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May 10, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-05-10

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ler Cites Need
The amount the federal government spends for basic social science
research should be doubled to $1,700,000 next year, a University pro-
fessor of psychiatry told a United States Senate sub-committee yester-
<>Dr. Jamies G. Miller, chief of the Mental Health Research Unit of
the University Hospital, presented this as part of a report of a
temporary national group on support for behavioral science which'
was formed last fall at the suggestion of Vice-president Richard M.




Spen di

West Leads.
"Though the West leads Russia in accomplishment in behavioral
science at present, we could be surpassed by a country which concen-
trated serious effort to that purpose," Dr. Miller told Sen. Everett
Dirkson (D-Ill.) and his subcommittee of the Committee on Appro-
A breakthrough in the control of human attitudes and beliefs
through drugs or subliminal stimulation "could be a weapon of great
power in Communist hands," Dr. Miller's report said.
"The issues which can be attacked by behavioral science are the
human ones whose solution can guide world affairs along the course
from cold war to ultimate peace," the statement continued.
"There has been almost no systematic research in behavioral
science concerning international relations and diplomacy, negotia-

tion, the prevention of war, or the operation of arms control systems,"
Dr. Miller explained.
Dr. Miller cited figures for "disproportionate" increases in research
spending for medical, physical and engineering sciences from the
federal government.
Proposed increases for biological and medical sciences would raise
the federal research appropriations from $7.8 million in 1958 to $19.5
million in 1959.
Mathematical, physical and engineering sciences would get grants
increasing from $7.8 million this year to $19.5 million in 1959.,
Suggests Doubling Grant
The social science research grant would increase only $250,000,
from $600,000 this year to $850,000 {in 1959, Miller said. "This is dis-
proportionate and does not properly support the critical sciences of
man," he declared.
His personal suggestion was to double the proposed grant to $1.7
or even a three-fold increase to $2.5 million. The group of 15 men
representing the social sciences and social science organizations which
Dr. Miller represented at the hearing, also recommended an increase
in fellowship support for social science students at universities.
This committee also recommended "more adequate representa-
tion" of the social sciences on the National Science Board and other
scientific advisory bodies of the government. Dr. Miller called for a
social science division within the National Science Foundation.

These recommendations are intended to give added emphasis to
the place of social science and emphasize its needs, the subcommittee
was told.
Increased funds for the National Science Foundation to support
the social science aspects of behavioral science, including basic re-
Search, training and facilities was included in Dr. Miller's report.
In ,addition to Dr. Miller, Dr. Ralph W. Gerard, professor of
neurophysiology of the Mental Health Research Unit of University
Hospital and C. Leslie Glenn, research associate of the unit, were also
members of the temporary group which made these recommendations.
Group Prepared Report
Prof. Donald G. Marquis, chairman of the psychology department
who is now on leave with the Social Science Research Council, was
also a member of the committee.
This group of fifteen prepared the report and discussed it with
Vice-president Nixon and James R. Killian's Science Advisory Com-
mittee and has now disbanded, Dr. Miller told the sub-committee.
"The strength, of a nation depends on its technical and material
assets, and on the scientific research which constantly expands these
physical resources," Dr. Miller told the senators.
"But national strength is equally dependent upon human factors:
the health, morale and motivation of the population, as well as the
formal and informal organization of the society," he added.

... suggests committee'

.*. consulted on v

See Page 4


Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom.



LXVHI, No. 158$



fairy Endangers

continent 's


I COLORADO SPRINGS,'Colo. ()--Interservice rivalry and lack
of single command are imperilling the American continent, high of-
ficers in the North American Air Defense command said yesterday.
NORAD, established in this central Colorado city in September of
1957, is a unified headquarters composed of elements from the United
States Air Force, Army and Navy plus the Royal Canadian Air Force.
NORAD is a unit in itself and not attached to any one service.
The Arny, Navy and Air Force provide men, planes, ships and
weapons to the continentwide air defense force. The peacetime mission
P of NORAD as spelled out officially:
"To prepare plans and procedures
r for immediate joint air defense
Prof. l hien e. action by the separate forces of the
United States and Canada in the
hi A ' f r event of hostilities.
eSjer "It will have operational con-
trol of all air defense forces made
available to it by both coun-
Of High tries..- "
In war it would control all North
American air defense, .
Professor Frederick P. Thieme, Commands NORMD
chairman of the anthropology de- But Gen. Earle E. Partridge,
partment, has been appointed as- commander of NORAD, 'has no
sistant to the president of the real authority over field com-
University of Washington, Seattle, manders of the various services
Wash. , ' making up the NORAD defense
Thieme will assist the newly- structure, his officers say. The
appointed President Charles E. services can and do make man-
Odegaard, who is now dean of power, equipment and. weapons
the University's literary school. decisions on their own without
Thieme's responsibility at the Uni- advising or consulting him.

