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Sigma Nu's Plan White Rose Ball
Parties, Union Dances
To Highlight Weekend
To Feature
Roses, Pool
The annual White Rose Ball
presented by Sigma Nu and honor-
ing Alpha Tau Omega will be held
from 9 p.m. until midnight to-
morrow in the League Ballroom.
Members of every fraternity and
sorority on campus have been in-
vited to the dance which will fea-
ture the music of Don Kennedy
and his orchestra in the main Ball-
room of the League. Carol Ken-
nedy's trio will entertain in the
Vandenberg Room. Intermission
entertainment will also be provid-
Over 500 couples are expected
to attend the traditional ball, ac-
cording to George McIntyre, the
dance chairman. All groups have
been requested to turn in their
ticket requisitions as soon as pos-
Decorations Feature Pool
Decorations for the affair will
follow the white rose theme. A
pool surrounded by white flowers
will be the center of attention.
Lighted candles will float on the
The black suede cover of the
program will feature Sigma Nu's
white crest and a white rose with
green leaves.
Dates of the Sigma Nu's will be
presented with white roses and the
Sigma Nu's will wear white bou-
tonnieres. The ATO's will wear
red. ones.
Hosts to Dress Formally
Sigma Nu's and their dates will
be dressed in formal attire while
other guests should wear semi-
formal apparel, with formals be-
ing appropriate for the women and7
dark suits for men.
Photographers will be present
to take pictures of individual
couples for souvenirs.
Prior to the dance, members of1
Sigma Nu visit every sorority house1
on campus and invite them to the
dance. At this time the house-1
mother is presented with a long-
stemmed white rose.t
Roses Publicize Dance<
Other publicity has been scat-c
-Daily-Hal Leeds
WHITE ROSE BALL-George McIntyre, chairman of Sigma Nu's
White Rose Ball, presents a white rose to Mrs. Olive Atwood,
Delta Gamma house mother, as Judy VerMeulen, president of the
sorority, looks on. White Rose Ball, given annually in honor of
ATO, will be held from 9 p.m. to midnight tomorrow at the
Little Club...
Coeds and their dates will be
able to forget about the approach-
ing midterm examinations and
spend a few hours of relaxation
from 9 p.m. to midnight tonight
at the Union's Little Club.
On hand to entertain students
will be Harry Gaines and his four
piece band, made up of bass,
drums, piano and sax.
Couples who want to take a
"breather," or just sit and talk can
take advantage of the cafe-like
atmosphere of red-checked table
cloths and wax candleholders so
familiar to Little Club fans.
Intermission time will feature
vocal selections by The Four Coun-
Record Dances...
The Michigan Union will pre-
sent a record dance from 9 p.m. to
midnight and from 8 to 10:30 p.m.
on Sunday in the Union Ball-
Popular recordings of such band-
leaders as Les Elgart, Les Brown
and Harry James will be featured
at both dances.
Union officials invite any inter-
ested couples to attend, emphasiz-
ing the fact that the entertain-
ment is offered free of charge and
that an informal, relaxed atmos-
phere will prevail.
These dances are sponsored by
the Union dance committee, whose
chairman is George Henrich.
Other Events...
While some University students
follow the team to Illinois by train,
car and plane, the rest of the
campus will be entertained at a
wide variety of parties.
The Alpha Omicron Pi's will
begin their weekend with a hay-
ride followed by a dance tonight
while the Gilbert and Sullivan So-
ciety will hold a record dance and
song fest at Lane Hall.
Square dances will be in full
swing tomorrow night with par-
ties at Allen Rumsey and Hins-
dale Houses. Rumsey is featur-
ing a fall theme while Hinsdale's
party is being held at the Fresh
Air Camp.
Kappa Sigma and Van Tyne
House are both planning Parisien
costume parties, a combo will en-
tertain at Kappa Sigma and re-
cords at Van Tyne.
The Chinese and Hawaiian Stu-
dent's Clubs are co-sponsoring a
program at Lane Hall with a dance
Guests at Gomberg House will
attend an open-house followed by
a sock hop while couples at Hay-
den House will dance at the "Fire-
side Fling."
An open house will also be held
by Phi Delta Phi following a listen-
ing party during the game while
the theme at Alpha Chi Sigma fra-
ternity will be a gambling party.
Henderson House plans to hold
an informal open-open house Sun-
day afternoon to be given in honor
of their parents. All campus is
invited to attend.
Fletcher Hall's listening party
will be held in the lounge and
men who were former residents are
invited to attend.
I-M Building
To Sponsor
Open House
An open house will be held from
7:30 to 10:30 p.m. today at the
Intramural Building to acquaint
students with the facilities avail-
The free affair which is open
to all students will feature ex-
hibitions in swimming, diving,
volleyball, badminton, trampoline
and gymnastics.
Highlighting the e v e n I n g 's
events will be a volley match be-
tween the men of Gomberg House
and the nurses of Couzen I team
and a swimming and diving com-
petition between members of Sig-
ma Nu and several University
Alpha chapter of Sigma Alpha
Iota, professional music frater-
nity for women, will be host from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow to the
annual SAI state convention,
Honored guests of Alpha chapter
for the convention will be Mrs.
