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November 23, 1955 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1955-11-23

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Sixty-Sixth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
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Oh, Stop Looking So Darn Smug"
C.' ___ ___X11^_____
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Robert Shaw Chorale
Outstandmg Group
THE Robert Shaw Chorale left no doubt as to its standing as a choral
group in its concert in Hill Auditorium last night. It is probably
the outstanding organization of its kind today. The spirit of the entire
group is exemplified in its young and energetic director. Robert Shaw
insists on and receives perfection from his singers.
The Chorale achieves a smooth clear tone quality that is -seldom
found in choral groups. Flawless intonation was another trait of the
performance. Careful ennunciation is another trademark of the Sliaw
Chorale. One of the most thrilling aspects of the chorus is its ability
to sound as if it was an ensemble of hundreds instead of its actual
thirty voices.
THE PROGRAM consisted of selections from two extreme musical
periods. It opened with a selection from the Baroque era, Bach's

., 1'.VAVLDJMi±$ 23,155


Have Fun But Remember
'Thanks' in Thanksgiving


ODAY ALMOST 20,000 families will wait at
bus and train depots, airline terminals and
living rooms for the return of their Ann
bor representatives.
T'omorrow as many tables will be piled with
ditional Thanksgiving fare. .
For the next four days there'll be a distinct
ange in the usually rushed tempo of the
iversity student's life. He can rest. He can
rsleep. He can pick up loose academic
eads (in every suitcase there's bound to be
least one textbook) at his leisure.
She can enjoy a social life without fear of
'ning into a pumpkin or sitting in next week-
1 if she happens to arrive home at 12:31.
LL THESE prospects are inviting. And they
should direct attention to their basis: an
nual chance to stop and think over the
ngs taken for granted.
rhanks, after all, are due for plenty of things.

For the diversity of 20,000 stimulating people
with 20,000 unique sets of backgrounds and
ideas, all on tap for anybody interested.
For a University whose quality isn't marred
by the transitory gloom of a black Saturday.
For classrooms which offer a consistent fare
of material well worth the round trips to Ann
For the people who cook or buy the Thanks-
giving dinners and who make sacrifices,
material or otherwise, so that the advantages
here won't go unappreciated.
For a world whose very complexity fills it
with challenge, and for the prospect of a few
more decades living on it and contributing what
we can to it.
These, and the myriad things on every indiv
idual list of "blessings", give the long-awaited
holiday a significance beyond the trivial com-
forts we're anxious to enjoy.
--JANE HOWARD, Associate Editor

Open Letter to the French


Soon, whether at the scheduled dissolution
of the National Assembly in June or perhaps
earlier, as proposed by the present Faure Gov-
ernment, the 625 deputies of your National
Assembly will face you for a day of reckoning.
Making an inference from your post-war
electoral history, you soon will return six ma-
jor intransigent parties to office, from LEFT
to RIGHT: the Communists, Socialists, Popu-
lar Republicans, the Radical Alliance, the Con-
servative Alliance, and the Gaullists. As if,
you soukht to achieve a sort of distributive
justice, you will deliver approximately one
sixth of the Assembly seats to each party.
What will the next half decade bring? Again,
taking a lesson from your post-war history,
about ten Premiers and their cabinets will fall
or quit in frustration during the five year
reign of the Assembly you are soon to elect.
The stagnation and frustration of positive po-
litical action in the Assembly for the next half
decade will only rub salt into your present
political wounds.
The current brushfires of nationalism in
your North African 'colonies will be handled in
an inconsistant way by half a score of gov-
ernments. The already emaciated Treasury
will continue to be underweight as the farmdrs
and the industrialists ingeniously dodge the
tax collector.
The disgruntled, fixed-income laborers will
continue to shoulder 70% of the tax load and
will carry their troubles to the sympathetic
ear of the Communist Party. Your country
will remain only as a hitclhhiker of the Big
Three, going along with the decisions of the
United States and Britain or being disregarded.
And your military strength will be anything
but formidable-possibly even inferior to Ger-
many, your recent conqueror. Nazism isn't
dead in Germany and your weakness and dis-
unity could encourage it.
THIS is what you may correctly anticipate
for five or more years to come unless you
experience an enlightenment, perhaps revolu-
tion, in political thought-unless you learn to
translate the divergent ideologies of your
political spectrum into a considerable degree of
political positivism.
The love of liberty and the idealism that
pervades the French character are admirable
traits. But, still, you lack the one ideal that
makes all others politically effective-compro-
The political parties, in which you express
your idealism, hold tenuously to the whole of
the ideal, feeling that a compromise between

