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March 17, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-03-17

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Ano Alr igalt Ual
Sixty-Seventh Year

'When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Middle East Crisis
Back at Starting Point

"You Aren't The Only One Coming Home"
4 '10
Ar d
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EGYPT'S MOVE to control the Gaza Strip
returns the Middle East crisis to its starting
point, with virtually nothing constructive hav-
ing been accomplished in the meantime.
The new Egyptian chief in Gaza has, stated
that Egypt plans to bring everything back to
normal, the way it was before the'Israeli attack.
This also brings back all the Israeli reasons for
the Suez attack in the first place.
For Israel, the Gaza Strip and the attacks
emanating therefrom are the chief issue. The
country can conceivably get along without .
shipping through the Suez Canal, but Israel
contends that the raids are intolerable, and
Israel is right. From the Israeli standpoint, the
attack on Suez was a necessary act of self-
THIS POINT has been obscured by the over-
all Suez problem. Diplomats handling the
crisis got the Israeli troops to leave Gaza as a
preliminary to solving the Suez question. They
have moved Israel out only to find Egypt
moving back in. Whatever guarantees or pro-
mises were given to the Israelis now have to
be made good, as Israeli Foreign Minister
Golda Meir has plainly indicated.
Egypt's move now 'leaves the UN and the
United States with no concrete achievements
in the area. The Canal is still blocked, and

Abstract Art
On the Way Out

no large ships can be moved through. The
question of control has not been settled to
anyone's satisfaction. And most important, the
source of the conflict remains a sore point.
UN administration of all these areas can, at
best, be a temporary solution only. To effect
a more permanent settlement, it will be neces-
sary to get as tough with Egypt as we have
with Israel.
LOGICALLY, this should be less difficult.
Israel has tested herself twice in ten years
and is strong enough to beat Egypt easily, while
Egypt is now more firmly established than
ever as a second- or third-rate military power.
But Nasser has played it smoothly and man-
ages an air of injured innocence, at the same
time inviting everyone out of his territory in
tones as belligerent as any of the aggressors
have used. This policy has worked so well that
he may now claim to have come out on top,
having made no concessions to anyone. The
situation is ludicrous.
We have forced Israel and two of our stronger
allies to back down. It is now necessary to
make Egypt do the same. Only then can any
sort of lasting settlement be worked out and

WELL, AT LAST one can take a
fresh breath. It appears, from
all trends and indications, that ir-
responsible-abstract art is on the
way out.
Of course, this is only a trend;
it will take time to see what exact
form the trend will take. At this
time the artists are leaning to-
ward the human figure.
On January 20, 1956, this writer
wrote in this paper: "There is a
feeling in various art coteries that
art has become drenched in plas-
tic values and has started to stag-
nate due to formalistic gymnast-
'It is evident that contemporary
art needs a catharsis-something
that will swing the pendulum back
to that feeling for the human
"Good art must have the disci-
pline of a philosophy if it is to
have the efficacy of a religion."
THE CENTRAL idea in nonob-
jective abstract art issthat the me-
dium an artist uses must indi-
cate the artist's next move. Of
course, that is pure bosh (it's not
too pure, at that).
If there is any doubt about the
meaning of "irresponsible-abstract

can do!" school; the shockers; the
drippers; and the spillers.
An example of their technique
is: lay the canvas on the floor;
fill a barrel with paint; place the
barrel in the center of the canvas
and then vigorously kick the bar-
rel until the bung pops, spewing
paint over the canvas.
A near limbo has been created in
the last decade by the moral cow-
ardice of the critics and the pub-
lic in fostering such absurdities.
Obscurity has been confused as
profundity. So much of abstract
art seems to be an attempt to cul-
tivate the enigmatic.
THE HIGH water mark of the
"Oh, see what I can do!" move-
ment has started to ebb; and the
trend has been officially recognized
in New York at the Whitney Mu-
seum. This may well be regarded
as the most important art news in
about 15 years.
"... a voice silent to other men".
Walter Pater coined that meta-
phor, but do the contemporaries
hear it? To remove life from art
is to remove its point of depar-
ture. Rationalization has no place
in art-an artist should extend his
art rather than receive it-he must
An art is momentous when it
connects mens' loves, fears, aspi-
rations. Art is the balance between
God's life and man's will-in that
way art is timeless.
--Thomas Bernaky

