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November 04, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-11-04

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- Sixty-Sixth Year

"Would You Say You Favor Some Kinds
Of Rigid Support?"
- - - d

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This- must be noted in all reprints.

VEMBER 4, 1955


Better Job of Campaigning
Needed In SGC Race

THE SGC elections are but two weeks away.
Candidates have two weeks in which to
plaster a myriad of posters around the dorms,
sororities, and fraternities.
They have two weeks to interrupt meals and
present their various campaign speeches to
students who are more interested in eating
than listening.
This year, the elections fall under the juris-
diction of an SGC subcommittee, the Central
Elections Committee. While this committee
is doing a great deal of work in attempting to
promote students' interest in voting, they fall
short of establishing certain "rules" for cam-
paigning which might benefit election results.
Campaign posters should be limited in num-
ber and size so that each candidate's populari-
ty would not be determined simply by the num-
ber of posters he could afford to put up. By
doing this, another problem of cluttering up
every and any available space with posters
would be eliminated. After a period of poster
cluttering, students become completely obliv-
ious to the posters, thus extinguishing the very
purpose of the posters.
MEALTIME campaigning tends to make the
students more antagonistic to the candi-
dates. It means that the students must stop
their eating and talking to listen to election
speeches. After each candidate has taken his
turn, it is usually difficult connecting the faces
and the individual platforms.

True, the candidates do face the problem of
assembling the students in order to talk with
them. However, with a little cooperation from
the dorms, fraternities and sororities, house
meetings could be arranged after meal hours
by the Central Elections Committee at which
time the candidates could present their various
stands and answer questions.
At such meetings, the primary impression
that a candidate makes upon the students is of
course important. This impression "should not"
be made merely by the physical appearance of
the candidate, but rather by clear, logical
speeches which could be presented extempor-
aneously and informally for interest.
This problem also lies with the students who
should know their student government enough
not to be swayed by merely "nice sounding"
speeches which convey absolutely nothing. If
the students want a good representative student
government, it is up to them to find out
about the various candidates' qualifications, to
listen critically to what they say and to ask
pertinent questions.
IT IS too easy to say, "I don't want to go
listen to any election speeches. They're us-
ually dull anyway." It is too easy to vote,
blindly choosing candidates merely by the sound
of the names or by checking every other name.
It is also too easy to criticize the student gov-
ernment, once put in office, about conflicting

Humphrey Looking for Out I

No Gain
In Geneva
This Time
Associated Press News Analyst
AMERICAN efforts to accentuate
the positive at Geneva fall far
short of eliminating the negative.
Secretary Dulles enumerates sev-
eral po:nts where East-West view-
points are approaching each other.
The West seems to be taking the
propaganda line that, since nego-
tiations can be continued, the for-
eign ministers conference is a posi-
tive gain. It's not easy to swal-
Indeed, while the ministers have
shown no signs of any real agree-
ment, the Russians have again in-
jected into these discussions an
element of discord which has been
played down in formal conferences
for some time.
S * * *
THAT IS the everlasting Rus-
sian effort to advance Communist
Molotov coolly laid it back on
the conference table with his in-
sistence that any solution of the
German problem must include pro-
tection for Communist institutions
in East Germany. He denied the
right of the German people as a
whole to have any voice in that.
The Russian "new look" also
has been badly spattered by her
admission, after hiding for a time
behind the claim that it was
Czech business, that the Commun-
ist arms deal with Egypt was
really made in retaliation against
the new Northern Tier Middle East
defense pact.
It is notable, too, that the re-
cently announced Communist slo-
gans for another year returned in
many respects to the Stalin line,
even to quoting from his prescrip-
tions for expansion.
* * .
THE WEST needs to be very
sure that in continuingtthe pres-
ent negotiations against all hope
of agreement its is not playing
Russia's'own tune.
As Witch
ALTHOUGH Veronica Lake, her
long golden hair nearly bi-
secting her face, and Frederick
March, his firm-set jaw bravely
defying the small screen, turn in
swinging performances in Marc
Connelly and , Robert Pirosh's
screen-play about a beautiful
young witch who pops out of a
tree into the life of a respectable
New England gubernatorial candi-
date to perform wonderful and
wicked feats of magic which turn
his previously well-ordered affairs
into a Hollywood-type shambles,
and Rene Clair does an admirable
job with the cameras, whipping up
the story's tempo into a near fren-
zy, "I Married a Witch," currently
at the Architecture Auditorium,
has one serious defect which
keeps it from being a truly great
comedy: the film's characters are
not in themselves funny because

