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September 29, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-09-29

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0/ Washington..


Stanford .0.. 26


Notre Dame

. .2 1 Tex. Christian -181 Southern Meth. 0 iIowa . . . . . . 70 1 Edin. T eac

.far'thwes- terit .

6 1Pa~rdue

.. « IlS"

Ohio State ... 14

Georgia Tech.

. 0 Utah State. . . 14 Slippery



*1 L

Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

:43 aot I
i. 9

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See page 4


[,No. 11



6th Fleet




O ne

Shoot Aircraft
ispect Russian Jet of Snooping
i Amphibious Fleet Maneuvers
EY (AP)--Pursuit planes of United States 6th Fleet with
rders went into action this week against an aircraft snooping
intruding plane-believed to have been a Russian jet on a
>hic mission-esca'ped to Communist Bulgaria before Amneri-
z planes could intercept it.
Admiral,-Charles R. Brown, 6th Fleet commander, ordered
rrying Navy jets to shoot down the plane Thursday when it
American amphibious forces off Turkey for the fourth
day. Brown signaled his 'carrier force "a possible hostile






wIn Opening Ha

yne State


September, Wayne
ity will restrict its
formally matricu-
In university policy
e than one-fifth of
s student body, ac-
Winfred A. Harbi-
ademic administra-

s are in
ted to a
io have

4ly students who
ements of the uni-
raccepted will be
enroll for credit

[e said the new policy would
ect almost every department'
ccollege in the university.
Vore than 400 classes are now
in to nbnmatriculated students
the literary college alone.
[arbison stated that the limit-
of admissions will not affect
university's trial program for
derline students. Designed to
w supervision over students'
,h weak high school records or
: made poor showings. on en-
nice examinations, the program,
1 be continued "for a time" be-
d next September.
lthough closing its doors to
imatriculated students, Wayne
te plans to open a larger and
re complete noncredit adult
cation program. This program
sponsored jointly by Wayne
te and the University, with the
jority of the classes held in the
roit area.
he present set-up allows stu-
its who for one reason or an-
er were not allowed to formally
oIl to apply for credentials and
e up to nine hours of credit
s work per semester.
[offa Blasted1
l1 Statement

" aircraft is approaching your area.
If it menaces your formation use
sidewinders-air-to-air missiles --
to prevent photography."
Although Brown declined to con-
firm or deny officially that such a
message was transmitted, many
officers and several civilians saw,
copies of it. The admiral de~eliped
to permit correspondents to trans-
mit the story over Navy communi-
cations, but said they could do so
by other means.
Commanders of the three car-
riers in the 90-ship fleet ordered
their jets ready for take off while.
Nevy delta wing Skyrays already
in the air sought out the plane.
Prepared To Fire First Shot
One carrier pilot remarkedhlater:
"I was prepared, to' fire the' first
shot in World War IIL''
The plane, a twin jet swing-wing
craft, turned away before reach-
ing the carrier formation and the
Skyrays already aloft failed to
make contact.
The plane was first spotted
Monday when it flew at high alti-
tude over the American :amphibi-
ous force massed off Turkey for
NATO exercises 30 miles south of.
Bulgaria. Navy officials said the
plane came from the direction of
Bessarabia, across the Black Sea.
and along the Romanian and Bul-
garian coasts.
Similar Appearances
It made similar mid-day ap-
pearances Tuesday and Wednes-
day, flying at higher than 35,000,
feet and at a speed of 600 m.p.h.,
The Fleet tracked it by radar andy
by its vapor trails but took no1
action the first three days.
On Thursday, it flashed across
the amphibious force at low alti-
tude, again around mid-day, and
Brown issued the order to bring iti
down if it menaced the carrier
TPB Vcu~ine
Howell, Mich., (M) - Headway
is being made in experiments with
a vaccine to protect against Tu-j
berculosis, the Michigan Tubercu-
losis Association was told yester-
Dr. Stuart Willis, superintend-1
ent and medical director of thet
North Carolina Sanatorium Sys-i
tem, reported on the work at thec
50th annual meeting of the asso-t
Most of the work with the vac-
ci'ne now is being done with ani-s
mals, he said, laying the ground-,
work for use in humans.c
"The new vaccine already has
been applied to several hundred
people who are, by necessity, oftent
exposed to Tuberculosis, Dr. Wil-
lis reported. "But many more peo-t
ple must be vaccinated and atX
least five years must elapse be-k
fore dependable results can be
cast up."

