Stu den t
Southeast Asia
-Daily-Richard Bloss
JDENT ACTIVITIES BLDG.--Almost all student organizations have their offices in this new
lion-dollar structure which was opened early this year andis unmatched at any other university.
Irueture Unique in Nation
Latest addition to the University
is the Student Activities Building,
completed last February.
The building, the only one of its
kind among American universities,
houses nearly every student group
on campus, as well' as the offices
of the Dean of Men and Dean of
Women. It was built at a cost of
$1,154,987, all of which was, sup-
plied by the University.
The SAB consists of three floors
and a basement, totalling 115
rooms. These house, or will when
the building is used to capacity,
80 student organizations.
Most of these organizations have
their offices on the second floor of
the building, in the west wing.;
Here they are given office space,
and/or a desk and file.
!~ ! Home Provided
These offices provide a home for
many groups which formerly wan-
! dered around campus from year
to year, meeting in the living quar-
ters of their president or any
ether 'place available. Now they
have permanent mailing addresses,
either in separate offices or in the
Secretariat, the central area which
contains files and desks.
Meeting rooms are also avail-
able to these groups on the third
floor of the building. These range
'in size from small rooms where
groups "or committees of perhaps
10 students can get together and
discuss matters, to the larger well-
appointed room where Student
Government Council and Joint
Judiciary, meet. This room also
has space for spectators to watch
the proceedings.
SGC Noved In
SGC, like smaller campus groups,
has found a home in the SAB.
Before moving into the building,
the council was cooped up in a
quonset hut at one end of the
campus. Now SGC has ample
space, conveniently located in the
same building with many of the
groups affected by their decisions.
SGC has also benefited in an-
other way. Now that there is suffi-
cient room, members of the ad-
ministrative wing are more inter-
ested in working; more students
are trying out fpr this body, from
which future SGC members are
drawn. SGC committees also have
greater room than in the old
quonset hut.
In this same wing of the build-
ing (first floor west), are house'd
other major organizations on cam-
pus - Inter-Fraternity Council,
Inter-House Council, Panhellenic
Association, and Assembly Associ-
rooms of the SAB, as well as being
near enough to each other to com-
municate and formulate plans in
The Dean of Men and Dean of
Women maintain their offices on
the eastern side of the building.
Dean Deborah A. Bacon and her
staff occupy the first floor, in a
setup similar to those in the, other
half of the building - offices lin-
ing the walls, and a central filing
area. A similar plan is followed
upstairs, where the dean of men,
Walter B. Rea, and the 'Office of
Student Affairs are both located.
Off in one corner of the large
general lobby on the first floor
is the receptionist's desk.-
See ACTIVITIES, page 8
N ewly-Structured IHC
Beginning Second Year
SGC Begins
Third Year
On Campus
In an active second year on
campus, S t u d e n t Government
Council last year performed key
judicial tasks and initiated pro-
grams with far-reaching . effects
in the University community.
Last year, SGC: ,
1) Found Sigma Kappa sorority
in violation of a University regu-
lation which prohibits racial and
religious discrimination.
2) Set up a student-faculty-ad-
mnistration committee to study
the possibilities of an honor sys-
tem at the University. This in-
cludes such things as non-proc-
tored examinations.
3. Made recommendations to
the Regents concerning the Uni-
versity lecture committee, some of
which were accepted.
4) Worked to bring a voluntary
Health Insurance program to the
5) Initiated a forum program, in
which controversial speakers will
be invited to the campus.
6) Carried out the first Univer-
sity Campus-Chest drive, "give-
once-for-all" charity program,
and prohibited Galens, medical
honorary, from holding a separate
7) Set up a Student-faculty-ad-
ministration committee to study
the effects of increasing enroll-
ments at the University.
8) Worked to program a spring
rushing program for women at the
The Sigma Kappa situation took
a great deal of the Council's time.
Interest 'in Sigma Kappa began,
when it was learned that this
group's national had dropped two
locals, after they had pledged Ne-
gro girls.
The Tufts College (Jackson)
chapter was expelled from the or-
ganization, the Cornell group sus-
pended. 'W University regulation
says "Recognition will not be
granted any organization which
prohibits membership in the or-
ganization because of race, re-
ligion or color."
The Council, after a study of
the matter, found Sigma Kappa in
violation of the rule. The group
was given until September of 195$
to show it had changed its dis-
criminatory policies.
In an area more academic, SGC
has established an honor system
study committee. This group will
look-into honor systems at other
Universities, and try to learn
whether such a program is work-
able here.
The Council's study of the lec-
ture committee has already been
successful. This comimttee plans
See COUNCIL, page 3
Campus Chest Combines Collections
Completing its first year with a new structure, the major men's
Residence Hall student government is preparing for a .year of growth
and service.
The Inter-House Council was reorganized in the spring of 1956,
spending most of its time last year feeling its way along new paths.