art" it is: the

"Oh, look what I

Superhighway dvertising

Health Insurance Program

nesday passed a motion "recommending and
urging" the University to institute a health
insurance program to be available for students
in September.
Though this suggestion was neither unex-
pected nor controversial, the crux of the issue
was touched on in an amendment to the
motion where the Council expressed its in-
terest in consulting appropriate University of-
ficials regarding the type of insurance and
method of implementation.
In considering these two questions, University
officials will undoubtedly meet resistance from
different groups who have conceptions of what
a student health program should include and
how it should be put into effect.
WHEN THE INSURANCE plan was in the
"investigative" stages, University officials
favored a blanket-type coverage; students
would have no option on whether or not they
wanted money taken from the fees for in-
On the other hand, should the University
decide on optional coverage they will be opposed
by those who believe all students should have
protection covering the financial difficulties
arising from serious injury. However, the choice
of a blanket insurance will result in even more
extensive protest, especially from the student
It has already been argued that many stu-
dents are already protected by private insur-
ance; that "double insurance" would result
in useless expense; that a plan forcing students
to accept insurance would therefore be highly
The question of just how extensive the cove-
rage would be and the precise costs must be
answered before a blanket plan can be in-
Here the proponents of a blanket insurance
have the better argument. Insurance brokers
have assured University officials that an in-
surance plan for an entire student body could

be instituted at very little expense to the
EVEN THOSE opposing the blanket plan ad-
mit protection for everyone is desirable;
they question however, the fairness of forcing
someone to pay additional insurance premiums
when he already has coverage.
Whichever plan, blanket or optional, the Uni-
versity adopts, there will be complaint from
some quarter. Nevertheless, a .health insurance
program is one of the better ideas to come
along this year and should be set up, in one
form or the other, as soon as practicable.
Michigan Hockey Team:
True Champions
performance at Broadmoor which was a
credit to themselves and this University.
Playing shorthanded as a result of highly
questionable NCAA rulings, and before an ex-
tremely partisan crowd, Coach Vic Heyliger's
charges truly deserve the title of champions.
Champions are not made by merely winning
games but by determined effort displayed under
adverse conditions. Captain Bob Pitts and com-
pany surely demonstrated such determination
and "hustle" both Friday and Saturday night.
That they lost the NCAA title is not as im-
portant as the manner in which they played,
scrapping despite the obstacles down to the
final gun.
A group of fans will be going out to meet
the team at Willow Run this afternoon (see
sports page for time), as the icers fly in from
Colorado. They ask the rest of the hockey
following here to join them to welcome home
the squad.
Certainly, Michigan's hockey champions de-
serve no less than this.
Editorial Director

STATES which sell advertising;
along superhighways should
not receive the same proportion
of federal funds as those which
ban commercial billboards, Pres-
ident Eisenhower told GOP Con-
gressional leaders at a private
White House huddle last week.
The President, however, passed
the buck to Congress as to the
"Congress will have to deter-
mine the percentage of federal
allocations in such cases," he said.
He agreed that farmers who
paint their barns or post their
own signs might be an exception
to this rule.
"That is another one for the
states to decide," grinned "Far-
mer" Eisenhower, "though I don't
see how a farmer can be prevented
from painting 'honey for sale' on
his barn if he wants to."
* * *
THE QUESTION was raised as
a result of the Neuberger-Reuss
anti-billboard legislation which
would ban advertising along the
new federal highways, which are
90 per cent paid for by the federal
government. Some Congressmen
have urged that this should be a
states' rights matter.
Inasmuch as the federal govern-
ment is putting up 90 per cent of
the money, Eisenhower took the
compromise position that states
"should not receive the same pro-

portion of federal funds" if they
permit billboards.
* * *
HERE ARE the highlights from
Adlai Stevenson's recent off-the-
record speech at the Gridiron
Club: "I feel like that famous cow
on a winter morning who looked
at the farmer and said 'thanks
for that warm hand.' I wish it had
been as warm and friendly last
November. . .I hesitate to come
back four months after the elec-
tion to rake among the embers of
my funeral pyre, a bonfire which
most of you publishers fanned so
vigorously and a funeral at which
so few of you mourned.
I have great sympathy for the
man who occupies the Presidency,
especially the present incumbent.
Think of the embarrassment when
even Time, the Republican house
organ, reveals that his bird dogs
fail to flush a single covey of quail
...As Jefferson said, the office of
the President can be a 'splendid
I feel deeply for the unhappy
man in sweater and cleats who
approaches a tee and finds a sign
reading '440 yards par 4.' . . Even
after an heroic 225-yard drive you
still have to struggle to replace
the turf in some far-off place-
like London or Suez. . .I would
recommend Miltown on the rocks.
Do not let me ever discourage
you from running for president.

