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May 03, 1957 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-03

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rRTDAF, MAY 8, 1957


PAC3E rl V 1%


Pakistanis Find Home in Ann Arbor

"Cartoonival 1957" hats sit on
he mantle, a do-it-yourself hi-fi
it stands half-assembled in a
corner and a Daily lies folded on
a chair.
Just a glance around the living
room of this three-room apart-
ment leads one to believe that it
houses typical University students.
A closer look at the room reveals
a Pakistan flag.
When one looks at the residents,
he sees three men who are neither
American nor University stu-
Graduate Students
They are H. Masood Sohail, '56,
24 years old; Abu J. M. Hasan, '56,
26 years old, and M. Mohsin Qu-
reshi, '55, 27 years old.
Citizens of Pakistan, they came
to the University for graduate
work in engineering. Sohail ar-
rived in 1952, Hasan and Qureshi
in 1955.
Because the Bureau of Immi-
gration and Naturalization grants
foreign students permission to
stay in the U.S. a year to 18
months after completing their for-
mal education the trio is now
receiving practical training in a
local civil engineering firm.
Although they could have taken
jobs anywhere in the country,
they chose to stay in Ann Arbor
because it's their "second home."
Easy t Make Friends
"We've become involved in the
American, and particularly Ann
Arbor, way of life," Qureshi said.
"We stay here .because of the
charm of the University," added
"Everyone here is on the stu-
dent level, so it's easy to make
friends. Whether you know a per-
son or not, if you say 'Hi,' they'll
answer you," he added.
The trio takes part in Interna-
tional Center activities attends
lectures, concerts, symphonies,
"cinemas," and football games.
Never Missed a Game
"We have never missed a foot-
ball game played here. If the game
is at another stadium, we always
listen to it on the radio," Qureshi
"The behavior of the fans in
the stadium is really something to
( watch. If Michigan is playing
State-Boy. It's always exciting,"
laughed Hasan.
They go to the Union often. On
their last visit they bought "Car-
toonival" hats.
"It really was very funny, the
way everyone laughed at us. When
American students wear stunt out-
fits, nobody cares; but when an
a exchange student does, he becomes
an item of curiousity," Sohail
Misconceptions Stopped
"We bought our hats for the
quartet, which we call the 'Four
Bubus' after Harry Bellefonte's
hit song. The fourth member is a
University coed. We do more talk-
ing than singing," Hasan added.
According to the three men,
Pakistanis have great misconcep-
tions about America.
They were told by their friends
that they were going to the land
Dance Scheduled
Alice Lloyd Dormitory will hold
its annual spring formal from
9:30 p.p. to 1:00 a.m. Friday, May
The theme is "Symphony of
Spring". Door prizes will be given.
Co-chairmen 'this year are Sue
Luansina and Nancy Boyce. Dean
Deborah Bacon and Dean Walter
B. Rea will be among the patrons.
The lounges of the five houses
will be decorated for the dance.

Senior Talk
'Ends May9
Petitioning is now open for se-
nior class speaker for June com-
mencement exercises.
Petitions are due at 5 p.m.
Thursday, May 9 in the Senior
Board mailbox on the second floor
of the Student Activities Building.
Included on the petition must be
the applicant's name, address,
phone number, extra-curricular
activities, and an outline of the
speech. All June or August gradu-
ates are eligible.
The length and subject of the
speech are the applicant's choos-
ing. All who submit petitions will
be given appointments for inter-
views on either May 15 or 16.
(Continued from Page 4)
(chairman), Michael J. Barie, David
Buxbaum, Norwood Dixon, Marilyn
Harris, Mary J. McKay, Mary Morrow,
Marilyn Nathan, Bill Wheeler.
Heard plans for an auction sale in con-
nection with the Campus Chest Drive
next week.
Protestantism Looks at Birth Con-
trol: The Rev. Henry B. Kuizenga of
the Presbyterian Church will speak in-
formally on this topic at the Friday
Afternoon Coffee Hour of the Office
of Religious Affairs, May 3, 4:15 p.m.
This is the second program in a series
on birth control.

