Get Returns
In Lansing
(Continued from Page 1)
"It has been a rewarding per-
sonal experience to be associated
with you in this-high endeavor, for
which I am most thankful.
"God Bless You."
Visits Wayne County
Williams arrived home at 10:30
p.m. yesterday, after a visit in
Wayne County.
He retried to his den where he
kept personal tabulations of elec-
tion returns, aided by Paul Weber,
his press secretary.
The governor made few ap-
pearances during the, night, pre-
ferring to keep up-to-date on late
About 1:30 a.m., Williams said
"Early but incomplete returns are
encouraging for the Democratic
Party, but we must wait for the
outstate returns before saying
anything sure."
Thomas M. Kavanagh, attorney
general, and Sanford A. Brown,
state treasurer, observing election
returns at the Governor's home,
both said the Democratic Party
had achieved "great success" dur-
ing the election.
'National Timber'
James Crowley, a speech writ-
er for Williams, said "In 1954
Williams took the state by 253,-
000 votes." He predicted that "Wil-
liams will. win by more than that
this year while running against
a national hero. "This," Crowley
said, "makes him national timber."
Meanwhile, Weber commented
"Cobo may go ahead for awhile,
but the Wayne County non-vot-
ing-machine precinct votes will
pull" the governor into the lead.
Weber said, "Williams this year
took 72.3% of the votes in the 144
machine precincts of Wayne
County." He pointed out that this
was a decidedincrease over "1954,
when he took 70.3 % ."
Anxiously awaiting the final
word, people in the governor's
home chuckled at 3 a.m. when
Williams said "It looks good,
doesn't it?"
-Daily-John Hirtzel
MIXED EMOTIONS-Both Democrats and Republicans sat out
a six-hour vigil in front of South Quad's Club 600 television set.
Cobo Holds Out To End
Despite. Williams Lead
special To The Daily
DETROIT-Despite trailing by
a substantial margin all night,
Detroit Mayor Albert E. Cobo, GOP
gubernatorial candidate, held out
to the bitter end and finally con-
cended victory to Democratic in-
cumbent G. Mennen Williams at
4 a.m. this morning.
Reports from Mayor Cobo's cam-
paign headquarters, located in the
Fort Shelby h'otel, Detroit, indi-
cated the GOP still held faint hope
and a slim mathematical possibil-
ity that their candidate would
come through until then.
Fair Weather Friends
Before midnight last night, it
appeared Mayor Cobo had only
fair weather friends. Not many
supporters were to be found in
his campaign headquarters.
S h o r t I y afterwards, however,
things began to pick up as people
came in to get outstate results.
The general atmosphere was quiet,
and lacked a sense of expectancy.
President Eisenhower's victory wasj
assured and Mayor Cobo trailed4
by a considerable margin.
'Down the Drain'
About 1 a.m. campaign manager
Provost admitted he thought the
Mayor's chances had gone "down
the drain." The crowd thinned out,
some packing bags of the food
with which the headquarters
The select remainder moved up-
stairs to the Mayor's suite to listen
to Democratic candidate Adlai E.
Stevenson's, speech of concession,!
one describing the address as a
"really dandy speech."
At 1:45 a.m., with returns show-
ing to be 100,000 votes behind,
Mayor Cobo wished to make a
statement but was dissuaded by
his managers. At this point, the
GOP gubernatorial aspirant ob-
served, "One thing I never do is
kid myself, and there's no use
kidding myself now."
'We're Pulling Ahead'
Five minutes later, incoming re-
ports showed a substantial im-
provement in the Mayor's position.
A well-wisher remarked that with
a "miracle," he might win. To this,
Mayor Cobo replied hopefully, "It
won't take a miracle-we're pulling
Dorm Fees
May Go Up
Next Year
Odds are better than fifty-fifty
that residence hall dwellers will
be paying more for their rooms
next year.
It will depend on whether dormi-
tory labor gets a raise in the near
Administrators say this depends
on whether University employes
set the pace with a raise, which
finally depends on how much the
University is awarded from the
State Legislature of its general
operations request.
It can be said it is likely that
University employes will receive
some raise which means self-liqui-
dation employes will get some
raise, which ultimately means a
rent hike for the residence halls.
University administrators weren't
willing to give a yes or no answer
to the possibility of a raise, but
there was a hedging implication
of a yes.
