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September 23, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-09-23

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"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Sixty-Sixth Year

"Hey - Pravda Is Reprinting From Us"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Sigma Kappa's Decision
Awaited With Confidence

THE UNIVERSITY chapter of Sigma Kappa
has not yet been judged and has not yet
been found wanting.
Nevertheless, members of the local chapter
are faced with the necessity of making a ser-
ious decision at a very awkward time, in the
midst of the last fall rushing season. But until
that decision has been made, there should be
no question of the position on this campus of
Sigma Kappa's local chapter.
The record which it has established during
the short time since its reactivation is recog-
nized as outstanding. No rushee should allow
the events of the past week to raise a question
of the sincerity and unselfishness of Michigan's
Sigma Kappas.
The thoughtless action of Sigma Kappa na-
tional, however, requires that the Michigan
women reflect publicly on the suspension of
two sister chapters after pledging Negro girls.
The Daily offered the national office an op-
portunity to explain its stand and was rudely
turned away.
THIS COMES in suprising contrast to the
spirit of cooperation wisely extended by
other members of the fraternity and sorority
family. They, at least, have recognized that af-
filiates are minority groups in themselves and
must cultivate the art of public relations or
bear the heavy burden of public misunder-
Tomorrow, the president of Sigma Kappa
will be asked for a stand. She has several alter-
natives, more than one of them completely ac-
ceptable to the University community. The

severe pressure of rushing may mean that there
has not been sufficient time for the whole
house to consider the problem. This is under-
standable, but it should be only a short post-
The uncooperative attitude of the national
may easily have influenced the local. In that
case, Sigma Kappa should take at least a tem-
porary stand, using the facts at hand until
more are available.
A committment without sufficient discussion
is not asked, nor is an immediate suicidal op-
position to the national organization, for the
delicate relationship of one small chapter to its
parent is realized. On the other hand, any pro-
crastination, especially after house meetings
have discussed this particular problem, cannot
be viewed in a favorable light.
T HE MEMBERS of Sigma Kappa are in a
very enviable position. With a few short
sentences they can easily and genuinely re-
affirm the ideals of racial and religious under-
standing long ago reflected by the students of
this University. They have been given the rare
chance to take a lead among their fellow groups
on campus.
It will require no small amount of courage,
but they can quickly stand beside their sisters
at Tufts and Cornell with the understanding
and admiration of the rest of undergraduate
Sigma Kappa, we hope, without fear of punish-
-Their decision is awaited with unqualified

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Eisenhower Policy
One of Avoiding Trouble
PRESIDENT EISENHOWER'S reputation as a peace-maker was won,
as I tried to show in a recent article, in the Far East. There, instead
of war on three fronts-in Korea, the Formosa Strait and Vietnam-
there is now a truce. It rests on compromises which involve the parti-
tion of Korea and of Vietnam, and the containing of Nationalist China
in Formosa and a few off-shore islands. The President's special contri-
bution to this truce is that he has made the concessions on which these
compromises rest acceptable in the United States, especially to the
right wing of the Republican Party, and he has cleared his concessions
of the charge that they constitute appeasement of Communist China,
The FarEastern truce is not a peace settlement, or even an ap-
proach to a peace settlement. It is an armistice in which both sides,
China and its smaller allies, the United States and its smaller allies,
have stopped fighting on lines beyond which neither can advance

Misuse Official Position
THE DRAFT BOARDS of Bullock County, against Gray for his participation in the boy-

Alabama and neighboring counties are
guilty of serious dereliction of duty in the
squabble regarding the deferment of Fred G.
Gray, who had been deferred earlier as a
"'practicing minister," acted as attorney for
the group who had organized the boycott of
Montgomery city buses. Attempt to draft him
when his board discovered the amount of time
he had devoted to the boycott situation brought
an indefinite deferment from Lt. Gen. Lewis
Lewis B. Hershey, national director of the
Selective Service System, and eventually the
recent resignations of local draft board offic-
ials in protest of Hershey's action.
The attempt to draft Gray plus the degree
of protest by the boards resulting from Hersh-
ey's action indicate that the board members
are misusing their capacity as local representa-
tives of the Federal Government to "retaliate"