Penalties Slow Down Both Tea
Halt Wolverines in Third TD I]
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 28 (-Favored Michigan ra
fired up Southern California yesterday but gained m
tum in the second half and won its first -game of t1
season, 16-6.
Michigan's fast, hard-hitting array of backs, Inc
quarterback Jim Van Pelt and halfbacks Jim Pace, Mik(
tusky and Brad Myers, packed too much talent for the s
less Trojans.
The Wolverines from the Big Ten got off to a 9-
In the second quarter -on a 51-yard touchdown march
safety. But Southern Cal, with a sensational run and :
by fourth string halfback Rex
Johnston to reserve Bill How-LI
ard went for 41 yards and 6 eamnsters

-Daily-James Elsman, Jr.
(FEDERAL AID TO EDUCATION-Nine Negro students arrive for morning classes via Army station wagon in front of Little Rock Central
High. One girl dropped her notebook and the Army didn't go so far as to be gallant. About 200 white students congregate on the front
steps to jeer or just watch. (For further Daily photographs of the Little Rock crisis, see page 3.)
Mobs, Faubus Flout Court, Claims Ike

NEWPORT, R. I. (N)-President
Dwight D. Eisenhower accused
Arkansas Gov. Orval E. Faubus in-
directly yesterday of encouraging
mobs of extremists to flout federal
court orqers on school integration.
The President at the same time
denied that his 'order sending fed-
eral troops into TAttle Rock bore
any resemblance to Hitlerian tac-
President Eisenhower expressed
his views in a telegram to Sen.
Richard B. Russell (D-Ga.), who
had protested to the President
against what he called high-hand-
ed and illegal methods being em-
ployed by the federal forces in
Little Rock.
Didn't Mention Faubus
The telegram did not mention
Faubus by name, but in an ob-
vious reference to the Arkansas
chief executive the President said:
"When a state, by seeking to
frustrate the orders of a federal
court, encourages mobs of extrem-
ists to flout the orders of a federal
court, and when a state refuses to
utilize its police powers to protect
against mobs persons who are
peaceably exercising their right
under the Constitution as defined
in such court orders, the oath of
office of the President requires
that he take action to give the
"Failure to act in such a case
would be tantamount to acquies-
cence in anarchy and dissolution
of the Union.;"
Russell's Telegram
Russell, in a 'telegram sent to
the President Thursday, said the
soldiers had cracked one citizen on
the head with a rifle butt and had
pushed others down a street with
bayonets at their throats.
The senator said the soldiers
were "disregarding and over-riding

the elementary rights of American
citizens by applying tactics which
must have been copied from the
manual issued the officers of Hit-
ler's storm troopers. .
"However, since you have seen
fit to order the troopers into ac-
tion, they should observe the ele-
mentary rights of American citi-
zens who are violating no federal
Sen. Russell said millions of
patriotic Americans "will strongly
resent the armed totalitarian po-'
lice state methods being employed
at Lttle Rock."
President's Reply
The President, in his reply, de-
Gov. Faubus
Might Close,,.
Central High
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (P)--Gov.
Orval Faubus said yesterday he
might try to close Central Highl
School, rather than continue its
integrated classes at federalbayo-
net point.
"It would be a very pleasant de-
velopment," he declared.
Gov. Faubus said enactment of
new laws at a special session of
the State Legislature would be a
necessary prelude to any such
drastic step. Earlier, he had re-
vealed he was considering calling
such a session although he has not
Yet done so.
Asked if a law to close the school
would stand up in court, Faubus
"I don't see why it shouldn't."
Gov. Faubus emphasized that any
such decision is still in the future.
He said he would proceed very
cautiously in any move to rid the
school of federal troops. They were
sent in this week by President
Dwight D. Eisenhower to enforce
the classroom integration of six
Negro girls and three boys.
The embattled governor-under
fire from President Eisenhower
during the weekend class recess at
the high school-talked to news-
men after conferring with a
mothers' group who beseeched him
to close the school.
Faubus conferred privately with
the mothers. He told newsmen
afterwards that he had given the

