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April 19, 1957 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-04-19

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"It's No Bunny"

"When Opinions Are Free
Trutb Will Prevail"

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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Dorm Solicitation Vital
To Campus Chest Success

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Easter Hat Madness
Hits Operatic Star
Associated Press Feature Writer
THE EASTER HAT madness has an unusual victim this year -
Blanche Thebom, the only girl in grand opera who can stand onl
her own hair without bending her knees.
I feel like I had dived into a lily pond, and came up with a lily
on my head," said the springly Metropolitan Opera star as she put

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RECENT ACTION of the Board of Governors
of the Residence Halls may have placed the
success or failure of the Campus Chest drive
in the hands of dormitory House governments.
The Board has told promoters of the drive
they may make door-to-door solicitations in
any House where student government approv-
al has been obtained. The drive, which might
be described as a student Community Chest,
will combine the several bucket drives con-
ducted each year.
Traditionally, the Board has prohibited so-
licitations in Residence Hall units on the
grounds it invades students' privacy. But it
can be claimed with equal validity that this
consideration is negligible compared with the
financial assistance a successful drive would
give to the participating organizations.
The groups participating in Campus Chest -
FIresh Air Camp, World University Service and
Free University of Berlin - are charitable
groups deserving support either individually
or collectively.
These organizations have taken a sizeable
risk in backing a new drive, which has moder-
ate chances of success. The week Campus Chest
planners have allotted for the drive, scheduled
for next month, is longer than the two days
most campus bucket drives last. But it would
be too hopeful to believe these extra days suf-
ficient to increase the contributions through
the usual methods of a bucket drive to a level
where the participating groups would receive
as much as they collected in individual cam-
T HE NOVELTY of campus drives probably
wears off after three days leaving any short
period of time thereafter relatively useless for
soliciting money. Only by approaching organ-
ized living can the drive ever be successful
enough to give the groups more than they have
collected individually in the past; and it is
quite possible this method of solicitation is

also the only way to enable the groups to equal
their collections of past years.
If Campus Chest succeeds, it will, in time,
develop into an organization with the pres-
tige and appeal to draw large sums of money
not possible even by the cumulative efforts
of many separate campus groups. It will be able
to coordinate distribution of money from the
many charity fund raising events 'every year
and direct it to the most needy and deserving
areas of the community.
But if the drive is a failure in this, its first
year, it is doubtful that its full potential will
ever be developed.
THE CONCEPT of a united community serv-
ice, inherent in an undertaking such as
Campus Chest, is sufficient reason for a com-
munity to take active steps to assure its reali-
zation and success. While members of the
community may reject the concept, to prohibit
the most natural method by which they can
express their approval indicates a short-sight-
edness - often founded on good intentions -
from their leaders.
Allowing Campus Chest in the Residence
Halls would not be a 'precedent for other in-
dividuals or groups to solicit there because:
(1) The Board of Governors will never al-
low commercial products to be sold or infor-
mation for private use to be collected in the
dormitories; (2) charitable drives on campus
are required to be part of Campus Chest, (3)
Campus Chest is a once-a-year, charitable
ONE MEMBER of the Board of Governors
said he believes "Campus Chest is going to
fall flat on its face." While we genuinely hope
' he is wrong we must subscribe to the ultimate
failure of the drive unless solicitation is per-
mitted in the Residence Halls.
We strongly recommend that this solicita-
tion not only be allowed but encouraged.

