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May 03, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-03

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Sixty-Seventh Year

t-- . ..t" is .ms s
"When Opinions Are Free
Trutb Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Panhel Acquits Itself Well
At Wednesday's SGC Meeting
PANHELLENIC Association is to be com- ing schedule interfere with the academic life?
mended for its action at Wednesday night's What are the possibilities for rescheduling
Student Government Council meeting. activities, the preparation for which might be
First of all, it indicated its willingness to hampered by rushing? How important are
accommodate a spring rushing program, a eight, rather than six or seven, parties in
bitter pill for many of the Assciation's mem- the second set?
bers to swallow. In altering its plans to ask
for a continuation of fall rushing, the Panhel THESE ARE a few of the questions which the
leadership risked the wrath of much of its Council must answer to its own satisfaction
constituency, but showed a great deal of before It can discard its original idea of an
realism and proved that in the end cool-headed all-spring rush. It was in order to centralize
thinking could prevail, even over so emotionally its fact-finding on such matters, not to question
charged a question. Panhel's action last night the integrity of Panhel (as one Council mem-
was consistent with its original gesture of good ber suggested Wednesday), that the Council
faith over the March, 1956 SGC resolution in voted to set up its own committee to briefly
not asking the Board in Review to go over the study the possibilities of an all spring calendar.
decision. Liaison with Panhel was assured by the inclu-
Secondly, in the report presented to the sion of the organization's president on the
Council Wednesday, Panhel showed it had put committee, an action which hardly suggests
a good deal of work and thought into the prob- doubt as to her or the organization's integrity.
lem of calendaring rushing for next year. The But a certain impartiality, or at best bi-parti-
report was not flawless, but it did show signs ality, is required in garnering supplementary
of real effort on the question, information for the Council. The six-member
Unfortunately, but perhaps inevitably, the committee, composed of the SGC members best
report raised almost as many questions as it qualified to deal with calendaring questions and
answered. Are two days really required for representing several viewpoints on the rush-
tabulation between each set of parties? How ing question, should assure this.
greatly would a longer, but less intensive, rush- --PETER ECKSTEIN
Senator Joseph McCar-thy
WHILE AMERICANS may feel remorse over acquainted with them and they will be recorded
the death of Joseph McCarthy, the man, in the history books.
few will miss Senator McCarthy, the politician. IN ESSENCE Senator McCarthy followed the
Rarely in the history of America has one dictum that the end justifies the means, a
man been so effective at sowing the seeds of philosophy abhorrent to democratic society.
dissension and distrust. No matter what ends This is the philosophy of Fascism, Nazism, and
he may have had, no matter what causes international Communism. For Americans to
may have motivated him, Senator McCarthy have recourse to such concepts is to succumb
can only be condemned for the methods he to the very enemy we are trying to defeat.
employed. It is not for us to judge Joseph McCarthy,
Whether he was truly concerned for rooting the man, and we feel sorrow for him as we
out Communist subversion, as he claimed, or would for the death of any human being. But
actually interested in advancing his own polit- if America is to continue building a nation
cal career will probably never be known. But where man can live in freedom and dignity,
the manner in which McCarthy conducted him- we need no McCarthys to do it.
self in his crusade was far from the standard We will not miss Senator McCarthy the
the American people have a right to expect in demagogue, McCarthy the insinuating slander-
er, McCarthy the destroyer of a free man's
a United States Senator. most precious possession, his reputation.
A listing of Senator McCarthy's techniques -RICHARD HALLORAN
would be superfluous here. The public is well Editorial Director
Russia's Soft Underbell

"Wonder Why We're Not Keeping Pace?"

Philadelphia Superb*
IBrailowsky Disappoints
FOLLOWING A PATRIOTIC salute with the "Star-Spangled Ban-
ner," the Sixty-Fourth Annual May Festival began last evening with
an all-Beethoven concert. The program opened with the over-played
but beloved, and consistently sure-fire, Leonore Overture No. 3. How-
ever tired one may be of hearing this work, still Mr. Ormandy cast new
lights and shadows, and the performance sparkled and shone with
real life.
It was played as only the Philadelphia could do it. Over and above
the technical perfection and convincing musicality of the reading,




dynamic markings were scrupul-
ously observed (a rare thing in-
deed!,) and exciting effects came
from the orchestra's attention to
the slow, gradual crescendos,
mounting imperceptibly to the
anticipated high points.
The very soft passages, while
being just audible, were round and
full in sound, and such is an attri-
bute of a really great orchestra.
The first flute deserves special
mention for his fine solo passages,
and the off-stage trumpeter gal-
lantly fulfilled his role.
a somewhat neglected and misun-
derstood work, is essentially a sort
of essay on humor in music, and
was convincingly interpreted in
this spirit. The first movement
drew attention equally to the lyric-
al and dramatic aspects whiclf in-
tensified its vigorous and sunny

