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September 21, 1955 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1955-09-21

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acuity Report
iparks Dispute
Committee on Duties of Faculty
Sees Advice Rejected in Mail Vote
A bitter controversy arose between Faculty Senate members
ing the summer with the release of the text of the report of
Senate's Committee on the Responsibilities of the Faculty to
At the same time, it was learned that the report had been
cted as Senate policy. in a mail ballot by a vote of 353 to 317.
ate Members include professors, associate professors and assistant
The Senate had accepted, at its May 23 meeting, reports by four
er committees set up almost a year ago to study problems in-






intro ersy
aws High
o hool Deal
University's plans to buy
emodel the Ann Arbor High
i Building were delayed by
esitation of the City Council
ant the University's request
S. Thayer St. between E.
i St. and E. Washington St.
versity officials had informed
nn Arbor Board of Education
the $1,400,000 deal for the
ng would be closed when the
st was granted. Closing of
reet was asked to make room
Z addition to the building.
yor William E. Brown, Jr.,
ed the controversy by re-
ending to the Council that
Jniversity's request not be
ed. As this issue went to
the problem had not been'
ed, but city and University!
,is were scheduled to meet;

Serious Traffic Problem
'hief objection to the closing
Thayer St. was Ann Arbor's
:ready serious traffic problem.
Congestion has long been a prob-
lem in the campus area, and
Mayor Brown argued that closing
the street would further aggra-
vate the situation.
Mayor Brown also told the
Council he intended to meet with
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher and other University offi-
cials to learn the University's.
plans for further development of
the main campus area.
At the July Regent's meeting,
resident Hatcher said the Ann
arbor traffic situation "needed a
major operation." He suggested
re-routing main traffic routes
around instead of through the
campus area, claming the city
should not continue to use the
campus area for through traffic.
Suggests Long-Range View
Elaborating, President Hatcher
advanced a long-range view of the
campus for the city -- one in
which the University campus be-
comes more strictly a campus and
less a part of the city.
At the same time, the Univer-
sity's plans to keep its expansion
and development in the main cam-
pu 7 area to "an absolute mini-
r -m," he said. Main expansion
wAuld be confined to the new
N rth Campus.
"But the University has basic
commitments in the main campus
area," President Hatcher added.
Some parts of the University are
fixed in the campus area, he said,
and improvements in them must
be done in that area.
As examples he cited the Law
School, the literary college, the
business administration school,
the quadrangles, the Union and
Hill Auditorium.
Integral Part of Plans
He explained that the area oc-
cupied by the Ann Arbor High
School building is an integral part
in developing the University cam-
pus. An addition has to be built
on the east side of the building to
"make it a property we could
justify and integrate into the
campus," he said. This would
necessitate the closing of South
Thayer Street.
Both the University and the city
have been attempting to find "a
settlement of mutual advantage."
The University plans to use the
building for the romance langu-
,ges department, the social work
chool, and other literary college

bvolved in the dismissal cases of
Prof. Mark Nickerrson and H.
Chandler Davis.
Statement Released
Soon after it was learned that
the report of the Committee on
the Responsibilities of the Faculty
to Society had been voted down,
a statement by five faculty mem-
bers which was given at the May
23 meeting was released.,
The Committee's report had op-
posed the principle that "invoca-
tion of the Fifth Amendment
places upon a professor a heavy
burden of proof of his fitness to
hold a teaching position and lays
upon his university an obligation
to re-examine his qualifications
for membership in its society."
This position by the committee
was advanced by several faculty
members as a reason for rejection,
of the report. One faculty mem-
ber added that it was "dangerous"
to state that professors have a
right to silence when called upon
to disclose political beliefs.
Opposed Report
The statement by five faculty
members opposed the committee's
report, saying "It seems to us in-
tolerable that any man, under the
delusions of academic freedom or
otherwise, should put his person-
al rights above the welfare of the
Calling the report "an evasive
document," the statement said,
"that this lengthy and somewhat
artful work intends a criticism
of the University administration
for its handling of three difficult
The five faculty members who
signed the statement were Prof.
Edwin N. Goddard, chairman of
the geology department, Dr. Fred-
erick A. Coller of the Medical
School, Prof. Earnest Boyce of the
engineering college, Prof. William
A, Paton of the business adminis-
tration school and Prof. Earl C.
O'Roke of the natural resources
Criticized for Omitting Word,
They criticized the report for
not using the word "communism."
The report came Into existence
because tenure cases involving
communist issues had arisen here,
they said.
Their statement opposed the re--
port's "continual emphasis upon
the point that we 'must assume in-
nocense until guilt is proved'."
They suggested this corrective:
"If a faculty member called be-
fore a lawfully appointed investi-
gative body refuses-"to answer per-
tinent questions, he shall be held
The three cases referred to in
the statement were the dismissals
See REPORT, Page 7