parties means the shattering of the ideal. You
equate compromise with surrender to authori-
ty, the "authority" being the aspiring idealism'
of another political party.
In the United States, individuals, groups,
geographical regions, and political parties also
have ideals-ideals in which they believe deep-
ly. But, we have seen the efficacy of compro-
mising our ideals to achieve a considerable
degree of political positivism. You would be
hard put to prove that consequently we enjoy
Mess liberty.
Admittedly the analogy is defective to some
extent. There is more than a nominal dif-
ference between our countries. Our history
isn't dotted with instances of "authority" en-
croachments upon "liberty;" your scarred mind
can't forget Napoleon Bonaparte, the coup
d'etat of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, the near
coup of General Bolanger, the Dreyfus inci-
dent, and recently, the collaborationist Vichy
OF COURSE you can't forget your turbulent
history and you shouldn't. But, your his-
tory should reveal to you your pitiful failure
to gel the liberty-authority relationship.
Hereisyour weakness and your paradox,
Frenchman. You claim and cherish independ-
ence and liberty; each of you supposes himself
to be the architect of his own destiny. But,
for good or for evil, the state in the Twentieth
Century determines almost entirely the inde-
pendence, liberty, and welfare of the populous.
Your political parties, .however, have not given
your democratic state an essential in doing
its job. That essential is-compromise. So, in
reality, the destiny of each pf you is not in-
dividually charted; the chaos and inaction of
the state charts it.
Mendes-France, in a recent attack on your
electoral system, quipped, "You can't cauterize
a wooden leg." This could equally apply to
the French mind as it manifests itself in poli-
If your minds can see the efficacy--the
Twentieth Century necessity--of political com-
promise, Frence need no longer be plagued
with the political negativism and economic
sickness she is experiencing currently.
If the four major democratic parties of your
country (Socialists, M.R.P., Radical Socialists,
and the Conservative Alliance) can see the
"necessity" of facing the electorate with com-
promising spirit among themselves this June,
you, as voters, can give them collectively af
mandate to "govern," something which you
haven't experienced from the Fourth Republic.

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Foreign A ffairs Optimism

THIS IS the season when the
American people give thanks
for their blessings. It is also a
time when there seems little to
be thankful for regarding the
dream held out at Geneva last July
for peace with a powerful poten-
tial enemy.
John Foster Dulles has just
given a report to President Eisen-
hower which was more blunt and
more pessimistic than that which
he gave to the American people
that the Geneva Conference was a
flat failure. He told the President
in unvarnished language that there
seemed no hope of getting along
with Russia and that the cold war
was on again full force.
Simultaneously, Premier Bul-
ganin and Party Boss Khrushchev
are being received with wild ac-
claim in the Middle East; are
making extravagant offers of eco-
nomic aid to India, Burma and
* * *
bassador James Conant in Ger-
many has cabled that a group of
German businessmen known as
the Konigstein Circle already has
started confidential talks with East
German Communists for a deal
between Russia and Germany.
Dulles also must report to the
President, if he has not already

done so, that another meeting in
Geneva is badly bogged down -
that between the United States
and Red China. U.S. representa-
tives discussing prisoners and oth-
er problems with the Chinese Com-
munists in Geneva have refused a
Chinese request for a meeting next
spring between Secretary Dulles
and Premier Chou En-lai.
As a result, the Chinese are
about to pull out of the Geneva
talks, and can be expected to begin
bombarding Quemoy and Matsu
shortly thereafter. This will re-
vive the Formosa crisis, quiescent
since last May.
The reason Dulles refuses to talk
to Chou En-lai is quite simple. An
election is upcoming in the United
States. So Dulles doesn't want to
lay a Republican Administration
open to criticism for going farther
that the Democrats did in talking
to Red China.
* 4 -
THE INJECTION of politics into
foreign affairs incidentally, is one
thing we should be most unthank-
ful for today.
For when you consider the Gen-
eya Conference carefully, you will
find its failure resulted partly from
politics. It resulted from the fact
that the Geneva summit meeting
was built up into a great triumph
when actually it was no triumph-
merely a hazardous but very worth