Melodic passages weredalways
singing and rhythmic; dynamic
portions were rendered with verve.
The amusing second movement
with its witty imitation of the tick-
ing of the metronome, 'received
visual contribution from Orim-
andy's occasional pendulum-lik'
the Piano Concerto No. 3, p form-
ed by Alexander Brailowsk There
is no denying that Mr. Brailowsky
is a fine pianist, but by placing
himself on the concert stage, he
necessarily invites comparison with
the great. Here he does not mea-
His technique is adequate, bu$
his playing as a whole is too open;
a definite lack of depth is appar-
ent in his interpretation.
--Charlotte Liddell


t't -M iq r et~ntaSro-.
Duff Quits as Beck Attorney

'Boy on a Dolphin'
Calls for Celebration
OCCASIONALLY, Hollywood produces some excellent color photogra-
phy. Less often, Hollywood succeeds in discovering a plausible and
interesting plot. The occasion upon which plot and picture seem to be
suitably combined, however, calls for celebration.
Bring out the champagne glasses, then, for the movie is at the
"Boy on a Dolphin," the film in question, is not by any means a


who r e p r e s e nted Teamsters'
boss Dave Beck before the Senate
Rackets Committee, has quietly
withdrawn as Beck's attorney.
Duff notified the Teamsters'
chief that he had postponed a
business trip to Europe to handle
his case and could put it off no
longer. He explained it would be
necessary for Arthur Condon, who
also worked on the Beck case, to
accompany him overseas. There-
fore, not only Duff, but the entire
firm dropped Beck as a client.
The teamsters' tycoon is still
trying to persuade Duff to stay on
the case. Beck made a big point
during the Senate hearings of re-
ferring to Duff by name, always
stressing that he is a former Sena-
tor. This finally provoked Sen.
John McClellan (D., Ark.) who
made it clear that Duff's former
membership in what is called "the
most exclusive club in the world"
wnuld not help his clent'.
A spokesman for Duff's firm-
Davies, Richberg, Tydings, and
Landa-refused to comment on
the story. HE confirmed, however,
that Sen. Duff plans to go over-
* * *
IT WON'T PLEASE Congression-
al economizers, but the Interior
department has just shelled out
$38,287.33 to redecorate plush new
offices for top Fish and Wildlife
officials. This includes $540.98 for
an oriental rug that the new com-
missioner; Arnie Suomela, didn't
even want.
The Department blames the ex-
penditure on Congress for elevat-
ing the Fish and Wildlife Service
to a full-fledged branch. Under
bureaucratic protocol, this higher
status entitled the officials to
fancier offices.
The most dazzling office was
prepared for Fish and Wildlife boss
Ross Leffler, who now has the
rank of Assistant Secretary. This
makes him eligible for extra thick

carpeting, heavier drapes, and oth-
er suitable trimmings.
*1 *
if the scandal magazine "Confi-
dential" might be close to the end
of the road in California-and lat-
er elsewhere in the nation.
Attorney General Pat Brown of
California is hauling both Publish-
er Robert Harrison and the print-
ers of Confidential into court in
Los Angeles May 14 with a double-
barreled attack for publishing ob-
scene matter and for criminal li-
Brown, a deeply religious public
official, contends that the scan-
dal sheet has caused divorces and
broken homes, and leads to black-
mail. He has cases in which black-
mailers have shaken down promi-
nent people on the threat of "Tell-
ing Confidential."
Harrison got shot while in the
Dominican Republic last year, by
Richard Weldy, ex-husband of Pi-
lar Palette, who had once been
written up in Confidential. Harri-
son recovered. Pilar's present hus-
band, John Wayne, remarked: "I
wish Weldy'd been a better shot."
Brown has canvassed various
glamour names written up in Con-
fidential, inviting them to be wit-
neses. One was Elvis Presley, who
is the subject of a confession story
by one of his girl friends in the
current issue of Confidential.
Already Brown has had overtures
from representatives of Confiden-
tial indicating they are ready to
call it quits and stay out of Cali-
fornia. This would set a pattern
for other states.
* * *
IT WAS INTENDED only for the
eyes of American diplomats, but
the State Department has pre-
pared a confidential report on
"Communist Penetration in the
Middle East."
This bluntly charges that Arab
Reds are acting "on orders from
Moscow" to foment riots and dis-

