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January 14, 1956 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1956-01-14

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"Wouicn't You Rather Have Broader Support?"

When Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevail

Sixty-Sixth Year

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Need Federal School Aid, Bu
With No Strings Attached
T E POSSIBILITY of federal aid for educa- aid programs (highway building for example)
tion seems closer to becoming a reality, the amount of control has frequently been
Both Republicans and Democrats seem favor- great.
ably inclined to President Eisenhower's recent The concept of education controlled by the
proposal that the federal government put up federal government is repugnant. Beyond set-
one and a quarter billion dollars in grants for ting minimum standards and insuring that the
school construction over the next five years. money is used for construction of school facili-
The idea of using federal funds to help ties the federal government should have no
raise the educational standards is, per se, an hand in the disposition of the funds it provides.
excellent one. Inequality of resources betweent
the states is manifested in similar inequality IT MAY seem absurd toiforesee danger In
in school facilities. The level of education in federal control of education but the former
the poorer states, particularly in the South, rise of Senator Joseph McCarthy provides a
is appalling. By providing grants-in-aid the concrete example thatthe fabric of democracy
federal government not only, provides direct is safe from shredding only so long as it is
funds for education-it encourages the states vigilantly protected.
to increase their outlay. In order to be successful, non-democratic
In effect the grant-in-aid is an inducement forms of government must eventually seize con-
to the state to divert funds from some other trol of the nation's school system.
use and channel them into education. So far so to One guard against such a regime, then, is
usedi to keep education firmly entrenched in the
good. states, beyond the reach of federal government.
There is one danger point, however. Federal aid to education would be bene-
Usually the grant-in-aid implies some sort ficial, certainly, but only if we can be assured
of control. In return for giving the money the that there are no federal control strings at-
federal government expects to have a say in tached.
the way in which it is used. In other grant-in- -LEE MARKS
Giving and Receiving
THE RECENT veto by Russia of Japan's What is to prevent us from accepting the
application for membership in the United Soviet proposal with reluctant grace, showing
Nations will, in all likelihood, present the United a willingness to compromise on the following
States with a major diplomatic problem in terms:
1956. 1) Communist China, having a known re-
If the State Department does not show cord of aggression, must prove her willingness
more flexible and imaginative thinking than to subscribe to and abide by the Charter of the
it has in the past on questions such as this, United Nations as a peaceful nation by with-
the United States is again going to find itself drawing her troops from North Korea and
behind the international power political eight- allowing the reunification of Korea under aus-
ball. pices of the United Nations.
Russia's next move in the UN will most 2) Red China must renounce all intention
likely be a proposal for another "package deal" of annexing the, Nationalist Chinese island of
for UN membership. They will compromise Taiwan by force.
their stand on Japan in return for our backing 3) Moscow must reach a peace settlement
down on a heretofore adamant refusal to admit with Japan, ending the technical state of war
Communist China. The Soviets will again be existing between them since 1945. This agree-
able to pose as the "great compromisers and ment would be based on the Japanese demands
peacemakers" and putting the United States as outlined in the current London negotiations
on the diplomatic defensive. and include such items as the return of the
nTheUdiomtateeswiveKurile Islands and the release of Japanese
The United States will be presented with prisoners of war still held in the Soviet Union
two rather obvious choices-veto or by abstain- pe
ing, acquiesce. At first glance neither of these BY SHOWING a willingness to compromise
choices is very appealing. To veto probably and setting terms recognizable by the rest
would mean that we incur the wrath of the of the world as reasonable, the United States
majority of the other nations who feels that can place the burden of proof in Moscow and
admission of both Japan and Red China, partic- Peiping. If our counter-proposal is accepted
ularly the latter, will do much to aid the cause by the Soviets and Communist China is allowed
'of peace 'in the world. into the United Nations, much as this may be
A veto in the face of this opposition will distasteful to us, we will hav'e appeared in a
considerably damage the United States' posi- constructive and progressive light to the rest
tion as leader of the free world. of the world and received something tangible in
A further risk will be the loss of the alli- return.
ance with Japan who, along with the Philip- An additionaland interesting consideration
pines, form the backbone of our defense align- is what happens if Moscow says no? A Soviet
ment in Eastern Asia. Failure on the part of disinclination to accept our compromise may
the United States to bring Japan into the severely put them to the test, depending upon
United Nations could encourage that nation just how badly Communist China wants to be
to move away from the United States, follow- admitted to the United Nations. Should they
Ing the path of neutralism and relying more be denied when the decision lies in the hands
on its own leadership to make its way in the of their allies, one wonders how much friction
world. might develop between the two Communist
OUR OTHER possibility, abstaining, would It may well be wishful thinking but it
be a complete diplomatic defeat-to say wouldn't be the first time that a country has
nothing of the loss of our own self-respect after become disenchanted with its supposed brother
having stood firm for so long, and benefactor.
Yet, there is a possible third choice. -DICK HALLORAN
The National Consensus


