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May 09, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-09

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3ielnt kgau Bt
Sixty-Seventh Year

"And With The One That Can Blow Up The Entire World
We Get Trading Stamps"

hen Opinions Are Free
Trutb Will Prevail"

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The Fifth- Protection
Against 'Third Degree'
By The Associated Press
"I MUST DECLINE to answer that question because of my rights and
privileges as granted by the Fifth Amendment to the United States
Constitution ..,"
And so another witness joins the long parade of those who have
sought refuge in the Fifth Amendment over the last eight years.
Most often the witnesses have used the amendment to avoid answer-
ing questions by congressional committees investigating spy rings,

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


URSDAY, MAY 9, 1957


Drinking Regulations
Out of Tenor with Times

ABOUT A YEAR AGO, a group of fraternity
men'on their way to a pledge formal were
involved in a head-on collision. Everybody in
both cars, except the driver, was killed. The
group had been drinking.
Saturday night a University student appeared
at the door of his fraternity, badly battered and
bleeding. According to the police, he had been
drinking heavily.
Both of these students point up an incredibly
near-sighted University regulation. "The use or
presence of intoxicating beverages in student
quarters is not permitted."
The University regulation, of course, exists
because of state age limitations, and the law
which prohibits alcoholic beverages in state-
owned property.
S HERAMIFICATIONS of this ruling are
great and harmful. It seems to have been
compiled by someone who has not had much
contact with students.
To begin with, students will drink, no matter
what the regulations. The University can' make
regulations to fill several books, and students
will drink.I
If a student gets caught, he and his com-
panions will take care not to make the same
mistake, so they won't get caught again. They
aren't going to stop drinking.
But where are they going to drink? They
aren't permitted to do so in their own quarters.
So perhaps they'll go out to the Arb. Students
who have been drinking in the Arb get beat up
by Ann Arbor youths almost every year.
Or maybe they'll all pile into a car with a
case of beer, and go out on some lonely road to
drink. Or maybe they'll drive to some place out
of town, or away from campus so they won't
get caught. Unfortunately, in both cases, they
have todrive back-drive back after they have
been drinking.
SO IN ONE SENSE the University ruling
encourages students to go off some place to
to their drinking so they can be a danger on
the roads, to others and themselves.
The ruling has several other failings.
1) The regulation forces students to set
aside special occasions for drinking. Special

days, for which elaborate planning takes place,
so the student can get 'bombed" or "stoned" or
whateter the term happens to be. But what-
ever it is ,it means drink until one can't func-
tion any 'more.
2) The University cannot help to educate
students about sane drinking, because this
would assume students do drink, and the
regulations say they can't.
3) It encourages disrespect for the Univer-
sity and its regulations. This is one rule that
can hardly be enforced, and students most
strongly don't want it enforced. Violate this
,ule and why not violate others?
THERE REALLY seems to be little positive
reason for the regulation.
A New York state legislative committee re-
cently made a study of this area to learn
whether it would be advisable to boost the
state's drinking age limit to 21. It is now 18.
The committee found there was not any
reason change the law. In fact, it found there
were advantages in the present set-up. The
three-man committee noted, "Experience has
shown that young people from 18 to 21 have
quite enough energy, ingenuity and freedom of
action to circumvent any prohibitory statute of
this kind."
The committee found it was able to enforce
the present law quite well.
FURTHER, and this is most important, the
committee found arrests and convictions
resulting from abuses of the 18-year-old mini-
mum "have always been relatively small."
The small number of violations points up the
value of education. New York State has, a
compulsory high school course, where prob-
lems of this sort are dealt with.
The University regulation is absolutely use-
less. It doesn't work, and has definite negative
effects. It's only purpose is to proclaim to the
world, "'We hold to a standard of morality,
which few really believe."
We suggest the University recommend that
the State Legislature study the problem and.
at least, try to come up with an answer less
incredibly superficial than the one now in