THE REFUSAL of the Bullock County board
to continue induction in spite of an assign-
ed quota is equally serious. This is outright
defiance of the laws of the nation and should
not go unpunished. Members of draft boards
have responsibilities and obligations as citizens
far above personal prejudice. To allow personal
beliefs to interfere with the performance of
duty on the part of such officials can have
disastrous consequences.
The charges of a Crenshaw County SSS
appeals agent, Alton L. Turner, that Hershey
acted for political reasons and is endangering
the Selective Service by bowing to "the wishes
of the NAACP" seem to be little more than a
diversion from their own emotional, subversive

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Drew Pearson,
after a tour of the Middle East, is
en route home. This Washington,
Merry-go-round release is written
by his junior partner.)
ASHINGTON - Congressman
Gordon McDonald (R., Cal.), who
looks and votes conservative, has
always opposed welfare benefits
with one curious exception: he has
voted down the line to aid govern-
ment workers.
This solicitude might have some-
thing to do with the fact that he
has loaded the government payroll
with relatives. They automatically
share in most federal employee
No congressman has voted as
faithfully as McDonough, for in-
stance, to increase federal retire-
ment. His office pesters the House
and Senate Civil Service com-
mittees with questions on each new
retirement measure. The question-
ing inevitably gets around to how
congressional employees will bene-
Here are relatives who have
profited from his votes:

TEN DAYS after McDonough
was sworn in as a congressman in
1945, his wife, Catherine, went on
the payroll for $2,340. Each year
he grew more generous, and grad-
ually he~upped her salary to $9,129.
For 16 months during 1949-50,
the congressman also kept his son,
Gordon, Jr., on the payroll for a
salary ranging from $3,600 to
$4,600. The day he left the pay-
roll, his brother-in-law, John
Mannelly, was substituted in his
Mannelly started at $2,800, now
draws $4,300. He has never work-
ed in the congressman's office,
doesn't even line in his congres-
sional district. Mannelly has an-
other full-time job with the M and
M Audit Company of Los Angeles.
When he finds time to visit Mc-
Donough's district and work for
his constitutents isn't clear.
At the same time Mannelly is
drawing pay from Congress and
the Audit Company, he has also
collected two $500 checks from the
Republican County Central Com-
mittee for his services as McDon-
ough's campaign manager.

gressman's daughter Lucille, also
spent 18 months on her father's
payroll in 1951-52 at a $3,000 sal-
ary. Whatever she did for the tax-
payers must have been done at
home where she stayed with her
four children.
McDonough has another unique
arrangement with the Coast Fed-
eral Savings and Loan Association
which provides him with a private
office, free of charge, when he's
in Los Angeles. The office comes
complete with free secretarial serv-
ice if he needs it,
For this generous gesture, Mc-
Donough is indebted to the com-
pany's president, Joe Crail, who
also contributed to the famous
Nixon slush fund.
It is not, however, a one-sided
deal. McDonough happens to be
a member of the House Banking
and Currency Committee, which
has life-and-death power over
Federal Savings and Loan Assoc-
iations. His votes on the committee
have consistently been on the side
of the real estate interests,
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