At Year's end, its outgoing president described the organization as
"in a good position to grow."
Already the group has undergone many growing pains, but its
several accomplishments this year and *its considerable plans for
Campus Chest held the first
united charity drive in 'the Uni-
versity's history last May, col-
lecting almost $3,000 of a $6,500
At semester's end, chest offi-
cials were thinking in terms of a-
fall bucket drive this year.
The money received from last
spring's drive was distributed
among three charities, World
Uhiversity Service, the University
Fresh Air Camp and Free Univer-
sity of Berlin Fund. The last of,
these charities finances a scholar-
ship for an exchange student from
the University to study one year
i1 Berlin.
The University Fresh Air Camp
provides a summer camping ex-
perience for 250 boys, - witl: be-
havioral problems or broken
WUS Helps Students
World University Service aids
students and faculty members of
all countries to obtain needed edu-
cational spplies, and Ah aids in;
the education of refugee students.
The once-for-all charity drive
replaced for the first time separ-
ate bucket drives and tag days
held for each charity.
This combining of drives was
enacted by Student Government
Council in the spring of 1956 to
eliminate the numerous solicita-
tions held throughout the year
and in the hope of obtaining a
larger donation 'from the student
The last of these aims failed to
materialize, for the $3,000 col-
lected by the Campus Chest even
failed to equal the $4,000 collected
a year ago for the Fresh Air Camp
in its separate drive.
Drives United
The SGC motion did, however,
unite the drives under the Cam-
pus Chest board, a group working
under SGC and responsible for
conducting the annual drive and
allocating its funds.
Instead of the bucket drive con-
ducted in the past, Campus Chest
has sought to base its campaign
for funds on personal solicita-
tions. A bucket drive was held this
spring, however, as an additional
means of collecting donations.
The first campaign held an auc-
tion to open its drive. Among the
items put on the block were tick-
ets for the Ohio State and Michi-
gan State football games on the
50-yard-line, dinner for two with
University President and Mrs.
Harlan Hatcher, and a student
parking permit good for this year
in a central campus faculty park-
ing lot.
The theme of the drive, "Don't
pass the buck, give it," and the
drive symbol, a helping hand
dropping a coin into the chest cof-
fers, set the theme of the opening
CAMPUS CHEST DRIVE-Three charities combine to drive
annually "once for all" on the University campus.
IFC Organies, Speaks
For 42 'U' Fraternities
Interfraternity Council represents and coordinates 42 social fra-
ternities and their 2300 members at the University.
Five officers are chosen annually to guide the organization:
president, executive vice-president, administrative vice-president,
treasurer and secretary.
Judcial and policy matters are referred to the Executive Commit-
tee, composed of the five officers, presidents of the five fraternity
districts, Assistant to the Dean of Men Bill Cross, and three alumni
members. Violations of University and IFC rules are brought before
Cultural Trip
First for 'U
Cost of Project Set
At .$26,400;Group
Preparing Prospectus
Daily City Editor
Student Government Council
and the University will continue
planning this year to send an
eight-member delegation to South-
east Asia next summer.
This cultural ,and educational
delegation will be the first spon-
sored by the University. Only two
other American schools, UCLA
and the University of California,
have had similar projects.
An SGC-appointed steering
committee has been organizing
the project and preparing a' pros-
pectus setting forth the objectives
of the delegation. This group will
appoint a second committee which
will select the delegation mem-
Delegation Costly
Initiated last spring at the sug-
gestion of former SOC member
Anne Woodard, '57, the project
will cost an estimated $26,000,
The funds will be sought
through a foundation grant.
Preliminary plans call for
an eight-member student-faculty
group to take a nine-week tour of
Asia, visiting the Philippines,
Viet-Nam, Cambodia, Thailand,
Burma and Indonesia.
During the current school year,-
the delegation members will un-
dergo an extensive training pro-
gram designed to acquaint them
with political, economic and so-
cial aspects of Asian cultures.
The persons to take part in the
delegation, will be selected through
petitioning which will open next
Group to Visit
While in Asia, the group will
visit universities and meet with
students in addition to touring
rural and industrial areas of the
countries in the itinerary.
Efforts will be made for the
group to participate in special
programs and to meet with Uni-
versity alumni and families of
University students living in the
Asian lands.
When the delegation returns J
to the University its members will
take part in lectures and radio
and television appearances to dis-
seminate some of the information
gathered during the tour. Publi-
cation of articles and pamphlets
by delegation members is also
scheduled for next fall.
Knowledge Important
Student members of tht dele-
gation, according to a preliminary
prospectus, will be chosen on the
basis of their knowledge and in-
terest in Southeast Asian cultures
and geography and their ability
"to speak to groups formally and
Those planning for the delega
tion hope that more will be
learned of Southeast Asian ways
here and that the delegation, in
turn, will spread a greater under-
standing of American cultures.