It is a wonderful way to meet a
lot of people you wouldn't meet
otherwise-at any price. It is a
fine exercise for the hands, feet,
stomach and vocal chords. I am
told that it is not too hard on
the head if you use good judg-
ment. You don't even hive to read
or write. Someone will do it for
* * *
Near East have been so monop-
olizing the headlines that the pub-
lic has missed some of the amaz-
ing Senate revelations regarding
the oil companies. Cross-exam-
ination of Secretary of the Inter-
ior Fred Seaton and other govern-
ment officials has shown shock-
ing evidence regarding failure to
lift even a finger to prevent the
oil companies from making over
a billion dollars extra profit at
the expense of the Suez Crisis.
Sen Ref auver oJf Tenn., ques-
tioning Secretary Seaton, asked:
"When your Assistant Secretary
of the Interior Felix Wormser tes-
tified the other day I asked him:
'Well, might you not even make
an effort to protect the American
Mr. Wormser replied: 'Not on
prices; so far as I am concerned
we have absolutely no authority
in the field of prices.'
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

to the
An Open Letter to Mr. Eldersveld:
YOU HAVE been quoted in Sat-
urday's Daily, charging Mayor
Brown with ownership of the
Chevrolet agency and with being
on the Board of Directors of the
Ann Arbor Construction Company,
with both of which the City does
You imply wrong-doing. These
statements are false. The Mayor
has not owned the Chevrolet agen-
cy since he has been a member of
Board of Directors of the Ann
the City Council. He is not on the
Ann Arbor Construction Company.
You also charge that Guy Lar-
com is Brown's "lackey". It is in-
conceivable that you can believe
such a thing. Guy Larcom -is one
of this state's finest city adminis-
He, the Mayor and the City
Council have carried on city gov-
ernment in such a way so as to ob-
tain for the City recognition as
a city-manager form of govern-
ment. His leadership has permitted
the City to accomplish more this
year than ever before in its his-
The type of campaign you are
waging has caused many of us who
are your friends, though your po-
litical opponents, to wonder what
has happened to you. Falsehoods
or inaccuracies, distortion of the
truth and innuendo may be the
way to win votes in the machine
precincts of Chicago and Boston,
but in Ann Arbor a decent respect
for fairness has always been the
hallmark of a public servant.
Whether or not you have been
quoted correctly, you have a real
obligation to set the record straight
and to apologize to both men. You
may be winning votes, but you are
losing much more.
-Charles W. Joiner



From Here to Wastebasket-a Potpourri of Scraps

i 1
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration Building, before
2 p.m. the day preceding publication.
Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00
p.m. Friday.
SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1957
General Notices
SGC Schedule for Election Open
Houses: March 18: West Quadrangle,
5:40, 541 Thompson; East Quadrangle,
7:00, 701 East University; Delta Gamma,
7:30, 1205 Hill Street.
The Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship
with a stipend of $750 is being offered
by the Alumnae council of the Alumni
Association for 1957-58. It is open to
women graduates, of an accredited col-
lege or university. It may be used by
a Universtiy of Michigan graduate at
any college or university, but a gradu-
ate of any other university will be re-
quired to use the award on the Michi-
gan campus. Personality, achievement,
and leadership will be considered in
granting the award.
Application may be made through
the Alumnae Council Office, Michigan
League, and mustnbe filed by April 1.
Award will be announced by the end
of the current semester.
The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholar-
ship is announced by the Alumnae
Council of the Alumni Association for
1957-58. The award is usually $200.00
and is open to both graduate and2un-
dergraduate women. The award is made
on the basis of scholarship, contribu-
tion to University life and financial
Application may be made through
the Alumnae Council Office in the
Michigan League, and must be filed
beforedApril 1. Award will beran-
nounced by the end of the current
The Mary L. Hnsdale Scholarship,
amounting to approximately $125.0
(interest on the endowment fund) is
available to undergraduate women who
are wholly or partially self-supporting
and who do not live in University resi-
dence hals or sorority houses. Girls
with better than average scholarship
and need will be considered. Applica-
tion blanks, obtainable at the Alumnae
Council Office, Michigan League,
should be filed by April 1. Award will
be granted for use during 1957-58 and
will be announced by the end of the
current semester.
Evaluation of Student Government
Council. The committee recently ap-
pointed by Vice-President Lewis to re-
port to him an evaluation of Student
Government Council invites recognized
student organizations to express their
observations on the structure and func-
tioning of SGC (under the plan
adopted two years ago) at an open
hearing, Thursday, March 21, 3:00 p.m.,
Room 3003 Student Activities Building.
If such organizations can supply copies
of their statements to the committee
members, the work of the committee
would be greatly facilitated. These
copies should be brought to the secre-
tary of the committee, Deborah Town-
send, 2017 Student Activities Building.
If duplication facilities are not avail-
able to such groups, an attempt will
be made to provide for them if the
statements are brought to the secre-
tary by March 20, 1957.
University Lecture in Journalism.
Paul Shinkman, Washington corres-
pondent for the Central Press Associa-
tion and News Commentator for WASH
and WDON, will speak on Mon., March
18 at 3:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre on, "Behind the News in
I.S.A.,presents "America: From Poetry
to Jazz" (A Series on Cultural Dynam-
ics). Lecture No. 4, Tues., Mar. 19.
POETRY, Dr. James Squires, Dept. of