they are not made real-the situ-
ational gimmick is too heavily re-
lied upon with not enough atten-
tion to the really comic aspects of
the people whom the picture is
-Phil Breen

Pep In The Right Direction

SHARP, foresighted planning may be elimin-
ating a panty raid fiasco after the coming
Ohio State pep rally. The proposed pep pro-
gram passed in part by SGC Wednesday should
provide top-notch, organized entertainment.
- At the same time it should stimulate fans'
spirit for what may be the Big Ten cham-
pionship game.
SOC members were apprehensive as they
looked over pep rally plans. They asked ques-
tions carefully hoping to nip weaknesses that
would turn pep rally spirit into chaos. They

found to their surprise and pleasure, the Central
Pep Rally had convincing answers. Chairman
Myki Gold left those at SGC thinking Michigan
spirit would be channelled directly to the foot-
ball team November 18.
Across the road in the clubhouse, the team
should be happy to know students are aiming
their spirit toward the team and not the
women's dorms.
Managing Editor

Murry Frymer -
>r> Toledo Expose Offers No Facts

THE man upon whom President
Eisenhower leans most heavily
while he is well and who is decid-
ing major policy while he is ill,
does not at all enjoy being in the
government. In fact, he wants to
get out, definitely and categori-
cally, at the end of 1956.
He is George M. Humphrey, Sec-
retary of the Treasury, most po-
tent member of the Cabinet and
one of the most potent business-
men in the world.
Despite his reluctance, Humph-
rey is on the list of those whom
GOP king-makers are considering
as a possible candidate for Presi-
Shortly before Eisenhower was
stricken, Humphrey told a close
friends that he would not make
a single speech during the 1956
election campaign, not because he
doesn't want to see theRepubli-
cans re-elected, which he does, but
because he didn't want to be obli-
gated to serve in the next cabi-
* * *
DESPITE HIS reluctance to
serve, Humphrey is the strong man
in the Eisenhower Cabinet, not
only with Ike, personally, but with
members of the cabinet.
At one luncheon alone, Eisen-
hower four times said, "We'll have
to talk to George about that"-
meaning, of course, George Hum-
In times of crisis, other Cabinet
members automatically turn to
Humphrey for support. If there's
an important decision to be made
it has become natural for men
like Wilson, Brownell, Weeks, Sum-

merfield and Benson to "check
with George."
If it's serious, they tend to gravi-
tate around him. They'll phone
or stop by to see him. That's why
so many of the emergency meet-
ings, following Ike's heart attack,
were held in Humphrey's office--
rather than Nixon's or the White
warm personal bond with each of
his fellow Cabinet members. For
example, when Wilson was on the
griddle for his crack comparing
workers with dogs, Republicans
tripped over each other in their
hurry to disassociate themselves
with Wilson. They were issuing
statements left and right, criti-
cizing Wilson for his remark.
But not Humphrey. He quietly
picked up the phone and told the
panicky Wilson, ,in effect: "Don't
you worry, we're not going to
throw you to the wolves. This
isn't the only thing you have done
in your life. You have every rea-
son to say you are a great Ameri-
can, and don't you forget it."
Humphrey runs over opposition
like a steamroller. But he is al-
ways careful to pick up the man
after flattening him down. A year
ago, for example, Humphrey flew
to Brazil to tell our South Ameri-
can neighbors that Uncle Sam was
ending the big giveaways.
* * *
NO SOONER had he got the
words out than Harold Stassen,
back in Washington, announced a
grandiose Marshall Plan for Asia.
Humphrey got Stassen on the ov-
erseas phone and laid him low