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Ike Fights Toughest Battle

A Blocked Drive

CAMPUS CHEST'S far-reaching goal of one
dollar a student has been revised and
dropped by the Chest board to $6500 - less
than thirty cents a student.
This is really disheartening news, particu-
larly as it comes so early in the week of the
first Campus Chest drive. The original goal
was perhaps too much out of line - it sug-
gests that many would have to give more than
one dollar to make up for the inevitable ones
who refuse to give - but at the same time, a
dollar a student was a worthwhile aim at which
to drive.
Moreover, the one dollar total would not
have been entirely out of reach - not with
the successful auction that saw several ex-
penseless items hit the block for many times
their worth, or with the coming solicitations
across arnd even beyond campus.
But it was perhaps the soliciations that con-
tributed most to dropping the drive goal. The
men's dormitories have placed themselves as a
block in front of a successful fund drive.
Fifteen - perhaps more now - of 23 men's
houses have forbidden personal solicitation of
their residents. This move stems from a rule
against quadrangle soliciting made by the
Residence Halls Board of Governors some time
THE ACTION of the individual houses, how-
ever, is a thoughtless, self-centered one.
With the concept of a single, once-a-year char-
ity drive, all students should be anxious and
eager to contribute to its success, both to.help
the individual charities involved and to do
away with the endless bucket collections and
tag days.
These quadrangle houses by making nearly
4000 studentsinaccessible to sensible, direct
solicitation, have seriously impaired the suc-
cess of the first Campus Chest drive for funds.

Fortunately, sororities and fraternities, as
well as the women's dormitories, are more,
broad-minded in these matters. We hope Cam-
pus Chest is at least successful with its new
Citizens Voted
Against Children Also
THE FAILURE of Ann Arbor citizens to
approve the increased tax for the schools
will be regretted by those of them whose child-
ren may wind up in half-day sessions.
Despite warnings about the necessity of this
increase if Ann Arbor schools are to expand to
meet enrollments, the voters turned down a
levy of approximately seven dollars per $1,000
of assessed valuation.
Perhaps the voters feel they have been taxed
too much lately, what with the millage for the
new jail addition. But certainly the education
of their children is at least as important as
the jail. Or the objection may be that art,
music, and vocational education have no busi-
ness in the schools and might just as well be
eliminated as the school board has said may
be necessary. This is more valid, but still full-
time sessions and kindergarten are being elimi-
nated, which do belong in any curriculum.
Indications are the school board will try
again, with a decreased mill tax. This is to be
hoped for. An honest effort has been made to
trim the budget as much as possible, but extra
money must be rased from somewhere. If the
citizens want to keep their schools operating at
any sort of decent standard, they should realize
that they must pay for it.

A BUSINESSMAN of the United
States Chamber of Commerce
variety got a taste of his own
budget medicine from Congress-
man Wayne Hays of Ohio the
other day.
William J. Hull of 'Cincinnati,
representative of the Ohio Valley
Improvement Association, called
on the Ohio Democrat on behalf
of Ohio industrialists and cham-
bers of commerce to urge more
money than the budget allows for
the Pike Island Dam. He wanted
to triple the money in the budget
for study of the dam in order to
get the dam started sooner.
are writing me letters about econ-
omy," replied Congressman Hays
after listening carefully. "You're
the people who want to cut out
sewage disposal. You want to cut
out all funds for cancer research
and for the cure of heart disease.
Yet now you come along when
something is going to benefit you
and your companies and you want
the budget increased.
"I'm tired of people who want
economy for others but more
money for themselves," continued
Hays. "I've got stacks of mail on
my desk from your people urging
economy. And I'll vote for it
where I can. But I'm not going to
cut everyone else and raise you."
The Pike Dam would replace
three dams on the Ohio River with
one dam, hereby saving naviga-
tion time to those using the river
among them Wieron Steel. Con-
gressman Hays said he favored
the dam, but did not favor spend-
ing extra money to speed it up.
Mr. Hull picked up his hat and
walked out.
* * *
THE BATTLE of the budget is
shaping up as a bigger problem
for President Eisenhower than the
Battle of the Bulge was for Gen-
eral Eisenhower.
In the Battle of the Bulge, crack
Nazi SS troops infiltrated the Ar-
dennes Forest during the closing