without a big bloody and danger-
ous war.
In the Middle East the Presi-
dent has also been standing for
the prevention of war, and in
playing his part there he is fol-
lowing the same basic pattern as
in the Far East. This is to make
acceptable-this time to Britain
and France-the best compromise
obtainable without the risks of
war. Once again, in the Middle
East as in the Far East, his objec-
tive is a modus vivendi, an ar-
rangement to avoid immediate
trouble and not a policy which
looks towards a settlement.
* * *
IN A JUST estimate of Presi-
dent Eisenhower as a peace-
maker, one would have to say, I
think, that his specialty has been
the making of compromises to
stop hostility and to prevent hos-
tility from breaking out. But nei-
ther in the Far East nor in the
Middle East has he done anything
significant to form policies which
are for the long term-what, for
example, is to be the future of the
two Koreas and the two Vietnams
and the two Chinas, and how in
the Middle East are we to. work
out a relationship with the Arab
world which can endure?
In the absence of long range
policies which look towards the
settlement of great issues, the
mere prevention of war-desir-
able as that is in itself-results
in a kind of erosion, the giving up
of one thing after another in or-
der to avoid trouble. For lack of
long range policies, the President
does not have the initiative. He is
not acting to make peace. He is
reacting to the threat of trouble,
and the basic reaction is to with-
draw in the face of the inevitable
and the unavoidable.
* * *
say, I think, that under Eisen-
hower, and because of his pres-
tige with the American people,
this country has learned to ac-
cept two momentous but unpal-
atable historic developments. One
is the emergence of Red China as
the leading power in eastern Asia.
The second is the recognition of
Soviet Russia as the great power
in the Middle East.
I do not myself tink that any
President could hdve prevented
these two developments, or that
there would be any profit or ad-
vantage or chance of success in
resisting t h e m irreconcilably.
What worries me is that we are
accepting them, not with some
long view of the realities and of
the future but because we can-
not think of any way to stop
them. We have no big objectives
except to avoid trouble. We do
not have, therefore, a policy
which corresponds withthe new
situation, and what we are really
doing is to improvise and to mud-
dle through.
1956, New York Herald Tribune, Inc
A meeting for Daily reviewers
and cartoonists will be held at
7:15 p.m. Monday in the 'En-
sian office of the Student Pub-
lications Building.
Those who have previously
reviewed for the Daily, and per-
sons interested in reviewing
movies, drama, music, books
and art are invited to attend.
to the
Fine Record .
To the Editor: .

Thursday's Daily article con-
cerning Sigma Kappa's compliance
with University bias clause regu-
lations coming, as it did, the day
before the start of sorority rushing,
could easily turn coed rushee
opinion against the local chapter.
The Daily's judgement in print-
ing the article at this time can-
not be questioned: it is a news-
paper's responsibility to gather
and put before its readers any
such information. Indeed, coed
rushees should be aware that if
subsequent investigation indicates
that Sigma Kappa cannot conform
to campus regulations, its SGC
recognition could be declared out
of order, and liable to withdrawal.
Rushees, however, should. be

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of-
ficial publication of the University of
Michigan for which the Michigan Daily
assumes no editorial responsibility. No-
tices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN
form to Room 3553 Administration
Building before 2 p.m. the day preced-
ing publication.
General Notices
NING TO BE ACTIVE during the pres-
ent semester should complete registra-
tion in the Office of Student Affairs
not later than OCTOBER 12, Forms for
registration are available in that office,
1020 Administration Building. Student
organizations registered by OCTOBER
12 will be considered as officially rec-
ognized for the current semester and
will be eligible for assignment of meet-
ing rooms in University Buildings and
for the use of the Student Organiza-
tions of the Michigan Daily for announ-
will include a list of student organiza-
tions and their presidents as registered
on this date.
All men interested in learning to
fence are invited to the Intramural
Building Boxing Room located in the
east end of the basement at 4:30 p.m.
Monday or Tuesday, Sept. 24 or 25.
Weapons and protective equipment will
be provided. Participation in various in-
dividual and team competitions will be
possible later in the year for men suf-
ficiently advanced in technique by that
time. Plans are also being made for
weekly coeducational fencing.
Michigan Technic Tryout Meeting
Monday, Sept. 24, 7 p.m., 3505 East Eng.
Women Students-Sports and Dance
Instruction: Women students who have
completed the physical education re-
quirement may enroll in classes on
Monday, September 24 from 8:00 a.m.
to 12 noon.
Instruction is available in: Square
and Social Dance, Modern Dance, Field
Hockey, Tennis, Swimming, Diving, Red
Cross Water Safety Instructors Course.
Academic Notices
On all Sundays during the current
academic year, beginning September
23, the General Library will be open
from 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Service will be giv-
en in the Main Reading Room, the
Periodical Reading Room, and at the
Circulation Desk. In addition, the First
Floor Study Hall, in which smoking is
permitted, will be open, and reserved
books regularly shelved there will be
Other Reading Rooms and Study
Halls in the building will be closed,
but books needed for Sunday use may
be transferred to the Periodical Read-
ing Room if the request is made on
Holders of stack permits will have
accessto the stacks and may withdraw
books. Other users of the Library may
return anderenew books, at the Cir-
culation Desk.
Beginning September 30, the Social
Science Library will be open evenings,
7-10 p.m.
Correction in Time Schedule. Psych.
31, Lecture B will meet Mon. and Wed.
at 3:00 p.m. instead of 9:00 a.m.
Medical College Admission Test: Ap-
plication blanks for the October 30 ad-
ministration of the Medical College Ad-
mission Test are now available at 122
Rackham Building. Application blanks
are due in Princeton, N. J. not later
than Oct. 16, 1956.
Concerts. The University Musical So-
ciety announces the following concerts
for the University year:
Choral Union Series (10 numbers):
Season tickets: $17.00, $14.00, $122.00
and $10.00 - now on sale.
Extra Concert Series (5 numbers):
Season tickets: $8.50, $7.00, $6.00 and
$5.00 - now on sale.