"I must say that I completely
fail to comprehend your compari-
son of our troops to Hitler's storm
troopers. In one case military
power was used to further -the
ambitions and purposes of a ruth-
less dictator; in the other to pre-
serve the institutions of free gov-
"You allege certain wrong-do-
ings on the part of individual
soldiers at Little Rock. The secre-
tary of the Army will assemble the
facts and report them directly to
President Eisenhower told Sen.
Russell that "few times in mY
life have I felt as saddened as
when the obligations of my office
required' me to order the use of a
force within a state to carry out
the decisions of the federal court."
Referred to Faubus
The President referred unmis-
takably to the action of Goy. Fau-
bus in calling out the National
Guard gept. 2 to bar nine Negroes
from attending classes at Central
High School on the ground he
wished to preventviolence.
"My conviction," said the Presi-
dent, "is that had the police
powers of the state of Arkansas
been utilized not to frustrate the
orders of the court, but to support
them, the ensuing violence and
open disrespect for the law and
for the federal judiciary would
never have occurred.
"The Arkansas National Guard
could have handled the situation
with ease had it been instructed:
to do so.

"As a matter of fact, had the
integration of Central High School,
been permitted to take place with-
out. the intervention of the Na-
tional Guard there 'is little doubt
that the process would have gone
along quite as smoothly and quiet-
ly as it has in other Arkansas
The President's telegram to Rus-
sell, concluded by the phrase,
"with warm regard," came just
two weeks after President Eisen-
hower had conferred here with
Faubus on the Little Rock situa-
' Faubus kept the guard on duty
after the conference, and the.
President subsequently expressed
himself as "deeply disappointed."
'57 .Directory
Deadline Near
Any campus organization want-
ing its 1957-58 president and tele-
phone number listed in this year's
Student Directory must submit the
information by 5 p.m. Wednesday,
according to Mal Walker, '58 E,
Directory editor.
The directory staff may be
reached by phone or in person at
the Student Publication§ Building,
420 Maynard, NO 2-3241. If last
year's directory contained the cor-
rect information, no call is neces-

Halftime Lead
At the half Michigan held a
slim 9-6 lead. But Michigan got
down to work and sewed up the
game, for all intents, with a 65-
yard touchdown thrust in the
third quarter.
The Johnston-Howard touch-
down play was the big thrill, for
USC in the second quarter.
Johnston got loose from several
tacklers as he plowed, stumbled
and fought his way to the four.
There he ran into Jim Dickey,
Michigan center. Johnston flipped
the ball back to Howard and he
went on over.
Late in the second, on the Tro-
jan 33,. Van Pelt was hard hit,
the ball plopped into the air and
207-pound tackle Rod Humenuik,
of USC grabbed it and started off
touchdown bound. Pace nailed
him about the Michigan 25, but
the referee ruled the whistle had
sounded before the fumble.
.Penalties Hurt
Penalties hurt both teams. A
holding penalty led to the safe-
ty aainst USC, and in the first
half alone USC lost 85 and Michi-
gan 55 on penalties.
The Trojans went to the air in
the final quarter and threw a mo-
mentary scare into the visitors.
They had an almost certain
touchdown on a 30-yard f pass
from reserve quarterback Willie
Wood to halfback Jack Willis, who
was in the end zone and had the
ball. But he dropped it as the
Trojan rooters groaned.
Michigan's second quarter safe-
ty looked important when USC
threatened to score in the final
minutes. The safety came when
quarterback Jim Conroy of the
Trojans was tackled in the end
zone by left guard Alex Callahan

