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February 28, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-02-28

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"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Sixty-Seventh Year

"Who's Coming Or Going?"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exlpress the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Legislature Must Answer
Problem of Needy' Student

TUITION, a faculty member remarked re-
cently, used to be what the student paid his
fees for-instruction. Now tuition is the term
applied to the fees themselves, and people talk
in more terms of the fees than instruction.
This distinction in meaning is significant in
view of the Legislature's current hearings on
the University's $34,000,000 operating budget
request. The hearings indicate the Legislature
is thinking of tuition more in terms of money
than of instruction or education.
While the University has justified its budget
increase as necesary to uphold the University's
high academic standards, some legislators have
argued that, since students are prime benefi-
ciaries of these high standards, students should
accept more of the burden in paying for therp.
As State Senator Graebner said last week, if
the students are receiving a "superior product,
their earning capacity is being increased and
they'should be willing to pay more.''
Answering his own question of how many
students cannot find the means to go to college,
Appropriations Committee chairman Porter said
Monday, "I can't conceive of any family that
can't afford to send a child to college."
IF SENATOR PORTER really meant this re-
mark, we wonder how much opportunity he
has had to survey the various income brackets
which students today come from. We wonder
}how many parents and students are actually
in the position which the senator said he was
in, of not having to "ask the taxpayers" to
provide schooling.

The State Legislature is in a difficult situa-
tion. Total budget requests this year are at a'
record high. Taxpayers have already indicated
distaste for further tax increases. Some of the
requests must be cut.
Student protests of a possible increase in
tuition fees are not all valid. Many students are
in a position to accept a steep increase in fees.
But many others find it difficult, even at the
present rate, to attend college. Still others,
who are in relatively good financial positions
now, would be forced to work long hours during
the school year to meet a fees hike.
So in some cases, Senator Porter's desire for
higher tuition rates would work little hardship.,
In others, students would be economically forced
out of school or required to work excessively
while in school, thus detracting from their aca-
demic performance.
IN MANY CASES, increased fees would mean
a return to the time when college acceptance
depended on whether a student could meet the
costs. Ability was considered irrelevant if not
accompanied by money.
We suggest that the State Legislature first
consider the problem of the needy student with
ability if it is interested in educating people
solely on the basis of their ability, a concept
originated by the state university.
If an answer can be found to this problem,
then an increase in tuition fees would be rea-

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-. 4

"A Manual for Southerners," first
the current edition of the Citi-
zens' Councils official newspaper.
per is printed in this delta city,
headquarters of the 10-state Citi-
zens' Councils of America, and is
distributed to a paid subscriber
list throughout the United States.
W. J. Simmons of Jackson, edi-
tor of "The Citizens Council" and
administrator of the State Coun-
cil, declined to identify the auth-
ors of the manual.
"I will say only that they are
two public school teachers in Mis-
sissippi," said Simmons. "They
don't want to be identified for
fear of reprisals.
"The part of the manual which
appears in the current edition is
for third and fourth graders. The
sections for fifth and sixth grad-
ers and for junior and senior high,
school students, run much longer.
It will take about a year to
complete serialization of the man-
ual in our monthly paper. The
manual has never been published
The Citizens Councils say they
are dedicated to preservation of
segregation by peaceful means.

'Southern Way of Life'
Described in Tabloid
By The Associated Press
GREENWOOD, Miss. (A) - "Negroes and white people do not go to
the same places together. We live in different parts of town. And
we are kind to each other. This is called our Southern Way of Life.
"Do you know that some people in our country want the Negroes
to live with the white people? These people want us to be unhappy .. .
They want to make our country weak."
Aimed at third and fourth graders, the quotations are from

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Disinterest in Democracy.