"rancis C. Sheil, manager of
service enterprises, said an in-
crease was "always a possibility."
Wilbur K. Pierpont, University
vice-president, commented, "In a
period of increasing costs. we are
reviewing all of our sources of
Both men emphasized there will
be no hike next semester.
Pierpont also pointed out that
an increase "could be justified"
by zooming costs of supplies.
The University ranks third to
Illinois and Northwestern in room
and board costs, Shiel noted. A
double without a wash basin costs
$770 now.
Since 1954 rates have catapault-
ed $70.
There is some speculation by
informed student sources that
students may be asked to forego
their Sunday evening meal, in-
stead of paying the rent boost.
Shiel was sure the raise, if any,
would reflect only cost increases
of labor and supplies. Student
leaders are being watchful lest any
raise represent an effort to hasten
payment of self-liquidation bonds.
SGC To Hear
Forum Plans
For Students
Student Government Council
will hear a plan for student forums
at its weekly meeting at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Union.
Tentative plans include a forum
every two or three weeks covering
an issue of major importance to
the campus. The forums will be led
by SGC members, but any student
will be allowed to express his views.
Student forums were part of the
original SGC plan. To date, little
has been done to set up such a
The Education and Social Wel-
fare Committee will give a report
on the academic counseling study
presently being conducted by SGC.
Also on the agenda is a motion
regarding football games held
during Thanksgiving vacation. The
Council defeated a similar motion
two weeks ago.
cordially invites you to a public lecture
Miehigan League - Thursday, Nov. 8- 8 P.M.
Every Sunday 12:15 P.M. -- Station WPAG (1050 kc.)
Adlai, Ike
Stir Little
(Continued from Page 1)
gressed, a hand-wringing Demo-
crat in the back of the room in-
sisted, "Doesn't mean a thing un-
til we hear from up-state Utah."
Between appearances by Betty,
Furness and Leonard Hall solo's,
600 students consumed four gal-
lons of Law Club cider, 10 gallons
of coffee, 500 donuts and the left-
over donkeys.
One alleged "South Quad In-
dependent" insisted he had "de-
vised a system of gerrymandering
which, if combined with my unique
system of election procedure,'
would carry the prohibition can-
didate in on a landslide."
One student joined the South7
Quad crowd with paper and pen-a
cil in hand "because I figured I'd
find some excellent subjects for
my psychology project."
When Stevenson lost the Demo-
cratic stranglehold on Chicago,
Wesley Stewart, '60, announced,
"All you Democrats are going to
have to repair the holes in those
little shoes you're wearing."
I Wanna' Go Back ...
A Stevensonian across the room,1
conceding defeat and looking for
a new candidate to back, retorted,
"Adlai lost; all I can say now is
Although the customary wild
student election bets were at a
minimum, a few staunch Demo-
crats suffered heavy financial
losses in defeat.
"I lost more than Stevenson
did," Connor Lazarov, '59, de-
clared. "This is going to cost me
three steak dinners."
Another bettor on Stevenson
said he got "great odds on Adlai,
but I found out after I made the
wager, he had already indicated he
was going to concede."
Only Personal Victory
Students For Stevenson Co--
ordinator Martin Adelman, '58,
felt the election indicated a per-
sonal victory for President Eisen-
hower rather than a GOP tri-
"The vote in the race for House
of Representative seats doesn't
show any kind of a Republican
trend," Adelman said.
Lewis A. Engman, '57, President
of Young Republicans, said "This
is a very big victory for the Re-
publican party and something
which certainly shows the re-
sponsiveness to the fine program
President Eisenhower has carried
I out."
A democratic deserter, acknow-
ledging defeat when he heard
President Eisenhower swept New
York, headed for the post office
so he "could change that write-
in ballot and ride the winner."
Anti-Soviet Mob
LUXEMBOURG ()-A mob of
2,000 anti-soviethdemonstrators all
but wrecked the Soviet Legation
in Luxembourg yesterday.
Only action by police kept them
from burning the building.
The demonstrators, mostly stu-
dents protesting Soviet military1
action against Hungarian rebels,
tossed furniture out the windows
onto a courtyard bonfire.
(Continued from Page 1)
The 250-vote margin by which
Republican challenger Chris Del-
Sesto led incumbent Democrat
Dennis Roberts was subject to
possible change by the 11,000 ab-
sentee votes not scheduled to be
counted until Dec. 5.
