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November 07, 1956 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-11-07

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4:30 A.M.

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Sir 4J6t

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4:30 A.M.

Latest Deadline in the State



Democrats Appear


Ieep Control of Congress









Gain Single
Senate Seat
f Over 1954
Nine Seats Change
In Morning Tallies
The Democrats appeared early
this morning to have retained con-
trol pf the Senate widening their
present margin 49 to 47 by one
In the House of Representatives,
Democrats held 232 seats, increas-
ing their former margin of 231 to
201. Five seats were still unde-
They also gained control of the
House of Representatives, widen-
ing their 231-201 margin by one
seat, with five still undecided early
this morning.
With several seats still doubtful,
nine Senate seats changed party
hands, Democratic ones in Ken-
tucky, New York, West Virginia
and probably Nevada and Repub-
lican seats in Idaho, Pensylvania,
South Dakota, Ohio' and probably
Democratic control was contin-
gent on their maintaining slim
leads in these states:
Oregon, where turncoat Repub-
lican Senator Wayne Morse, ap-
peared to be holding a steady 4000
vote lead after see-sawing all night
with former Interior Secretary
Douglas McKay, the best-publi-
cized race of the campaign. Latest
figures gave Sen. Morse 124,000 to
McKay's 120,000.
Colorado, where long-frustrated
Democratic Senatorial candidate
John Carroll, a former Congress-
man and aide to former President
Harry S. Truman, held a slim 183,-
000 to 179,000 vote lead over former
Governor Dan Thornton. a close
friend of President Dwight D.
Eisenhower. Thornton had held the
lead all evening in his bid for the
seat of Republican Senator Eugene
Pennsylvania, where Democratic
candidate Joseph Clark, former re-
form mayor of Philadelphia, held
a dwindling lead of 2,074,000 to
2,046,000 over incumbent Senator
James Duff, an early and enthus-
iastic Eisenhower supporter.
Kentucky, where Senate Demo-
cratic whip Earle Clements took
a thin 347,000 to 342,000 lead from
former Undersecretary of State
Thruston Morton after trailing
all night. If Senator Clements
holds his lead, it will put Kentucky
in the position of having split its
Senatorial ticket, as former Sen-
ator John Sherman Cooper, who
had two Senate victories and two
defeats in his record, won his
third victory from former Gover-
nor Lawrence Weatherby, 249,000
to 206,000, gaining to Democratic
seat vacated by the death of for-
mer Vice-President Alben Barkley.





Governor G. Mennen Williams was reelected for an unprecedented
fifth term early today.
The victory was conceded by Gov. William's Republican oppo-
nent, Detroit Mayor Albert Cobo, at 4 a.m.
Gov. Williams grabbed an early lead and was never behind in
his bid for state leadership. When Cobo conceded the Governor lead
by more than 206,000 votes.
The gubernatorial race was particularly intense. Mayor Cobo
attacked Gov. Williams as a "do-nothing" governor, stood on his rec-

Weliwishers .Tam



World News
UN Police Force . . .
By The Associated Press
Nations moved last night for quick
organization of a Middle East
peace police force as Britain and
France declared a cease-fire in
The UN Secretariat published a
plan suggesting the force should
watch over a general cease-fire
and withdrawal of British, French
and Israeli troops from Egypt. It
would not have the right of "en-
forcing a withdrawal of forces."
Later seven countries circulated
a resolution calling on the Gen-
eral Assembly to approve this plan.
The resolution proposed setting
See UN, Page 4
Cease-Fire . . .
LONDON-French and British-
forces seized effective control of
the Suez Canal today and declared
a cease-fire.
Just before the deadline they
announced the capture of Ismai-
lia, midway control point on the
See BRITISH, Page 4
Rebels Battle On . .
VIENNA - Hungarians fought
on last night in a brave but hope-
less struggle against the onslaught
of Russian tanks and troops
launched against Budapest and the
nation at dawn Sunday.
Reliable reports showed that the
Soviet Charges 'False'.. .
WASHINGTON-The U n i t e d
States said yesterday it would con-
sider "a grave threat to the peace"
any attempt to violate the terri-
torial integrity and internal sov-
ereignty of neutral Austria.
The State Department set forth
this view in a statement denounc-
ing as "grossly false" a Soviet
charge at the United Nations that
persons sponsored by the United
See U.S., Page 4