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W ayne Rides 'Alley'
With Gun, Iacall
THERE was a time-back in the early forties-when almost every
other movie told how some lanky, brave American saved entire
groups of good Chinese peasants from blood-thirsty Japanese and won
a lovely bride besides.
Since then CinemaScope has been popularized and stereophonic
sound is essential for most productions. But the old stories, backed
with loads of homestead philosophizing, are still here. The only



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Two Moons hiners Caught

Sex# Study
"TEMPErST in the Flesh" is a
study of a nymphomaniac, and
the highly super-charged sexual
nature of the plot makes this film
raw stuff. The French import is
certainly what is called an "adult
film," but it is also "a sizzler, a
shocker" etc. This is the main
WITH A SUBJECT of this type,
care must be taken to stay within
the bounds of good taste. Because
of its powerful sexual structure,
it should be handled with a cer-
tain delicacy, a certain balance
that would put the problem in its
proper light. The result of ex-
cess preoccupation with the sordid,
seamier side results in a piece of
sensationalism and not much else.
"Tempest in the Flesh" is guilty
of striving for shock effect in the
treatment of a sexual problem.
Francoise Arnoul stars as the
troubled heroine, plagued by guilt
and yet unable to control her need.
Strong sex scene follows strong
sex scene with a consistency that
borders on exhibitionism. It should
be added here that, American cen-
sorship being what it is, the film
abounds with cuts and clips that
make it an even more jumpy pic-
ture than it actually is. Practi-
cally every scene ends in a mani-
festation of nymphomania and
each one is grossly chopped up,
including a nude swimming scene
that has no plot point in the first
place. *
WHEN, TOWARDS the end, a
psychiatrist tells the troubled girl
that she is not depraved but only
ill, a feeling of ridiculousness
creeps in. The audience, by that
time, is not one to be suddenly
lectured at. This is the film's
fault, not 'the audience's, because
it switches the entire aspect in
order to contrive the end. If this
understanding and intelligence
were presented throughout, instead
of the "sturm und drang," then
"Tempest in the Flesh" could have
been a creditable film'on a subject
that should not be hidden from an
,intelligent audience.
-David Newman
to the
Metronome Needed...
To the Editor:
I'M GLAD to see that Mr. Ben-
kard had so much fun at the
Boston Pops Concert last Sunday
Maybe if he had gone to it with
a mind instead of a metronome he
would have gotten more out of it.
--Mike Woodburne, '58