turbances. Their aim, claims the
report, is "to effect anti-western
The report has important bear-
ing on trouble in Jordan and the
question of whether the Eisen-
hower Doctrine against Commu-
nist penetration of the Near East
should be invoked.
"Soviet clandestine operations inj
the Middle East are concentrated
mainly in Syria and Lebanon." the!
secret report states, "where a net-
work of Communist espionage, sub-
version, and other 'fifth column'
activities extends from Damascus
and Beirut to Aleppo, Homs-Hama,
and other centers in the eastern
Mediterranean area.
"The most noted Communist in
the Middle East is Khalid Bikdash,
a Moscow-trained Syrian Kurd,
who became the first acknowl-
edged Communist to be elected to
the Syrian Parliament . . . (but)
the main center of Soviet under-
cover subversive activities in the
Middle East is the Beirut head-
quarters of the Lebanon Commu-
nist party.. '
"THE LCP Central Committee
has been headed by Mustafa Al-
Ariss, but the Communist Parties
of Syria and Lebanon are gov-
erned by a joint central command
under Khalid Bikdash. However,
Soviet intrigues and subversion in
the Middle East are directed by a
secret MVD official holding a Sov-
iet diplomatic post in Beirut. This
comes from Turkish sources."
"Soviet long-range strategy in
the Middle East is governed by the
following considerations: (1) Ex-
pansion of Soviet influence in the
Eastern Mediterranean region; (2)
Diversion of Arabian oil resources
from the West to the Soviet bloc;
(3) Winning Muslems to tolerance
of or active sympathy with Com-
munism, to open the way for ulti-
mate communization of the entire
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc,)

perfect production, but it is,,on the
are mixed and its faults sometimes
glaring, but the effect it achieves
is one of pleasant entertainment.
The title refers to an ancient
statue which rests on the bottom
of the Aegean sea. Thousands of
years old, the treasure becomes
the object of a struggle between
a rascally American dilettante and
the government of Greece.
Loren squirms out of the water
like a buxom mermaid and tells
her disreputable boyfriend of some
sunken ship, the action moves
along swimingly. The girl goes to
Athens, tells the story to Alan
Ladd, who is supposedly represent-
ing the American government, and
promptly falls into the clutches of
that unscrupulous snob, Clifton
The rivalry between the two
men is one of long standing, and
their mutual knowledge of the
girl's find increases it to the point
of desperation. Webb kidnaps the
girl, forces her to deceive the
handsome youngarchaeologist,
and takes illegal possession of the
statue which, resting in Greek
waters, is apparently the property
of the State.
cerned, Miss Loren soon sickens of
being a pawn, and repents of her
dishonest, disloyal behavior. She
reveals the story to Ladd, and with
only a few complications the sta-
tue is salvaged and brought to
shore to repose in some stuffy mu-
Clifton Webb is at home in his
role of the impeccable scoundrel.
Although his wit becomes a trifle
intolerable, he is more than a
match for his famous co-star, Mr.
Great globs of picture-postcard
scenery spasmodically interrupt
the action, and a few scenes, shot
in a monastery in the mountains,
are especially impressive. Cinema-
scope is almost justified.
-Jean Willoughby