while start on a most difficult path
to peace.
Reason it was built into such a
triumph was pure politics. The
Madison Avenue boys around Ei-
senhower saw Geneva as a great
propaganda weapon to make him
run again. He was, of course, re-
luctant even then. But they saw
Geneva as a chance to sell the
public on demanding the re-elect-
ing of the indispensable man.
The Eisenhower popularity pofl,
it will be recalled, shot way up
after Geneva. He had been having
"trouble over Dixon-Yates, the be-
ginning of the Harold Talbott
scandal, failure to pass a school
bill, a highway bill, over the bung-
ling of Salk Vaccine, and the in-,
eptitude of Mrs. Hobby.
But suddenly these domestic
problems and bunglings faded to
insignificance as the Geneva sum-
mit meeting gave the Madison
Avenue boys the chance to usher
in a new era of Republican peace.
* * *
ACTUALLY, Ike did a good job
at Geneva. That was my opinion,
and I was there. But what he did.
was make a start toward the solu-
tion of an extremely difficult
problem which could not be solved
in a week, a month, or a year and
which should not have been fan-
ned up as a great victory by the
political propagandists.
(Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

"Magnificat." This work takes as
Gospel according to St. Luke. Th
cellently although the soloists se
to the
Just Ignore Them.*.
To the Editor:
N ANSWER to the letters from
Michigan State: It is my op-
inion that the best policy is to
ignore these inanities.
-Dale W. Priester, '58
Wrong Term...
To the Editor:
IN HER editorial of last Friday,
Mary Ann Thomas expressed a
concern that the "Democrat" Par-
ty is in danger of becoming a one-
class party. This letter is written
to allay her fears.
The Democratic Party draws its
support from all walks of life.
Each citizen tends to vote for the
candidates whom he believes will
best promote his own interests
and those of the community. The
man who cannot find such sup-
port in the Republican Party will
seek it in the Democratic Party.
This is as true of the small busi-
nessman or professional man as it
is of the working man.
Trends of this type need not pol-
arize the political community. The
political market, like the econom-
ic, is competitive, and each party
is free to woo the voters. This is
illustrated by the 1952 trend in
the Republican direction. T h a t
party, too, has its labor support.
Miss Thomas' use of the term
"class" is unfortunate. Rigid soc-
ial stratification is not the Amer-
ican way. For that very reason,
campaign emphasis on this theme
tends to alienate the typical voter,
even though it may appeal to the
already convinced, e.g., those who
say "Roosevelt was a traitor to
his class."
If Republicans are concerned
about the electoral drift to their
opponents, they are free to offer
a program which will appeal to a
majority of voters. That is, if the
hard core of their party will let
Incidentally, it is clear from
your masthead that the respon-
sibility for each editorial rests
with its writer, and not with the
Daily. It would seem, however,
that the Daily still bears a respon-
sibility in matters of grammer and
fact. The name of the organiza-
tion is the Democratic Party.
-Charles H. Hubbell
Distorted Reporting...
To the Editor:
F OLOWING THE hysterical de-
nunciation of the University
of Michigan football team that has
appeared in the metropolitan
press, I would like to say a few
words in defense of our fellows.
As a life-long fan, I am proud of
the team's performance in the
Ohio State game and feel sure
-that the players were justified, if
not tactful, in any exchanges they
may have had with the field of-
Unfortunately, many millions of
football followers who rely on the
press for their only coverage of
the game are forced to accept- a
distorted version of the proceed-
ings. The sports "scribes," as they
call themselves, made capital of
the bitterness and misunderstand-
ings of the final few minutes to
shame the oldest and finest foot-
ballaggegaionin the Mdwest

for alleged poor sportsmanship.
I also submit that it was not
the Michigan team that went
"wild" and caused penalty mark-
ers to fall like rain and turn the
contest into a farce. One Detroit
newspaper, which itself went wild
with hearts-and-flowers recrim-
inations, reported in consicuously
that "the officials . . . permitted
the game to get completely out of
What can be said about Ohio
State's sportsmanship in using
what appeared to be a variation of
the outlawed flying wedge to pro-
vide interference for Buckeye ball
What can be said for the rabid
O'hiofnsf w~ zho e aPvd.aaA nzM.a r, d!