Big Democratic victories were
in Illinois, where substitute can-
didtae Richard Austin defeated
Gov. William Stratton, and Mas-
sachusetts, where former state
treasurer Foster Furcolo defeated
Lt. Gov. Sumner Whittier for the
seat being vacated by Republican
incumbent Christian Herter.
Farm unrest is being adjudged
the major factor in upsetting Re-
publican governors Leo Hoegh in
Iowa, Joe Foss in South Dakota
and candidate Warren Shaw in
Kansas, although the latter suf-
fered from a party split following
his primary victory over the pres-
ent Governor Fred Hall.
Democrats Herschel Loveless,
Ralph Herseth and George Dock-
ing were all leading in their races.
Democrat Arnold Olsen was
beating Gov. J. Hugo Aronsen in
Montana, and Albert Rossellini
was heading to replace Gov. Arth-
ur Langlie, who was defeated in
his Senatorial bid yesterday.
Republican C. Williath O'Neill
defeated former Office of Price
Stabilization chief Michael DiSalle
for the seat being vacated by Sen-
ator-elect Frank Lausche, and
Edwin Mechem was beating Dem-
ocratic Gov. John Simms of New
And Republicans were also win-
ning Democratic seats in West
Virginia -- Cecil Underwood over
Robert Mollohan for the seat of
unsuccessful Senatorial candidate
William Marland.
Ike Sweeps
Across U.S.
(Continued from Page 1)
-Daily--John Hirtzel
SQUINT, STRETCH, AND SNEAK -- Bitten-fingernails, cigarettes, coffee and narrowed eyes were
the order of the day for Law Club TV-viewers ... Hungry appetites knew no difference between don-
key and elephant cookies ... Deserting Democrat searches for his Stevenson write-in ballot.
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Long range missiles, including the Interconti-
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Make an appointment NOW to see North
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7 Days Left
Gain Seat
(Continued from Page 1)
general, who clearly defeated New
York Mayor Robert Wagner, al-
though the latter ran heavily
ahead of the Democratic ticket in
his efforts to hold Senator Her-
bert Lehman's Democratic seat.
Late returns gave Javits 2,769,000
to Wagner's 2,582,000.
West Virginia
Chapman Revercomb, former
Senator, who is generally con-
sidered a conservative, the winner
by a 61,000 vote margin over West
Virginia Governor William Mar-
land. They were contending for
the seat vacated by the death of
Senator Harley Kilgore, a Demo-
Governor Frank Lausche of
Ohio, a phenomenal Democratic
vote-getter who had unexpected
difficulty in pilling up an 83,000
vote lead against Senator George
Representative Frank Church,
young Idaho Democrat, appeared
to have won with a substantial 13,-
000 vote lead over incumbent
Senator Herman Welker, whose
conservative views had offended
many Idaho Republicans. Glenn
Taylor, former Senator and 1948
running-mate of Henry Wallace
on the Progressive ticket, was a
write-in candidate, but did not
draw enough Democratic votes to
defeat Church.
states as New York, Ohio, Cali-
fornia, Massachusetts and Steven-
son's own home basenofd llinois.
Democratic leaders figured they
were done if they lost Pennsyl-
vania, California or Massachu-
Takes Corn Belt
Marched out in front in the corn
belt, where the Democrats had
counted on a "farm revolt" to give
them a hand. They got one, in
spots, but not enough of one.
It appeared to be adding up to
a victory even more mammoth, In
electoral votes, than the one Presi-
dent Eisenhower marked up four
years ago. He won then by taking
39 states with 442 electoral votes
to 9 states with 89 votes for Stev-
It added up, too, to an impres-
sive demonstration that the bulk
of the American people prefer the
Eisenhower version of a "new
prosperity to the version of a "new
America" Stevenson futilely un-
furled before the voters.
Over this election hung the pall
of gun smoke from Egypt in the
Middle East and from Hungary,
fighting for freedom against im-
possible odds. Unquestionably this
meant votes for the man who has
served his country in uniform and
in the White House.
Assurances to Voters
From Eisenhower had come as-
surances to the voters that peace
was the paramount aim of his ad-
ministration. As he put it late in
the campaign:
"For the race of man, if there is
no peace, there can be no hope.