whole, quite a good one. Its virtues


F ROM TUNISIA which has been celebrating
the first anniversary of its national indepen-
dence, one could see the crisis in Jordon in an
interesting and revealing perspective.
Here, more clearly perhaps than anywhere
else in the Arab world, there exists the will to
work out the national future without enmity
toward, -indeed by accommodation with, West-
ern Europe and the United States. Under Habib
Bourguiba, and his party which is called the
Neo-Destour, the Tunisian nation is turned
away from the road on which Nasser is at-
tempting to take all the Arab peoples.
If there is an alternative to the revolutionary
movement which precipitated the crisis in
Jordan, it is the kind of progressive national-
ism, energetic but not fanatical, which the
liberators of Tunisia represent.
The critical and dramatic question is whether
the future of the community of Arab peoples
lies with Nasser or with men like Bourguiba,
with the supernationalists and the revolution-
aries working out of Cairo, or with the nation-
alists and the reforms in the various countries.
The answer to that question depends only in
some measure on what the United States will
contribute to the development of Tunisia. In
much greater measure the answer depends on
how farsighted and generous is the French
policy. In the final reckoning the answer may
be determined by what happens next door in
OF ONE general conclusion we can, I think,
be certain. It is that foreign intervention,
be it Soviet, French, British or American, is
secondary to the internal conflict within the
Arab countries. In all of them, though in
differing degree, the issue is raised by two
great conflicting tendencies. The one, as exem-
plified by Bourguiba, is to maintain the exist-
ing political and social order of the national
liberators, and in some degree to reform and
improve it. The other tendency, which is pro-
pelled from Cairo, is revolutionary. It aims
not only at the overthrow of the existing
political order, as was attempted recently in
Jordan, but also at the creation of a revolu-
tionary imperialism which would make Nasser
in Cairo the master of the Arab world.
In Tunisia the progressive nationalism of
Bourguiba provides a genuine and promising
alternative to the revolutionary movement
which Nasser is leading. Where there is no
such alternative, as for example in Jordan
itself there if notm- tt 3+% +h lettntn Pv-Pn 4n

are involved in the conflict between the revolu-
tionary forces and the established order. Our
policy is to support the established order
against the revolutionary movements. Where-
ever we can, we encourage the existing rulers
to be progressive and benevolent and to try to
raise the standard of life among their people.
But when the ruling classes will not be pro-
gressive and benevolent, as for, example in
Saudi-Arabia, we support them nevertheless
because they maintain the existing order as
against the revolutionary and fanatically anti-
Western popular forces which Nasser excites.
THE SOVIETS, on the other hand, support
the revolutionary forces wherever and when-
ever they can do so without committing
themselves to military action or even to large
financial contributions. They support Nasser's
revolution not because he is a communist. They
support it because if Nasser succeeds, he will
ruin irretrievably the Western European and
American position in the whole Middle East.
It does not necessarily follow that the Soviet
Union could take over what the Western
nations would lose. Nasser's revolution, if he
gains the momentum of success, would probably
produce not a new social order but prolonged
disorder and anarchy. But from the Soviet
point of view this would mean that America
and Europe were no longer in a strategic posi-
tion to threaten the soft under-belly of the
Soviet Union.
One of the questions we are bound to ask
ourselves is whether we must accept this his-
torical fatalism, as one of the unchangeable
facts of life, this contest within the Arab
community, with the Soviet Union on one side,
with ourselves on the other. Imust say that
nothing has as yet come out of Moscow which
suggests that this grim and dangerous contest
can be moderated, much less ended. The latest
official Soviet statement this week treats as a
plot against Arab independence our suppo7
of King Hussein against those who would
overthrow him, and bring Jordan under the
domination of Egypt and Syria.
BUT IF NOTHING has come from Moscow
which suggests that negotiations and ar-
rangements are possible, nothing has come
from the President and Mr. Dulles which sug-
gests that they have any thought of negotia-
tion and an accommodation which would rec-
ognize the indubitable national interest of
Russia in the Middle East. Nothing has come
from them which suggests that they have any-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michi-
gan Daily assumes no editorial re-
sponsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3519 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1957
General Notices
Daily Official Bulletin notices should
be brought to Room 3519, Administra-
tion Building, instead of Room 3553.
To all Students Who are Selective
Service Registrants in the following
schools: Architecture and Design, Busi-
ness Administration, Education, Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts, Music, Nat-
ural Resources, Pharmacy, Public
Health, Social Work. - Students who
need their class standings certified on
the SSS Form 109 for their academic
year ending 15 June 1957, should sub-
mit 3 completed copies of the Form
109 to WINDOW "A", 1513 Administra-
tion Building by May 15, 1957.
Copies of the SSS Form 109 and the
Instruction Sheets for completion may
be secured from WINDOW "A" in the
Administration Building. Failure to
submit for 109 before leaving the cam-
pus will delay the process of forward-
ing the class standings to the Local
Members of the Michigan Marching
Band who are not in the Wolverine or
Symphony Bands, and plan to march
In the Lantern Night parade on May
14, with the Marching Band, are asked
to report to Harris Hal to register
with Mr. avender before Thurs., May 9.
Late Permission: All women stu-
dents who attended the Stanley Quar-
tet Performance at Rackham Lecture
Hall on Mon., April 29, had late per-
mission until 11:15 p.m.
Student Government Council, summary
of action taken May 1, 1957.
Approved: Minutes of the previous
Received: Outline of procedure for re-
viewing the booklet, University Regu-
lations Concerning Student Affairs,
Conduct and Discipline.
On motion, expressed agreement with
the report of the Student Govern-
ment Council Evaluation Committee
and requested the Vice-President of
Student Affairs to consult with Stu-
dent Government Council regarding
its implementation.,
Announced appointments of council
members as advisors to Student Gov-
ernment Council standing committees
as follows: National and Internation-,
al, Jean Scruggs, Education and So-
cial Welfare, Ron Gregg and Scott
Chryslers Student Activities Commit-
tee, John Wrona; Public Relations,
Janet Winkeihaus.
Activities: American Institute of Archi-
tects, dance, May 18, 8:00-12:00 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
Heard report from Panhellenic Asso-
ciation concerning the rushing pro-
gram for 1957-58 and adopted the fol-
lowing motion: "That the question
of calendaring aspring rushing peri-
od, in accordance with the resolution
of March 14, 1956, be studied by a
six member committee to consist of
the presidents of the Panhellenic As-
sociation, the Michigan League, the.
Michigan Union, the president and
the executive vice-president of Stu-
dent Government Council, ax d the
chairman of the Student Government
Council Calendaring Committee. The
Spring Rush Calendaring Committee
should report back to the Council in
one week, which may, if the commit-
tee's finding dictate, extend its man-
dattn inilude the sntd of a cal-