Apathy and SGC Candidates

THE RIDICULOUSLY low number of an-
nounced candidates for election to Student
Government Council next month indicates the
powerfully apathetic nature of University of
Michigan students.
When only 13 or more of 22,000 students can
find the time or the interest to participate
actively in student government, especially at
this time in SGC's history, it seems that all
concern for student matters has disappeared
and pure complacency has taken over.
In the days of the old Student Legislature, a
weak organization that had none of the power
or prestige of SGC, a typical election would see
30 or more candidates vying for a few seats.
ber of contestants each semester has steadily
declined, perhaps indicating a fear or unwilling-
ness to participate in something more than a
debating club.
The students who do run for council positions
are too often those who already hold important
offices in other campus organizations and there-
by create a sometimes dangerous but always
suspicious quality.
At the other extreme, the students who

should run, and who are desperately needed by
SGC, are the freshmen and sophomores in all
schools who have had little contact with student
activities and need a broader perspective of
student and community affairs.
Indeed, there is both the satisfaction of per-
sonal service to the University community and
a wider educational and social background to
be obtained from student government.
Nor should any possible candidate fail to try
for one of the six available seats on SGC this
semester for fear of insufficient support-the
candidate, through campaign and platform,
can win or lose his seat on SGC.
FURTHERMORE, with a re-evaluation of
SGC, reports from the council's lecture com-
mittee study committee, counseling committee
and deferred rushing, the coming year should
not be an uneventful one.
Add to all this SGC's new facilities in the
Student Activities Building, and the decided
lack of council candidates appears to indicate
that student government at the University
is not highly regarded by its students.

Student Complacency
To the Editor:
NEVER has the complacency of
American students been more
obvious than it was Thursday
night in Angell Hall when the
question "Is Democracy a Farce?"
was debated by six students from.
various parts of the world.
Granted that there was a con-
cert, granted that there is always
homework and many other things
to do.
Nevertheless out of a- student
body of 22,000 it seems to me that
more than 30 would be interested
in hearing the views of the for-
eign students on our campus.
It would also seem that at a
time when democracy is being
threatened tboth internally and
externally that the faculty, and
especially the students who are
allegedly the future leaders of our
democracy, would not only want
to witness this debate but also
take part in the discussion.
I certainly hope that Thursday
night's attendance was not an
expression of Michigan's attitude
toward ISA functions or toward
-Ruth Weinstein '60
Analytical Criticism
To the Editor: a
IF Ernest Theodossin would ana-
lyze instead of criticize, he might
have written something pertinent
in his Sunday editorial.

Mr. Theodossin has a good com-
mand of critical terms, but fails to
see the issues. He claims that the
DAC has failed because "this sea-
son has been dull and unimagina-
tive . . . (the plays) are hardly
'excellent' . . . it has completely
ignored Shakespeare and his con-
He also forecasts a poor Medea
for "DAC has put itself under
unnecessary hardships in doing
Greek tragedy." He ends with the
evading comment that "(DAC)
cannot compete with speech de-
partment playbills for interest."
I should like to point out that
every Saturday evening there are
lone lines of students clamoring to
see "dull and unimaginative' mov-
ies which "are hardly excellent."
I should also like to point to the
apriori reasoning that concludes
that Shakespeare is more adapted
to theatre in thesround than is
Greek tragedy.
I might also note that the
Speech Department usually plays
its selections fewer nights than
does the DAC. Hence their play-
bills would seem more popular.
-John Fisher, Grad.
No Disservice . *
To the Editor:
I WAS Dave Gumenick's room-
mate last semester and I can
honestly say that he never con-
ducted himself in any manner that
would discredit either himself or
the Quad.
Dave Gumenick never performed
an act which was detrimental to

the residence hall system, and
therefore the implications by Dean
Rea that Gumenick is an undesir-
able are completely false.
Instead of doing a great dis-
service to the Quad, I believe Dave
has done a great service. For the
first time there has been serious
attention given to the poor quality
of the food served in the Quads.
Dave did not exaggerate about the
poor quality of the food, but only
expressed the opinion of most of
the students living in the residence
Dave was not involved in the
demonstration that took place out-
side the Quads, but instead he used
a media which he believed could
bring publicity to the poor condi-
tion of the Quad food.
If an individual who reports the
facts to the newspapers is guilty
of poor conduct, then I say that
the University of Michigan is try-
ing to suppress one of the basic
freedoms which we prize, and
which was granted us by the Bill
of Rights, that of free expression
of the truth to the American
people, no matter how unpleasant
the matter.
I think that the Residence Halls
Conference Committee made a
grave error in the expulsion of
these three boys, and they are try-
ing to cover up their mistakes by
all the means at their disposal.
-Wilbert Snyder, '59
(Letters to the editor must be in
good taste and should not exceed
300 words in length. The Daily re-
serves the right to delete material
for space considerations.)