Edwin Sherrill of Detroit and
Georgina Potts of Toledo, 0., the
only two living founders of the
The theme for the convention is
"Standards of Sigma Alpha Iota."
Speaking on that topic at a
discussion for the active members
will be Mrs. Leroy Lynn, Alpha
province president; Lottie Hutzel,
national finance counselor, Ar-
lene Sollenberger, a member of
the School of Music voice faculty;
and Marilyn Mason Brown, a
member of the School of Music
Organ faculty.
One of the highlights of the
day will be a model initation serv-
ice at which Yvonne Yinger and
Yuri Yamamoto, pledges from the
Iota Pi Chapter at Albion College
will be initiated.
An informal tea for women
interested in the Mademoiselle
College Board Contest will be
held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. to-
day at the Michigan League.
Ellen Adams, a former guest
editor on the magazine, will
speak to coeds and answer any
questions which they may have
about the contest.
I .
Music Fraternity To Host
State's AnnualConvention
o t +
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tered around campus with white
roses being painted on the diagon-
al and other prominent places.
The White Rose Hall, has long
been traditional between Sigma
Nu and ATO. Both fraternities or-
iginated at the Virginia Military
Institute and the dance was first
presented there in the spring to
climax a series of rivalries between
the two groups.
Since the dance is traditional,
chapters all over the country now
present it every year. Though the
dance is usually a spring affair, it
is presented here at Michigan dur-
ing the fall because of conflicts
with other spring formals.
ATO To Return Honor
Members of Alpha Tau Omega
return the honor by presenting
their Blackfoot Ball in honor of
the Sigma Nu's later in the year.
Chairman of the dance is George
McIntyre with Guy Martinson and
Al Sarros as assistant chairmen.
Carl York is in charge of the de-
corations and Larry Hardy is
chairman of publicity. In charge
of patrons and invitations is Gary
According to McIntyre tickets to
the annual affair are available
free of charge to members of cam-
pus fraternities.
Rotary Foundation
To Give Students
Study Fellowships
Fellowships for one year of ad-
vanced study abroad, open to sen-
iors and graduate students, are
being offered by the Rotary Foun-
Available to permanent resi-
dents of this area, the fellowships
are designed to provide an oppor-
tunity for young men and women
to live, study, and travel abroad.
The Rotary Foundation Fellow-
ship is based upon the develop-
ment of better international un-
derstanding. Applicants therefore,
must echo this interest in world
affairs, and should have a good
understanding of the history, cul-
ture, economics, and geography
of the country in which they de-
sire to study.
Anyone"interested should con-
tact Gaston Sigur of the Inter-
national Center for additional in-
formation. All applications must
be in before Friday, Nov. 11.
be a Soph Scandals ushers com-
mittee meeting at 3 p.m., today
at the League.
for Hillelzapoppin Central Com-
mittee will be held from 4 p.m. to
6 p.m. today at the Hillel Foun-
dation at 1429 Hill St.
Chairmenships a v a i l a b 1 e are
ticket sales, financial, program,
stage manager and supervisor.
* * *
dance sponsored by the Y-Squares
will be held from 8:30 p.m. to
midnight tomorrow at the YMCA
Building. Instruction will be pro-
vided.;There will be a charge for
couples who are not affiliated with
the YMCA.
* * *
ter-cultural outing sponsored by
Lane Hall tomorrow and Sunday
will be held at Saline Valley. Ja-
panese food and songs will high-
light the occasion. Transportation
will be provided for all students
who wish to attend. Reservations
may be made at Lane Hall.
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Campus Religious Groups
To Present Varied Events
The cold weather has not af-
fected the religious functions as
varied programs are being plan-
ned for this weekend.
From 9 p.m. to midnight this
evening the Newman Club of St.
Mary's Chapel will hold a record
dance at the Father Richard Cen-
ter. At 7 p.m. on Sunday an In-
itiation party and meeting will be
held for all new students. Every-
one interested is invited to attend.
"Hillel is a Hoppin'" will be the
theme of a dance featuring Earl
Pearson's band to be held tomor-
row at the Foundation. At 6 p.m.
Sunday the Supper Club will hold
a delicatessen dinner followed by
a record dance.
The Lutheran Student Chapel's
university group will present an
organ, built and d'esigned by Rob-
ert Noehren, to the Center. The
dedication service will be held at
11 a.m. Sunday and a recital will
be given in the evening.
Tonight and tomorrow evening
the I-M building will be the scene
of a coed Splash Party for the
students of the Roger William
Guild and the Wesleyan Guild.
The Presbyterian Student - Cen-
ter will be "whistling while they
work" tonight and tomorrow as
they paint and sew drapes for the
redecorating of their student
The Congregational and Disci-
ples Guild are hoping that Island
Park will be the scene of their
weiner roast at 8:30 p.m. tonight.
Woolens are in order for the oc-
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