versity of Washington will be in
the area of academic affairs.
After graduating from the Uni-
versity of Washington, Thieme re=
ceived a Ph.D. at Columbia Uni-

Need At
WASHINGTON (P)-A bill to re-
quire price tags on new automo-
biles was approved by the Senate
Commerce Committee yesterday.
The- legislation has been en-
dorsed by many dealers and manu-
facturers as a means of stabilizing
the competitive situation in the
new_ car field..
It would require manufacturers
to put .on every new auto a tag
listing the suggested retail price.
Druids Initiate

-Daily-Eric Arnold
... senatorial candidate
Hart Urges
Further A id
To Nations
Lieut. Governor Philip Hart,
termed the problem now facing
the United States as one of "Guns
or Butter" in a brief talk here
We'must certainly maintain our
military strength but equally oi
more important is the need for a
positive approach to domestic,
problems, he said.
Speaking before a meeting of
the Young Democrats, the Demo-
cratic state senatorial candidate
urged increased efforts in win-
ning the underdeveloped countries
of Africa and the world to the
side of democracy.
'U' Must Lead
"The University must lead in
developing understanding and ac-
ceptance of the role the United
States must play in our world re-
lations," he declared.
Hart cited America's "monu-
mental ignorance" of potentially
important ;underdeveloped coun-
"The University must give lead-
ership in human relations, in the
integration of groups, in pointing
out the necessity for enabling
economies of underdeveloped na-
tions to grow . . . all aspects of
Hits 'Crash Program'
A "crash American education
program designed to keep up with
Russia's advances was labeled "es-
sential" but not a "cure-all" by
The answer does not lie in a na-
tion of a "test tube" philosophy,
he said.

Dodge Says,
Need Talent
'U' Business Students
Present New Award
The demands on executives has
been multiplied on every level of
businessand industry, Joseph M.
Dodge, chairman of the Detroit
Bank and Trust Company, said
"In every sizeable enterprise the
selection and development of ex-
ecutive talent must become pri-
ority projects," Dodge, the first
recipient of the business adminis-
tration school's 'Business Leader-
ship Award, said last night.
Lack of Executives
Dodge's reason for this is the
discovery that the "principal.
cause of failures in small. business
is a lack of good administration,
and nearly every category of weak-
ness can be tracedtto it."
Dodge stressed the importance
of good executives in his award
lecture at Rackham Amphitheater.
He suggested that executives
should be chosen with just as
much care as a member of a rec-
ognized profession. Seniority, in
advertance, or. other such mech-
anisms should not be used in selec-
tion,, as "management is such an
important factor in the success of
any- enterprise."
Defines Title
Dodge defines the title of his
lecture, "The Business of Manage-
ment" as "the organization and
coordination.of money, plant, ma-
terials and men into their maxi-
mum productive value and useful-
Dodge then explained the quali-
ties necessary for being an execu-
tive and concluded his lecture by
saying that the source of the great-
est satisfaction to the executive
"comes from their positive role in
developing and guiding an organ
zation to successful accomplish-
Packs House
After the lecture, a packed am-
phitheater saw James P. Stearns,
Jr., Grad., Business Administration
Student Council president and
Winfield L. Cooper, '58BAd, Coun-
cil vice-president present Dodge
a certificate and the award, a gold
Before the lecture, Dean Russel
A. Stevenson of the business ad-
ministration school expressed the
hope that this would become one
of the finest awards offered to
business men; and President Har-
lan Hatcher introduced Dodge.

Auto Corporations Resi.