Price, soprano; Martha Lipton, con-
tralto; Kurt Baum, tenor; Robert Mc-
Ferrin, baritone; Nicola Moscona, bass;
Thor Johnson, conductor.
Sat., May 4, 2:30 p.m. Soloist: Jo-
seph Szigeti, violinist; Philadelphia Or-
chestra; William R. Smith, conductor.
Festival Youth Chorus, Qeneva Nel-
son, conductor.
Sat., May 4, 8:30 p.m. Philadelphia
Orchestra; Robert Merrill, baritone,
soloist; Eugene Ormandy, conductor.
Sun., May 5, 2:30 p.m. Philadelphia
Orchestra; John Krell, piccolo; Gina
Bachauer, pianist; University Choral
Union in "Five Tudor Portraits"
(Vaughan Williams), withrMartha Lip-
ton, contralto, and Donald Gramm,
bass-baritone; Thor Johnson, conduc-
Sun., May 5, 8:30 p.m. Philadelphia
Orchestra; Rise Stevens, soloist; Eugene
Ormandy, conductor.
The ticket office will be open in Bur-
ton Tower through Wed., May 2; and
the Hill Auditorium box office will be
open beginning Thurs., May 2, through
the Festival.
Academic Notices
Students, College of LS&A,: Tenta-
tive Time Schedules for the Fall Se-
mester 1957 are now available. Students
whose total hours toward graduation at
the end of the current semester will be
54 or fewer, should see their Counselors
in 1210 Angell Hall. Those whose hours
will total 55 or above may see the
Counselor in a field of concentration
in 1213 Angell Hall. There are no ap-
pointments during the examination
period. Elections must be approved be-
fore the scheduled registration time.
The "half day before" Monday morning,
Sept. 16, will be considered Sat., Sept.
Dr. William Hays will speak at the
Psychology Colloquium tomorrow at
4:15 on "Some Uses of Similarity Data"
in Aud. B, Angell Hall.
Seminar in Magnetohydrodynamics,
tomorrow, 3:00 p.m., Room 246, W. En-
gineering. T. Wilkerson will continue
his discussion of "Magnetohydrody-
namic Waves."
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., May 3,
4:15 p.m., Dr. Bertram Donn of Wayne
University will speak on "Chemical
Reactions in the Interstellar Medium."
Doctoral Examination for Francis Ja-
cob Clauss, Metallurgical Engineering;
thesis: "Thermal Fatigue of Ductile
Materials," Fri., May 3, 3201 East Eng-
ineering Building, at 1:00 p.m. Chair-
man, J. W. Freeman.
Doctoral Examination for Stanley
Kingdom Derby, Physics; thesis: "The
Establishment of a Sensitive and Re-
producible Program of Analysis of Bio-
logical Material for Metallic Elements,"
Fri., May 3, 2038 Randall Building, at
1:15 p.m. Chairman, R. A. Wolfe.
Doctoral Examination for Sister Mary

Angelina Filipiak, Fine Arts; thesis:
"The Plans of the Poor Clares' Convents
in Central Italy: From the Th/irteenth
through the Fifteenth Century," Fri-
day, May 3, 205 Tappan Hall, at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, H. E. Wethey.
Placement Notices
The following institutions have listed
vacancies on their staffs with the Bu-
reau of Appointments. They will not be
here to interview at this time.
Allen Park, Michigan (Allen Park Co-
operative Nursery School) - Nursery
Brigham City, Utah, Intermountain
School) - Teachers for Navaho Indian
boys and girls whose needs are special
and different from public school chil-
Syracuse, New York (Jewish Commu-
nity Center of Syracuse,, Inc.) - Nur-
sery Teacher.
Washington, D.C. (Intstiute of Afri-
can-American Relations, Inc.)-Teach-
ing positions in all fields in Africa.
Ypsilanti, Michigan-Nursery Teach-

