U . P t.C t ttt :4 3 tt 1J'
When Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevail
Sixty-Sixth Year
-'Time For Your Investigation Of The Press, Senator"
Inge Play Provides
Frustration Theme
THE Ann Arbor Civic Theatre put in another one of its good at-
tempts last night, and again, didn't quite make it.
William Inge's "Picnic" is a well-drawn study of character types,
whose full flavor can be exploited only by an experienced cast. Es-
sentially, "Picnic" is a play of tension-and it requires extreme deli-
cacy of handling to do such a play justice.
The cast has made a conscientious effort at producing on-stage
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
J W'
;RIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1956 -
Congress Feels Election Pressure
In State of the Union Message
ON January 5, 1955, the winter was cold, butb
Washington warm and friendly as Presi-
dent Eisenhower held out a hand of coopera-
tion to a Democratic Senate in his State of the
Union message.
Yesterday, the atmosphere was somewhat
different as an election year Congress listened
to progress and plans of the Administration,
spelled out in the broad outline of this year's
Many of the key issues of a year ago remain,
and several will become the key issues of pre-
primary campaigns, which will probably get
into fuller swing after the program is detailed
in upcoming special and budget messages.
THE first of the special messages, due Mon-
day, indicates a change in farm conditions
from a year ago. Last January 5, Ike told the
new Congress "Farm production is gradually
adjusting to new markets ... we can now look
forward to an easing of the influences de-
pressing form prices." Yesterday his message
stated "Our farm people expect of us . - .
understanding of their problems and the will
to help solve them."
Monday he will propose a plan for a "soil
bank" program for acreage reserve, and reduc-
tion of surpluses of crops in serious difficulty.
But the Democrats want an increase of parity
to a stable 90 per cent level, and will probably
make the farmer a key man in their attack
on the Administration and GOP.
The pressure has been increased also in the
field of education, and moreover, in tax re-
ductions. Last January Ike asked for a year
with no tax reductions, to enable headway to
be made toward a balanced budget and erasing
part of the national debt. This year he is
requesting the same, and Democrats, and
many Republicans as well, would prefer tax
reductions to such spending items as foreign
aid, until after the election.. The Democrats
are also likely to be dissatisfied with appropria-
tions for school aid, unless they are substan'
tially higher than anticipated.
IN addition, the foreign policy program will
be more subject to partisan criticism than
. a year ago, when the program was keyed to
aversion of "the catastrophe of nuclear holo-
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caust." Ike's optimism extended to the Geneva
conference, where it was allowed to swell under
the surface smiles of Russia's "happiness boys."
But the Geneva bubble burst recently, and
we are back to, as Ike said yesterday, "waging
The Democrats have long favored an increase
in economic aid to underdeveloped areas, and
it is beginning to appear the best way to "wage
peace." If the Administration adopts this pro-
gram, it will be a feather in the Democratic
In the field of labor Ike reiterated recom-
mendations for broadening minimum wage cov-
erage, and extension of the Old Age and Sur-
vivors' Insurance program. He evaded, how-
ver, the Taft-Hartley Act, which controls
union activity. It is a key issue at which the
Democrats, and the newly merged CIO-AFL
union, with its 16.million members have been
ELECTION year pressure may also be brought
to bear in consideration of immigration
laws. The President recommends greater flexi-
bility in the implementation of quotas, and he
will probably gain s'upport from metropolitan
areas where immigrant vote is' heavy. There
might conceivably be a move to abolish quotas
altogether, though-the motion will probably
not receive wide-spread support, outside of
minority interests, intensely concerned.
Likewise, the issue of civil rights should rise
in importance, as Democrats are already be-
ginning to lambast Administration inactivity
in implementing a program to back up Supreme
Court rulings on segregation. Eisenhower took
the initiative in civil rights, however, by re-
commending a bi-partisan Congressional com-
misson be apponted to study charges of de-
priving Negroes of the right to vote in the
The atmosphere is undoubtedly a different
one from the receptive air in which the 84th
Congress heard his last State of the Union
message. But it is improbable that the mes-
sage alone will have much effect on the in-
tensity of campaigning until the special and
budget messages explain in detail the Adminis-
tration program.