(EDITOR'S NOTE-Drew Pearson
recently participated in a federal
raid on a moonshiner's still in
Southwest Virginia. Yesterday he
toidt about the organization of the
raid. Today he continues with the
story of the raid itself.)
NOT A soul was stirring around
the barn or anywhere in the
valley, and in that eerie stillness
Elmore and I descended the moun-
tain ridge.
We couldn't hear the other
agents who had gone around to
the rear, but we knew they must
be there, for it was 12:25 noon
and only five minutes before the
zero hour, when we were to close
in on the barn.
Suddenly there was a shout. The,
advance revenue agents had gone
into the barn five minutes early
and the Mooneshiners made a
break out through the rear. They
ran right into the arms of Cecil
Kline and Donald McLean, who,
had skirted the ridge and come
down in the rear.
The two Moonshiners were young
mountaineers, Ray Shelton and
Wilson Hall, both of near-by Floyd,
Va., not far from Roanoke. I
couldn't help feeling a little sorry
for them, though perhaps I
shouldn't admit it. One had just
come out of jail.
IT WAS OBVIOUS that some-
one else had put up the money for
their operation, for about two tons
of sugar wasastacked in the barn.
There were also a hundred or so
five-gallon tin cans and a good
many dozen one-gallon fruit jars.
No mountaineer can afford that

The still was a big wooden job
with oil drums made into boilers
to supply the steam. Vats full of
mash were fermenting, ready to be
piped in through the still.
Ray Shelton, a man of few
words, explained the operation.
"It's just rye, sugar, and water,"
he said. "You let it set. Then you
run it through the still."
"How long does it take to build
a still like that?" I asked.
"Too long," he said, gazing rue-
fully at his 600-gallon baby.
To let some light down around
the still for the TV camera, Shel-
ton and Hall obligingly took their
axes and hacked down one side of
the barn. After it was over, the,
Revenue men told them to go home
and report in Federal Court Mon-
day at 10 a.m.
S* C C
THIS MAY SOUND unusual. But
I learned from Col. Tom Bailey,
Chief Alcohol Tax Unit enforce-
ment officer, that the Moonshiner
in the hills of Virginia or the
south is a man of his word.
"He won't tell you much, but
what he tells you is the truth,"
explained the Colonel. "He plays
kind of a game with you. He
knows we won't shoot except in
self protection, so he runs.
The tragedy is that moonshin-
ing, in some cases, has been passed
down from father to son, and in
one or two cases teen-age boys
have been caught operating stills.
Another difficulty is that local
Federal judges are not inclined to
give, heavy sentences. I can un-
derstand this; because usually
someone else is supplying the
cash. However, many sentences

have been so
shiners come

light that Moon-
back again and

* * *
MOONSHINING is most heavily
concentrated in the Southern
states, with the largest number of
stills in Georgia, Alabama, and
North Carolina. Up around New
York and New Jersey is another
busy area, but there the trade is
carried on by racketeers, usually
with industrial alcohol.
One still was located not far from
Brooklyn Bridge, another on a
barge on the Jersey waterfront.
This Northern bootleg liquor is
much more dangerous, and there
have been some cases of severe
poisoning. The Southern white.
mule will almost blow the roof
off your mouth, but its poison con-
tent is likely to be less.
Most of it is sold only one or
two days out of the old garden
hose that we saw emptying from
the still into an old washtub. It
sells for about $6 a gallon, and
since it costs from $1 to $2 to
make, this is fairly profitable.
* * *
YOU DON'T HEAR the hurrahs
and hozannas about Dwight Avis,
head of the Alcohol Tax Unit that
you do about J. Edgar Hoover. But
he and his men do just as efficient
and-just as courageous a job. Many
have been killed, many more
wounded. They don't have enough
funds to spend or enough person-
nel to operate, which is why the
men on our raid were working
about 60 hours a week. Some of
them had been up all night.
(Copyright, 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

