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May 09, 1957 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-09

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Psychology Department Hosts Visitors

Yesterday hundreds of people
flowed through third floor Mason
Hall in the Department of Psy-
chology's annual open house.
On first entering one notices a
great cluster of people surround-
ing a machine which records brain
waves (electroencephalograph).
The subject sits in a chair in the
next room. Wires are strung from
his head haphazardly through
the rooms to the machine.
The electrical impulses coming
from different parts of his brain
are recorded in red ink. The oper-
atorthen explains the significance
of the wavy lines in terms of the
type and intensity of the subject's
mental activity.1,
Barking Dogs
Dogs barking and a slight, un-
pleasant smell greet one as he en-
ters the animal laboratory. He
sees experiments of psychological
effects of physical operations on
animals being done. The work is
similar to that done by Pavlov,
the Russian physiologist.
If one enjoys these odors he
may go on a tour of the fish lab-
oratory conducted every half hour
by instructors in the department.
In a small room in the right
hand corner of the hall a teach-
ing fellow demonstrates auditory
feedback. The subject attempts to
perform a task while constantly
harassed by an annoying voice in
the background.
Red Dots
The room on thinking and
learning contains machines with
buttons and red dots, revolving
cylinders with meaningless syl-
lables printed on them, and a
mirror supported by a block of
wood. In the last demonstration
one tries to copy a star pattern
The patterns are opposite to
by loking into a mirror.
what they seem, making the op-
eration' difficult. The red dot-
button machine is used to test
speed in insight problem solving,
which is very frustrating when
none of the lights seem to give the
right -result.
Blocks and boards with holes in
them are used for manual dexter-

Law School
New Degree
Law School has announced
plans offering a new program,
leading to a master's degree in
comparative law which will great-
ly meet the needs of foreign law
The new program, to begin next
fall, will aid overseas students who
do not have extensive background
in Anglo-American common law.
Requiring a minimum of two
full semesters in residence and
completion of at least 20 credit
hours as prescribed by the facul-
ty, foreign students will be re-
quired to hold a recognized de-
gree in law from an approved for-
eign school or have passed a state
examination in law corresponding
to American bar examinations.
While foreign students of un-
usual compete nce can currently
become candidates for the master
of laws degree, those with lan-
guage handicaps with little or no
common law training have not
found the present program well
suited to their needs.
Chem. Honors
To Be Given
The chemistry department of
the University will hold its annual
Honors Convocation at 4 p.m. to-
morrow in Rm. 1300 Chemistry
The Gomberg Awards and Nola
Sauer Minnis Prize will be pre-
sented to graduates. Fellowships
to graduate students will be
awarded by the University, theI
National Science Foundation and
many large industrial concerns.

Burning the midnight oil has
not gone out of fashion, a survey
of nearly 200 seniors in liberal
arts reveals.
One fifth of those interviewed
say they spend more than 25
hours a week studying. The aver-
age is about 12 hours of study
outside of classes each week. But
only 18 per cent complain that
their prof e s s o r s expect "too
much" from them, academically.
These are the findings of a spe-
cial study of 187 seniors in the
literary college conducted by a
senior-graduate class in survey
research. The study covered a
random sample of literary college
seniors who spent their entire un-
dergraduate life at Michigan.
The results show that four-year
students have great^ faith in the
traditional function of a liberal
arts education. Nearly two thirds
say the primary purpose of a col-
lege education should be to pro-
vide a broad background in the
arts, social studies and science.
Purposes Shift
Twenty per cent report their
ideas on the purpose of college
shifted toward greater emphasis
on this broad background during
their stay at the university.
About one fourth of those in-
terviewed believe the main objec-
tive of college should be to pre-
pare students for the professions
and other occupations. Only two
per cent report a shift toward
greater emphasis on specific
training after they came to Ann
Arbor, however.
A comparison of the fields in
which the students hoped to ma-
jor when they entered college with
their actual position as seniors
shows that many shifted from
preprofessional work to broader
training in the liberal arts.
Professional Field Majors
One out of every four seniors
said they came to the University
with plans to major in a profes-