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Norman Case Complex

on the first hat she had bought
in 14 years.
The beautiful mezzo-soprano
gave up hats about the time she
started letting her hair grow long.
Now it is over six feet in length
and the singer, who is about 5 feet
7 inches tall, actually can let it
down and step on it.
Miss Thebom, who usually gets
along by sticking a flower or a
jeweled ornament in her hair,
went on a bonnet buying spree
this season because she is going to
England soon. It wouldn't do to
bump unexpectedly into Queen
Elizabeth with nothing but a vin-
tage orchid in her tresses. No, in-
BLANCHE isn't a girl who goes
in for half-way measures. She de-
scended on the hat shop operated
by Mr. John, the noted chapeau
designer, with the enthusiasm of
a pirate raider.
Her enthusiasm was matched by
that of Mr. John, weary at the
moment of decorating girls who
affect short bobs or even crew
"I also hate those tortured curls
-those French-fried curls," he
murmured. "A woman with long
hair is a pleasant challenge.
"For a long-haired woman, the
hat simply must be in proportion.
Hat design, after all, is basically
architecture, which after all is
basically proportion."
Mr. John, whom Napoleon is
said to resemble, tosses off bon
mots like this all day long on a
six-day week. Sunday he practices.
He came into the trying on
room with half a dozen colorful
wide-brimmed hats. They bore
such romantic titles as "visiting
butterfly," "royal garden party,"
"meeting in mayfair," "brunch
with a beefeater" and "teawith a
total stranger"
* * *,
MR. JOHN is indeed a veritable
madcap - whether working in
prose or satin.
One hat which was two feet
wide and named "windsor after-
noon" - or was it "nightcap with
a knight"? - caught Blanche's
"This is a black palace portrait
hat," murmured Mr. John, "made
of layers of summer black taffeta
with a black petticoat brim sure,
hats wear petticoats, caught with
a single summer rose, also black."
Intoxicated either by Mr. John's
haunting creations or his haunted
descriptions, Miss Thebom wound
up with about a dozen big-
brimmed hats, including "fascina-
tion," "trooping of colors," and
"spring in London."
"If you're going to wear a hat,"
said Blanche stoutly, "you might
as well wear a mad one, so that
a man can look at it condescend-
That's one of the reasons for
wearing a hat-to give a man
something to feel smug and su-
perior about."

SGC Enrollment Study

ITHOUT a word of comment, Student Gov-
ernment Council last night passed what
may prove to be the most important motion
of its history.
The Committee on Increasing Enrollments
is the first move by student government to
seriously consider the future of our bloated
In a University where apathy and the pros-
pects of electronic educators grow more dis-
turbing each year, the added burden of swell-
ing enrollment intensifies the responsibility ac-
corded to thinking students.
These students, equipped with the machinery
to forcefully present their viewpoint, can and
must assume a larger role in the constant re-
view and consideration of contemporary edu-
cational problems.
We must seriously question the security

that comes from expanding facilities as en-
rollment bounds. Steps toward a greater use
of education television must be anticipated
and studied closely by students, concerned
with the best use of their time and that of
their instructors.
O TRY TO list the areas which should
quickly come under the careful considera-
tion of student government is obviously im-
possible. And this impossibility itself should
serve to warn the committee of its greatest
danger - that of thinking too small, or too
The study initiated last night could well
continue as long as there are students. A vir-
tually unlimited service to the University is
about to be undertaken.

THE COMPLEX maze of state-
ments, Senate speeches, and
diplomatic notes fired back and
forth in the case of the Canadian
Ambassador's suicide make it ex-
tremely difficult to know just who
is telling the truth.
Truth in this case is particularly
important because it involves rela-
tions with two important nations-
Canada, perhaps our most vital
neighbor; Ireland, another strong
friend, to which Scott McLeod had
just been appointed ambassador.
McLeod is in charge of the State
Department office which allegedly
OK'd release of the data on Cana-
dian Ambassador Norman, as a re-
sult of which some opposition to
his appointment has arisen in Ire-
land. Sen. Neuberger (D-Ore.) has
asked for an investigation..
One question is whether McLeod
and his State Department Security
Division have been cooperating
with the Senate Internal Security
Subcommittee in conducting a Mc-
Carthy-type witch-hunt.
IN ADDITION, Canada charges
that we were meddling in her af-
fairs by trying to decide whom she
should have as Ambassador to
Just what is the truth?
Denial No. 1-Sen. Eastland of

