Hypnotist Will Appear in Program)
Mind Reader
To Perform
Mental Feats
Inter-House Council and As-
sembly Association will present a
program by Franz Polgar, mind
reader, memory expert and hyp-
notist, at 8:15 p.m. Friday, Feb-
ruary 17, at Hill Auditorium.
Polgar's program will be in two
parts, the first consisting of what
he calls feats of the mind, includ-
ing memory work and mind read-
Hypnosis, involving audience
participation will make up the
As a feature trick, Polgar plans
to have his pay check for the eve-
ning's performance hidden in the
audience, and he will then have
a student lead him to the person
who is holding it.
Born in Hungary
Polgar was born in Enying,
Hungary in 1900, and came to the
United'States in 1933. He became
a naturalized American citizen in
The hypnotist attended high
school in Kaposvar, Hungary, and
also studied at the College of
Commerce and Economics at
He received his PhD in Eco-
nomics and Psychology at the Uni-
versity of Budapest in 1925, and
was engaged in hypo-therapeutic
work with his brother, Dr. Laszlo
Polgar, for four years, from 1925
to 1929.
Polgar also worAed with psy-
,hoanalysis and vocational re-
search and research on hypnosis
and other psychic phenomena be-
fore coming to this country.
He served as a First Lieutenant
"The Story of a Hypnotist" in Eng-
Polgar, who is classified as one of
the nation's leading hypnotists,
now lives in Rye, N.Y. He last ap-
peared at the University in 1953
At that time, the hypnotist's aft
included participation from stu-
dents speech delivery on why they
thought they would be good uni-
versity presidents to discovering
that five and five equals 12.
Handshake Hypnotism
He hypnotized many of his sub-
jects merely by shaking their
hands, and at the beginning of
the show three students in the
audience were hypnotized and led
by their friends to the stage to
. Tickets for Polgar's performance
here this year will be on sale from
Feb. 6-11 at the Administration
Building and from Feb. 13-17 at
Hill Auditorium.
Block seats for the event are
available. Letters and order blanks
have been sent to all house on
campus, independent and affiliat-
ed. Orders may be returned to
Assembly or IHC and must be in
by Jan. 28.
in the Hungarian army during
World War 1, and is one of the
founders and a member of the
board of directors of the Ameri-
can Platform Guild.
Since his arrival in America, the
noted memory expert has given
lectures before educational insti-
tutions and at about 100 colleges
and universities, and has written
several books on psychoanalysis
and hypnosis.
Written Works
Included in his written works
are "Mysteries of the Mind" in
Hungarian, a n d "Hypnotism,"
"The Science of Hypnosis," and
4cP44r ia
ADC Discussion Includes
Dance, Workshop, Dorms
There will be a meeting for the
Couzen's Hall Housing committee
at 4 p.m. today in the League.
* * *
There will be a meeting of the
New Dormitory Planning Com-
mittees at 4 p.m. today at the
League. Memebers will discuss
floor plans and the residence hall
- *
of the Basketball Club willmeet
at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Barbour
Manager of the Club, Lu Anne
Austin remarked that "All mem-
bers should attend since there will
be only three more practice ses-
sions before the first game."
Coeds Select
'Deep Purple'
For Forma l
Planning for a cheerful Friday
the 13, Victor Vaughan coeds are
presenting "Deep Purple," their
annual winter formal, from 9 p.m.
to midnight Friday.
Silver mobiles will swing from a
false ceiling of deep violet while
the silhouettes of a band may be
seen through the angel hair clouds
that decorate the walls.,
Providing dance music of all
types, some of which is sure to
please every couple, will be Bill1
Bottomley and his orchestra.
Pictures Available
A photographer will also be on
hand for students who desire a
more lasting souvenir of the for-
The evening's refreshments are
being prepared to carry out the
theme, and coeds will receive fav-
ors of programs. bound in purple
Invitations have already been
sent by the women to their dates.
Proceeds from the dance will be
given to the Fresh Air Camp.
Coeds in Charge
General chairman of the affair
is Diane McElroy. Assisting her
are the following chairmen: Fern
Frisby, decorations and Loralie
Krome, refreshments.
Joyce Pollman is in charge of
Programs; Barbara Bixer, Pub-
licity; Mary Bety Godfroy, tickets
and Sybil Wong, invitations.
Patrons of the dance include
Vice-President and Mrs. James
Lewis, Dean Deborah Bacon, Dean
Gertrude Mulhollen, Dean Elsie
Fuller, Dean and Mrs. Ivan Parker
and Dr. and Mrs. Donald Smith.
a- .
your burning d
Mrs. O'Leary's fast bur
but when you see
hard to resist, don't even
make it easy t
desires ... and a charg
West Germany, almost 11 years
after World War II, functions un-
der an imposed democratic gov-
ernment whose success is of prime
Walter Vogel of Stuttgart, Ger-
many, studying on a Fullbright;
scholarship, commented that to
succeed in the experiment of de-
mocracy, his country must have
the help and understanding of the
"Because of Germany's loca-
tion," he said, "intercourse both
diplomatic and economic with her
neghbors is necessary."
