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March 07, 1958 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-07

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Mental Health Institute Asks New Home
rhe Mental Health Research
stitute of the University uses the influence of new drugs, both The primary aim of the Insti-
)ms ranging from an old board- tranquilizers and stimulants, on tute, he said, is interdisciplinary,
house at 1137 East Ann to human performance. for here different fields of learn-
oratories in the Kresge Build- In the psychological field an
electronic machine, the PSI ap- ing are correlated.
As a part of the psychiatry de- paratus (problem solving with in-
rtment of the Medical School, formation) is used to study the
Research Institute uses the process by which individuals solve Gothic Film Society
ace from the garret to the base- problems.
nt of the boarding house for Push Buttons presents
ices and workrooms. The PSI is somewhat similar to
Experiments are carried on in a pinball machine, said Meier'. INTOLERANCE
Kresge Medical Laboratory or By pushing certain buttons in dif-
erever there is available space. ferent orders corresponding bulbs (W.S., 19151
Plan Building light up. directed by D. W. Griffith--
A new building on Forest Ave. The object is to determine how with
ross from the Kresge Medical to light the center bulb. It has
boratory is planned for the In- been found that small groups work LILLIAN GISH
bute. Approximately half of the more slowly than individuals, but ,
ids for the building will come groups ask fewer unnecessary
)m the federal government, questions. RACK AM
ile a similar sum is still to be The Institute also has a new AMPHITHEA TRE
ted upon in the state legislature, machine, as yet unchristened, to
There are 22 professional mem- study the way people react when 8 P.M. MONDAY
s of the staff, headed by Dr. they are receiving as much in- MARCH 10
nes G. Miller, whose varied in- formation as they can handle and Admission is by membership
ests range from history, mathe- then are given a little mhore. umpn on Each bes-
tics, zoology to psychiatry. React to information bership subscription costs $2.
n biological studies the Insti- Still another apparatus is being For further information, call NO
e is doing work on psychophar- built to see how quickly people 3-1430 or NO 3-1511, Ext.
ceuticals, compounds produced react to information depending 2844.
the body which are structurally upon the amount presented.




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