interesting change is that the Jap-
anese are now good .and it is the
Chinese Reds who are blood-thirs-
"BLOOD ALLEY" begins with
John Wayne reading a mysterious
note offering him means of escape
from a Red prison. "These Com-
mies are sharp," he muses, "but
this won't fool me."
Then he discovers a gun hidden
in his cell mattress. "It's a gun,"
he says, shrugging his broad shoul-
ders, it's real . .. It's loaded. Well,
if it is-somebody's gonna get
Wayne is picked up by mysteri-
ous strangers and taken to an ob-
scure Chinese village. Lauren
Bacall meets him on the river
dock. It was she who wrote the
note and sent the gun. 1 "I hope
you could read my handwriting,"
she says, smiling and tossing her
head of tawny hair. He just gapes
at her.
THERE IS A catch to all of this
however: she wants him to trans-
port the entire village on a ferry
boat to Hong Kong, eluding the
Red police that inhabit "Blood
He, being very senible, is re-
luctant at first, but after he kills
a red who tries to rape her, he
consents. He wants her to come
along, but she is seeking her doc-
tor-father who is lost: "Don't ever
try to boss me around," she
screams at him.
Wayne doesn't really c a re,
though, because he has mistresses
in almost every port. He's not evid
-just a big, bad boy.
Eventually everyone gets past
the reds and Wayne gets Bacall.
The Chinese (who use quaint
dialogue: "Missi tinki youi goodi
inani" and are basically humble,
meek and anti - Communistic)
thank him from the bottom of
their hearts.
-Ernest Theodossin
THE Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent In
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
Dr. Benjamin Shwadran, Editor, Mid-
dle Eastern Affairs, will speak on "Oil'
and the Middle East," Mon., Jan. 16,
4:15 p.m., Aud. B, Angell Hall, auspices
of the Department of Near Eastern
Studies. Public invited.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Dah-Cheng
Woo, Civil Engineering; thesis: "Study
of Overland Flow," Mon., Jan. 16, 307
West Engineering Bldg., at 1:30 p.m.
Chairman, E. F. Brater.
Doctoral Examination for Louis Ben-
jamin Fraiberg, English Language &
Literature; thesis: "The Use of Psycho-
analytic Ideas by Literary Critics," Mon.,
Jan. 16, East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, N. E.
Doctoral Examination for Edwin von
Boventer, Economics; thesis: "The
Impact of Three Business Recessions in
the United States on the Rest of the
World," Mon., Jan. 1, l0lA Economics
Bldg., at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, D. B.
Doctoral Examination for Michel Asia
Saad, Mechanical Engineering; thesis:
"'Eaprain a Comustion of Sinl

Fuel Droplets in a Hot Atmosphere,"
Mon., Jan. 16. 201B West Engineering
Annex, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, J. A.
Events Today
Second Laboratory Playbill at 8:00
p.m.. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, auspices of the Department of
Speech. All seats reserved at 35c each.
Placement Notices
There will be a Summer Placement
Meeting on Wed., Jan. 18, at the Michi-
gan Union, Room 3-G, from 1 to 4:45
p.m. This will be the only meeting
until Feb. 15, 1956.
Tobe-Coburn School for Fashion
Careers, New York, N. Y., offers fashion
fellowships to Senior Women graduating
in 1956. These fellowships cover full
tuition to the school. Application must
be made by Jan. 31, 1956.
Army and Air Force Exchange Service
announces employment opportunities In
France, Libya, Fr. Morocco, England,
Japan, Okinawa, Germany, Saudi
Arabia, Alaska, Labrador, Greenland,


"t I



'Penal Environment Leaves Negative Ideals'


THERE is an old rule in American politics
that as the elections come nearer, the
differences in what the two parties offer be-
come smaller and smaller. The rule seems to
be working now. In his State of the Union
message, which is a comprehensive platform of
Eisenhower Republicanism, the President has
moved very far indeed into the ground occupied
by the Democrats. It requires an effort to say
how the Eisenhowersocial principles and social
program differ in any fundamental sense from
what, after some thirty years of trial and error,
remains of the New Deal.
Whatever one may think of this or that
feature of it, there has developed a national
consensus which makes it very difficult to draw
sharp partisan issues on the legislation before
Congress. There is a consensus among the
Eisenhower Republicans and the main mass of
the Democrats on the principle of social secur-
ity, otherwise known as the welfare state. There
is a consensus among them also on the principle
that producers and consumers shall be protected
against the unregulated impact of the open
market. There is no genuine party issue on the
subject of the tariff.
There will be differences between Eisen-
hower Republican and the Democrats from the
farm states on farm relief. But both parties
are committeed to the same nrincinle-one