Tickets for single concerts for both
series will go on sale beginning Mon-
day, September 24.
Messiah (Handel) - Two perform.
ances. Tickets will go on sale October
15 (50 cents and 75 cents.
Chamber Music Festival of' three
concerts. Season tickets $3.50 and $2.50;
single concerts, $1.75 and $1.25.
1957 May Festival (6 concerts) Season
ticket orders accepted and filed in
sequence beginning as of December 1.
For information or tickets address:
Charles A. Sink, President, University
Musical Society, Burton Memorial
Lecture Course Season Tickets Now
on Sale. The University Lecture Course




Suez Interim Plan Unnecessary

is attempting to straddle an uncomfortable
fence with his latest plan for control of the
Suez Canal.
Most nations admit the legality of Egypt's
seizure of thenwaterway in July, but fear that
Egypt will not keep the canal open to all
users. Primarily concerned is Great Britain, for
whom the canal is a vital lifeline. Britain's in-
sistance on better security than Nasser's word
that the Shez Canal will be kept open is under-
But whether Britain is right in trying to
squeeze Egypt out of sole control of the Canal
by economic or political methods is another
question. That Egypt has not yet compensated
the canal company's stockholders may be a
point for the British, but in neither the first
international conference on the Suez nor the
recently concluded one has this been an issue.
Angered at Nasser's abrupt seizure, Great Brit-
ain and France mistrust him and in some
respects wish to punish him.
ON THE OTHER SIDE of the situation, while
Egypt is in a strong position legally, she
holds a weak one economically. It is a new
Nation, young and inexperienced. Nasser's posi-
tion itself is similar.
But the new Egypt can not cut its bonds with
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN........,.... Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN ............ Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK....... Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS............. Features Editor
DAVID GREY.................... Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER.....Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILFERN ........ Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON .............. Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER ............ Associate Women's Editor
VERNON SODEN............... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN .... Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH............. Advertising Manager
CHARLES WILSON............... Finance Manager
PATRICIA LAMBERIS........... Accounts Manager

the past. After more than 100 years of French
and British domination, Egypt is torn between
a desire for economic development and a hatred
for the British and French. Thus, Nasser has
little motivation towards giving up control of
the Canal. From Egypt's past experiences, such
control is one more step away from foreign
interference and imperialism.
Dulles' plan for a users association is an at-
tempt to ease Great Britain's fear of a block-
ade while working for the cooperation of Egypt.
Reports indicate that the plan is not meant
to be a permanent solution but an interim
modus operandi until final agreement is
But operation of the users association will
not depend on Egypt's consent. Association
ships are to pay the association and not the
Egyptian authorities, and profits divided be-
tween the association and Egypt.
Both sides will eventually have to com-
promise in this tense situation. This plan, as it
now stands, appears to be little more than an
attempt to control the canal, with or without
Egypt's consent. Why else is an "interim" plan
required when the Canal is enjoying uninter-
rupted operation under Egyptian authorities?
An interim plan for operation would seem nec-
essary only if and when present operations were
halted or the canal closed by Egypt.
NASSER has already condemned the plan
and threatened war if it is implemented.
Whether the West is willing to press Egypt
that far remains to be seen, though world
sentiment appears to favor reference of the
problem to the United Nations. Little hope is
held for any settlement by the recent proposals.
of the Suez Conference.
Daily Features Editor
New Books at the Library
Cooper, Madison A.-Sironia, Texas, 2 vols.;
N. Y., Houghton, 1955.
Cottrell, Leonard - The Mountains of Phar-
aoh; N. Y., Rinehart, 1956.
Mardikian, George-Song of America; N. Y.,
McGraw-Hill, 1956.
O'Flaherty, Liam-The Stories of Liam O'Fla-
herty; N. Y., Devin-Aidar, 1956.