Mississippi denies the above. De-
fending his Internal Security sub-
committee on the Senate floor, he
"Thererwere two hearings held.
They were not investigations of
Ambassador Norman, but of per-
sonnel in our own State Depart-
The truth-The record does not
bear this out. It shows that State
Department personnel, namely
John K. Emmerson of the U.S.
Embassy in Beirut, was questioned
for the sole purpose of embarrass-
ing Ambassador Norman. Counsel
Robert Morris gratuitously read
into the record the derogatory FBI
report against Norman, then pro-
ceeded to ask Emmerson question
after question about Norman,
when he last saw him, what friends
he had, whether he ever criticised
the U.S.A., whether he criticized
U.S. policy in the Mid-east. Sen.
Jenner (R-Ind.) joined in the
It was a star chamber proceed-
ing similar to an official finding
by a committee of the British
House of Commons that our Am-
bassador to Egypt, Raymond Hare,
was a Communist.
* * *
DENIAL NO. 2 - The Stat
Department denied that it had
ever OK'd publication of the re-

cord on Ambassador Norman,
claiming only the testimony of
John Emmerson was released. It's
difficult, however, to see how the
two could be separated.
Denial No. 3-The Senate Se-
curity Subcommittee issued a
statement: "The transcript was
cleared for publication by the
State Department." Later, Sena-
tors withdrew this statement.
The truth-When the Senators
issued this statement, Robert Cart-
wright, Assistant to Scott McLeod
and acting Chief of the State De-
partment Security Division, phon-
ed committee counsel Morris to
say he was being put on the spot.
Morris was very consoling. He as-
sured his friend he was doing all
he could to stop the subcom-
mittee's statement.
The statement was then with-
drawn. but not stopped.
Cartwright was with the FBI 21
years. He left the FBI to come to
the State Department four years
ago, about the time McLeod be-
came Security Officer He is the
brother of Monsignor Cartwright
of St. Matthews Cathedral, is a
close friend of both McLeod and
Morris, was even present when the
Senate testimony on Ambassador
Norman was taken.
* * :
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

The Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michi
gan Daily assumes no editorial re-
sponsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1957
VOL. LXII, NO. 138
General Notices
Blue Cross Group Hospitalization,
Medical and Surgical Service Programs
for staff members will be open from Ap-
ril 1 thru April 24. 1957, for new ap-
plications and changes in contracts now
in effect. Staff members who wish to
include surgical and medical services
should make such changes in the Per-
sonnel Office, Room 1020, Admin. Bldg.
New applications and changes will be
effective June 5, with the first payroll
deduction on May 31. After April 24,
no new applications or changes can be
accepted until October, 1957.
Attention all Seniors! Order your
caps and gowns for June graduation at
Moe's Sport Shop on North University
as soon as possible.
The following student sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the com-
ing weekend, April 19: Phi Delta Phi,
Tau Delta Phi, April 20: Adams, Alpha
Epsilon Pi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta
Theta Pi, Delta Upsilon, Gomberg,Nu
Sigma Nu, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Delta
Theta, P1 Lambda Phi, Phi Rho Sigma,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Delta Tau,
Theta Xi, Zeta Psi, April 21: Phi Delta
Student Government Council Sum-
mary: Action taken at meeting of April
17, 1957.
Approved: Minutes of previous meet.
Activities sponsored by student or-
ganizations as follows:
Aprila20, Thai Association, Cultural
program, Lane all.
April 22, 23, Indian Student Asso-
ciation, movie, "Chandra", Arch. Aud.
April 27, Turkish Club, Turkish Ball,
Rackham, 9-12 p.m.
May 3, Barristers, Crease Ball, Law-
yers Club, 9:30-1:00 a.m.
Extended petitioning for Council po-
sitions to Friday, April 19, 5 p.m.
petitioning for South East Asia will
close April 25.
Received report of recount of J-Hop
ballots: Sally Klinesteker, Jo Anne
Beechler, Liz Hoffman, Mike Adell,
Bob Arnove, Jim Champion, Tom
Greed, Dan Jaffe, Bob Stahl, Lynda
Delegated to Executive Committee re-
sponsibility for coordinating with
the Administration on revision of the
booklet "University Regulations Con-
cerning Student Affairs, Conduct,
and Discipline."
Appointed: Maynard Goldman, Jean
Scruggs, Nelson Sherburne to the
SGC Housing policy committee.
Heard report on Student Bookstore.
Granted recognition to Delta Phi Al-
pha, honor society in German.
Adopted following motions:
Increasing Enrollments. Student Gov-
ernment Council shall establish a
committee on Increasing Enrollments.
The duties of this committee shall
be to plan a course of action for
the Council to follow with regard to
the particular areas which should
be considered, the best methods of
working In these areas, and the way
In which the various elementsof
the University community can be in-
volved in the problems of increasing
enrollments. The Committee shall
consist of four SGC members, to be
appointed by the ExecutiveCommit-
tee with the approval of the Coun-
cil. They shall report to the Student
Government Council no later than
May 15.
Amended statement on Human Re-
lations Board to read "The Human
Relations Board considers cases and
areas involving discrimination against
students In the University commu-
nity or the Ann Arbor community.
The Board will work in a positive
manner to encourage better human
relations in the University and Ann
Arbor community" for "The Human
Relations Board considers cases in-
volving discrimination against stu-
dents in the University community
or the Ann Arbor community."
Adopted following statement:
"Student Government Council