The building of that peace is my
all-embracing goal. It is my deter-
mined, unshakable, fixed purpose.
So it shall remain forever."
In vain Stevenson tried to con-
vince the country that the Eisen-
hower administration had swept
perilously close to war with a
foreign policy Stevenson said had
"bluffed and blundered the United
States into a shattering diplomatic
Times of Crisis
In these times of crisis abroad,
the people clearly preferred to keep
President Eisenhower in office for
another term-heart attack, ileitis
operation and all.
Unquestionably, too, the Presi-
dent's great, magnetic, personal
popularity helped propel him to his
victory. In many places he ran
ahead of the Republican ticket.
President Eisenhower was su-
premely confident all the way. And
as the returns came in from yes-
terday's voting.he hopped out in
front at the start and stayed there,
like a champion, all the way.
Smile, Tie
Of Williams
Gov. G. Mennen Williams, who
was re-elected Governor of Mich-
igan yesterday for an unprece-
dented fifth term, is one of the
most colorful governors in the
United States.
He is nationally famous for his
own unique trademarks - the
name "Soapy," his familiar big
smile, and of course, the ever-
present green polka-dot bowtie.
In spite of his attractive per-
sonality, Williams had to conduct
a very vigorous campaign to hold
onto his seat in Lansing. This
was partly because in two of his
four previous victories, he slipped
in by a very narrow margin, need-
ing a recount in both cases to
certify his victory. And his oppo-
nent this year, Mayor Albert E.
Cobo of Detroit, gave him one of
the toughest campaigns of his ca-
Toured 83 Counties
In the course of his campaign,
Williams toured all 83 counties in
Michigan, shook an estimated
200,000 hands, and made frequent
appearances on television.
In answering Cobo's charges
that he had been a "do nothing"
governor, Williams cited his rec-
ord and leveled charges of his own
against his opponent.
Among the accomplishments of
his administration, he pointed to
his work on the Mackinac Straits
Bridge, more beds for the mentally
ill, a nationally-praised farm mar-
keting program, an extended edu-
cational program, increased State
Police personnel, a fair employ-
ment practices law and other civ-
il rights legislation.
Hit GOP Legislature
He declared that he could not
accomplish all he wished and at-
tempted to because of Republican
control of the State Legislature
and several state departments. He
laid some of the blame on Repub-
lican commissioners for shortcom-
ings in Michigan's highway and
school construction programs.
Williams is a native of Michi-
gan. He was born in Detroit 45
years ago, and attended Detroit
University school. He later went
to the Salisbury school in Salis-
bury, Conn., then to Princeton
University, where he received his
B.A. degree in 1933.
He was graduated from the Uni-
versity Law School in 1936 with
a J.D. degree. Shortly after grad-
uation, he became an attorney for
the Social Security Board n
Washington, D. C., the first step
in his career. In 1938, he returned
to Michigan as Assistant Attor-
ney General.
About a year later, he was ap-
pointed an executive assistant to
the United States Attorney Gen-
eral, then special assistant to the
Attorney General, Criminal Di-
Has War Record
During the Second World War,
Williams served as an Air Combat
Intelligence Officer aboard a num-
ber of aircraft carriers. In the
course of his military service, he
received 10 battle stars, the Le-
gion of Merit with Combat V, and
participated in three Presidential
unit citations.
He was discharged in 1946 as a
Lieutenant Commander.
After his separation from the
service, Williams was made depu-
ty director of the Office of Price
Administration for Michigan, lat-
er became a Democratic member
of the Michigan Liquor Control
Commission. He resigned this post
to run for governor in 1948.
He ran four times on the Demo-
cratic ticket and emerged victor-
ious each time. His fourth term,
won -by a majority of more than
250,000 votes, was unprecedented.
His fifth and latest victory is not
only unprecedented; it is unheard
Williams is married to the for-
mer Nancy Quirk of Ypsilanti, and
is the father of three children, a
son and two daughters.
Dulles Progress
Report Favorable
WASHINGTON (M) - Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles was
reported yesterday to be "progres-
sing very favorably" from his in-
;testinal operation.
IThe State Department said he
is already giving subordinates in-
structions on how to deal with
foreign policy developments.
Secretary Dulles underwent sur-
gery three days ago to remove
cancerous growth from his' large
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