days of 1944 and routed Ike's
106th: Division. But General Eis-
enhower, though taken by sur-
prise, did not have to cope with
disloyalty from his own troops.
In the Battle of the Budget,
President Eisenhower's chief
problem is disloyalty from with-
in his own ranks.
He has trouble not only with
his own top Cabinet officer, Sec-
retary of the Treasury George
Humphrey, but rank-and-file Re-
publicans supposed to fight for
, 4
IT'S SUPPOSED to be a strict
secret, but the Republican con-
gressional committee has actually
hired a research director, Harley
Reiter, to fight against the Eisen-
hower budget. His job is to dig
out facts and figures aimed at
undercutting the budget sub-
mitted by the head of the Repub-
lican Party. Yet he is paid by one
segment of the Republican Party,
by Republican money raised by
Republicans to keep Republicans
in office.
It is unprecedented for this
money to be used against a Re-
publican president.
In addition, right-wing Repub-
lican congressmen have set up a
super-secret task force to battle
against their own President.
Heading the secret task force
is Congressman John Ray of New
York, former vice-president and
general counsel of American Tele-
phone and Telegraph. Working
with Ray are Congressmen Bob
Wilson of Calforma, John Byrnes
of Wisconsin, Gerald Ford of
Michigan, John Rhodes of Ari-
zona and Melvin Laird of Wiscon-
Wilson was active in Vice-
President Nixon's previous cam-
paigns. Rhodes is a water-boy for
Arizona's Barry Goldwater, pro-
bably the most outspoken anti-
Eisenhower Republican in the
Curiously, Laird formerly
worked for Wisconsin's Gov. Wal-

ter Kohler, supposed to be a
strong Eisenhower Republican
and a former critic of the late
Senator McCarthy.
The existence of this group has
been carefully concealed, not only
from the press, but from "Modern
Republicans."sAnyone who pries
too closely is told that the group's
official function is to prepare an
expose of the nation's "fiscal
policies for the past 20 years."
This research will blast past Dem-
ocratic budgets, of course, but it
is really aimed at the Eisenhower
budget and is part of the conser-
vative bid to capture party con-
trol from Ike's Modern Republi-
- S
THE MAN caught in the middle
is Vice-President Nixon, who is
obligated to defend the Eisenhow-
er budget and also hopes to be
the liberal Republican candidate
for the presidency in 1960. Nixon,
however, doesn't want to antag-
onize the powerful chamber of
commerce crowd. As a result, he
has been doing political contor-
tions, trying to keep on both sides
of the budget fence.
Though he's reported to have
given secret encouragement to the
conservatives, in all his public
pronouncements he has weakly
defended the Eisenhower budget.
When General Eisenhower
fought the Battle of the Bulge he
was able to throw in troops from
the continent of Europe, even
rush extra divisions from the
U.S.A. But in the Battle of the
Budget so far, he has been able to
use only his own White House
staff, plus his own voice. With a
few exceptions, Republican con-
gressmen aren't battling for him.
They are afraid first, he might
change his mind regarding the
budget and leave them out on a
limb. Second, cutting the budget
is too popular at home. Third,
Ike has not gone to bat for those,
like Senator Wiley of Wisconsin,
who have gone to bat for him.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Communist operationsand assort-
ed criminal rackets.
One result of this almost whole-
sale resort to the protection of the
Fifth has been to bring the amend-
ment itself into disrepute.
WHEN A WITNESS pleads the
Fifth Amendment the public tends
to assume he is guilty of some-
Even President Eisenhower said
at a news conference March 27, "I
must say I probably share the
common reaction if a man has to
go to the Fifth Amendment there
must be' something - he doesn't
want to tell."
The President made the com-
ment when asked about Teamsters
Union President Dave Beck, who
had invoked the Fifth on more
than 100 questions put to him at
a Senate subcommittee hearing on
labor racketeering.
But there is another interpreta-
tion of the Fifth. It is outlined in
a leading treatise on evidence by
the late Prof. John Henry Wig-
more, dean of the law school at
Northwestern University. Said
Wigmore in an oft-cited passage:
"The simple and peaceful pro-
cess of questioning breeds a readi-
Ness to resort to bullying and
physical force and torture. If there
is a right to ask a question, there
soon seems to be a right to the
expected answer; that is, a con-
fession of guilt."
* * *S
IN BRIEF, the Fifth is your pro-
tection against the so-called third
degree, the rubber-hose method of
extorting confessions used by some
In case you have forgotten, the
Fifth Amendment reads in part:
"No person. . . shall be compelled
In any criminal case to be a wit-
ness against himeslf . .
Wrapped up in the full amend-
ment is your guaantee against
continuous persecution, arbitrary
arrest, outright confiscation of
your property, forced confessions.
One of the outstanding consti-
tutional lawyers of the past 50
years David K. Watson of Colum-
bus, Ohio, once wrote: -
"This is the greatest of the
original amendments. It secures to
the citizen certain rights without
which society could not endure,
nor the state survive.",
The Fifth is an individual pro-
tection. The right to refuse to
self-incriminate exists only for
natural persons, not for corpora-
Further, the United States
Supreme Court has held it is a
purely personal privilege. A wit-
ness may not take the Fifth be-
cause some other person might
be incriminated,
* " *
IN ADDITION, the Supreme
Court has held that the Fifth does
not automatically protect a wit-
ness in matters which incriminate.
If a witness wants the protection
of the Fifth he must claim it spe-
During the investigations into
crime by the Senate special sub-
committee headed by Sen. Estes
Kefauver (D-Tenn) one racketeer
after another resorted to the Fifth.
At face value the Fifth is a
vital protection for the innocent,
yet somehow it has become a
haven for those who would duck
questions concerning public wel-
fare and national security.
Undoubtedly the present parade
bf Fifth Amendment users will
continue, particularly as Congress
probes deeper into the rackets
which plague the nation.

