Vlollet Sought

;:* :._... -

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