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November 11, 1956 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1956-11-11

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W ill e Held Tuesday and Wednesday

Janet Necarv
Student Government Council;
Vice-President; Chairman, Nation-
al and International Affairs Com-
mittee; Chairman, Constitutions
Committee; Cinema Guild Board;
Finance Committee; Interviewing
and Nominating Committee; Mem-
ber, House of Representatives. In-
ternational Students Association.
United States National Studentl
Association: Chairman, Michigan
Region; National Executive Com-
mittee; Alternate, National In-3
terim. Committee; Delegate to
Eighth and Ninth NSA Congresses;
Vice-Chairman, Michigan Re-
Student Legislature: Member, In-1
ternational Committee; Free ULni-I
versity of Berlin Committee; For-'
um Committee; Administrative
Board of Directors, University
Development Council; Vice-Presi-
dent, Alpha Lambda Delta; Iy-{

toward withdrawal of official rec-
ognition may be instituted directly 1 AlLubowitz
by SGC or through the Council on t
the request of the President of the At Flint Community College:
Universit. In either instance. im- Assistant Editor of Newspaper; Ra-
med1iate responsibility for investi-
gatio will be taken by the Coun- cial Relations Board; Commence-
cil. If the action to withdraw ree- ment Committee.
ognition is based solely or prin- 1) SGC should have definite
' -i-11"Y UJJUII Il Uiof fbo tj Uth

Ballot Boxes
Sixteen polling booths will be located throughout the main
campus for voting convenience. Booths will be open from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday. Locations are:
1) Couzens Hall
2) Stockwell Hall
3) Women's Athletic Building
4) Dental Building
12) Business Administration School
5) Michigan League ,
6) Natural Science Building
7) Mason Hill Lobby
8) General Library
9) Law Quadrangle
10) Engineering Arch
11) East Quadrangle
13) South Quadrangle
14) Michigan Union
15) Alumni Memorial Hall
16) Angell- Hall
Varsity tr~ack and ross country:

e only u n iure oz me oi-
1) The areas in which the Stu-' on
dent Government Council has def- i
inite power and jurisdiction are i nts for the maintenance of
outlined in the SGC Plan approved .eeonition, SGC will assume final
by the Regents. The areas of res judgement." So the question boils
down to this: if the evidence avail-
ponsibility are not so well-defined, able clenly shows that NationalC
and yet they are in many w ays Sigma Kappa has failed to meet
more important to the University the rKppuiremnts for the main-
- experience of the average student. tenance of recognition, the Coun-
It is in the field of expression ofteacofrogionthCu-
student opinion and consultation cil has no choice but to ask the
withthefacuty nd aminstra loal chapter to disaffiliate from
S with the faculty and administra- the national; if this failure is not
tion that the greatest challenge shown, th University chapter will
comes to the SGC member. Speci-
fically, this year SGC must take i.i all td witiga Kap-
increased concern with the prob- ci i. l ees d the reqonsted co-
lems of student housing, the Uni- operation by Dec. 5, out of con-,
versity calendar, counselling ser~ - siaato orIh poito of h
. s _c ? ;-i or the position of t he
vices, functioning of the new driv-
ing regulations, and any other local chapter, if for no other rea-
son. Since I do not know xxhat
problems which affect the Stu- Council il have on
dent's environment and e uc tion- Dec . , I c'tainly could not say
" .. v.-nviovnn ....__ nmt -7^ot irvy

jurisdiction and responsibility over
the following:

(a) Rescheduling of women's f S ar n ld

al experience-even the Dumy cl
situation. The manner in which
the Council considers University
problems is especially important.
2) "The burden of proof" is a
misleading and inapplicable phrase
in this situation. First of all, the
power of Student Government
Council with regard to recognitionI
of all student organizations is
quite clear. 1 quote University reg-
ulations: "Recognition will not be
granted any organization which
prohibits membership in the or-
ganization because of race, reli-I
gion or color. . In order to re-
main officially recognized, it is
required that the organization
continue to meet the conditions for
initial recognition previously list-
ed." And finally, "Action directed

what my-position will be at that
3) I believe that University
students should be able to hear
any speakr whom they believe
would contiue to their gduca-
tional experice. However, since
no speakeir has been turned down
Sin some i e, there is some doubt
as to whether in fact the existing
provisions actually prevent stu-
dents from hearing any speaker
they choose.
Yes. Student Government
Council has as one of its func-
t ions the expression of student
wou-nin.:Recommendations are not
t' same as power and action.
tdn Government Coun-
cii been nd should be con-
crned with the academic ide of
the University. Student reflection
can be a valuable contribution to
policies although primary respon-
sibility and authority in this area
rests with the faculty.

t i
. ({( "
p 4}
J i
. '
" .