* * *
THE MANUAL, written in sim-
ple, easy-to-read language, also
appeals to Southern children to
think of themselves as Southern-
ers and says God wanted the
races to live apart.
"Do you know what part of our
country you live in" it asks. "You
live in the South . . . We are
called Southerners. Southerners
are people who live in the South.
You are a Southerner. You live
in the South."
The manual says "God put the
white people off by themselves.
He put the yellow, red and black
people by themselves. God wanted
the white people to live alone."
"White men built America," the
manual says. "The Negro came
to our country after. the white
man did. The white man has al-
ways been kind to the Negro. But
the white and black people do not,
live together in the South . .
The manual says those seeking
integration ''say we are not good
if we don't live together. But we
know it is wrong to live together
... They want to make our coun-
try weak. If we are not happy,
our strong and free country will
grow weak. Did you know our
country will grow weak if we mix
our races? It will."
New Books at Library
STORIES, by Jean Stanford,
John Cheever, Daniel Fuchs, Wil-
liam Maxwell; N.Y., F a r r a r,
Straus and Cudahy, 1956.
Tehilla and Other Israeli Tales;
N.Y., Abelard-Schuman, 1956.
Tyler, Royall - Tht Emperor
Charles the Fifth; Fair Lawn, N. J.,
Essential books, 1956.
Villiers, Alan - Posted Missing;
N. Y., Scribner's, 1956.
Waltari, Mika - The Etruscan;
N. Y., Putnam's 1956.
Waugh, Edgar Wiggins - Sec-
ond Consul; Indianapolis and N.Y.,
Bobbs-Merrill, 1956.

installment of which appears in
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices. should be sent
In TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration Building, before
2 p.m. the day preceding publication.
Notices 4for Sunday Daily due at 2:00
p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: The March meet-
ing of the Regents will be held Fri.,
March 22, instead of March 15, as was
previously announced in the Daily Of-
ficial Bulletin. Communications for
consideration at this meeting must be
in the President's hands not later than
March 13.
Hopwood Awards: Petitions to the
Hopwood Committee must be in the
Hopwood Room (1006 Angell Hall) by
March 1.
Late Permission: All women students
who attended the concert at Hill Audi-
torium on Tues., Feb. 26, had late per-
mission until 11 :15 p.m.
The following student sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the coming
weekend. Social chairmen are reminded
that requests for approval for social
events are due in the Office of Student
Affairs (2017 Student Activities Build-
ing) not later than 12 noon on the
Tuesday prior to the event.
March 1, (1:00 closing hour): Acacia,
Alice Lloyd, Chicago House, Delta Kap
pa Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta, Delta
Theta Phi, Kappa Alpha Psi, Phi Delta
Phi, Phi Kappa Psi, Psi Upsilon, Phi
Kappa Sigma, PI Lambda Phi, Sigma
Chi, Tau Delta Phi, Triangle.
March 2: Alpha Epsilon P, Alpha
Kappa Alpha, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Al-
pha Sigma Phi, Beta Theta P, Chi Phi,
Chinese Student Club, Delta Sigma Pi,
Delta Theta Phi, Delta Upsilon, Evans
Scholars, Gomberg, Hnsdale House,
Huber House, Kelsey House, Lambda
Chi Alpha, Nelson Intern'l House, Nu
Sigma Nu, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Delta
Theta, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Gamma Del-
ta, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Rho Sigma,
Phi Sigma Kappa, Scott House, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sig-
ma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Taylor
House, Theta Xi,uTrigon, Wenley
House, Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Psi.
March 3: Delta Theta Phi, Phi Delta
Travelogue "Cruise to Rio" tonight
at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium. Opening the
series sponsored by the University Ora-
torical Association, to be presented on
Thursday evenings through 'March 28.
Others in the "eries include: "Sweden",
March 7; "Today's Japan", March 14,
"Charm of the South", March 21; "Por-
tugal", March 28. All are motion pic-
tures in natural color filmed by the
Burton Holmes organization. Tickets
noweon sale at the Auditorium box
University Lecture, sponsored by the
Committee on Studies in Religion and
the Department of Slavic Languages
and Literatures. Rt. Rev. Georges Flor-
ovsky, professor of the History and
Theology of Eastern Orthodoxy, Har-
vard Divinity School, "Religious
Themes In 19th-century Russian Philo-
sophy and Literature." Thurs., Feb. 28,
4:10 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Research Seminar of the Mental
Health Research Institute. Dr. W. Ray-
mond Keeler of the Children's Psychia-
tric Hospital will speak on "Some Ob-
servations on Somatic Deviations in
Childhood Schixophrenia" on Thurs.,
Feb. 28, at 1:15 to 3:15 p.m., Children's
Psychiatric Hospital, Conference Room.
English Journal Club, February meet-
ing Thurs., the 28th at 8:00 p.m. in
the East Lecture Room, Rackham.
Mark Spilka will read a paper entitled:
"The Death of Love in The Sun Also
Rises." Discussion period. All graduate
students invited.
Thaddeus J. Obal, senior economie
analyst, Economic Analysis Depart-
ment, Central Finance Staff of the
Ford Motor Company, will speak in the
Rackham Amphitheater Fri., March 1
at 4:15 p.m., the first in a series on
"Use and Conservation of Raw Mater-