with a barrage of blunt language.
But as soon as Humphrey re-
turned, he went out of his way
to make Stassen feel important at
Cabinet meeting. Because news
of Stassen's scolding had leaked
to the Washington Merry-Go-
Round, Humphrey met with a
small group of reporters off the
record and spent most of the time
sympathizing with Stassen's prob-
lems and giving him a build-up.
Virtually the same thing has
happened regarding Nixon recent-
ly. Shortly after Ike was strick-
en, Nixon, in the role of "acting
President," crossed Humphrey's
path by calling in the Budget Di-
rector and questioning him about
the Budget. Humphrey doesn't
like anyone to monkey with his
So Humphrey clipped Nixon's
wings,.leaving nothing but plum-
age to impress the public. Hum-
phrey has now turned around,
however, and picked Nixon up
again, giving him support and
backing as long as he keeps his
place. The diplomatic way the
whole thing was handled-namely,
the letter from Ike authorizing
Nixon to preside at the Cabinet
and Security Council-was a typi-
cal Humphrey operation.
Personally, Humphrey is warm,
earthy, considerate. He speaks in
blunt, simple language, is persua-
sive to the point of being magnetic.
Though he was invited by the
President just to sit in on National
Security Council meetings and
doesn't even have a vote, Hum-
phrey has emerged as the most
influential man on the Council.
(copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility Notices should be sent In
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be In
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Choral Union Members with good
attendance records please call for
courtesy pass to the Cleveland Orches-
tra concert (3rd concert in the Choral
Union series) on Fri., Nov. 4-between
9:00 and 11:30 a.m., and 1:00 to 4:00
p.m., at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
Tower. After 4:00 no tickets will be
Change In Parking Lot Use. Effective
Mon., Nov. 7, parking in the right of
way leading to the Michigan Union
from Thompson Street will be changed
from Staff Parking to open Metered
Parking. Parking will be permitted on
the north side of this drive dly and
the meters are arranged for parallel
parking at a nickel an hour on a 24-
hour basis.
Student Government Council. Sum-
mary of action taken at meeting of
Nov. 2.
Minutes of previous meeting.
Scheduling of meeting on November
18 at 3:15 p.m., Union; and on Novem-
ber 22 at 7:30 p.m.; no meeting will
be held on November 16, the night of
election count. Officers will be elected
at November 22 meeting.
Opened petitioning: for Student Ae-
tivities Scholarship Board, to close Nov.
Calendar of activities for spring term,
including eight one o'clock closing hour
nights-February 18, March 17, 23, April
20, 21; May 5, 18, 26.
Amendments to constitution of Senior
Additional performance, Union Opera,
Tuesday, December2.
Plans for pep rally program on Nov.
18; further consideration to be given
to plans for a dance on that night.
Student Religious Association-Inter-
national Student Association. Inter-
cultural Outing, November 5-6, Saline
Valley Farms Youth Hostel.
Charter of organization of the Student
Relations Committee. In taking this
action the Council recognized the re-
sponsibility of the Committee to the
University Development Council from
which it derives its authority; and ac-
knowledged the work of the Committee
in promoting the program of the De-
velopment Council on the student level.
To the Campus Affairs Committee for
study and recommendations-procedure
and policy relating to activities attract-
ing all-campus attention, sponsored by
individual housing units. . . to report
to the Council at the December 14
Book Exchange operation to the Union
for a trial period of one year.
University Lecture, "Biochemistry of
Visual Excitation." Dr. George Wald,
professor of biology, Harvard University,
4:15 p.m. Fri., Nov. 4, Rackham Amph-
theatre. Open to the public.
Lecture - "The Peopling of Latin
America:Pioneer Settlements in the
Central West of Brazi" by Dr. Clarence
Jones, chairman of the department of
geography, Northwestern University.
Sponsored by the Latin-American Stud-
les Committee and the Department of
Geography. Fri., Nov. 4, 7:30 p.m., East
Conference Room, Rackham 'Building.

