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February 28, 1957 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1957-02-28

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1 44 "1i l lll.LL l./


New Director Aims For Imp

SGC Lacks

"I am somewhat like the loose
checker on a checker board," Prof.
Charles Sawyer of the Architec-
ture School described his job.
"I jump from the fine arts de-
partment to the architecture col-
lege to the University Museum of
Newly appointed director of the
Museum of Art, the affable profes-
sor will be teaching courses in the
fine arts department as well as
the architecture college.
This semester, however, Prof.
Sawyer is concentrating his atten-
4 tion on the Museum where his
goal is to make it a more "useful
and effective part of the commu-
nity." He does not plan to teach
until next September.
'U' Newcomer
A :newcomer to the University,
he came from Yale where he was
Dean of the architecture college
for nine years. Before that, he was
director of the Worchester Art
"Way back i. ancient history',
I went to Harvard graduate school,
but I really 'started life' at Ando-
ver Academy where I was direc-
tor of the art museum," he mused.
In his capacity as director of the
museum, the energetic professor
has "many plans and some pray-
ers" for the future of the Museum
and art exhibitions throughout the
His main objective is to build up
the present art collection and to
increase its usefulness to the Uni-
Panel To Discuss
Job Applications
A panel discussion on "What
Public School Systems Look For in
a Job Applicant Beyond State
Teaching Requirements," will be
held at 7:30 p.m. today in the Uni-
versity Elementary Cafeteria.
Sponsored by the Student Na-
tional Educational Association, the
panel will consist of Lund Gren of
the Ann Arbor Public Schools,
William Mills of the Education De-
partment and Juanita Mantle of
the Education Division of the Bu-
reau of Appointments.

rovements Candidates
he observed, "These exchanges'F or
help to spread knowledge of the C ouncf i ,
University's art collection and add
variety to our own exhibitions." Student Government Council
Prof.. SauyertwGsventmustaCticcin
f Sawyer was enthusiastc President Joe Collins. '58, yester-
pointing out a few of the Universi-
ty's outstanding art collections. day called it discouraging that
"The Museum's fine collection after the two most important
of drawings by contemporary art- years of student government on
ists i s o n constant demand campus, the number running for
throughout the nation," he re- SGC positions is the lowest ever."
marked. Robert Bruton. '59, and James
Prof. Sawyer's favorite type of C. Park, '59, have taken out coun-
art is American art of the 19th cil petitions, bringing the total to
and 20th centuries. 113. Petitions are still available i
"I do not know what courses I the SGC area of the Student Ac-
shall be teaching next semester," tivities Bldg. They must be re-
he concluded, "but I hope to teach turned by 6 p.m. Tuesday.
on the undergraduate as well as "This last semester, with Sigma
on the graduate level." Kappa and deferred rushing,
should have shown the gravity
SGC takes on," Collins said.
Nor C Lam us He pointed out that more posi-
tions are open in the spring se-
mester and that fewer votes are
~Om~p riam letineeded to win a seat.
"No organization on campus."
Plans for a co-ed cooperative Collins claimed, "offers the wide;
village on North Campus have been I variety of interests, not only with!
submitted to the Office of Student students, but with faculty and ad-
Housing, according to Williaml ministration members."
Armstrong, Grad., Chairman of~ Six one-year terms on SOC will
Inter-Cooperative Council's De- be filled in elections March 19 and
velopment Committee. 20. Any student scholastically eli-
The village would consist of sets gible may run for a council seat.
of two buildings, one for men and The six seats are currently held
one for women, having central by Scott Chrysle}, '59, and Ron
dining and recreational facilities, Shorr, '58, who are running forE
in accordance with suggestions re-election, Tom Sawyer, '58, Annej
made for dormitories on North Woodard, '57, and Treasurer Lew-
Campus. is Engman, '57, who have indicated
All the buildings would be served they will not run again, and Mal1
by a common kitchen. The village Cumming, '58BAd, who has not
would provide space for 200 stu- indicated whether or not he will
dents when completed. hA 1

"ANATOMY OF DISASTER"--Photographer Laughlin captures the long and tragic history of the
famed Belle G.ove plantation the day after it was destroyed bl fire in 1952.
Laughlin Cites Value of Photography

-Daily-Norm Jacobs
NEW DIRECTOR-Professor Charles Sawyer outlines new plans
for the University Museum of Art. He was recently appointed

Clarence John Laughlin, pho-
tographer and author, yesterday
emphasized photography deals
with the inner world of man as
well as superficial.
Speaking at a lecture sponsored
by the architecture college, he said
photography is just as significant
in the art of our time as painting.