ial in Ourconomy." nHis subject
"Economic Considerations of Conser-
vation". This series of five lectures led
by the staff of the Ford Motor Com-
pany and sponsored by the Michigan
Student Chapter of The Soil Conserva-
tion Society of America and the Con-
servation Department. School of Nat-
ural Resources, is open to the public.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Candidates who expect to
receive degrees in June, 1957, must
have at least three bound copies of
their dissertations in the office of the
Graduate School by Fri., April 26. The
report of the doctoral committee on
the final oral examination must be
filed with the Recorder of the Gradu-
ate School together with two copies of
the thesis, which is ready in all re-
spects for publication, not later than
Mon., May 27.
Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap-
plied Meteorology: Engineering. Thurs,,
Feb. 28, 4 p.m., Room 307 West Engi-
neering Bldg. James J. B. Worth will
speak on "Industrial Dusts as Factors
in Public Health Engineering"-Chair-
man: Prof. Earnest Boyce.







Sanctions Against Israel?

THE CURRENT problem of persuading Israel
to evacuate Egypt should be approached as
part of the larger Middle East situation.
While a conflict in legitimate principles is in-
volved, the principle that invasion of another
country shall not be the method of settling
disputes should prevail.
Unfortunately, the sentiment that Israel's
withdrawal without the guarantees she seeks
would end her chance of gaining her rights in
her dispute with Egypt has grown up in some
quarters. England and France view such a
withdrawal as a victory for Nasser, a prospect
not particularly appealing to them.
While these beliefs further complicate an
already emotional situation, it should not basi-
cally change U.S. policy.
President Eisenhower has made it clear that
Israel's withdrawal was just one step in the
process of obtaining lasting peace in that area.
Once this action is taken, it opens the way for
further progress. But the first step is Israel's
It is, of course hoped that some solutions
can be found which will avoid the use of sanc-
tions or even a UN debate about them. However,

sanctions against Israel should remain a real
FURTHER ARGUMENTS that Israel can not
be punished until Russia is punished are
unrealistic. There has been a double standard
for a long time and there will continue to be
a double standard for many years to come.
Senators Knowland and Johnson have made
no great discovery that the little guy generally
gets the short end of the deal.
Russia has not been punished by the Truman
or Eisenhower administrations for precisely the
reason the President named.
Russia is too big.
If the United Nations is unable to take any
action against any country until it takes com-
parable action against Russia, then there isn't
going to be any action at all.
IN MANY CASES, increased fees would mean
an ineffective organization to a totally suc-
cessful one in one giant stride..
If they make it at all, it will be by solving one
perplexing problem after another in a pain-
fully slow progress.