Studying Mechanical Engineering
Vogel, 27, studying mechanical
engineering, graduated from the
Technical University of Stuttgart.
Arriving in the United States for
the first time this August, he
speaks with only the barest trace
of an accent.
He attributes his excellent
command of the language to high
school studies and a two month
visit to England.
Growing up under the Hitler
regime, the talludark-haired stu-
dent was able to observe the con-
fusion and uncertainty that reign-
ed at the onset of the post-war
"By the time the war ended
most of the German people were
relieved. They were convinced that
defeat was imminent, and "noth-
ing remained to be defended."
Intellectual Disillusionment
Intellectual disillusionment ac-
companied the physical desolation.
"Ideals had been destroyed and
there was nothing, no one to be-
lieve in."
"The younger generation, men
- U
ilesi res?
ri got her nothing,
a smart suit or coat that's
try. Our prices
o satisfy your burning
e account helps, too.
and women from the age of 18 to
35, in particular, were confused.
Having been reared in the ideol-
ogy of the Third Reich, they saw
their past condemned and their
future dim," the visiting student
said. Abstination from any politi-
cal association was the immediate
Younger Generation Apathetic
Apathy clung to the younger
people for at least five- years.
Then improved economic condi-
tions facilitated social contacts in
youth movements and church
groups. Through these agencies
an interest in the political life of
Germany was kindled.
Vogel, who will participate in an
ISA sponsored discussion entitled
"Guinea Pigs in Democracy?" at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow, continued
tracing the results of the Allied
instituted de-nazification pro-
"The relief felt at the end of
the war changed to resentment,
Fulbright Scholar Discusses Nation's Problem
Joyce Casuals * Old Maine Trotters * Town & Country
and the United States lost quite a
bit of prestige," he said
"Democracy," the engineering
student remarked, "is safeguarded
in the present government by Ger-
many's temporary Constitution,
the Basis Law, which insures Civil
rights, a democratic party system,
a, more responsible Parliament, and
in general attempts to alleviate
the weakness that allowed Hitler's
assumption of power.
Orientation to Government
Equally important as the politi-
cal reforms, is the attempt to
encourage the politically shy Ger-
man to take an interest and re-
sponsibility in the governing of
his country. "The average Ger-
man," commented Vogel, "doesn't
like to be in the spotlight."
Orientation towards government
has been necessarily integrated in-
to the educational system. School
children spend several hours a
week learning how their govern-
ment works and often observing i
in action.
Germany has no roots for de
mocracy, no great national heroe,
or historically sanctioned principl
around which to rally her politica
fervor. A responsible youth awar
of the means and ends of thei
governme'nt 'may well provide th
link to secure democracy.
Michigros Parade
Bill Miller, Michigras parade
co-chairman, announced that a
list of all men's and women's
houses working on the parade
will appear today and Friday
in the Michigras office in the
Miller encourages represen-
tatives of all houses not yet
signed up to consult the list
and make arrangements to join
forces with any house that does
not have a partner.
Assembly Workshop analysis,v
Michigan State University Con-
ference and Assembly Ball were
among the topics discussed at the
Assembly Dorm Council meeting
Monday at the League.
The appropriateness of having
an Assembly Workshop at this
time of year was left open for
suggestions or criticisms from As-
sembly members.
It was agreed that the discus-
sions were excellent but better
audience participation could be
achieved by more publicity and by
extending open invitations to in-
dependent women on campus.
Some of the members thought
it was a bad time to have the
Workshop because of the strain
of final exams which linited the
number of girls who could attend.
MSU Conference
All house presidents are invited
to attend the Michigan State Uni-
versity Conference to be held Feb.
24-25. A meeting will be held
before the conference to propose
discussion topics pertinent to Uni-
versity functions and activities.
Fire hazard of candles at the
Christmas formals was one of the
topics discussed at the Board of
Governors meeting.
The Board announced that defi-
nite plans have been drawn up for
the new Womens Dorm. The length
of construction time for the Dorm
will be from 16 to 18 months.
Also getting under way are the
plans for a new Coed rooming
house. The Student Planning
Committee met with the architect
to discuss proposed construction
All independent houses have
been asked to plan house activities
for the evening of Assembly Ball.-
Assembly Ball general chairman is.
Sandra Marx. The rest of the
committee will be announced soon.
Orientation Leaders
Orientation leaders are needed
for second semester. If you are
interested contact Pat Mooney.
The question of replacing As-
sembly representatives by corridor
representatives was left open for
member discussion.+
It was thought that corridor
representatives are an important1
link in the chain of communica-
tion and should have more to do'
with Assembly directly. Nothing
definite was decided upon.+
* * *
JGP-There will be a meeting
of the Junior Girls Play program
committee at 5 p.m. today in the
* * *
J-HOP TICKETS - Tickets for
J-Hop may be purchased from 1
to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow at
the Administration Building. Tick-
ets for the weekend ski trip may
also be obtainedat this time.
* ISA TALK - "Guinea Pigs in
Democracy?" will be the topic of
the International Students' Asso-
ciation sponsored discussion at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the recrea-
tion room of the International
Orig. 8.95
to 10. 95
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