strongly maintains its position as the
only organization recognized by the
Regents to express student opinion.
The Council realizes, however, that
it is difficult for eighteen persons to
represent the opinions of the many
diverse groups present on a campus
of 22,000 students. In order to en-
courage expression of student opinion
and imaginative thinking in the area
of student government, Student Gov-
ernment Council urges all student
organizations and groups of students
to discuss issues and express opinions
concerning student government.
"It is considered against the best in-
terest of Student Government Coun-
cil for the ex-officio members to rep-
resent the feeling of the special in-
terest group with which they are af-
filiated. This is true because it lim-
its the members' objectivity and
grants special representation to a few
major groups. Because the League
Senate and the (proposed) Union
Representative Body, together and
ideally represent no special interests,
it is felt that this is an excellent
source of opinion. The strongest in-
centive for worthwhile discussion is
given by placing recommendations
from these groups on the Student
Government Council's agenda of
meeting procedure. These items
would be scheduled, as is present





Playing Nasser's Game

THE UNITED STATES may have found a way
to play Nasser's game of using internal na-
tional assets to gain control over other coun-
Nasser's big asset is, of course, the Suez Canal
and America's trump card is money, something
equally obvious but not as effectively-handled
as Egypt's geographical advantage.
In drawing up its program to present in the
United Nations "before Easter," the State De-
partment has mentioned a plan to "freeze"
about thirty-seven million dollars worth of
Egyptian funds located in this country.
The United States is also reported ready to
release the "advised" ban on American ships

passing through the Suez Canal.
Merely giving American ships the go-ahead to
pay Suez tolls would show silent approval for
Nasser's blustering, but so-far successful at-
tempt to maintain complete control over the
HOWEVER, if the lifting of the shipping ban
is accompanied by the freezing of Egyptian
funs, we might be able to convince Nasser that
America is not conceding victory but is catching
on to his methods.
This attempt to combat Nasser with his own
kind of weapon may be belated, but perhaps not

Council Trending Toward Internal Reevaluation

Friendly Russian Talk?