Freshmen To Get
First Look at '
Incoming freshmen and transfer
students will get their first glim-
pse of the University's campus
life in a crowded agendy of ac-
tivity during orientation week.
Two programs have been pre-
pared by the Office of Registration
and Records, one with its schedule
of events and another of optional
activities sponsored by various
campus groups. The programs in-
clude assemblies, meetings,exami-
nations, recreational and social
events, and visits to student or-
They are intended to acquaint
the new student with all phases
of campus living, and to make his
first registration for classes more
Program Begins Monday
The orientation program for
freshmen will get under way at
8 a.m. Monday, September 19,
with a general meeting. Men will
gather at Hill Auditorium while
women students meet at Water-
man Gymnasium, although some
groupswill meet at 11 a.m.
New students will then meet
their orientation group leaders and
receive a schedule for the week's
activities and registration sup-
Some 450 upperclassmen will be
returning early to serve as group
leaders. Picked for their know-
ledge of campus activities from
the approximately 600 students
who applied, they will head
groups of 10 to 15 new students.
Transfer men will meet at 10
a.m. in Hill Auditorium and trans-
fer women will meet at the same
time in Waterman Gym for simi-
lar introductory meetings.
Welcoming Assembly
An official welcoming assembly
for all freshmen will be held at
7:15 p.m. Monday in Hill Auditor-
ium. Main speaker will be Univer-
sity President Harlan H. Hatcher.
A similar assembly for trans-
fer students will be held at :15
p.m. in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Health : examination for all
new students will be held contin-
uously during the week.
House meetings for men and
women living in the dormitory
system are scheduled for 6:45 p.m.
Tuesday. A language placement
hest will be given at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday in rooms to be designated
on the orientation week sched-
Square Dance
Highlighting the day for trans-
fer students will be an open-air
square dance at 8 p.m. Tuesday
in front of the General Library.
All students are invited to at-
tend the college night programs
at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday to be held
by several of the colleges and
schools in the University.
At 8 p.m. Thursday there will be
Stag Night at the Union and
League Night at the League. To be
held in the Union Ballroom, Stag
Night will offer men students an
opportunity to become acquainted
with student activities whose rep-
resentatives will be there.
To be held in the League's
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, the
See FULL, Page 2



THE PROVERBIAL SPICE-Variety is the theme of campus life at the University of Michigan. Pictured above are only four aspects
of a campus existence-meals in the dormitory or sorority, classes (or, what one comes to school for), recreation on bicycles, and
an evening at one of the many campus dances.



Beginning in the fall of 1958,
students entering pharmacy at the
University will be facing a five-
year course, as compared to the
present four-year Curriculum.
The change was approved by the
Regents at their July meeting at
the request of pharmacy college
officials and facuhy.
The first year will be spent in
the literary college with the last
four in the pharmacy college.
New students entering pharma-
cy up to and including 1958 with
one or more years of advanced
standing in collegiate work will
be candidates for degrees in the
present four-year program. All
new students entering in 1959
and thereafter, regardless of pre-
vious academic work, will be re-
quired to take the five-year pro-
Main reason given for the
change was providing the phar-
macy student with a greater back-
ground of liberal education. Ex-
pansion of the hours of elective
courses from 10 to 25 will permit
students to choose more courses
in the social sciences, humani-
ties and other areas of general ed-


