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January 12, 1956 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-01-12

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Speech Students Broadcast

-Daily--Sam Ching
"But Doctor, you must save my son!"
Awais Says Arab People
Not Against Americans

"Operation 4006 is on the air."
Dubbed 4006 because it is the
room number of the two speech
broadcasting studios in Angell
Hall, the operation was an exer-
cise in practical radio broadcast-
ing for students in the speech de-
Beginning the broadcasts on a
closed circuit at 3:15 p.m. yester-
day, the programs were carried
through until 10:00 p.m., break-
ing only long enough for dinner.
Duplicates Actual Network
The broadcast was duplicated
as closely as possible to the actual
programming of a network and
its affiliated stations. Since time
was limited, the programs were
cut to one-third their actual
length. With this time-cut, the
broadcast schedule corresponds
with that of a network-affiliate
station operating from 9:45 a.m.
until 1:45 a.m.
Under the direction of the
Speech Department staff, Opera-
tion 4006 is put on yearly as a
practical laboratory exercise. Not
only do radio and speech students
act in these programs, but they
also aid in the writing, directing
and technical management of
The programs included in the
broadcast ranged from soap op-
eras, quiz shows and evening dra-
mas, with an occasional news re-
port injected intermittantly. One
speech professor joked that it
wasn't safe for anyone to roam
the halls of the 'speech depart-
ment or they would be propelled
into a studio to be a participant
on a quiz program.
The behind-the-scene picture of
the studio broadcast was one of
pacing students, nervous studio
engineers and cigarette-smoking
clock - watchers. Students were
scurrying between studios, some,
who were in more than one
consecutive broadcast, quickly
changed character in the hall.
SIBX Names
New Staffers
Five assistant managers have
been named for the February Stu-
dent Book Exchange.
Richard Mayer, '57BAd, John
Leslie, '58, Norton Steuben, '58,
Harold Silberman, '59, and Jim
Maltdy, '58A&D, will assist Ex-
change Manager Bill Diamond,

The Daily's third Magazine
section of the semester will ap-
pear Sunday.
The issue will feature an ar-
ticle on F. Scott Fitzgerald 1
and his "Football Dream," with
comments by Herbert 0. "Fritz"
Other articles include feat-
ures on Nixon, campus leaders,
the Whitney theatre and the 1
Union's old South Cafeteria.1
Amulets Beih
At Medical-1

Life can't' be divided between
the sacred and secular, Prof. John
Reed, of law school, said in a lec-
ture yesterday.
Prof. Reed's speech is the second
of a lecture series based on the
topic, "Christianity and the In-
tellect" sponsored by Interguild.
Speaking to a capacity audience,
rig Shown
avx9h ibit

Prof. Reed stressed the similarity
between meaningless memorizing
and an equally ineffective use of
religion. "Unless faith is allowed
to become a strong, workable force
in life, it will die," he added.
Prof. Reed developed the idea
that even though legal imperfec-
tions do exist, the system itself is
satisfactory. "Even though the
legal system isn't perfect, it still
provides a method of hammering
out solutions to problems," he ex-
Prof. Reed added that as long
as a large number of people enter
the legal profession chances for
raising ethical standards will im-
prove. He added that the system
itself is more apt to be in accord
with Christian principles as long
as it grows.
Local Men
Two University professors and
an Ann Arbor attorney have been
appointed to new committees of
the State Bar of Michigan, presi-
dent Albert E. Blashfield of Ann
Arbor announced recently.
It was disclosed that F. F. Fauri,
Dean of the School of Social work
has been appointed to the. Pro-
bation and Parole committee. Prof.
Fauri, who also holds a law de-
gree, has had a distinguished ca-
reer. He is the past chairman ofj
the State of Michigan Welfare
Commission. Before coming to
the University in 1946 he had been
acting as an advisor to the Sen-
ate committee on Social Security.
The committee on Probation and
Parole is expected to serve a use-
ful purpose in studying proposed
legislation in this field as well as
problems of the judiciary relative
to probation and parole-Mr. Blash-
field commented.
In addition, Paul G. Kauper and
Frank B. DeVine, both of Ann Ar-
bor were appointed to a commit-
tee formed to study improvements
on the statutory provisions for ex-
ercising the power of eminent do-
main by various municipalities and
public departments.
Mr. Kauper has been a profes-
sor of law at the University for
19 years.
Mr. DeVine is a local attorney,
who started practicing here in
March of 1926 after being ad-
mitted to the Bar of the Supreme
Court. He is also chairman of a
special four county grievance com-

