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January 06, 1956 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1956-01-06

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Assembly To Sponsor Workshop

Dorm Officers,
ADC Members
To Attend Meeting
Assembly Association will hold
its annual workshop for officers
of the independent women's houses
from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to-
morrow at the League.
At the morning general session,
opening remarks will be made be-
fore the audience breaks up into
discussion groups.
In these smaller groups, prob-
lems within the independent wo-
men's houses will be brought up.
Among the suggested topics are
communication, education, and
relationship of Assembly Associa-
tion to the houses.
Discussion Topics
Other subjects on the group dis-
cussion agenda include the need
of improving house facilities and
an explanation and discussion of
the duties of each house officer
At the end of the workshop, a
summary session will be held to
bring the day's activities to a
Officer To Attend
Coeds present will be all officers
of independent women's residences,
committee chairmen of the houses,
corridor representatives and As-
sembly Association - Dormitory
Council representatives.
Representatives of the adminis-
tration and all independent wom-
en's house directors haye also been
invited to attend the workshop.
Committee chairmen for the
workshop are hoping to make the
event an annual tradition.,
*Michifish Coeds
To Hold Tryouts,
Practice Sessions
Tryouts for Michifish will be
held at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday in
the Women's Swimming Pool.
All coeds who have been attend-
ing the practice sessions of the
Junior group are eligible to try
Tests will be given on all swim-
ming strokes and four stunts: the
porpoise, back dolphin, alternate
ballet legs and the kip.
Any students planning on try-
ing out may practice at 3:15 p.m.
today, along with the beginning
and intermediate group of junior
members in the women's pool.
Marion Charvat, Michifish man-
ager, also remarked that any stu-
dents interested may attend to-
day's swimming practice and join
either the beginning or intermedi-
ate group.
Instructions on swimming fun-
damentals are given at these ses-

Gym Course
Class To Be Offered
For Summer Work
In Recreational Field
Applications for the recreational
leadership course sponsored by the
Women's Department of Physical
Education are now available at
Barbour Gymnasium.
Because recreational leadership
is becoming recognized as a pro-
fession, more and more schools are
offering courses in this field, ac-
cording to Miss Marie Hartwig,
women's physical education in-
structor. This course has been
offered at the University since
Any woman student may apply
for class and approximately 60 are
selected each year on the basis of
their past records and need for
the course.
The principle aim of the course
is to prepare students for summer
jobs on playgrounds and at camps
but after taking this course many
students decide that they would
like to permanently concentrate in
this type of work.
Class work consists of experience
in first aid, nature, story telling,
music, active and quiet games,
hobbies, outdoor cooking, and
Students are given an oppor-
tunity to put theory into practice,
since they must work with some
children's or young people's group
throughout the semester.
In the past, students have work-
ed in the University Hospital, Dun-
bar Center, the Michigan Child-
ren's Institute and with Girl Scouts
and Y.W.C.A. groups.

-Daily-Dick Gaskill
ASSEMBLY WORKSHOP-Completing preparations for the
Assembly Association Workshop are Joan Mason, Ilene Pavlove,
Meredith Tigel and Mary Jane Rassman. The revent will be held
from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. tomorrow in the League.
The first weekend of the new year is on its way and campus
organizations are welcoming back their members with pledge formals,
costume parties, and record dances.
Trying to recapture the vacation excitement, the Phi Kappa Tau's
are using "A Holiday Formal" as the theme for their annual pledge
dance to be held tonight at the VFW.
Guests will be traveling , to faraway and mysterious countries
with the assistance of the festive travel decorations and the conti-
nental music of Red Johnson and his Orchestra.
Medieval Theme to Prevail
The Chi Phi house will be back in the Middle Ages tomorrow night
for their "Medieval1Castle" pledge formal. Paul Brodie and his Band
will act as the court musicians.
Winter pledge formals are scheduled tomorrow evening by Gamma
Phi Beta and Delta Delta Delta. The Gamma Phi's "Winter Serenade"
will begin with dinner at the Golden Apple Restaurant. Dancing will
be featured at the House where a blue and white color atmosphere
will prevail.
The Tri elts will be honoring their 22 pledges at their pink and
silver "Winter Scene" dance. Actives have planned a medley of
songs to entertain the guests during intermission.
Masquerade Party
The Phi Kappa Sigma house is going "Roman" tomorrow evening
for their masquerade "Toga Party."
The Theta Xi's will be in keeping with the weather since they are
planning a "Ski Lodge" party for tomorrow night. At the same time,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon will be leaving the weather behind with a Dixie-
land jazz party with the aid of the Ann Arbor Alleycats.
Phi-Delta Phi has a full weekend ahead of it. Tonight they are
planning an informal open house. A chamber music party is on the
agenda for tomorrow evening. Sunday afternoon will feature a Tea
Dance to be held at the House.
. Sigma Delta Tau is planning their semi-annual senior breakfast
for Sunday afternoon.