Associated Press News Analyst
IN THE MIDST of a great arms race, Soviet
Russia is always in the best position to make
propaganda hay out of her talk of banning
bomb tests and atomic weapons.
Even in the totally unrealistic disarmament
talks which go on sporadically, as they are
now going on in London, other nations are
forced to confine their talks to slight limita-
tion of conventional weapons, in consideration
of their own security.
That doesn't have much effect on people
throughout the world whose great fear is of
radiation from the tests and possible means
of destruction by atomic war.
When the Kremlin's Valerian Zorin evades
all Western suggestions by returning to the
shopworn talk of atomic bans, he sounds like
the friend of all peoples.
INDEED, his statement in London yesterday
was almost simultaneous with one by India's

so-called neutralist, Nehru, and almost iden-
tical in meaning - on the surface. Both in-
veighed against nuclear tests and atomic war.
To be fair to Nehru, it must be said their
motives were by no means similar.
Nehru wants India, with himself as her
leader, to emerge as the moderator of world
troubles and as the beneficiary of the East-
West struggle for her support. There is no
question of his sincere desire for peace.
Zorin, on the other hand, is conducting a
cold-blooded maneuver for position in advance
of a possible war.
In a war with modern weapons, a small na-
tion with adequate atomic force is almost the
equal of a large nation, regardless of man-
In a war without atomic weapons, the Com-
munists could produce more men armed equally
as well as those of the West.
Even if Russia abided by an atomic ban a
nonatomic world would be at her mercy.

Daily Staff Writer
STUDENT Government Coun-
cil meetings for the past month
have shown a definite trend on
the Council's part toward intern-
al reevaluation and greater in-
terest in University and student
This week SGC provided for
resolutions coming from the
League and Union Senates to be
placed on the SGC agenda and
also established a Committee on
Increasing Enrollments.
Last week SGC decided to look
further into honor systems,
worked to set up a delegation to
Southeast Asia for summer, 1958,
andprovided for a Housing Policy
Previously, the Council added a
fourth cabinet officer, decided to
give committee chairmanships to
Administrative Wing members,
and took definite steps in the
health insurance area.
These recent actions show in-
terest and attention in several
fields: SGC-student relations,
SGC internal affairs, student edu-
cation and welfare, University-
student problems and relations,
and international cultural affairs.
* * *
SEVERAL of the accomplish-
ments were called for by President
Joe Collins in his post-election
"state of the union" remarks -
a comment on the effectiveness of
the newly-elected executive com-

motions, they are being defeated.
SGC seems ready to spend four
hours a week for a meeting. Coun-
cil members seem prepared, with
capable leadership, to dig into
areas only touched on in the past.
It is encouraging.
-* * *
GREAT concern was shown at
Wednesday's meeting over SGC's
rights and responsibilities as rep-
resentatives of student opinion.
Representation of student opin-
ion is just one of those areas in
which there are no answers --
but which has to be reviewed and
reconsidered again and again.
This week it was reconsidered
in light of Union President Roy
Lave's proposals on expression of
student opinion through League
Senate and Union Representative
Body (still to be formed) and
placing of resolutions from those
groups on SOC's agenda.
In part, the final representation
statement of the Council reads:
. . The Council realizes . -
it is difficult for 18 persons to
represent the opinions of the
many diverse groups present on
a campus of 22,000 students.
"In order to encourage expres-
sion of student opinion and imag-
inative thinking in the area of
student government, (SGC) urges
all student organizations and
groups of students to discuss is-
sues and express opinions con-
eerning student government .
"Because the League Senate
and the Union Representative


by Dick Bibier'

of working in these areas, and the
way in which the various elements
of the University community can
be involved in the problems of in-
creasing enrollments,"
A four-member committee, it is
nesday, SGC established a Com-
mittee on Increasing Enrollments.
"The duties of this committee,"
the resolution reads, "shall be to
plan a course of action for the
Council to follow with regard to
the particular areas which should
scheduled to report to the Coun-
cil no later than May 15.

A LONG-AWAITED report on
bookstores came to SGC this week.
The committee made two rec-
ommendations, that "possibility
of a student bookstore on North
Campus be investigated" and that
"present SBX be continued and
enlarged, so that . . . it could
evolve into a real student book-
The report also noted: "Also,
University officials and local mer-
chants are highly opposed to the
idea, and they seem to have the
final say in this matter."

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