"Although the museum is but 10
years old, it has a surprisingly
good, though small, collection -
better than the community real-
izes. We hope to increase our pres-
ent collection," he added.
To Be Altered
In order to serve the University
more effectively, the Museum will
undergo alteration this summer.
Prof. Sawyer commented, "We
hope to make the museum more
attractive to the thousands who
pass oy our building each day and
to the few who get as far as the
door and then run."
"Thiere seems to be something
psychological about the facade
which scares students away," he
Another plan is to "bring the

paintings to the students" or to
"decentralize" and have small ex-
hibitions in the various buildings
on campus.
"We hope to work in conjunc-
tion with the new undergraduate
library in this decentralization
project," Prof. Sawyer explained.
Some possible locations for these
centers would be the dorms, some
of the buildings throughout cam-
pus, and eventually, North Campus.
Exchange Exhibitions
"One of the most important
functions of the museum," he con-
tinued, "is the exchange of exhibi-
tions with other museums around
the country. We now have an ex-
cellent exhibition of American art
from the University of Nebraska."
Calling attention to the exhibit,

FBA Males
Brooks Sitterly, '58, has been
appointed administrative manager
of the Fraternity Buyers Associa-
tion, according to Don Reeves,
'59E, business manager.
The positions of Business Mana-
ger and Administrative Manager
were established last month by the
Steward's Council to replace the
former purchasing agent.

Laughlin finds the creative pho-;
Petitions are also available for tographer similar to the creative
senior class officers in the literary painter because as he approaches
and engineering colleges and busi- nature ostensibly, he can actually
ness administration and education convey part of his inner self.
schools. The illustrated lecture, "The
No one has yet taken out a peti- Camera as a Third Eye," dealt with }
tion for business administration the vari--, lev-s o fmemln ln
school officer or for the athletics object. These levels were roughly
board seat, !classified as 1) the natui'alisticI


Take a

level, 2) the formal level, and 3) shows in various galleries and mu-
the symbolic level. seums.
Laughlin also attempted to out- During the war he spent three
line the various ways the camera years in the Office of Strategic
can be employed in approaching Services, specializing in color pho-
reality, which is much more com- tography of secret maps and docu-
plex than most photographers ments, such as the plans for the
ever assume. Normandy invasion.
Originally a writer, Laughlin He is the author of two books,
turned to photography in 1936. "New Orleans and Its Living Past"
Since then his work has been ex- and "Ghosts Along the Mississip-
hibited in over sixty one-man pi."
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Department of Speech presents

Double Opera

a with the SCHOOL OF MUSIC:
7rgsky's TILE FAIR"
March 6, 7, 8 and 9, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 8:00 P.M.

preview of
your path
to RCA


Film:* "MISS JULIE" - .50
March 19 and 20, Architecture Auditorium, 8:00 P.M.
Double Playbill: 1955 Hopwood-award Play 1.25
"THE BURNING GROUND" by Ronald Sproat, M.A., '55
"MAN IN ARMOUR" by Arthur Beer, Jr., Grad.
March 28, 29 and 30, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 8:00 P.M.
Play: Shakespeare's "THE TRAGEDY OF RICHARD III" 1.50
April 25, 26, 27, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 8:00 P.M.
April 30, May 1, Architecture Auditorium, 8:00 P.M.
Film:* "THE RED INN" .50
May 7 and 8, Architecture Auditorium, 8:00 P.M.
Laboratory Playbill: THREE ONE-ACT PLAYS .50
May 17 and 18, Barbour Gymnasium, 8:00 P.M.
Total Single Admissions: $6.50
* ilns Available nly on Season Ticket

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The RCA management representative will be glad to
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. and you advance
Small engineering groups mean recognition for initi-
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your development through reimbursement for gradu-
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Now... for a longer look at RCA
See your placement director about an appointment
with an RCA engineering management representative
who will be on campus ...


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