-0i0d as mayor of Detroit, and
pledged better cooperation with
state agencies if elected.
Gov. Williams pointed to his
work in public welfare, FEPC, edu-
cation and public works projects.
GOP Had High Hopes
Republican leaders had nur-
tured high hopes of a Republican
gubernatorial victory, banking on
Mayor Cobo to whittle down the
traditionally large Democratic
vote in Wayne County.
The Wayne County vote was
actually two per cent greater for
the Democrats than in 1952, build-
ing up slightly less than a two-to-
one margin for the incumbent
The margin of victory looked
as though it would be smaller
than the 265,000 votes by which
the Governor defeated Donald S.
Leonard in 1952.
Gov. Williams, as in 1952. could
not carry the state for the Demo-
cratic presidential nominee. Mich-
igan's 20 electoral votes went to
President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
With little more than 60 per
cent of the returns counted, Gov.
Williams appeared to be sweep-
ing his state Democratic slate into
office, although most contests
were still open at 4:15 a.m.
Hart Leads Reid
At 4 a.m. incumbent Democrat-
ic Lieutenant Governor Philip
Hart was leading his Republican
rival Clarence Reid 924,421 to
James Hare, incumbent Demo-
crat, was leading John Martin in
the Secretary of State race, 825,-
847 to 780,558.
For Michigan Attorney General,
Thomas Kavanagh was leading
his Republican challenger, Rich-
ard Van Dusen by 804,258 to 774,-
In a hotly contested race that
see-sawed through the night, in-
cumbent Democrat Frank Syz-
manski held a tenuous 1,200 vote
lead over Frank Padzieski for
Auditor General at 4:20 a.m.
In non-partisan races, Talbot
Smith held a 520,195 to 474,790
lead over Michael O'Hara for the
Supreme Court Justice term ex-
piring in 1957 while George Ed-
wards had a victory-assuring mar-
gin of 689,214 to 293,435 over John
Simpson for the Supreme Court
Justice term ending in 1959.

Special to The Daily
LANSING - It looks as if Governor G. Mennen Williams has a
gubernatorial batting average of five for five.
At 3 a.m. today, in the governor's home, all indications pointed
to an unprecedented fifth straight term for Williams.
Although all returns had not been received at 615 Grand Ave.,
the 150 people crammed into the governor's home all expressed op-
Democrats here were generally sobered by the outcome of the


presidential race, but applaudedt
Show 'U'
All-around apathy, some last-
ditch Adlai loyalty and the ex-
pected E i s e n h o w e r exuberance
marked last night's election ef-
fects on University students.
Television sets in South Quad's
Club 600 and the Law Quad drew
the largest politically-interested

the governor's telegram to Demo-
4cratic candidate Adlai E. Steven-
son of Illinois.
Williams' Telegram
Williams' telegram read:
"Dear Adlai:
"You fought a good fight and
you kept the faith. The Demo-
cratic Party is proud and grate-
ful for your magnificent leader-
ship and is stronger for it. Your
concept of 'A New America' has
inspired us all. We shall continue
to fight for the ideals which you
have so ably presented to the Am-
erican people.

Up Margin,
The Democrats appear to have
increased by three their present
27 to 21 edge in control of the na-
tion's governorships.
Democrats were taking over
from Republicans early this morn-
ing in seven states -- Massachu-
setts, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Mon-
tana, South Dakota and Washing-
ton, while the Republican candi-
dates were leading in their ef-
forts to unseat Democrats in Ohio,
West Virginia, New Mexico, and
Rhode Island.