Group AsksTAX E
WagemPrice U.
} . NEW Y,
Urges Consideration ment yest
Of InflationaryRisks of possibb
the indictr
HOT SPRINGS, Va. (A)-A pro- ton Powell
posal that President Dwight D. Ei- income ta
senhower call for a one-year mora- The in
torium on wage and price increases portedly w
was laid yesterday before the Com- United lliams
merce Departrent's Business Ad- iqiry
visory Council of the W
The council, an advisory group
of industrialists, is holding its
spring meeting with Secretary of Hig
Commerce Sinclair Weeks, Secre- .H g
tary of Defense Neil McElroy and 'u
other government officials. S
Form Committee
The wage-price moratorium pro- Cam
posal was submitted by a special
committee formed at Weeks' re-
quest and headed by T. V. Houser, High si
chairman of Sears, Roebuck & Co. teachers a
Committee members urged that 2,000 peop
all emergency measures be con- ing today
sidered in the light of inflationary pus as par
risks. They were unanimous in Universi
holding that inflation is"the No. soredn by
1 long-term problem of the eco- Union, is
nomy. campus t(
Prevent. Decline and to a
even mabout the
As a means of preventing a fur- lif e
ther decline in public purchasing The pio
power and possibly to encourage dress by V
price reduction, the committee said of Student
President Eisenhower should issue mock lect
a call for a moratorium on further s, and
wage rate increases by-labor ands ious scho
on corresponding price increases Unvrst
by business.
It said the business community
should do its part by pushing
strong selling campaigns, improv- Sag
ing products and cutting costs
and, where possible, continuing
plant expansion and moderniza-Su
tion programs at reasonably stable
levels throughout this year and
next. A reb
The committee recommended to bow to
against any general tax reduction serve a m
at this time, but said should the A shoe
government be faced with the al- that Judge
ternative of tax reduction or Wayne co
equivalent spending on projects
not otherwise contemplated, the
committee unanimously favors tax In an
reduction. recently or

S. Launches Probe
F Powell's Indictment


FORK ()- The govern-
erday launched a probe
le outside. influences in
ment of Rep. Adam Clay-
1 (D-N.Y.) on charges of
x evasion.
Aicting grand jury re-
vas prodded into action.
States Attorney Paul W.
named as targets of his
William Buckley, editor
eekly National Review,
i School
tents Visit
[pus Today
,hool students, their
and parents, more than
'le in all, will be spend-
on the University cam-
rt of University Day.
ity Day, jointly spon-
the University and the
an attempt to show the
o prospective, students
answer their questions
University and college
gram will include an ad-
Vice-President in Charge
t Affairs James A. Lewis,:
ures by various profes-
open houses in the var-
ols and colleges of the

and Thomas A. Bolan, a former
assistant United States attorney
in Williams' office.
Buckley was subpoenaed for
federal grand jury questioning
next Tuesday. Bolan was not im-
mediately summoned.
Williams has been smarting un-
der reports that the Powell grand
jury was stirred into action when
the Justice Department was re-
luctant to go after the Negro con-
gressman 'from Harlem. Williams'
has denied the jury ran away: on
The probe of Rep. Powell's af-
fairs had lain dormant 14 months
before it suddenly was reopened
last April 17.' Thursday, the jury,
indicted Rep. Powell on three
counts of evading $3,063 in 1951-
52 taxes on his own income and
that of his wife, pianist Hazel
Scott. That jury then was dis-
Had the grand jury held off un-
til next September, the statute of.
limitations would have taken ef-
fect - which means that Powell
could not be prosecuted since the
time in which an alleged crime
may be punished would have
Last December, Buckley's Na-
tional Review carried an article
critical of the lengthy. shelving of
the Powell case. Copies were
mailed to each of the 23 grand
jurors on the Powell case.

Ford Says
Will Boost


DETROIT () - The auto
dustry yesterday stiffened it
sistance to Walter -P. Reut
wage demands as negotiation
new labor contracts were rec
for the weekend without
noticeable progress.
The first deadline comes at
night May 29 when the Gei
Motors contract ,expires.
Henry Ford It said no aut
bile company could grant the
mands of Reuther's United A
mobile Workers and stay in
ness. He said, "most of the a
mobile companies are today c
ating at a loss."
Raise Car Cost
Ford estimated the UAW's
demands would amount to ar
crease of 70 cents an hour
would raise the cost of a car;
than .$300.
General Motors Corp. sai
gave the union bargaining
documentation of the comp
claim that union demands u
raise GM's labor costs 73 4
an hour. GM figured this u
come to one billion dollars of
two-year period.
The Eaton Manufacturing
an automobile supplier with p
in Michigan, and Ohio, aske
UAW to freeze wages and ex
present contracts for two yea
Ask Wage Freeze
American Motors Corp. also
asked the union to freeze wag
In rebuttal, the UAW said
and Ford 'estimates of unioni
demands are fantastic and i
curate and the Eaton compai
attempting "to use the curren
cession to pry hand-won g
away from its employes." \
E. S. Patterson, UAW adm
trative assistant, said GM's a:
sis of wage costs "deliber
ignores the fact that our den
are a two-part package."
Honor Syste-