Former caddies are attending
colleges all over the country today
because of an amateur golfer from
Chicago who wrote books and
made records on "how to play
Thirty years ago Charles
"Chick" Evans, on a suggestion
from his mother, decided to donate
the royalties from his records to
a scholarship foundation for cad-
dies who wished to attend college.
In 1929, the first Evans Scholar
attended Northwestern University.
A chapter was established there
and 50 former caddies were sent to
college over a period of 15 years.
Additional Support
The Evans Scholarship fund was
then taken over by the Western
Golf Association. It was set up on
a permanent basis and now is sup-
ported by contributions from in-
dividual members of the Associa-
The organization has grown and
now has six chapters at midwest-
ern schools. In 1951 it was estab-
lished at the University of Illinois
and in 1952 at the University. As
the fund became known, the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin set up a
chapter and this year it was es-
tablished at Marquette College and
Michigan State University.
Here at the University, the chap-
ter was named in honor of James
D. Standish, a six-time holder of
the Michigan State Amateur Golf
Championship. A 15-room house
on Oakland was given to the
chapter by the Detroit District
Golf Assn.
Four Requirements
In order to qualify for the
scholarship, a caddie must meet
four requirements. He must be in
the upper quarter of his high
school graduating class, have cad-
died for two years at a Western

Golf Association Club, show some
financial need and display quali-
ties of leadership and integrity.
The scholarship covers tuition
and room so most of the men have
meal jobs working in sororities,
fraternities and dorms. In the
house, each man is required to do
a certain job. This is managed on
a rotating schedule so that work
changes often.
The Evans Scholars plan two
traditional dances each year. In
the fall they present a "Tee Party"

and in the spring they hold their
annual formal "Golf Ball."
"Our house is defferent from any
on campus," stated John Hirtzel,
"because we do not choose our
men." If they meet the require-
ments they are admitted to our
chapter." Freshmen entering the
Evans Scholars Chapter live in
the house from the very begin-
ning of their first term at school.
Freshmen have a plebe system
which they must participate in.
This consists of learning the his-'

Evans Scholarships Send Caddies to College

V. I


Save up to 50% in our
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tory of the chapter, information
concerning the scholarship and
University data.
Hirtzel added that the main ad-
vantage of the house for new stu-
dents is that they begin living in
an organized unit where there is a
feeling of belonging.
President of the chapter is
Stephen Uzelac, a member of the
University Golf Team, and Tony
Drabick is vice-president. Captain
of the Team Bob Masters, also
resides in the house.





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Wyvren Honorary To Assist
With Junior Dues Collection



Formerly 17.95 to 29.95


Establishing an annual project,
members of Wyvren, the junior
women's honorary, will aid the
Junior Girls Play finance com-
mittee with the collection of jun-
ior class dues.
JGP treasurer, Jeanne Newell,
who will head the drive has an-
nounced that the collection will
be made from Monday through
Friday, Jan. 16, by representatives
in each housing unit.
Each junior coed is asked to pay
$1, half of wvhich will go toward
the new Student Activities Build-
ing and the other half to be put
into the League Undergraduate
Wyvren members who will make
collections are Ruth Bassichis,
Mary Lee Birmingham, Sandra

Burdick, Joan Chidester and Mary
Lee Dingler.
Other members of the honorary
who will raise funds are Patricia
Drake, Jane Fowler, Sally Miller,
Mary Nolen, Judy Shagrin and
Betty Shuptrine.
Dues will also be gathered by
Wyvren members Andrea Snyder,
Judy Tatham, Mary Ann Thomas,
Meredith Tigel and Peggy Zuelch.
I r~ dc'C44ompu4
BURO CAT-There will be a
meeting of the Buro-Cat Secre-
tariat committee at 4 p.m. today
in the League.
* * *
ketball Club will practice at 4:15
p.m. today at Barbour Gym. Plans
will be made concerning the sched-
uling of games for next semester.
All those interested in joining the
Club are welcome.
-* * -
HILLEL - The class in Basic
Judaism will resume at 8 p.m.
Monday utilizing both the text
book and students' personal prob-
lems as background material.

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Why John Gunther reads
The Reader's Digest
"I am fond of The Reader's Digest on all sorts of scores,
but mainly because it always lives up uncompromisingly
to being what its name implies-a service to readers. In a
dozen languages-Inside Asia, Inside Europe, Inside
12 South America, Inside Africa-it brings readers an in-
valuable cargo of pleasure, information and encourage-
ment sifted scrupulously and zealously from printed pages
all over the world."
John Gunther, author of the current best-seller "inside Africa"
In January Reader's
Digest don't miss:
NIGHT TO REMEMBER." Hailed as "unsink-
able," the Titanic proudly sailed, carrying the
world's rich and famous. 5 days later-gashed by
an iceberg-she sank with 1,502 souls. Here, filled
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UNLESS YOU DENY YOURSELF. The prevailing idea
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Famed author A. J. Cronin shows why nothing of
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pline; and why the surest path to true success and
happiness is in learning to do without.
!J pupils learn more, work harder, and play less than
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