to work through measures to subsidize, to help
and to protect private enterprise. The Demo-
crats are more ready to use the government
itself in such undertakings.
Some, seeking further for differences, have
argued that the Eisenhower Republicans stand
for the welfare and protective measures within
a balanced budget; that the Democrats do not
mind deficit spending. As a matter of fact,
both parties are now committed to the same
fiscal doctrine, which descends from Keynes-
the doctrine of the compensated economy under
which in times of boom the budget should be
balanced with a surplus, in good times it should
be balanced without a surplus, in times of
recession, it should be unbalanced with a
We are now in a high industrial boom and
quite properly the Eisenhower administration
is an favor of balancing the budget with a
surplus. But let there be a recession, if the
unemployed begin to approach say five millions,
the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Board
will reverse the engines in order to have the
Federal government spend more money than it
takes in.
The real contest and conflict in our modern
politics is not about legislative measures. It is
about the administration of the government.
It is about the way farm policy, the military

(Continued from Page 1)
A PARTICULAR group-feeling exists within the walls of prisons
because of the different set of customs, beliefs, traditions, mores and
outlooks that have become established over the years and handed
down from one generation of inmates to another.
Frequently the expression "they" will be heard and its conno-
tation needs no explanation for the inmate who has been in prison
longer than a month. It connotes the members of the free world so-
ciety and almost unconsciously the inmate feels there is a difference
between himself and his counterpart in the free world.
Gerald was admitted to a large state prison in 1953 with no pre-
vious convictions and no previous association with members of the
underworld. He was a machine operator in a factory, single, white,
Protestant, and had spent his 23 years in and around a medium-size
mid-western city. He had completed two years of high school and
served a hitch in the army. All in all, he was the sort of fellow one
would feel might escape the influences of prison life. "
He explains these influences upon him, frankly and without the-
orizing or rationalizing. "I was pinched for stealing a set of tires
and made no bones about the fact that I was guilty. I thought I was
a smart guy and could save the price of new tires. I .admitted that
and felt it would be just a matter of admitting my guilt.
"THAT WASN'T enough for the detectives. They wanted to know
where I had sold all the other tires that had been stolen recently in
the city. Through this rough and tumble form of questioning I was
practically forced to form the impression that all police and authori-
ties were unjust.
"Before I left the county jail I heard stories from prisoners about
Authority that added fuel to my own newly-acquired resentments of
+hA +tntirc a sinditi l m- hrina n,r+r- by a,,4hs-imi

folks at home. You have to talk to someone. It's bad enough to be
in prison without being isolated there. In a short time the inmates'
outlooks, customs and habits were my own. I was hostile to everyone
and everything representing the social order.
"That's the way it was when I left prison on parole. I found I
couldn't carry on a conversation with the factory foreman because I
harbored ideas that he was hostile. I had to rediscover my old ideas
of right and wrong and to change my attitude to those around me.
"I'm lucky I was only in prison a relatively short time, since a
longer sentence would most certainly have imbedded my distorted
ideas and habits."
* * * .*
HERE IS THE CASE of a man who overcame the negative in-
fluences of the prison. He explains, partially, the traumatic effect of
arrest, imprisonment and re-crossing the social barrier upon hiis re-
Briefly he gives some idea of the different customs and ideals
within a prison. Admittedly they are different.
When the inmate no longer identifies himself with free society
he finds a need to identify himself with society in prison. At this time
he is most exposed to the influences of that environment with all its
When he leaves prison he takes with him the stigma of arrest
and imprisonment.
Its effect is psychological and its result is a sociological prob-
lem that becomes more difficult in its solution as the term of impris-
onment grows longer.
There is a social barrier that must be crossed by every man leav-
ing prison just as the immigrant from central Europe crosses one
when he leaves the boat at Ellis Island. And it is known that some of
the noldr immigrants e nve n eannri in nchwina +ha ar,.iran.lr

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