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emotional conflicts, but the real
credit for the evening must go to
Playwright Inge. Despite some
excellent individual performances,
it is theplay itself that creates
mood, not the cast.
FORTUNATELY the play is
good enough to mesh the perform-
ances into a dominant theme.
"Picnic" is about frustration-the
frustration of old maid school-
teachers, middle-age bachelors,
pretty girls who want to be in-
telligent, intelligent girls who
want to be pretty.
The characters are ordinary
people of a small town, a remark-
ably unsensational roster.rThey
are average people who have man-
aged to suppress their emotions
into respectable lives. It takes the
arrival of a young boy to bring
out these emotions.
The action takes place on the
day of the annual Labor Day pic-
nic, an affair planned with great
caution by the spinsterly house-
* *.*
portant, but it provides a core for
the play and allows for interaction
of personalities. In fact, it is in-
teresting that with very little
dramatic action, Inge has created
an absorbing play. The reason for
this is, of course, in his charac-
Although the actors have not
been able to present the inter-
relationships effectively, they have
turned in some fine performances
individually. Joan Conover as
Millie, the kid sister who is going
to write novels, does a particularly
good job in a supporting part:.
In the lead role of Hal Carter,
Al Douglas does an interesting
performance, but lacks some of the
intensity that the part requires.
Mary Lee Merriman as Rosemary
Sydney must be complimented on
carrying off her main scene with.
The set design (Bob Maitland)
deserves special note, mabaging to
provide the right atmosphere with-
out interfering with the action.
-Debra Durchslag
Pentagon Brass Shun Movie F
Do-A-Lot' Congress Eyes November
As the second session of the Eighty-Fourth
Congress opens, the only thing than can
safetly be assumed is that the coming months
will see considerable legislative activity-a good
percentage of which will probably conconstruc-
Both parties will be striving to put through
a program to which they can attach their
name and which will be pleasing to the voters
in Novemer. The party which can put its
name on a substantial program will have a big
advantage in the presidential campaign.
The Republicans have an opportunity to
increase the strength of their "Peace and
Prosperity" slogan if they can identify them-
selves with such a program. They have be-
hind them the prestige of the White House and
the President. Their biggest problem in plan-
ning for the coming elections is that they have
no candidate, at present, with which to work.
On the other side of the fence, the Democrats
have an abundance of candidates but have no
strong vote getting issues, with the exception
of the farm problem.
They need desperately to be associated with
forward-looking legislative program. To get
this they have the valuable asset of having
control of Congress and the legislative machin-
THE lawmakers will face many problems of
a popular nature that can attract votes in
many instances there is agreement that action
is necessary; the degree or type is the point
in dispute. Here are some of the key issues:
TAX REVISION-a tax reduction would be
popular with the voters and both parties may
try and get through their version of such a
measure. The Republicans probably will be a
little more cautious until a balanced budget
is in sight. However, economists warn that to
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad.........................Managing Editor
Jim Dygert ................ ......City Editor
Murry Frymer..................... Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag ..................... Magazine Editor
David Kaplan ......................... Feature Editor
Jane Howard...............Associate Editor
Louise Tyor ....................... Associate Editor
Phil Douglis.......................Sports Editor
!lan Eisenberg..............Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz ................Associate Sports Editor
Mary Hellthale ................... Women's Editor
Elaine Edmonds...........Associate Women's Editor
John Hlrtze7 . .. ................ Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Dick Alstrom......................Business Manager
Bob Ilgenfritz ........... Associate Business Manager
cut taxes would put more money in the con-
sumers hands which in turn would invite
serious inflation. This may throw cold water
on tax cuts.
FARM POLICY - both parties admit, the
Democrats in a slightly louder voice, that farm-
ers are in trouble. , The Democrats will attempt
to return price supports for basic commodities
to 90 per cent of parity. ,This is the theo-
retical formula designed to match the farm-
er's income with his expenses.