to the
(Editor's Note: Letters to the Edi-
tor must be signed, in good taste, and
not more than 300 words in length.
The Daily reserves the right to edit
or withhold letters from publication.)
To the Editor:
cally expressed his opinions on
several items of intense interest
to taxpayers and the citizens, ii
a small meeting of the Young Re-
publican Club on the University
campus, Thursday, May 2. +
One - He was strongly in favor
of a state corporation tax.
Two - Sallade recommended a
personal income tax in this state,
if the corporation tax was not
Three - Sallade was flatly op-
posed to any form of "right to
work law" and said he would vote
against such a law as long as he
was in the State Legislature, and
if he were governor he would veto
such a law.
Four - Mr. Sallade also said
that as long as he was a member
of the State Legislature he "would
not vote to the Right."
Unfortunately, his position on
these issues was r ot reported i
the press.
He was so positive in these
statoments that it was clear they
were considered stands.
As one of the people present, I
believe that his sttitude should te
spread on the puLlic record.
-Walter C. Laubengayer
Tennis, Anyone? ,.
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS to be typical of this
institution that midway be-
tween the world's largest univer-
sity-owned football stadium and
one of the finest modern varsity
swimming pools in America sits a
row of pitted tennis courts with
moth-eaten nets over which hang
a sign, "For the use of the Fac-
uity and Student Body of the Uni-
versity of Michigan."
It seems strange that although
it is possible to spend 500,000 dol-
lars for a new press box for the
football stadium, it is not possible
to even duplicate the tennis fa-
cilities of University of Chicago,
which does not even have a foot-
ball team,' but which "supports
all minor sports."
It seems that $10,000 per year
will provide well-cared-for and at-
tended tennis courts, and I am
sure that the personnel of the
University would much rather
have good tennis facilities for
the next fifty years than more
press boxes with dining rooms.
-Ken Appel, Grad.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michi-
gan Daily assumes no editorial re-
sponsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN fornm to Roam
3519 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday
General Notices