Summer TV Fare Just Fair


IN THE summer this young man's
fancy turned to . . . well, at
least part of the time turned to
his television set to see the sum-
mer TV offerings of the major
networks. And once again sum-
mer television in general left much
to be desired, in fact in most cases
left all to be desired.
Some of the programs continued
through the hot months, especially
those of the quiz and panel spe-
cies. A few of the more success-
ful situation comedies showed re-
runs from last season. And some
of the less successful situation
comedies also showed re-runs.
As usual the two All-Star games,
fights and horse races were pre-
sented for the TVrsports fan. And
the two conventions filled up most
of the available air time whlie
they were in progress.
But it was in the area of the de-
velopment of new shows for the
summer that the networks really
failed. There wasn't a "64,000
Question", which emerged in the
summer of 1955. The only original
summer program which showed
some promise of becoming a good
year-round venture was "The Er-
nie Kovacs Show."
Kovacs and his talented wife,
Edith Adams, fnially hit the big
time, taking over the Sid Caesar
Monday night hour and filling it
with fresh comedy, very effective
camera techniques and such out-
standing guests as the Nerobi
Trio, probably the most exciting
specialty act ever seen on tele-
Fortunately NBC has finally dis-
covered Kovacs' talents and he

cans". On one particular program
he was supposedly reading the
mind of Denice Darcel and unfor-
tunately Miss Darcel either wasn't
properly prepared or else she also
has extra sensory perception for
the amazing Dunniger kept on
reading thoughts which she was
not transmitting.
The amazing Duniger cleared up
the situation by saying that he
was receiving these thoughts from
someone in the studio audience
and asked the person not to con-
centrate so hard.
It probably would be a great
deal easier to believe in Dunniger's
super-human feats if he didn't
look like one of the characters that
would star in a future "Racket
Squad" presentation.
* *-*
Steve Allen started his early
evening Sunday program 'and he
needed Elvis Presley to top the
strong Ed Sullivan competition.
According to the ratings Allen's
only triumph over Sullivan came
on the night Elvis appeared on his
show in top hat, tails and blue
suede shoes.
For some reason Allen began
the series using the same exact
material for his comedy sketches
which he had previously used on
his "Tonight" show. This was ob-
viously for the benefit of the few
million new viewers which the
Sunday show attracted but it was
sort of repititious for the regular
late night Steve Allen viewer.
Allen has presumably decided to
join Sullivan instead of fighting
him for he has presented Smith
& Dale, an ice show remote and
tonight will present for the first
time on live TV Rin Tin Tin. It's

Perry Como hired three of his
friends, Julius La Rosa, Tony Ben-
nett and Patti Page, to take over
"The Perry Como Show". They all
appear to be doing alright on their
own and it seemed strange for
them to keep on thanking Como
publicly for giving them the op-
portunity to be on his show. Miss
Page, however, did not show any
allegiance to NBC for she took
over the mistress of ceremonies
chore on the CBS "Ed Sullivan
Show" for one week while Sulli-
van was recuperating from his
automobile accident.
Frankie Laine did the best job
of filling in on a variety show,
taking over the Wednesday night
"Godfrey And Hi& Ex-Friends"
time for the second summer in
succession. Laine is probably con-
tent in spending the winter
months counting his money as
opposed to working, for he could
do a good job on any of the regu-
lar variety programs.
* * *
BUT THE REAL gem of the
1956 summer television season oc-
curred on the first of September
when ABC-TV was covering the
Gold Cup boat races from Detroit.
Because of inclement weather
conditions the races had been de-
layed and the announcing staff
had used every conceivable meth-
od.of keeping the program moving
by filling in with color commen-
But they eventually ran out of
things to say and the races were
still unable to continue so as a
last resort they sent one of the an-
nouncers into the crowd to do
some fan interviews.




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