its text the canticle of Mary in the
e Chorale performed this work ex-
emed to have trouble overcoming
the sound of the orchestra.
The program continued with Ar-
thur Honegger's "King David."
This work written in the early
1920's has many characteristics of
today's musical drama. Although
most of the vocal lines are lyrical,
beginnings of the current declama-
Cory style sometimes break through.
At times the music also ap-
proaches the atonal writing found
in recent operas. A narrator re-
lates the action of the Old Testa-
ment stories of David while the
chorus reflects and comments, as
in a Greek drama.
C * C
AFTER GIVING wonderful per-
formances of these two works the
Chorale completely captivated its
audience with gay light encores
such as "The Yellow Rose of
A woodwind section that played
out of tune most of the evening
distracted greatly from what was
otherwise a fine orchestral accom-
paniment. The brass and string
sections produced a remarkably
full tone in spite of their small
-Bruce Jacobson
THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be i


General Notices

Politics Is Fun', Reporter Finds

Force Still Rules Humanity

Associated Press News Analyst
THE GENERAL Assembly of the United
Nations has been in session now for nine
weeks. On few days has its activity attracted
much attention.
The pattern of world affairs today is not the
pattern of peace, but the pattern of violence
and threat of violence.
In a world where men have reasoned their
way to at least a partial understanding of the
universe, they still seem far away from the
wisdom needed to arrange their political affairs.
The French are pouring troops into an effort
to halt terrorism in Morocco. There's fighting
in the streets of Bombay. Indonesian govern-
ment troops fight sporadically with rebel forces
throughout the islands.
The British are having to renew their mili-
tary campaigns against Communist guerrilla
forces in Malaya, and meet rioting on Cyprus
with force.
$ift . *

Men are dying almost daily along the Egyp-
tian-Israeli border and there is definite threat
of war.
REMNANTS of Vietminh Communist forces
are still fighting in Laos in violation of the
Geneva truce. Remnants of Chiang Kai-shek's
nationalist forces which fled to Burma under
Communist pressure are still fighting the Bur.
mese much after the fashion of bandits.
In Latin America the two most powerful
countries, Brazil and Argentina, are governed
only with the help of troops.
In South Africa natives are forcibly removed
from their homes as a nationalist government
seeks to establish what the United States is
tryng so hard to disestablish - racial segrega-
The Russian government still considers that
its only good opponents are dead opponents,
although there will be little world sympathy
for the late Lavrenty Beria's secret police aides.
THIS LIST of physical violences, which could
be expanc1dd with only a, ile1cr .r~.r.-i

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Miss Wiley, along
with Daily reporters Lewis Ham-
burger and Peter Eckstein, recently
attended the Democratic National
Committee meeting in Chicago. News
stories and editorials by the three
writers have appeared in The Daily.
This is an account of some of the
comment and color heard and seen
during the three-day attendance at
the meeting.)
Daily Staff Writer
IN SUITE 1400 of the Conrad
Hilton Hotel, political writers
like James Reston, Bob Considine,
W. H. Lawrence, Hub George,
Frank Morris, George Tagge, Rob-
ert Howard and Charles Cleveland
sat at the long wooden typewriter
The Democratic National Com-
mittee was meeting, and Suite 1400
had the only bipartisan air in the
whole building.
When we frst entered that suite
last Thursday morning, we felt
slightly intimidated. But we were
proud to be representing the only
collegiate newspaper there.
The Committee was holding its
intial meeting, which was closed
to the press, so at 11:00 we went
to see Estes Kefauver's publicity
He had a glass of scotch and
soda and tired eyes that smilingly
lit up at routine questions about
Kefauver announcing his candi-
dacy in December.
AFTERWARD, snatching one of
the twenty-odd elevators Hilton