For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext.
Personnel Requests:
Welcome Wagon, Inc., hdqs. New
York City, offers career opportunities to
young men who are less than 27 years
of age and who have completed mili-
tary training. Business training or ex-
perience would be helpful, but it is not
essential. This is a public relations or-
ganiation operating in almost 2000
Aetna Casualty and Surety Co., Hart-
ford, Connecticut, is interested in em-
ploying men as Field Representatives
to work in various branch offices. There
are also several positionstfor trainees
in the Casualty Underwriting Dept.
WIBM, Jackson, Michigan, needs a
man or woman with the ability to type
and write copy to work as Advertising
Radio Copywriter.
Kendall Furniture Co., Grand Rapids,
Mich., has openings for men in LS&A
or BusAd for Sales positions.
Darling & Co., Chicago, Ill., is look-

ing for men who are interested in Sales
Silent Maid Co., Div. of the Rollick
Distributing Co., Grand Rapids, Michi-
gan, is hiring men for permanent and
summer positions, in Sales. Psych.,
Personnel Training and Administration.
Whirlpool-Seger Corp., St. Joseph,
Mich., has openings for men with ex-
perience and training in Psych., Per-
sonnel Admin., Soc., Mech. and Elect.
E., Merchandising, Communications
and Production.
Advanced Training:
Syracuse University, College of Law.
Syracuse, N.Y.. announces a program
of tuition scholarships available for the
three year course leading to a degree
of Bachelor of Laws.
Hickox Secretarial School, Boston,
Mass,, offers secretarial courses to col-
lege people. This school has been cho-
sen for the past eight years by Radcliffe
college to supervise and instruct its
summer secretarial course.
For further information about any
of the above contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., ext.

-Daily-David .Arnold
DO-IT-YOURSELF-M. Mohsin Qureshi, H. Masood Sohail, and
Abu J. M. Hasan, Pakistani holders of University engineering
degrees, put together a do-it-yourself hi-fi kit.

of the rich, where University de-
grees are handed out like candy
"We soon found that this was
not true. Here the professors make
you work," said Sohail.
Exams Count More
"In Pakistan there are no blue-
books, open-book tests, or quizes.
We are given only a final exam.
We either pass or wait for the
next year's final," Hasan said.
"I like the. American system
much better," Qureshi added,
"However, I .would tell everyone
to think many times before leav-
ing Pakistan to study here. A stu-
dent here has to work his soul
out," he continued.
Informal Relationships
The most amazing part of the
American system of education is
the relationship between student
and teacher.
"In Pakistan we never mention
a teacher's name. He is called
either 'Sir' or 'Professor'," com-
mented Hasan.
F Notices

"The instructors here are as
helpful as private tutors and just
as friendly," Sohail added.
Americans have as many mis-
conceptions about Pakistan as
Pakistanis have about America.
"People in this country refuse
to believe that Pakistan is no
longer a part of India. In fact,
the University addressed my let-
ter of acceptance to 'Pakistan,
India'," Sohail said.
All three of the men will return
to Pakistan when their training
period in America is finished.

"We'll never forget Ann Arbor,"
Qureshi said sadly.
"I don't know how we will ever
go back," Sohail added. May Festival Concerts, May 2, 3, 4
"Let's forget about it now. We and 5:
Fr., May 3, 8:30 p.m., Verdi's "Aida"
won't be leaving for quite a while, in concert form. Philadelphia Orches-
concluded Hasan. . tra; University Choral Union; Leontyne



The Contemporary Literature Club,
meeting, May 6, 7:30, 3545 S.A.B. Topic:
Wallace Stevens. Discussion will be
moderated by M. Benamou of the
French Department. Poems: The Em-
peror of Ice Cream; Apostrophe to'
Cincentine; Sad Strains of a Gay Waltz;
Poetry is a Destructive Force; Angel
Surrounder by Paysans; The Rock-
Severity Years Later; Optional: Sun-
day Morning; Notes Toward a Supreme
Michigan Union, Life memberships
may be picked up at the Union Busi-
ness Office by all full time male stu-
dents who have paid full time tuition
for eight semesters. The office is open
from 9:00-5:00.
The Episcopal Student Foundation,
a Canterbury picnic in the country,
weather permitting. Cars will leave
Canterbury House at 4:30 and 5:30
p.m., May 3.
The Episcopal Student Foundation,
luncheon at Canterbury House follow-
ing the 12:10 p.m. celebration of Holy
oCmmunion at the church, May 5.
Hiliel, Student Zionist Organization.
Israeli dancing and singing, May 5,
7:30 p.m., Hillel Foundation.
Includes North Africa, Berlin
Europe for Collegiansj
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