Astronomy Department visitors' Night
(Only high school age and older admit-
ted.) Fri., Nov. 4, 8:00 p.m., Room 2003
Angell Hall. Dr. Freeman D. Miller will
show the color film, "The Story of
Palomar." After the movie the Student
Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell
Hall will be open for inspection and
for telescopic observations of the Per-
seus double cluster and a double star.
Note: Individual children accompanied
by adults will be admitted. A special
children's night has been scheduled for
Nov. 25.
Composers Forum, 8:30 Mon. evening,
Nov. 7, Aud. A, Angell Hall; works by
student composers Karl Magnuson, Sey-
mour Altucher, Judith Vander, Yalcin
Yuregir, and Henry Onderdonk. Open to
the public.
Academic Notices
Astronomical Colloquium. Sat., Nov.
5, 2:00 p.m., the McMath-Hulbert Ob-
servatory, Lake Angelus, Michigan. Dr.
Leo Goldberg will speak on "Recent
Results with a Solar Vacuum Spectro-
Events Today
First Laboratory Playbill presented by
the Department of Speech tonight at
8:00 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
All seats reserved at 35c each. Tickets
on sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre box office 10:00 a.m. until 8:00
Placement Notices
City of Detroit, Civil Service Coi-
misio. nnunce peninflflgs for Medit-

"DICE Lure Students" screams the headline.
The story is "played" big, expose stuff.
University of Michigan students are visiting the
gambling tables ir a Toledo den. How do they
get there? How many are there? This is big.
But the only thing big in this case is the
headline. And the only thing big in this case
is the headline. And the only expose is that
some people in Ohio are gambling and its
Not that newspapers don't have the right
to be as sensational as they want. That's
freedom of the press, no matter how they
write the news.
But there's more to it, this time. An inside
page headline states: "Toledo Dice Lure Michi-
gan Students." That leaves the impression that
hordes of Michigan students are filling the
gambling hall. Readers will be demanding
something be done.
BUT the story mentions Uniiversity of Michi-
gan students only twice.
"There are indications that students from
the University of Michigan find their way into
the dim parking lot. Inside they manage to
drop their spending money, sometimes a little
That's all-indications. For example, the
cars sport Michigan license plates. I guess
that's all the proof you need. If there is any
more, there is no mention of it.
Inside a youth, called the "professor," who
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad ........................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert ................................ City Editor
Murry Frymer ..................... Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag ..................... Magazine Editor
David Kaplan .........................Feature Editor
Jane Howard ........................ Associate Editor
Louise Tyor ..........,..............Associate Editor
Phil Douglis .......................... . Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg................ Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz . .... Associate Sports Editor
Mary HellthAler .... .....Women's Editor
Elaine Edmunds.............Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel ..................... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Dick Alstrom ....................... Business Manager
Bob Ilgenfritz ............ Associate Business Manager
Ken Rogat .......................Advertising Manager