Talking Business with Egypt

AP Foreign News Analyst
THE UNITED STATES has won a diplomatic
victory in the Middle East, but it is too, soon
for cheers.
Only heavy American pressure could have
persuaded Israel to give up the territory she
occupied in the fighting last autumn. The
Israeli withdrawal is an accomplished fact
which has Soviet propagandists blinking.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN ................ Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN.............Magazine Editor
JANET FEARICK ......... Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS................Features Editor
DAVID GREY. ................ Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER......... Associate Sports Editor
STEPEN HEILPERN.....A...Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON ....... . Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER........... Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS.............Women's Feature Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL................. Chief Photographer

But now American attention must concen-
trate on Egypt.
In spite of President Nasser's demobilization
order, Nasser's boys do not seem to have re-
formed to any great extent.
A day after Israeli Premier David Ben-Gurion
announced his decision to withdraw, Egypt's
Voice of Arabs called for "the achievement
of the supreme unity and the elimination of
The Voice of Arabs is official. Nasser's govern-
ment cannot avoid responsibility for what it
But the Voice went further than this demand
for the extermination of Israel. It demanded
elimination of foreign influence from the Per-
sian Gulf, whose oil supplies are vital to West-
ern Europe's economy.
By implication, the Voice of Arabs told its
listeners that the position of Kuwait with its
oil riches was responsible for the continued
influence of Britain in the gulf area.
These broadcasts likely will inflame nation-
alist sentiment in the Persian Gulf area against
the rulers of oil-producing countries. The
propaganda campaign has been bearing much
fruit in the form of agitated Arab public opinion
which threatens to plunge the whole Middle
East into uproar.
Rincisain nnn ona, is ioinino in the chorus.

Daily TeleviF'on Writer
EVERY ONCE in a while (about
once a year) I get up eno.ugh
energy to perform a great task-
cleaning out my desk.
Since the warm weather isupon
us and a third local movie house
will take up some of my time in
the future I decided to perform
this task during the week. And
so here is the potpourri of a year's
collection of little scraps of paper.
This should interest those who
think television is going to the
dogs. Any dog can make $500 a
word for each two-syllable word
he or she utters to the satisfac-
tion of the judges on "Good Morn-
ing Will Rogers Jr."
For instance, Major, a talkative
boxer, parlayed his four-word vo-
cabulary into a $2,000 bankroll
when he said "mamma," "hungry,"
"amen" and hello.'
All canines participating in the
on-the-air auditions receive a copy
of Webster's New International
Dictionary of English Usage. The
dog's master gets the money. If
you have a talking dog get in
contact with CBS and earn $500 a
word for yourself and a dictionary
for your dog.
* * *
DAVE GARROWAY, who is in
competition with "Good Morning,"
might start a contest that will out-
do Rogers. Something like giving
$500 for every dog who brings in
n mnnter who eaon retriPVP Clucks.

You know what they say, there's
no business like show business.
ABC-TV has captured what is
probably the hottest property for
television-Frank Sinatra. They
out-bid CBS and NBC to get
Frankie to sign for a half-hour
filmed series which will be titled
"The Frank Sinatra Theatre."
The format of the show will be
very elastic which means Sinatra
will be able to display his versa-
tile talents-singing, comedy and
legitimate acting.
Probably the most interesting
shows which could be produced
would be the re-creation of some
of Sinatra's personal exploits
which are now under Senate in-
After all, one of television's re-
sponsibilities to the American pub-
lic is to present items which go
into the public record.
* * *
THE TELEVISION spectacular
is a thing of the past. The last of
these Pat Weaver extravaganzas
will be presented before the be-
ginning of the next season.
Instead of spectaculars NBC will
present what they will call tele-
visiona"specials." These programs
will also be 90 minutes in length
and in compatible color, but will
not be regularly scheduled, as are
the spectaculars.
That is, a special will just pop
up on the screens. It will not be
every fourth Saturday, or every
fourth Sundinv s have the nl-

it so they can introduce their new
medium-priced car on the pro-
* * *
eventful in the quiz-program an-
nals. Charley Van Doren finally
bowed out with $129,000 and= the
"$64,000 Question" announced
that they will increase their top
individual prize to $256,000.
I personally would like to have
seen Charley and his challenger
tie at 21 ten more times before
lie lost. -Then he would have lost

$147,000 against his winnings of
Television's biggest money win-
ner would then have wound up
without a nickel to his name.
Now Van Doren can go on the
"$64,000 Challenge" and challenge
Teddy Nadler, go back to his rou-
tine teaching assignments, follow
through in show business or just
wait for Dave Garroway to an-
nounce his contest.
Charley Van Doren can do any-
thing. He MUST be able to re-
trieve ducks.


by Dick Bibler

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