Today is the one hundredth an-
niversary of the birth of painter
John Singer Sargent.
Sargent, an American brought
up in Europe, made his earliest
successes in Paris. After about
five years, however, he began to
lose favor with the French.
At 31, his career definitely over
in France, he returned to America
and was showered with commis-
sions. These commissions enabled
him to channel his ability for pow-
erful realism into depicting the
personal idiosyncrasies of his sub-
jects with "startling accuracy."
A. A. Adams, of the Fine Arts
department, explains that "Sarg-
ent was by far the best technician
of the period following the Revo-
lution; he had a tremendous in-
fluence on painters following his
"Sargent has been criticized for
occasionally paying more atten-
tion to costumes than the sub-

ject," Miss Adams continues. "This
criticism is sometimes justified--
many of his portraits are society
During the ten years after his
return to America, Sargent gained
such complete dominance in por-
traiture that he was able to in-
sist on long sittings and choose his
subjects-he refused, for example,
to paint Calvin Coolidge.
Although he is best known for
his portraits, Sargent also gained
fame as a mural painter, a land-
scapist, and a watercolorist.
Immediately after his death in
1925, Sargent's reputation with the
public declined for a second time.
His techniques were condemned
as "ridiculously old-fashioned."
Museums around the world purch-
ased more than 140 of his paint-
ings at this time, however, on the
assumption that Sargent would re-
gain his popularity.

Reed Criticizes Division
Of Secular, Sacred Life

Today Marks Sargent's
Hundredth A nniversary

"If Americans are to understand
the reasons for the recent demon-
strations in Jordan, they must
look behind the current actions
and view them in their historical
context, according to Jirius M.
Awais, '59 Med.
Awais, whose home is in Ajloun,
Jordan, was most emphatic in
pointing out that the Arab peoples,
of whom the Jordanians are one,
have no hatred for America now
nor have they in the past.
The violence in December and
this past week has been a protest
against the American policy in
the Middle East, not an expression
of anti-Americanism, he insisted.
Although touched off by the
controversy arising from the Brit-
ish-influenced proposal that Jor-
dan join the Baghdad Pact nations
in the so-called "northern tier de-
fensive alliance," the outbreaks
have been directed largely at
American installations.
Considerable property damage
has been done but no American
lives have been lost. Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles register-
ed a complaint with the Jordan
ambassador in Washington last
Commenting upon the entire
problem, Awais noted that this
and the majority of other actions
within the~Arab nations during the
past few years are all tied to the
question of Palestine.
To comprehend the true mean-
ing of these acts, one must study
Books C ause
Of Headaches,


the entire dispute over Israel and
Palestine, he explained.
"Right or wrong, the feeling
amongst the Arabs is that Ameri-
ca, in helping to create the state
of Israel, gave away Arab proper-
ty and affronted the dignity of
the Arab people," Awais continued.
For the last eight years, this
feeling has been building up under
the surface and is just now com-
ing to notice. Such factors as the
Palestinian refugees, living in
squalid camps in Jordan, are a
constant reminder of the loss of
As to Communist influence be-
hind the riots, Awais said that it
is extremely difficult to judge, but
that he doubts if it were the moti-
vating force.
Repeating his earlier statement,
he feels that the primary cause of
the demonstrations is the expres-
sion of dislike for American Middle
Eastern policy, dating back to the
creation of the State of.Israel.

-Daily-Bill Van Osterhout
DAVID KRONICK, head librarian of the Medical Library,
examines the exhibit he prepared on ancient amulets.

In the Medical Library of the
Main Hospital is an exhibit of
magical and medical amulets.
These amulets are on the border-
line of ancient medicine and magic.
They are charms of varying sizes
believed to aid in curing or ward-
ing off ailments. Their history
stretches from pre-literate cul-
tures to current day uses and prac-
tices. This particular collection is
devoted largely to Greek and Egyp-
tian amulets of the period 100 to
500 A.D.
The amulet was part of the
equipment of the Egyptian priest-
physician. It was used in medi-1
cal practice throughout the Middle
Ages, both as a form of magic and
as a part of the medical materials
for the virtues of the mineral ele-
ments of which the amulet was

Some amulets have particular
functions, such as warding off
certain diseases, or to afford the'
wearer with success in love, or
other similar matters.
Other amulets are merely de-
signed to give the wearer general
protection against ailments.
The exhibit was prepared by
head librarian David Kronick as-
sisted by the Departm'ent of Medi-
cal Illustration. The amulets were
donated to the library by Dr. Fred-
erick A. Coller, head of the surg-
ery department. He acquired them
from the collection of Campbell
Bonner, who has written a book
on the subject of ancient amulets.
Funds for preparing the exhibit,
were provided by the U.S. Public
Health Service Training Grant.
The exhibit may be seen at the
Medical Library during the next
two weeks.