sional field, but less than half this
number actually were doing so in
their final undergraduate year.
In contrast, the proportion ac-
tually majoring in English, fine,
arts, 1 a n g u a g e s, philosophy,
speech and journalism - 40 per
cent of those interviewed - was
twice as high as the percentage
who intended to make these their
main fields of study when they
came to college.
Further questions on academic
life disclosed that about half the
seniors encountered their least
liked course as freshmen, while a
similar proportion thought their
favorite class was one at the 100
level - open primarily to juniors
and seniors.
Presentation of Material
How instructors and professors
presented their material was the
most important single .factor in
determining how much students
liked or disliked a class, being
mentioned by :nearly half those
surveyed as a contributing factor
to their most-liked and least-liked
classes. The material itself was
Prof. Lewin
To Lecture
Prof. Seymour Z. Lewin of the
chemistry department at New
York University will lecture at 4
p.m. today in Rm. 1400 Chemistry
This lecture is the first biannual
Kasimir Fajans Award in Chemis-
try given for the most outstanding
doctoral thesis in 'chemistry at the
University. Its title is "Refrac-
tometry in the Service of Chemis-

the second most important factor,
being cited by about a third of
those interviewed.
Asked more generally if the
University offered them an intel-
lectual challenge, about one
fourth said they found college
generally stimulating or highly
challenging. An equal proportion
felt college offered only an oc-
casional or little challenge, while
half were more selective, saying
the answer depended on academic
level and particular courses.
Some educators have main-
tained that colleges generally re-
peat too much material already
presented in high school. Others
progress faster if they were al-
have suggested students might
lowed to pace their own studies.
Work Duplicated
When questioned about this,
two thirds of the literary college
seniors said only about 10 per cent
or less of their college work du-
plicated material learned in high
A similar proportion felt they
might have saved up to 10 per
cent of their time in college had
they been allowed to progress at
their own rate.1
Asked what changes should be
made at the University to pro-
vide a better education for its
students, one out of five men-
tioned smaller classes. An equal
number felt improvement in qua-
lity of instruction was needed.
Fewer Required Courses
Fewer required courses, better
counseling services, and more op-
portunity for student-faculty in-
teraction were suggested by one
out of every ten seniors inter-
While 86 per cent indicated they

had discussed their future plans
and goals with instructors tor pro-
fessors, 67 per cent said they
would have preferred.more con-
tact with their teachers.
Even so, 73 per cent felt there
had been one particular profes-
sor who had especially influenced
them as students.
Stimulating them to think,
helping them in choice of a ma-
jor field of study or selecting a
career and helping them solve
personal problems were the most
frequently recalled ways in which
professorial influence was exerted.
Asked where they ,thought
they'd be 10 years after gradua-
tion, 40 per cent of the men men-
tioned professional practice, 16
per cent said teaching or academ-
ic research and 14 per cent saw
themselves in executive or man-
agerial employment.
East Quad
Quadrants Tiap.
East Quad Quadrants tapped
the following people into active
membership last night:
Alan I. Ipstein, '59, Patricia
Barnes, '59, Daniel N. Berlin, '59,
JoAnn Ropeta, '58Ed, Herbert C.
Sigman, '58, Joel G. Russell, '58E,
Thomas E. Utsman, '58Er Floyd
C. Bell, '59A&D, Kay I). Sheren,
'58Ed, Frederick D. Smith, '588M,
and Beth Shields, '59.
Honorary members tapped were:
Vice-President of Student Affairs
James A. Lewis, George H. Lang-
ler, Mrs. Charles W. Lobdell, Mrs.
J. A. Peterson, Richard Clifford,
'59 and Mrs. Eva B. McKenzie.

Seniors Change Conception of Education Purposes

BRAIN WAVES ... Robert Isaacson, instructor in psychology,
ates the electroencephalograph. This machine, used here in
demonstrates the electroencephalograph. This machine, used here
in demonstration, records the brain's electrical activity. In prac-
tice, it is used in learning and motivation experiments on animals.

ity tests. The object is to fit sever-
al small cylindrical blocks in sev-
eral small holes in the least
amount of time.
Ink Splots
On a large table were many-
hued ink splots. They mean some-
thing different to everyone - so
they say. Beside them lay pictures
of romantic and disillusioning sit-
uations. Each interpreits these in
terms of his life situation.
In the hall are spread out great
tables of cartoons humorously de-
picting the psychological princi-
pals of projective personality.

Standing up are children's draw-
ings of their mothers. Each of
these weird representations re-
flects the young child's attitude
toward the parent. The psycholo-,
gical appeal of advertisements
was shown above on a board.
From a nearby room came in-
comprehensible utterings in Ital-
ian and Hebrew. When asked to
explain its significance, Herman
Medow and Jose Armilla, teaching
fellows, said that these recordings
of first generation American fam-
il ygroups in New Haven, Conn.
showed the differences of demo-
cracy in family arguments among
various nationalities.
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WISE RATS . . . Robert Earl, teaching fellow in psychology, points
to cages of rats which have taken performance tests. These tests
demonstrate the animal's fear of punishment, reactions to get
food reward, and curiosity towards their environment.
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