Potential SGC Circus' Kept Under Control

STUDENT Government Council's
meeting Wednesday was con-
ducted in an outstanding manner.
The Panhellenic rushing issue
could have- been emotionally
charged, and the meeting could
have easily deteriorated into per-
sonal combat with irrelevant and
belabored discussion.
Marilyn Houck, '58Ph, presented
the report lucidly, and the ques-
tions to her were direct questions
--not expositions of philosophies
or ideas, something which does
happen often at council meetings.
-* * *
DEBATE ON Daily Staffer Pete
Eckstein's ('58) motion to set up
a study committee was quiet and
short. This is due largely to the
fact that only one person opposed
the resolution. Scott Chrysler, '59,
couldn't see how the committee
could do a better job than Panhel
in working up a ralendar, and he

mittee comes up with a calendar
Panhel strongly opposes, next
week's meeting could become a
circus, comparable to the deferred
rushing meeting in March, 1956.
Evidently, Panhel has decided
to at least postpone its petition
for fall rushing. The Delegates
Council had voted 19-1-1 to re-
quest return to normal rushing
procedures last Thursday. Whe-
ther it reversed its vote, or the
executive committee decided to
hold off can be a matter of specu-
* * *
WHAT IS FAIRLY certain is
that such a petition wouldn't have
stood a chance last night. A
majority of council members were
angered at Panhel for even con-
sidering such a move, and cer-
tainly Miss Houck was aware of
It should be noted that in in-
troducing her report Miss Houck

whole matter is suspect and has
done the organization little good.
Many members of the Council
were irritated because they could
not get a clear picture of what
was taking place.
If Panhel is operating in the
best interests of the University
community, there seems to be little
reason to keep its activities secret.
This holds true especially for
something like the rushing calen-
dar, which will affect a great
many people on campus.
Inter-Fraternity Council not
only permits a reporter at all
fraternity president's association
meetings but Executive Committee
meetings as well. When either
group meets in executive session,
the reporter is usually permitted
to remain, as long as he agrees not
to publish what takes place.
The usual Fraternity Presidents'
Assembly executive session, "mem-
ber's time," is not devoted to
business. Only personal gripes or

time soon, Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis will
appear before the Council to dis-
cuss implementation of the report.
The Evaluation Committee held
10 meetings, at which it studied
the structure and functions of
SGC through the cooperation of
groups and individual students
and alumni.
It summarized its findings in
six points:
1) The Committee finds SGC
is working well.
2) The trial period over, the
Committee endorses SGC as a
form of student government.
3) The Comm ttee feels noth-
ing should be done at the Regental
level to make further modification
* * *
4) IT recognizes that changes
are possible within the present
framework of the Council. It notes
that an SGC constitution, com-
no~ginn nri i7.Pof tho rnmri



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