AiResearch Manufacturing Division,
Los Angeles, California
Aero Engineering Division,
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AiResearch Manufacturing Division,
Phoenix, Arizona
Airsupply Division, Beverly Hills, California
AiResearch Industrial Division,
Los Angeles, California
Air Cruisers Division, Bel Mar, New Jersey
Rex Division, Los Angeles, California
On campus for interviews
B.S., M.S, and Ph.D. candidates in Mechan-
ical, Aeronautical, Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Physics and Mathematics may
schedule interview appointments through
your placement office.



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(Continued from Page 4)
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, A. H. Marckwardt.
Doctoral Examination . for Marilyn
Mayer Culpepper, Speech; thesis: "A
History of Radio Broadcasting at Mich-
igan State College, from August, 1922,
to January, 1954," Fri., Jan. 13, 4202 An-
gell Hal, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, E. E.
Doctoral Examnation for Hayden V.
White, History; thesis: "The Conflict of
Papal Leadership Ideals from Gregory
VII to St. Bernard of Clairvaux with
Special Reference to the Schism of
1130," Fri., Jan. 13, 3615 Haven Hall, at
1:00 p.m. Chairman, P. A. Throop.
Events Today
Meeting of the Michigan Chapter of
the American Association of University
Professors at 8:00 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 12,
West Conference Room, Rackham. Topic
for. discussion: "If the University's
enrollment doubles in the next five
years, what do you see as the implica-
tions and consequences for the instruc-
tional program?" Panel members: E.
Lowell Kelly (Moderator), Roger Heyns,

W. Wallace McCormick, Warner Rice,
and Robert R. White.
Placement Notices
The following schools will have rep-
resentatives at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments to interview teachers.
Tues., Jan. 17:
Lansing, Mich.-Teacher Needs for
September, 1956: All Fields.
Thurs., Jan 19:
Fri., Jan. 20:
Sat. (morning), Jan. 21 :
San Diego, Calif.-Teacher Needs for
February and September, 1956: Elemen-
tary (kindergarten through 6th); Jun-
ior High; Senior High.
For additional information and ap-
pointments call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg.,
NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Representatives from the following
companies will be at the Bureau of
Appointments during the week of Jan.
16, in addition to those already an-
Mon. & Tues., Jan. 16 & 17
TIONAL MISSIONS-men and women
in Educ., Engrg., Social Work, Lab.

Tech., Nursing, Dietetics and LS&A
for positions in Teaching, Supervision,
Dietics, Nursing, Christian Educ., Engrg.,
Lab. Tech., Social Work, and Office
Work,located in U.S., Alaska and Puerto
Rico, and for Summer Work Camps
located in U.S. and abroad.
Tues., Jan. 17
CHRYSLER CORP., Detroit, Mich.-
men in LS&A or BusAd for Product
FORD MOTOR CO., Detroit. Mich.-
women for Stenographic positions and
for position as Statstician in the Ind.
Relations Dept.
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg..
Ext. 371.
York, offers opportunities for posi-
tions to women in any field, particulary
those with experience or training in
sports, camp counseling, music, drama,
public speaking, and group activities.
U.S. CIVIL SERVICE announces an
exam for Packaging Technologist, GS-5
to 13. Requires training and/or experi-
ence in Tegfnology, Chem., Physics
Engrg., or related physical science.
For information contact the Bureau
of Appontments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
Ext. 371.


For solution see
paragraph below.



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If students find themselves af-
flicted with a headache after a
study session they are confirm-
ing a statistic.
According to the Better Vision1
Institute,' college students suffer
more frequently from headaches
than any other group. Executives,
professional men, housewiveshandd
clerical workers are also bothered
by the ailment, but manual labor-
ers and agriculturists are seldomj
Headache symptoms can stem
from numerous causes, but they
are most commonly associated with
various eye defects. Nearsighted-
ness, farsightedness and astigma-
tism are to blame for many head-
Other causes include muscular
defects, crossed eyes and optical
diseases such as conjunctivitis and
acute glaucoma.
TV viewers with normal vision
are apt to find themselves the vic-
tim of nagging- headaches as the
result of improper viewing habits.
For enjoyment without pain the
Institute recommends watching
from an eye-level position direct-
ly in front of the screen, and at
least six feet away.
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THERE'S NO QUESTION that Luckies taste better-
they're made of fine tobacco that's TOASTED to
taste better. There's no question in the Droodle above,
either (in case you were thinking it looked like a ques-
tion mark). It's titled: Captain Hook reaching for a
better-tasting Lucky. If you'd like to get your hooks
on the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked, light
up a Lucky yourself. It's jolly, Roger!
DROODLES, Copyright 1953 by Roger Price



If/f 1,~J/

Theodore Fostea
U. Of Colorado



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