says he was graduated from the University of.
Michigan in 1952 is rolling the dice. He looks
about nineteen, the newspaper says. Hardly
old enough to be a graduate. But he says he's
from the U of M. That's all the proof you
And from the story, it seems that's all the
proof there is.
BUT today parents will be wohdering about
it. This is the first indication of such ac-
tivity for Michigan students, but it's all you
need. People will be wondering and some will
be pointing the finger.
It might well be that a Michigan graduate
is gambling illegally in Toledo. As Dean Wal-
ter Rea saidhere, in the thousands of students
and graduates from the U~niversity, "one or
two would probably do anything."
But isn't the University entitled to some
kind of facts in support of the charge? News-
papers for years have been editorially opposed
to this type of behavior coming from congres-
sional committees, and particularly from one
senator. The newspaper that ran this story
has been one of them.
Certainly if Michigan students are going to
be incriminated some facts are necessary in
support. There's more to the newspaper busi-
ness than selling the copies, but "exposes" like
this one make you wonder.
New Books at the Library
York, William Morrow, 1955.
Curtis, Charles P.-The Oppenheimer Case;
New York, Simon & Schuster, 1955.
Ellison, Jerome-Report to the Creator; New
York, Harper & Brothers, 1955.
von Kurenberg, Joachim-The Kaiser; New
York, Simon & Schuster, 1955.
Marret, Mario-Seven Men Among the Pent
guins; New York, Harcourt, Brace, 1955.
Maziere, Francis-Expedition Tumuc-Humac;
New York, Doubleday & Co., 1955.
Cloete, Stuart-The African Giant; Boston,
Houghton Mifflin, 1955.
Foster, James-Great Folktales of Wit and
Humor; New York, Harper & Bros., 1955.
Hays, Will-The Memoirs of Will H. Hays;
New York, Doubleday, 1955.
Hillary, Edmund - High Adventure; New
York, E. P. Dutton, 1955.
Jennings, John-Chronicle of the Calypso

Plans.Student Apathy' Club; Poem on Rally

Hooray for Apathy ,, ,
To the Editor:
AN ABOMINABLE situation at
our school has come to my at-
tention. The present student ac-
tivity program at the U. of M. is
designed to exploit the interests
of only approximately 5% of the
student population.
If a student is interested in re-
ligious affairs, he can join one
of the many religious clubs. If a
student is interested in politics, he
can join one of the many political
clubs. If a student is interested
in a weekly orgy, he can join a
fraternity or a Co-op. But what
of 95% of the student population
who just don't care?
I propose the formation of the
Membership in this club will unite
these students for a common pur-
pose-'To spread the gospel of
apathy to the entire student body.'
All members of this club will
get a free year'scsubscription to
TV Guide. A lecture series will
be initiated. Leading non-entities
from all over the world will be

thing? You will only forget it in
a couple of years.
If the apathetic population of
the world can convert the few am-
bitious people, all wars and strife
will end. Never in the history of
the world has an apathetic group
started a war.
We have an up-hill fight. The
student affair personnel will fight
us at every turn. They have self-
ish interests-their jobs. As our
organization grows these people
will be re-located to more worth-
while jobs: i.e. turning on and off
TV sets.
We have set our sights on a gol-
den age void of all turmoil, strife
and ambition: AN AGE OF
--Richard N. Myers, Grad.
To the Editor:
I MOVED at leisure a half an
hour before eight
To Choral Union to hear that no-
torious debate
Arabs and Jews alert, there sat
and wait

Conducted the meeting without a
Himself entangle or to either side
While facts the panel took pleas-
ure to omit.
Oh I hate them I must confess
For the ugly beliefs I heard them
Shame! The very facts they did
O God, unseen, why must they
One fourth the truth they did re-
Three fourths of it they did can-
Demos tell me! how does this ap-
to you? Is there a chance for re-
Tell me Demos do you believe
their fabrication?
Much of what you have heard is
pure falsification
Of truth, History in all its rami-
O God of truth, thy Truth need
no verification.
My memory is not poor I can re-

Story omitted.
If these are the leaders of to-
With hardened hearts and no sor-
And from past experience would
not borrow
The lessons, the sailors learned in
their borrow
Supposing in them lies the hope
of the morrow
How can we solve the problems of
-K. Hanna, Grad.
Who's Who?...
To the Editor:
las McKay on the front page
of Thursday's Daily was indeed a
fine likeness of that distinguished
Oregonian. Is Ezra Benson so busy
"mending fences," as your cut-
line states, that McKay is acting
as his proxy in relations with the
-Kathleen Armstrong, '58
Item of Interest...'

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