Hearings on the Student Driving
Regulations will be held by the Office
of Student Affairs at 8 p.m. on wed.,
May 8 and at 3:30 p.m. on Thurs., May
9 in Room 3529, Student Activities
The purpose of the hearings will be
to solicit and record from individuals
and groups any suggestions regarding
possible modification of the present
driving regulations. Following the hear-
ings the Office of Student Affairs will
carefully review all comments and sug.
gestions offered before establishing the
student driving regulations for the
school year 1957-58., -
Individuals and groups are urged to
submit written briefs to the Office of
Student Affairs if for any reason per.
sonal appearance at either hearing is
Urgent Notice to all ushers who
signed to help at Skit Night! You are
hereby reminded that the Skit Night
show starts at 8:00 and that you should
therefore report. at the Auditorium at
7:00 p.m. on Friday, May 10.
Attention all Seniors: Order your
caps and gowns for June graduation at
Moe's Sport 'Shop on North University






diem Proves One of Strongest Asian Leaders

German Question

Associated Press News Analyst
P RESIDENT Eisenhower's reference yesterday
to the possibility of a neutralized zone in
Europe is tied directly to the question t of Ger-
man reunification, whether or not he intended
it that way.
Discussing the limited Russian acceptance of
the principle of his two-year-old "open skies"
proposal, he said it was being considered very
carefully, and that any agreement might lead
to something better.
Regarding last year's proposal by Anthony
Veipan fnr. a nn'i. f. nA nn,a in Vriirnnn lhp

limited areas can be enforced, then it will be
possible to broaden the areas and end the arms
RUSSIA has already made the neutralization
of Austria a peg for' proposals to extend a
neutralized zone from the Adriatic to the Baltic.
But Russia wants to include a Germany reuni-
fied by means which would give the Communists
a chance to take over the whole country.
She also wants a troop withdrawal arrange-
ment which would remove British and Ameri-
can forces from the Continent, while Russian
forces would remain in easy striking distance

By The Associated Press
WHEN AUSTERE, scholarly lit-
tle Ngo Dinh Diem took over
as his country's premier three
years ago, the wise money was
stacked against his political sur-
vival for more than a month or
It seemed a safe bet. Diem --
who once intended, becoming a
Roman Catholic priest and has
continued a life pledged to chas-
tity even after he decided against
the vocation - faced a formid-
able phalanx of troubles.
Across the 17th parallel divid-
ing the Communist-ruled North
from the free South Viet Nam, the
Reds were waiting smugly for the
effects of their flourishing sub-
version campaign below the bo -
IN SOUTH Viet Nam, private
armies bedeviled the fledgling

public Oct. 26, 1955, he aligned his
government squarely with the
democratic West. In order to sur-
vive, he said, "all democracies.
need . . . solidarity with regimes
which have common ideals."
For many Asian listeners, Diem's
record as a foe of French colonial
rule in Indochina adds resonance
to his anti-Communist pro-
nouncements Diem has spoken up
often and sharply.
So last November, after the
Russian suppression of the Hun-
garian revolt, he declared:
"The tragic plight of the heroic
Polish and Hungarian peoples so
cynically massacreddby the most
virulent form of modern colonial-
ism - Communism - not only
must unite all Asian countries into
a common and courageous soli-
darity against imperialism in all
its forms, but also remind us Viet-
namese of the compelling neces-

at State Department doors and
tracking down elusive congress-
men to urge a change in American
policy . toward Indochina. He
wanted the United States to stop
supporting the French, who were
fighting to preserve colonialism by
battling the Communists. He had
to bide his time until the French
lost the war.
In the black June days of 1954,
the little ruddy-faced politician
could hardly find enough men to
form a cabinet, so sure were most
of the experienced hands that his
government was doomed to fail-
His adversaries included an
anti-Diem army of 200,000; nu-
merous questionable political and
religious private armies; French
obstruction and a formidable Red
Gradually, Diem whittled away

DISGUSTED by the French re-
fusal to grant him some indepen-
dence in office, he resigned in 1933
and spent the next 20 years in
political oblivion. He carried on a
private campaign of resistance to
the French, rallying around him
supporters who are with him to-
One of his most impressive
achievements since taking office
is the restoration of security in
a country physically and mentally
broken by Japanese occupation
and eight years of civil war. Many
residents of Viet Nam had never
left their home towns, so danger-
ous was it to travel in the coun-
Now the situation is reversed,
though it took full-scale military
campaigns against rebellious sect
armies to do it. A tourist or.busi-
nessman in 1957 travels without


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