The State Chairman from Ore-
gon asked us if we were Young
Democrat members. When we told
him who were were, he said, "Are
you going to the Rose Bowl?"
Up on the Tower's second floor,
every reporter began taking notes
while Mitchell spoke.
WE FELT like we were back in
a college lecture, except that no
one was asleep, and Mitchell knew
most of the reporters' names and
whether thay had had donkeys or
elephants on the '52 campaign
Laughingly beginning with a
comment about not saying a
prayer to begin the conference,
Mitchell said that no meeting re-
sults would be kept from news-
men as those of the Republicans
allegedly were.
When he said there would be
loyalty oaths for the '56 National
Convention, he added that several
Democrats who were Republicans
nationally and Democrats locally
were going to be kept out of the
* * * -
A REPORTER asked who these
people were. Mitchell looked at
him and said, "Oh, they're not in
"Chicago Tribune" territory."
Then he mentioned Governor
Shivers from Texas as one of the
That afternoon, Suite 1400 was
filled with grumblings about the
closed meetings scheduled for
Thursday and Friday.

anecdote about Staebler, ending
happily with, "Politics is fun!"
* * *
BEFORE the luncheon speaker
began, we went upstairs to wait
for Kefauver's press conference at
Kefauver's publicity manager
stood in back of him and Martha
Ragland sat on his right. Ques-
tions were quckly snapped out
when Kefauver mentioned that
the National Committee had
shown favoritism for Stevenson, a
breach of the Committee's non-
favoritism standing.
We went to ask Adlai Steven-
son about this in the Madrid Suite,
second largest in the hotel. Pic-
tures of bullfighters were on the
walls and we stood next to one
called "Death Thrust."
Stevenson was talking to twQ of
his women supporters. Fragments
of sentences like, "He's not in the
White House very much, you
know," and "He's not playing golf,
just putting around," came to our
ears along with laughter.
* * .
SUDDENLY Stevenson was
shaking our hands. He said he
knew nothing of Committee favor-
Then he left, commenting,
"Working for college newspapers
is good, isn't it? I used to work
for the 'Daily Princetonian,' you
That night we went to Mayor
Richard J. Daley's cocktail party
where we shook hands with newly-
arrived Averell Harriman.

Regents' Meeting: Tues.; Dec. 13.
Communications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Dec. 5.
TIAA -- College Retirement Equities
Fund. Participants in the Teachers In-
surance and Annuity Association retire-
ment program who wish to change their
contributions to the College Retirement
Equities Fund or to apply for or discon-
tinue participation in the Equities
Fund, will be able to make such changes
before Dec. 15, 1955.
Staff members who have one-fourth
or one-third of the contributions to
TIAA allocated to CREF may wish to
change to a one-half basis, or go from
the latter to a one-fourth or one-third
The Air Force Officer Qualification
Test (Stanine) required for admission
to the advanced corps of AFROTO
Cadets, will be given Thurs. and Fri.,
Dec. 1 and 2 in Kellogg Auditorium.
Testing periods extend from 7:00 p.m.
to 11:00 p.m. Attendance at both ses-
sions is mandatory.
Astronomy Department Visitors' Night.
(For ochildren and adults; individual
hildren must be accompanied by adults,
and in the case of groups of school
children, there must be at least one
adult for every five children.) Fri., Nov.
25, 8:00 p.m., Room 2003 Angell Hall. Dr.
Lawrence H. Aler will talk on "Star
Systems," after which the Student Ob-
servatory on the fifth floor of Angell
Hal will be open for inspection and
for telescopic observations of the Moon.
Carillon Recital by Sidney Giles, As-
sistant University Carillonneur, pre-
viously announced for Thanksgiving
Day, will be Fri., Nov. 25, at 7:15 p.m.
Compositions by Franssen, Nees, verdi,
Donizetti, saint-Saens, and Pleyel.
Academic Notices
Sociology Coffee Hour. Graduate stu-
dents and faculty in Sociology and
Social Psychology, today at 4:00 p.m. in
the Sociology Lounge.
Events Today
Free Film. Museums Bldg., 4th floor
Exhibit Hall. "Let's Look at Elephants"
and "Four Minute Mile," Nov. 22-28.
Daily at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., including
Sat. and Sun., extra showing Wed. at
Placement Notices
WTVB, Coldwater, Michigan-wants a


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