Gain Okay


On Elect


R. Hoffa, jubilant over the Was
ington court decision clearing I
way for Teamsters Union eli
tiohs, last night predicted a fi
ballot convention victory n e
week naming him the new Tea:
ster president.
Hoffa, 44-year-old Midwest _t
ion boss accused; of corruption
the Senate Rackets Committee a
the AFL-CIO, indicated he e
pected other pending prote
against convention delegates to
swept aside, thus guaranteeing 1
"I am satisfied the delega
now have the right to exercise :
voting power they came here fo
Hoffa grinningly told reporters.
Certain Expulsion
His election would mean alm
certain expulsion of the. ,Tear
sters, the nation's largest lal
union, from AFL-CIO ranks. 'I
parent federation has called f
Hoffa's ouster from the Teamst
in the wake of charges he has m
used. union funds and powers.
Dave Beck, retiring Teamst
president, and, himself deeply i
volved in Senate C o m m i t t
charges, called-an appeals cot
decision yesterday afternoon
Washington, which set aside
earlier injunction against Tear
ster elections "a comnplete vin
The 'appeals decision set asi
an injunction issued by Unit
States District' Court Judge
Dickinson Letts against electi
new Teamster officers.:
Rank and File Complaint
He acted on a rank-and-f
members' complaint that delega
choice had beean rigged to insu
Hoffa's election.
Hoffa hinted the union exec
tive, board would throw out t:
basis for a challenge, filed by
Hoffa opponent, of some 175 .co
vention delegates representing 1
union -locals.
There are 1,929 delegates in
representing 891 locals.
Five Survivor,



broadside at James R. Hoff a, Sen.
John L. McClellan (D-Ark.) yes-
ter'day accused the Teamsters Un-
ion leader of repeatedly tapping
union treasuries for his own bene-
f it.
Sen. McClellan, chairman of the
Senate Labor Rackets Investigat-
ing Committee, fired off a state-
ment listing 34 instances of what
he described as "further igpprop-
er activities of James R. Hoffa
and his associates."
These came on top of 48 items
listed at the close of committee
hearings last month at which Mc-
Clellan said Hofga had "avoided
and equivocated" hundreds of
times in response to questions
about his alleged associations.
with hoodlums and racketeers.
Yesterday's blast capped a new
series of, hearings which wound'
up with Hoffa being pictured as
the silent nartner of a real es-.,

Tong Urges Understanding

'World News Roundup

By The Associated Press

WASHINGTON-An appeals court yesterday cleared the way for
the hotly controversial Teamsters Union election but warned that
convention delegates must be seated in accordance with the union
The United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia stayed a temporary injunction granted by federal Judge
F. Dickinson Letts.
PARIS-French deputies will face a familiar choice next week.
'Twap v nn inn Aw lppiglinn fpw of+-+hemm ralne lkp nr +hrnw

"The greatest contribution which
Americans can make to China...
is understanding," said His Excel-
lency Dr. Hollington K. Tong,
Chinese Ambassador to the United
Speaking before the conference
on Chinese-American Cultural Re-
lations, held at the Michigan
Union yesterday, Tong stressed
the close parallel between Ameri-
ca's problem with the aged and
the problem being forced upon the
aged by the Chinese Communists,
pointing out that the old people's
home is not the answer for the

many .Americans who have lived
in China as doctors, teachers and
missionaries, have helped to
strengthen the moral cultural and
physical bonds between the two
great countries.
The general theme of the con-
ference was: New Approach to the

Intercultural Relations between!
the United States and China. Dr.
Tong summed up the new a-
proach as "'With understanding
will come American policies which
will save Chinese culture from be-
ing swept away by the Commun-
ists . .

Rescued at


After two days in a half-s
lifeboat, five survivors of the
man sailing ship Pamir
aboard a United States
ship and made one immedis
quest: Water.

:?; ;i;:;i'ifii isi f>=isi;:;:ji :_i;i;iSY=ri$>i= >::>::


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