hours, e.g., riday, s a.m. per-
mission; Saturday, 1:30 a.m.
(b) Reversal of the recentj
University crackdown on under-j
graduate men and women in
(c) Active protest in all mat-
tors of discrimination.
(d) Better telephone service
on the Hill.
(e) Promotion of a University
Book Store.
(f) Transferability of foot-
ball tickets at a predetermined
2) I am in favor of the following
If Sigma Kappa does not make
its membership policy clear by1
the meeting of Nov. 20, SGC shall
suspend their recognition. If Sig-
ma Kappa does not make its
membership policy clear by the
meeting of Jan. 23, SGC shall
withdraw recognition.
3) I am against the present Lec-
ture Committee and Regent By-
laws covering outside speakers.
Since the University's purpose is
to satisfy intellectual curiosity,
it has a responsibility to taxpay-
ers and students to provide free
examination of all controversial
issues. Because the policy on guest
lecturers is vague, I propose to ask
that SGC sponsor a test case and,
on the basis of that, act.
4) Definitely. It directly affects
University students.
5) Student demands and inter-
ests must be represented.

1) SGC has jurisdiction in ev-
ery area which involves the con-
certed opinion of the student body
or which will have a direct effect
on the student body. The Council
is responsible to coordinate all
I phases of student life; to inter-
pret administrative policy to the
student body; to exemplify stu-
dent opinion to the administra-
tion; and to integrate the activi-
ties and goals of all campus or-
ganizations and projects.
2) In the Sigma Kappa situa-
tion the "burden of proof" rests i
with the National Council. On
the basis of the hearsay and cir-
cumstantial evidence available to
date, SGC cannot justifiably ask
the local chapter to disaffiliate.
SGC, sitting in judgment, must
assume the defendant innocent
until proof is presented that the
administrative code has been brok-
en. The Council is obliged not
only to uphold administrative poli-
cies but must also protect the in-
terests of our student organiza-
3) The Lecture Committee could
be more liberal in their interpreta-
tion of the Regent By-law cover-
in outside speakers. The Regents
do not deny any student the right
to hear any speaker. Nor do they
deny any speaker the right to ad-
dress students. However, the Re-
gents are responsible to the tax-
payers, the students, the adminis-
trators, and to the townspeople to


see that the University does not
acquire the reputation of being a
tool of any specific political group.
Lectures on University property
should be used for the intellectual
betterment of the student body,
not for the personal gains of the
4) Since a large percentage of
the student body is directly con-
cerned with financing of residence
halls( and all affected indirectly),
SGC should investigate the prob-
lems involved in such financing.
Recommendations arising from
such investigations would be of
value to the administration in
their futurehplanning..
5) SGC's responsibility in pure-
ly academic affairs is that of aid-
ing the administration in the
maintenance of usual high stand-
ards of student calibre and mater-
ial presented.





Chairman, Student Government
Council Public Relations Commit-
tee . Sb-Committee Chairman,
Coordinating and Counseling Com-'
mittee; Alternate Student Activi-
ies Scholarship Board; Treasurer.
Sigma Chi.
1) SGC has the prerogative to
voice its opinion on any matter
that concerns the student body.
We also have th ie responsibility to
originate needed or beneficial stu-
dent projets, which, once they~
arc on a orking basis, should be
delegated to the various service
organizations on campus, much in
the w4y the administration of the
SGC Air Cmarter service to Europe:
was delegated to the Union. It
follows loically, that whenever a
sudent psoblem exists, we have
th rsonslity to consider it.-
Furtheror if the problem can
adequtely be handled by some
oier student organization, we
have the reonsibility to delegate
the problem to that organization
in the same manner we would any
oCer projec
2 It is an old deratic prin-
ciple that you are innocent until
proven guily, therefore Sigma
Kappa has no obligation to prove

Student Government Council:
Administrative Wing Coordinator;
Public Relations Sub-committee
Chairman; Michigras: Chairman,
Sub-committee for State ublicity.
1) I believe that it is one of
SGC's main responsibilities to rep-1
resent student opinion and carry
out regental and administrative
regulations. SGC should initiate
new student projects and coordin-
ate and delegate student activities
and projects to be carried on by
other campus organizations.
2) In the matter of Sigma Kap-
pa, SGC is bound by Universty.
rules and regulations, and in his
situation it can only act as a re-
sult of all pertinent information.
It is in the interpretation of tbese
facts that the members of SGC
must be discerning in their ac-
tions. In view of the Sigma Kap-
pa National's past attitude I be-
lieve that the burden of proof lies
both with SGC and the Na
Before I could vote to _h c
recognition of Sigmra Kpp on
this campus however, 1he cxi-
dence against them would have to
be overwhelming.
3) Because I believe in cdem-
ic freedom, I am dissatisi wit
Regents' By-law Sec. 8.) a it
now stands. No group shol be
able to arbitrarily determie wh.t'
is good and what is bad. ohe Uni-
versity should be a leader in le-