The Republicans will attempt to keep flex-
ible supports plus some additional measures to
aid the farmer. However, should the Demo-
crats pass a high parity bill the President
would probably veto it and in so doing give
campaign ammunition to the opposition.
here is whether to finance such a program by
bonds or by special highway-use taxes. Both
parties agree that something must be done
and quick, and both have committed themselves
to a major construction program.
is a problem both parties agree needs immed-
iate attention. The fight will probably be over
amount and source of aid.
SOCIAL SECURITY-efforts will be made to
expand and liberalize requirements for cover-
NATURAL GAS-a fight is seen in the plan
to get Senate approval of the bill to exempt
producers of natural gas from Federal control.
The House has passed this bill already. A
Democratic split, which could hurt their elec-
tion chances, is probable with Senator Lyndon
Johnson (D) Texas pro and Senator Paul
Douglas (D) Illinois con.
DEFENSE-the administration is expected to
up the ante by one billion dollars to around
35 billion with concentration on missles. A
basic agreement seen here.
BOTH parties must produce results in Con-
gress this year to have much success in
November. That the Democrats realize this was
demonstrated in a recent speech by Senator
Johnson in which he listed a 13 point legisla-
tive program which his party will attempt to
pass and stamp with the appropriate label.
The address delivered in late November was
early enough so the Democrats will have little
trouble establishing claim to it should it be
the one passed by Congress.
What will happen legislatively in the next
few months is anybody's guess; but it will be
substantial, because the 1956 Congress is not
going to be a "do-nothing" Congress. It's go-
ing to be a "do-a-lot" Congress. The party
that shows the most united front will fare the
been at each other's throats
over everything from helicopters
to troop-transport planes, but sud-
denly they have decided to carry
out "unification" in regard to mo-
tion pictures.
The Pentagon has decided to
give the cold shoulder to Gary
Cooper's new picture, "The Court-
Martial of Billy Mitchell," because
it puts the Air Force in a favor-
able light compared with the Ar-
my and the Navy.
Instead of opening with a big
hurrah, with a send-off from the
Pentagon brass, the picture is
opening at an inconspicuous down-
town theatre. But, more impor-
tant, the Navy slashed to ribbons
one important part of the fight-
over-air-power story.
* * *
THIS WAS the real history of
how the Navy, in trying to pro-
mote its lighter-than-air dirigible,
The Shenandoah, forced Com-
mander Zachary Lansdowne to go
on a flying junket over Midwest
county fairs despite his protest
that he couldn't carry enough fuel
to make the trip and avoid ap-
proaching storms.
As a result, The Shenandoah
crashed in one of the worst air
disasters in naval history.
Commander Lansdowne was a
close friend of Billy Mitchell. Both
were fighting for aerial warfare
as against infantry and battle-
ships. But when Milton Sperling,
producer of "Court-Martial of Bil-
ly Mitchell," asked the Navy
where he could locate Lansdowne's
widow, the Navy claimed she was
dead. Finally he locatedher in
Washington, the present Mrs.
Betsy Caswell, and got from her
the story of 'how her late husband,
Commander Lansdowne, had writ-
ten a protest against taking the
dirigible on a flight at the request
of congressmen to cover a series
of county fairs.
* * *
THE NAVY, however, overruled
the protest. It was lobbying for
Congressional appropriations and
wanted, to appease the congress-
After the dirigible was lost in
an electric storm, Commander
Lansdowne's safe at Lakehurst,
N.J. was found broken open and
his written protest gone. His wid-
ow, however, had carbon copies,
and at the Naval Board of Inquiry
called to fix the blame for the dis-
aster, she read his confidential
protest and cleared her husband's
Later she also testified at the
Billy Mitchell court-martial.
* * *
HOWEVER, when Warner
Brothers proposed putting this
part of the story in the Billy
Mitchell picture, the Navy pro-
tested, threatened such road
blocks that this part of the story
was eliminated.