Rushing Starts
September 29
From Sunday, Sept. 29 through
Oct. 13 is a period many new Uni-
versity students are not likely to
It is during this period that
rushees visit the 42 social fra-
ternities on campus, seeking lin
Joint Judie
Holds Court
3 .,
Oan campus
Joint Judiciary Council is the
campus student governing body
"with a heart", a former judic
chairman once said in describing
the group.
"When the Council starts to
talk about penalties, first or sec-
ond offenders ana University reg-
ulations, many students mistak-
enly think of an appearance be-
fore Joint Judie as an only slight-
ly modified third degree session
in a toreboding courtroom atmos-
phere," he said.
"Nothing could be further from
the truth."
Judic Informal
Actually, he went on, Joint Ju-
dic, hearing mostly drinking and
driving violations, is an informal
group holding round table discus-
sions with the student appearing
before the judicial body.
After reading written summa-
ries of the cases, the board listens
to the student's story.
Then council members and the
student together try to reach a
decision "equally beneficial" to the
University and to the student.
. The 10-member board, composed
of both men and women, also hears
a number of cases involving false
idenification and apartment par-
ties. An occasional entire frater-
nity and sorority case comes up
in the weekly meetings.
Cases Appealed
All men's cases are directly ap-
pealed to Joint Judic. Since every
women.'s housing unit has its own
X1957-58 indicate the direction IHC
is headed.
, IHC, which is for all residents of
East, West and South Quadrangles,
in its present form was conceived
by a committee established by the
old IHC to study, evaluate and
recommend changes in the organi-
Immediate predecessor to IHC
was the Tri-Quad Council, which
existed in 1952-53.
.HC formerly had a structure
consisting of two members 'from
each House in the Quadrangles,
plus a cabinet of officers.
This organization, a 56 - man
body, proved 'too unwieldy and
lacked any real motivation.
The new structure is composed
of the 23 House presidents, a group
the s t u d y committee believed
would be well informed and cap-
able of good leadership for the
Residence Halls.
Purpose of IHC was also clari-
fied by the committee when it
wrote the new constitution. The
preamble says, in ' effect, IHC
See IIC, page 8
this committee at its bi-monthly C
Ten committees, working under
the officers, represent the admin-
istrative aspect of IFC: fraternity
relations, fraternity services, pub-
lications, rushing, social, office,
personnel, scholarship, alumni
and Junior Interfraternity Coun-
Legislative matters are brought
before bi-monthly meetings of the
Fraternity President's Assembly.
IFC belongs to the National In-
terfraternity Council and sends
delegates to national conventions.
Fraternity men, rushees and
alumni find several services avail-
able through the IFC. Sponsored
by the social committee are the
annual IFC Ball and Greek Week,
and a Christmas party for Ann
Arbor school'"children. The rush-
ing committee publishes a rushing
booklet and brochure.
The scholarship committee
hopes to offer $100 per semester
to a student.
IFC will operate on a budget of
about $5000 this year.
By Lewis
It is always a pleasure for
me to be included in the large
group of University folks who
welcome the incoming fresh-
man class. My special interest
in this open letter is to call to
your attention the services that
are }available to you for coun-
selling and guidance here at
the University. During your
orientation you will be made
fully acquainted with these
services and effort will be made
to get you to understand that
you should feel free to take ad-
vantage of the services.
Our experience is that many
times, for some reason or other,
freshmen do not seem to want
to use the counselling and
guidance agencies. Let me urge
you to acquaint youself thor-
oughly with these agencies and
then use them to the utmost.
You will find warm and friend-
ly people about you who are
devoted to helping you 'in all
kinds of situations. Why don't
you try them?
The other interest of mine
is worthy, I hope, of your early
attention in your new college
life. Student activities in gen-
eral are part of your learning
experience. We have hundreds
of opportunities for expression
of your interest in these areas.
The record Nill show that
students who participate in the
various activities come from
small towns as often as they do
from large communities, from
average American families, as
Union Wing Provides More Service Facilities
ation. These groups formerly
meetings in the Union; now
are able to use the third
Held Yearly
University students achieving
high marks in their courses are
recognized annually at a special
honors convocation.
Held late in the spring in Hill
Auditorium, the convocation hon-
ors undergraduate* students re-
Dedicated last spring, the $2,900,000 addition and renovation to the
Union is the result of seven years of planning and construction which
will come to a close with the finishing touches now being put on music
Actual construction began in fall, 1954, with the ground breaking
ceremonies coming in conjunction with the Union's 50th anniversary.
Much of the addition and improvements are very noticeable-the
enlarged and remodeled cafeteria, new student offices, more room for
many different uses-but much is hidden behind the scenes.
Elevators New
A maintenance shop provides enlarged and improved facilities for'
upholstery and general maintainence work. The basement of the new
addition also contains a centralized storage area.
New elevators and elevator shafts speed service between the ground
and fourth floors of the Union.
..... t"F.t".. ....... ;.,tom. .