Alumni Chairman, Publications
Chairman, Historian, Tau Kappa;
Epsilon; Delegate, Student-Fac-
ulty-Administration Conference;
Day Editor, The Daily.
1) The only sound basis for stu-
dent government on this campus
is that it represents student opin-
ion, so that it may serve to pro-
mote and help formulate Univer-
sity policy in the academic com-
munity. SGC has been given the
power to recognize any new cam-
pus organization, to withdraw
recognition from established cam- favor the action taken by their
pus organizations, or to reactivate National, explaining the situation
groups that have left the campus. on this campus. If, at that time
Since SGC is the elected govern- the survey shows that Sigma Kap-
such speakers the privilege of using ing body of the students if, at any pa condones this action by their
University buildings which are time, the Council sees infringe- National Officers, in accordance
their innocense. Nor does SGC ments upon any part of the stu- with University regulations Sig-
these individuals are trying to sub- dent body by any one campus or- ma Kappa local may become a lo-
vert and overthrow. Some students ganization, it will have the right cal sorority. Student Government
to question the act and review Council will at all times be fair
object to the Lecture Committee the status of the organization. and give consideration to the wel-
and the philosophy behind it. They These powers have been given to fare of the local chapter.
cry out for freedom. Actually they SGC by the Regents. How well 3) No. There should be no need
merely fail to appreciate the dif- SOC works out its operational ol to protect students from unpopu-
ferenee between "liberty," and ice is to Coun gees. lar ideas or propaganda. Such
"license." The latter means free- Sincbroad powers over any area that protection retards maturity. If
dom from any restraint. Liberty is bad pwr oversay area t they are not exposed they may
freedom under authority. l affectsalniverity tudentsnit riot be able to cope with the is-
has a responsibility to communi-
4') As I mentioned in my first cate with them. There has been a sues in later life. I am in favor of
answer, SGC has the right, and in lack of this in the past. I would two modifications. First, a mini-
this case the duty, to voice student sbmum of two students should be
opinion on any matter that con- establish a eorts be maey included on the present Lecture
erns sdents. Nothing concerns a ih column in The Daily Committee. The University must
cers sudnts Nohig cncensin which individual members of try to cooperate with students.
any person more than his wallet, SGC could express their rationale Seco conroerial dets
and that is where our present resi- on various questions before the is- Secondly, controversial debates
dence hall financing system is sue is brought to a vote. In the should be allowed. Under this plan
hurting students most, It certainly same regard students awe their some approved member of the
is our responsibility in the inter- faculty would be notified of the
ests of the student body, to gather support to SOC. Student Govern- contents of the speech previous
all thefacts pertinent, and makeenpts at the University have long to its delivery and be allowed equal
some feasible recommendations to been plagued with members elected time. In this way opposing points
by support of one or two housing
the Administration. much as we Iof view would be represented and
did in the case of the Driving Ban. groups on campus. Student sup- propaganda would be shown up
5) SGC has educational goals I port reflected in student ballots for what it was.
at election time helps assure pro-
towards which we should strive in gress toward making inroads on 4) Yes. Financing and construc-
everything we do. We know the the many problems facing the tion of residence halls affects ev-
obligation to increase the educa- student body today. ery student since they are re-
rional opportunities available to 2) The burden of proof rests quired to live in them at one time.
Michig tn students. These oppor -*
tithie:s neednt Teresbe limid upon the National Council of Sig- The housing system is acute. Hun-
tunnies need not merelv be limited ma Kappa to state that it does dreds of students in overcrowded
to campus, as evidenced by our ; not have any open or hidden bias, residences and high rent rates are
Air Travel Service to Europe. We d th dat uncomfortable evidence of the
haeas ntae td noand tus is in accordance withsroseso h iuto.Wt
have also initiated a study into'University regulations. The re- seriousness of the situation. With
every counseling facility of the
University to see if greater benefit cent action taken by the National an emolment of 40,000 predicted
ter. ..,-- --.. Officers in susnension of two of for 1970, it is imperative that a



lhe ' innocn. Nor does SGC<
hax e a jurisdiction to provel
n guilty! Although they areI
ot a jicial body. SOC stated(
ta n D 5th, they would con-i
s violation of a Un..
uation. SCC has clearly£
teup t emeve the role ofl
a us impoile for them
to pl e r o prosecutioni
t tie. Not unless a.
curt decisn is isued on this!
or une the National Con-'
I ntonofSima Kappa xve to
dmittheir guilt, do I beliee SGC
n ht to claimt
u o ox o t matter. DeanE
of WmenDeborah Bacon has
tated tBac. Sigma Kappa does nott
hvy clause. It is also
kx n a the Sigma Kappa Na3-
o h ner i any y triedt
to inluence he fedom of its
cher in choosing its
memers Inot only bolieve ainma
a iinnocent, but also thatl
£} , .. ', , itt :F'l t.2 c) '{n r « yi r .r






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