Despite this censorship, howev-
er, the picture is sensational
enough that top Pentagon brass
decided it put the Army and Navy
in a bad light, and that for "uni-
fication's" sake, the picture would
be officially ignored
NOTF-This '.s the second re-
cent attempt at Government mo-
vie censorship; the other being the
crack-down of Narcotics Commis-
sioner Harry Anslinger on "The
Man with the Golden Arm." An-
slinger objected because Frank
Sinatra, who plays the part of
the dope addict, gets cured instead
of committing suicide a; happened
in the original plot. Government
frowns seem to heip, however, for
"The Man with the Golden Arm"
is now big box ofL ee.
A TAX-CHEAP liquor pipeline
is operating secretly out of Boll-
ing Field here, fed by a prosperous
Washington liquor mer ch ant
named Harry Slavitt.
With tax-free liquor now barred
from sale on U.S. militaryases
due to Congressional action, Air
Force brass hats are thus beating
high liquor taxes in the 48 states
by ordering their booze from the
nation's capital, where such taxes
are much lower.
Air Force crews stopping at
Bolling Field on official flights do
the rum - running. They merely
telephone Harry Slavitt at Metro-
politan 8-5080 and within an hour
a truck rolls into Bolling Field -
each case of hooch carefully dis-
guised in plain brown paper.
Slavitt is cleaning up - two
weeks ago, for example, collecting
$3,920 on a single sale of scotch
to airmen from Maxwell Field in
dry Alabama. The brand: Greer-
son's No. 1.
Slavitt's part in the bootleg op-
eration is probably perfectly le-
gal, since it's the Air Force that
admits his trucks to Bolling Field
and also the Air Force that flies
the liquor across state lines. Nat-
urally state revenue officers don't
have airplane police facilities to
challenge the plane as it enters
the state.
(Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regent's Meeting: Fri., Jan. 27. Com-
municationsufor consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Jan. 19.
Change in Parking Regulations. Ef-
fective Sat., Jan. 7, all University
parking lots will be restricted to per-
mit holders until 12 o'clock noon on
Saturdays. The lots will be patrolled
by the Ann Arbor Police and the reg-
ulations will be enforced. The signs
at the entrance to all lots have been
changed to conform with this regula-
Nelson International House is now
accepting applicai ons for Houseparents
or Housemother. Preferably University
affiliation. 26 or over. Steward and
social responsibilities. Phone Peter
Barnard, NO 3-8506. 915 Oakland.
Student Government Council: Sum-
mary of action taken at the meeting
of Jan. 4, 1956.
Approved: Minutes of previous meet-
ing; Galen's "Caduceus Ball" Feb. 18
Union, 10-1 a.m.; Appointments to
Joint'Judiciary Council-Michael Mc
Nerny, Jon Collins, Robert Burgee,
Mary Nolen, Shirley Lawson.
Recognition granted and construc-
tion approved: Alethia, a local, under-
graduate sorority.
Defeated: Motion "Each candidate
(for SGC) will be asked to show evi-
dence on the basis of his graduation
date, that he will be able to fulfill
his obligation to serve a full one-year
term unless he has previously served
on the Council."
Referred: To Public Relations, sub-
committee on elections-motion relat-
ing to election of all senior class offi-
cers in April, in elections separate from
other spring elections. To be reported
back at first meeting of the new semes-
Recommended: Re-implementation of
By-law 8.05, peration of motor vehicles
(Revision now under consideration.)
(1) That a share of the registration
fee of' approximately $3 be used for
proper enforcement, but that this fee
be used primarily for the alleviation of
the parking situation.
(2): All justiciable infractions shall
be handled by the Joint Judicia"'
(3) Enforcement officers be empow-
ered, if possible, by the University to
stop and question students suspected
of violating University driving regula-
(4) Fines collected from infractions
of University Driving Regulations be
allocated toward construction of park-
ing facilities.
Approved: student appointees of
Student Affairs committee established
to draft policy and procedures 'for
implementation of proposed change in
By-law 8.05 if approved: Fritz Glover,
Eugene Hartwig, Debbie Townsend.
Dr. Robert Heine-Geldern, Professor
of Ethnology, University of vienna,
will give two lectures on prehistoric
contacts between Asia and America.
Mon., Jan. 9, Aud. B, Angell Hall at
4:15 p.m. "Chinese Influence in the
Art of America." Tues. Jan. 10, Aud.
B, Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m., "Hindu-
Buddhist Influence in the Art of
to the
To the Editor:
Some Predictions
For '56 TV, Radio
Associated Press Writer
OUR operatives have finally re-
ported in after consulting the
sibyls and soothsayers, the astrolo-
by Dick Bibler
"./. aot i
__,_)_-__ --
gers and assorted prophets on
what to expect from television and
radio in 1956.
The statisticians have projected
their curves and see a boom busi-
ness year for the industry. The
figures to support this are very
dull and won't be mentioned here.
There will be an increased num-
ber of longer television programs;
the two-hour program will be
commonplace by the end of the
year. The brief newscast, which
reached an all-time high in radio
in 1955, will be heard with even
greater frequency in 1956.
IN LIGHTER hearted vein the
astrologers see other things.
There will be about 27 new quiz
programs on television. Of these,
about 26 will imitate features of
the couple of thousand now on
the screen. One will be totally
different - and may last three
weeks or three years.
Arthur 'Godfrey will fire five
AS a practical matter, civil lib-
erties might be described as the
line on which governmental auth-
ority encounters resistant public
opinion. Of late, due to the
muddled government security pro-
gram, this line has become blurred
and public opinion confused. More
subtle and dangerous, however, is
the long erosive trend to "big"
cities, "big" governments, and
"big" managements - all of which
make for ,"little" people.
The great threat to our way of
life is not in mere "bigness." It is
in the organizational disease which
afflicts bigness - namely, bureau-
cracy. Under bureaucracy our nor-
mal respect for the individual is
supplanted by rules and proced-
ures. These create a "no man's
land" where even men of con-
science,' responsibility, and com-
mon sense dare not enter. Lesser
men do not ever question.
In the final analysis, civil lib-
erties depend on education. Many
of our citizens clearly have no
concept of the way in which civil
rights have structured their lives.
Administrators, both public and
private, reveal serious gaps in their
knowledge of' our nation's tradi-
tions. It is not unreasonable to
cite these as evidence of the fail-
ure of educational institutions.,
The education of the leaders
who will form public opinion is
the function of our universities.
Yet few universities bother to in-
form students as, to what civil
rights consist of. Is there any
university which explains to all its
students that the enterprise of our
businessmen, the self-reliance of
our scientists, the essential char-
acter we think of as "American"
-that all derive from a way of life
which is structured by certain
basic freedoms? Has anyone ever
heard a professor define civil
rights as the legal expression of
our Christian respect for the in-
When an intangible and over-
whelming power threatens many
individuals, a new power tends to
grow up to balance the threat -
much as labor unions grew during
depression days. Civil rights .in
themselves are an example of this
Academic Notices
Engineering Seniors and Graduate
'Students: Free copies of "Career" and
"Engineers Job Directory" available to
engineering seniors and graduate stu-
dents at Engineering Placement Office,
Room 347 W. Engineering Bldg. Copies
alsomavailable on order to underclass-
men and others at $5.00 and $3.50
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion blanks for the Feb. 18, 1956
administration of the Law School Ad-
mission Test are now available at 110
Rackham Building. Application blanks
are due in Princeton, N. J. no later
than Feb. 8, 1956.
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. Robert
Zajone of the Research Center for
Group Dynamics will discuss "Cognitive
Structure and Process," Fri., Jan. 6, 4:15
p.m., Room 429 Mason Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Marion Cooper, Engineering Mechan-
ics; thesis: "Cylindrical Shells under
Line Load," Fri., Jan. 6, 222 West Engi-
neering Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman,
P M. Naghdi.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Woodrow McIntosh, Conservation;
thesis: "Wildlife Planning Procedures
with Emphasis on Recreational.Land
Use in the Tahquamenon-Pictured
Rocks Region, Upper Peninsula of Mich-
igan," Fri., Jan. _6, 300 West Medical
Bldg.,eat 1:30 p.m. Chairman, R. L.
Doctoral Examination for Hazel Mar-
garet Batzer, English Language and
Literature; thesis: "Heroic and Senti-
nal Elements in Thomas Otway's~ Trade