23, 1955
Soph Scandals' Themes DisclosedE | Late Peru
ission Pla
"Westcapades" will be the over-
all theme of this year's Soph Scan-
dals, to be presented Friday and
Saturday, Dec. 2 and 3 in the
In one floor show, "Westcapadia"
will represent the old West with
the story of a girl who finds that
a deserted ghost town is quite
capable of coming to life.
"'Westward Ha," a modern ver-
sion of the West, which is the
theme of the other floor show,
tells of the trials and tribulations'
of a group from Miss Primm's
Camp for Girls and their escapades;
in the legendary western desert.
Rules of Order
To Be Discussed
At Union Lecture
With the aim to aid both those
trained and untrained in meeting
procedure, the Union will hold its
annual parliamentary procedure
lecture from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Tuesday in Rm. 36 of the Union.
Prof. Fred J. Stevenson, recog-
nized as one of the outstanding
authorities in the field, will be the
He has edited many pamphlets
'on the rules and use of parliamen-
tary procedure.
"A similar meeting has been
available to students of the Uni-
versity since 1949," Fred Williams,
chairman of Union Social Com-
mittee, remarked. "It has grown
to become a traditional part of
Union service's," he added.
Decorations to Portray Theme
Decorations, headed by Barbara
Perlman, will also carry out the
Western idea in the Ballroom, con-
course and other rooms
Representative western charac-
ters and decorations depicting typ-
ical western life will appear on the
partitions of the second floor. A
little "Westcapades" pigtailer will
appear as a unifying decoration
outside the Ballroom, in the Hussy
Rm. and inside the square dance
In the Ballroom, providing the
downbeat, will be Paul Brodie and
his band. Along with his regular
dance music, Brodie will include a
few western numbers
Western Setting
Decorations for the ballroom will
consist of a three dimensional
western stage setting. A red and
yellow mountain back-drop will
set off the figures of horse, rider
cactus and other western repre-
sentations to be done in silhou-
Huge wagon wheels and cow
skulls will be set up on opposite
sides of the Ballroom.
A square dance will be held in
the Vandenberg Rm. with Jack
Redd and his three piece band
consisting of a banjo, fiddle and
piano, will supplysthe square dance
Old Red Barn
The traditional old red barn
will form the entrance to the
square dance room with decora-
tions of banjos, fiddles and square
dancers hanging from the panel-
An authentic Western Bar will
be set up in the Michigam Rm.
"Westcapadia" and "Westward
Ha" will be presented in the Hussy
Rm. which will be decorated like
an old time movie house.
Poker chips, gold nuggets, three
dimensional cards and dice will
make up the decorations for the
Ann Arbor and Kalamazoo Rms.
The Ann Arbor Rm, will be used
for the game room while the Kla-
mazoo Rm. is the patrons room.
National Honorary Sorority
Reveals Names of Pledges
Parents Announce Engagements
Moeller - Retzlaiff
The engagement of CarolynBet- Frankensteen-Branoff Jalon - Kilar
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Frank- Clare Jalon's engagement
ty Moeller to Ernest Retzlaff, son ensteen of. Detroit, announce the Kilar, son of Mr. and Mrs.
of Mrs. Helene Retzlaff of Los An- engagement of their daughter, Kilar of Detroit, was ann
'geles, Calif., was announced by Lindy, to Tony Branoff, son of by her parents, Dr. and M
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mr. and Mrs. Vasil Branoff of seph J. Jalon of Detroit.
G. Moeller of Saginaw. Flint. Miss Jalon, a junior in I
Miss Moeller is a senior in the M i s s Frankensteen attended erary college, is affiliated w
School of Education and is affili- Michigan State College. pha Gamma Delta.
ated with Alpha Gamma Delta. Mr. Branoff, whowillgraduate Mr. Kilar, who is in l
Mr. Retzlaff received his Ph.D. in June, has been a member of school, is a member of Alp]
in physiology at the University the varsity football squad for four Omega and Phi Rho Sigm
and is now doing neurophysiologi- years. He is also a member of Phi __
cal research in the College of Med- Kappa Sigma.
icine at the University of Illinois. The couple is planning an Au- THE INTERNATION
A June wedding is planned. gust wedding.
at the V
WAA Presents Schedule Uniersity of Mk
Admission $1.00 for adults
For Basketba II Tournament starting Tues., Nov. 22.
Alpha Delta chapter of Lambda
Kappa Sigma, national honorary
pharmaceutical sorority, announc-
ed its pledge class recently.
Sandra Brauman, president of
the sorority, reported that the
group pledged 23 women this se-
mester. She added that this was
K '
f .
s .
the largest pledge class in chapter
The pledges are Audrey Dorste-
witz, Maureen Frank, Irma Glau-
berman, Elaine Green, Joan
Gross, Elaine Grosso, Nedra Hall,
Marilyn Houck and Markaret Hsie.
- The group continues with Nan-
cy Jamieson, Barbara Johnson,
Pat Keegan, Camille Klack, Mar-
lagene Krasneski, Saralia Markin,
Shirley Miekka, Claire Milstein,
Barbara Stashak, Felicia Wajceck,
Kathryn Wood, Shirley Worrell,
Joanne Yagelo and Josephine
A woman is selected for this sor-
ority if she is outstanding in char-
acter, scholarship and ability.
Lambda Kappa Sigma is the
oldest and largest pharmaceutical
sorority. It has 33 active chapters
and 15 graduate chapters.
Trip Scheduled
A trip to the Ford Rouge
plant in Dearborn has been
scheduled for Friday by the In-
ternational Center for all-in-
terested students.
Buses will leave , at 9 a.m.
fronm the Center.
After a tour through the in-.
dustrial plant, the group will
be given an opportunity to see
the Ford Archives at the Henry
Ford estate.
Students will eat lunch in the
cafeteria of the Ford Admini-
stration Building.
Why do more coilege
men and women smoke
than any other
filter cigarette?
Schedule for the first week of
the WAA-sponsored coed basktet-
ball tournament, .which will be-
gin Monday, has been announced
Matches will be held as follows:
Monday at 5:10 p.m.
Geddes House versus Stockwell
Hall, Team I
Tuesday at 5:10 p.m.
Delta Delta Delta versus Phi
Beta Phi, Team I
Tues,'ay at 7:15 p.m.
Kieinsteck Hall, Team II versus
Sigma Kappa
Fletcher Hall versus Jordan Hall,
Team I
Wednesday at 5:10 p.m.
Chi Omega versus Pi Beta Phi,
Team II
Palmer House versus Sigma Del-
ta Tau
Wednesday at 7:15 p.m.
Masher Hall, Team III versus
Kleinstueck Hall, Team I
Thursday at 5:10 p.m.
Sorosis versus Hobbs House
Delta Gamma versus Alpha Chi
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