Employment Practices Suggest Discrimination


Franco-A merican Harmony

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of articles about the
Ann Arbor Self-Survey, completed in
December. Today's article will deal
with two areas. covered by the sur-
vey-employment and new residents.)
Daily Staff Writer
W1 HAT CHANCE has a Negro to
get a job in Ann Arbor?
The Self-Survey report says
"The factor of race as such does
play a substantial part in the em-
ployment of Negroes in Ann Ar-
Most Negroes work at manual
jobs (semi-skilled or unskilled
labor, maids, cooks and dishwash-
ers). Two or three per cent of
white collar jobs are filled by
Is this because of Negroes' com-
parative lack of education?
Evidently not, says the report.
Of the people interviewed (124
white adults, 81 Negroes), more
than half the white men with high
school education hold white collar
jobs. Nine out of ten Negro men
with high school educations work
at manual jobs. White men with
college backgrounds are all white
collar workers, while one-fourth
of college-trained Negro men have
manual jobs.
The contrast is even sharper for
women. Almost all white women

employed in various kinds of or-
ganizations. This is not the case."
BECAUSE of Negro concentra-
tion in manual rather than white
collar jobs, the report analyzed
both kinds of jobs separately.
And the University didn't do
particularly well. The academic
branches of the University employ
only one or two per cent Negroes
in office and professional jobs,
while hospitals and government
units employ eight or nine per
In manual jobs, the University
again employs only one or two per
cent, while hospitals, financial
institutions, service organizations-
(like restaurants) and schools em-
ploy more than 30 per cent.
The University isn't alone in its
non-employment of Negroes in
white collar jobs. No type of or-
ganization except government and
hospitals employ more than one
or two per cent.
Stores and manufacturing firms
employ about 15 per cent Negroes
in manual jobs. (However, six of
the 17 manufacturers interviewed
do not at present employ any
Negroes. Only utilities join with
the University's one or two per
cent Negro manual employment.
Although Negroes report no size-
able evidence of discrimination in
seeking education or training,

its results, volunteers interviewed
124 adults who had lived here
more than a year ago, 63 adult
newcomers, 28 international stu-
dents and 60 community officials.
The report says "Outside of get-
ting acquainted, housing has been
the newcomer's major difficulty."
Chief problems as far as housing
is concerned, the Survey found,
were scarcity and high cost, rather
than quality. International stu-
dents particularly have encoun-
tered some unwillingness to rent
to them. To find housing, inter-
national students make little use
of newspapers and real estate
agents, relying mainly on friends.

Other students use both news-
papers and friends.
Surprisingly enough, interna-
tional students have been wel-
comed even more than other stu-
dents. More than three-fifths have
been contacted by community or-
ganizations (mainly churches and
religious groups), in contrast to
one-half of the regular students.
Churches, the report says, are
doing the best job of contacting
newcomers. One-third of the stu-
dents report contacts by churches,
while only 12 per cent of the non-
students do. This is probably due
to religious preference cards filled
out at registration.



Associated Press News Analyst
THERE'S A GOOD possibility that French
Premier Mollet has received a clearer under-
standing of President Eisenhower's views on
national morality as opposed to international
That should make it easier for France to
estimate the American position in advance of
any more unilateral decisions she may feel
called upon to make.
One of the purposes of the talks, of course,
was to give the President a chance to explain
just why the United States reacted as she did
to the Anglo-French invasion of Egypt,
ontcts hetween Washington and Paris have

deadlock, with Israel before today's final con-
France, which encouraged the Israeli invasion
of the Sinai Peninsula, has been supporting the
Israeli's ever since against loss of the fruits of
that action.
The United Nations, which made considerable
hay with the Arab nations'by her condemnation
of the Israeli-French-British attacks on Egypt,
has been trying to retain those gains with an
even-handed approach.
A part of the American argument, however,
is that nations should not be permitted to retain
the fruits of force. At the same time she wishes
to avoid putting Egypt back into position to re-

x' ;.. ::. -


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