Labor, Tal
Stall; Rec
util Mon

... leaving the University

versity. Following this, he joined.
the faculty of the University as
an instructor.
Last year Prof. Thieme was ap-
pointed chairman of the depart-
ment for a five-year term.
Both Prof. Thieme and Dean
Odegaard will leave the Univer-
sity after the completion of the
academic year and they will as-
sume their duties in Seattle, on
August first.
Six Elected To
U Committee
Six men were elected to the
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs last night.
Elected to the 17 man commit-
tee are: Prof. Lester V. Colwell
of the engineering school; Prof.
Robert E. Doerr of the dentistry

From the Stonehenge circle,
Aided by the witches' cauldron,
Mystic plans were brewed
in darkness.
Many twigs were exa1pined;
Many rocks were overturned,
Subjected to heat from
blazing torches,
Observed by men of knowledge
and magic.
Those decayed, were
burned and destroyed.
' Finally Xrom the murky grove,
From the Cave where
Fingal perished,
The Order of the Mighty Oak
Causing the earth to shake
and shiver,
Causing nations and peoples
to cower,
All to bend the twig and sapling
And to capture the sturdy
Crudely-Crowing Crabtree
Christopher, Cliche-Creating Cork
Elm Coleman, Coin-Collecting
Cranberry Creed, Dogmatic Daz.-
zler Dogwood Davis, Freestyling
Fringe-tree Fries, Greenleaf-Grow-
ing Gingko Getz, Gavel-Grabbing
Gray Birch Gray, Horsehide-
Hounding Hoptree Autchings,
Joint-Jolting Jack Pine Johnson.

o~inaw Judge Refuses
creme CourtDemand'
ellious Saginaw Circuit Judge last night refused by telephone
a renewed demand from the State Supreme Court that he
onth on the Wayne County Circuit bench.
wdown between the two parties is expected Monday, the day
e Eugene S. Huff has been told to report for duty at the
Docket Cluttered
effort to bring Saginaw's docket up to date, the high court
rdered the replacement of Huff by Caro Judge Timothy C.

Need Faith in UN's Ability, M

Quinn. Four hundred-odd cases
have been listed on the Saginaw
docket for more than two years.
Chief Justice John R. Dethmers,
in a brief telephone conversation
u n ro ,last night, reportedly told Huff
that he is expected at the Wayne
court Monday morning. The Sagi-
cation of what measures of' en- naw judge refused to reveal his
forcement it may have in mind." plans to Dethmers.
The General Assembly president Huff firmly told the Lansing
disagreed with Moscow's package judges by letter yesterday that he
proposal of a space military ban "cannot accept the assignment."

"Hope should not be abandoned
in the ability of the United Na-
tions to assist in the creation of
a peaceful world," United Nations
General Assembly president Sir
Leslie Munro urged yesterday.
Speaking before the 53th an-
nual University Honors Convoca-
tion. Sir Leslie called for a secure

"From- the beginning it has
been the Soviet Union and not the
Western Alliance which refused
to get down to essential details
which must be dealt with if any
meaningful agreement is to be
brought about," he said.
Sir Leslie termed the veto as a
"grim rebuff" to the Western de-

Gets Approva
By Columnbia
Mixed emotions were evide
by Columbia College students
week as they approved an b
system in principle but votedd
a concrete honor system prop
Also rejected was any sy
in which students would be
quired to report those cheatin
The concrete proposal foi
honor system, called an "H
Constitution," was preparec
+h n. nrti f+,,ip.nt+ nfPCP

and elimination of overseas bases.
Must Maintain Overseas Bases
"It is in their network of over-
seas bases that the Western Pow-

Ruling Challenged
Meanwhile, the Saginaw Bar As-
sociation has charged that the

-- C is ..ir a :

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