Adlai Concession
Comes at 12
Ike Cracks Solid South, Builds Up
Overwhelming Electoral Margin
By The Associated Press
Dwight D. Eisenhower won re-election to the presidency
early today by the massive, overwhelming vote of a nation
that heard and heeded his pledge of peace and prosperity.
Deep beneatfi an, avalanche of Eisenhower victory votes
were buried the, presidential ambitions of Democrat Adlai E.
Stevenson-now and probably for all time.
Stevenson conceded at 1:20 a.m. EST, a defeat that had
been obvious and inevitable almost from the moment the
ballot counting from yesterday's election got under way.
But for President Eisenhower there was a clear-cut,
resounding vote of confidence from the great American
electorate-and one of the most crushing landslide victories
in the nation's political history.
The soldier-statesman became the first Republican to
win a second term since another general, Ulysses S. Grant,
was re-elected in 1872 - 84T

Meader, Christman Lead Local Vote

GOP Concerned crowds on campus. However, the
Republicans, on the other hand, Union and South and West Quad
were concerned most over the 760 newsrooms, usually the scenes of
vote margin held by Representa- bedlam for such occasions, were
tive Cliff Young in his efforts to conspicuously empty and quiet.
defeat Democratic Senator Alan Race "Sewed-Up"
Bible and the organization supportRae"wd-p
he inherited from Senator Pat Lack of concern among a great
McCarron. majority of students was ex-
The Republicans appeared sure plained by a political science in-
to have overtaken the early lead structor as "indicative of the gen-
piled up in Cook County by. Rich- erally accepted fact Eisenhower
ard Stengel, state legislator and had the race sewed-up."
Stevenson protege, who had at- A coed from New York expressed
tempted to upset incumbent-Re- it somewhat differently when she
publican Senator Everret McKin- said, "Somehow, Eisenhower re-
ley Dirksen in Illinois. Senator minds me of the New York Yan-
Dirksen had taken the lead early kees."
this morning, by a vote of 1,114,000 A foreboding note of defeat for
tO 1,058,000. Democratic Presidential Candi-
And they were confident that date Adlai Stevenson was sounded
Senator Thomas Kuckel, whom with the serving of dessert after
then-Governor Earl Warren ap- dinner at the Law Club last night.
pointed to the seat vacated by the Mrs. Bailey, Law Club -Dietician,
elevation to the Vice-Presidency of prepared 600 cookies, 300 in the
Richard M. Nixon, would keep his shape of elephants and 300 don-
,Mgn nn + o vnn% __-


Congressional Representative
George W. Meader (R) of the
second district was re-elected yes-
terday by 16,000 votes.
All pther Washtenaw County
Republicans were elected.
With 43 of 63 precincts reporting
in the county, incumbent Lewis G.
Christman (R) led Democrat Ar-
thur E. Carpenter by nearly 8,000
votes, as State Senator for the 33rd
With- the same number of
precincts reporting, Republican
George Sallade appeared to be'
maintaining his hold on the post
of state representative of the first
district by 7,500 ballots over Prof. LEWIS G. CHRISTMAN
Morris Janowitz of the sociology ., . .Thirty-third district Senator

For the State Justice of the
Supreme Court expiring in 1959,
George Edwards polled 7,000 more
votes than John Simpson.
Short Term Judge
In the short term Judgeship of
Probate Court, John W. Conlon
appeared to be ahead of Loren W.
Campbell by 3,000 ballots.
Conlon who also ran against
Campbell for the long term Pro-
bate Judgeship led by the same
In a three-way race for Circuit
Court Commissioner, in which two
are to be chosen, Robert Fink and
Jack J. Garris seemed to be lead-
ing by a slight margin.
East Ann Arbor annexation was
overwhelmingly approved by Ann
Arbor citizens,

years ago.
Victory Box Score
At the instant of President
Eisenhower's victory, this was the
box score, with returns in from
74,331 of the nation's 154,744 poll-
ing places:
Eisenhower 18,621,742 votes -
leading in 42 states with 470 elec-
toral votes.
Stevenson 13,976,811 votes; lead-
ing in 6 states with 61 electoral
Needed to win: 266 electoral
votes. In 1952, President Eisen-
hower won by 442-89.
Stevenson Concedes
Stevenson, conceded his defeat
in these words, addressed to Presi-
deint Eisenhower:

district Congressman


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