SGC Begins First Year
As Student Government
Student Goverment Council will begin this fall its first full
year as the official all-campus student government.
The first student government to be officially approved by the
Board of Regents, SGC went into existence in the all-campus elections
held last March. With its coming, its predecessor, the eight-year-old
Student Legislature, was ended.
MVore than two years of study and planning on the new student
government first suggested by law student Malin Van Antwerp went
into the change.
Study Committee
The final plans were drawn up by a special study committee of
students and faculty headed by Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the political
science deparement and presented to the Regents by Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A. Lewis.
The Regents authorized a cfmpus referendum to learn whether
students preferred the new SGC or the old SL. In the December,
1954, referendum, students voted for SGC in a three to one ratio.
SGC has combined in one body the powers previously shared by
SL and the Student Affairs Committee. SL was set up to represent
student opinion through all-campus elections and had approximately
40 members.
Elections Every Semester
With its membership changing every semester. SL served as a
forum for student opinion and worked toward solution of student
problems, partly through a committee structure. It was successful in
such things as having the Thanksgiving holiday exended to four days,
and operated the Student Book Exchange and Cinema Guild.
SGC has taken over all of SL's functions, and 11 of its 18 members
are elected by the campus at large. The other seven members are the
heads of major campus organizations, three of which were formerly
on the Student Affairs Committee.
They are: president of the Union, president of the League,
president of Assembly, president of Inter-House Council, managing
editor of The Daily, president of Panhellenic Association and president
of Interfraternity Council.
See SGC, Page 11

Regents OK
In Calendar
A new academic calendar, to go
into effect for 1956-57, was ap-
proved by the Board of Regents at
its May meeting.
Under the new schedule, classes
will begin on Thursday instead of
Monday. No earlier than the third
nor later than the fourth Thurs-
day in September is specified.
Christmas r'ecess, beginning in
1956, will begin the evening of
Dec. 22 except wvhen that date falls
on Saturday in which case the va-
cation will start at noon Saturday.
When Dec. 22 falls on a Mon-
day, the start of vacation will be
delayed until the evening of Tues-
day, Dec. 23, so that a full sche-
dule of Monday and Tuesday class-
es can be held.
The four-day Thanksgiving holi-
day in effect in recent years will
be incorporated as a permanent
part of the academic calendar Me-
morial Day and Independence Day,
will be observed as one-day holi-
Spring recess will also begin at'
noon on a Saturday. The new cal-
endar was designed so that Tues-
day, Thursday and Saturday class-
es would not lose a day of classes
at the beginning of vacations.

Rises 1,500
Over Last
Fall Figures
Freshman Total
Sets New Record
A total of approximately 20,000
students will be enrolled in the
University When the fall term
opens, according to estimates of
University officials.
This represents a 1,500 increase
over the September. 1954, figure
of 18,500 enrollment in resident
credit courses.
The 20,000 estimate is still ten-
tative, and is based on admissions
records to date and expected re-
turning students.
Freshmen Set Record
For the fourth year in a row,
a record freshman class is antici-
pated. New freshmen will number
between 2,900 and 2.950, almost
200 more than last year's freshman
class, according to Assistant Direc-
tor of Admissions Gayle C. Wilson.
Transfer students to the Univer-
sity are expected to increase 20
per cent over last year's incoming
transfer students, according to
Assistant Director of Admissions
Don Feather.
Giggest increase in transfer stu-
dents is in the education school,
Feather said. There is also a
marked increase in transfers from
junior colleges.
Number of Vets Increases
Korean veterans, eligible for
university education under the GI
Bill, are erolling in'a "considerable
increase" over last fall, Wilson
said. "They are just beginning to
enroll in sizable numbers," he add-
ed. He pointed out that the Ad-
missions Office does not keep a,
separate count of Korean veterans
enrolled in the University.
According to reports, enrollments
in other colleges and universities
are increasing by similar percent-
The greatest increases here will
be in the engineering college, the
literary college, and the nursing
school, according to Wilson.
Enrollment Dipped in 1951
Only four years ago, enrollment
at the University reached a six-
year low. After a 1949 peak of
24,000 that followed a general
enrollment rise after World War
II, enrollment decreased until
1951 when it began again to climb.
With enrollment now on the up-
grade throughout the country,'pre-
dictions for University enrollment
in the late 1960s reach 35,000, al-
most double the present enroll-
U' Develops
North Campus
Engineering, Music,
Atom Research Set
With an eye on continually ex-
panding enrollment and toward
providing facilities to meet the
accompanying needs for years to
come, the University is building
an entire new campus north of
the Huron River.
Called the "North' Campus," it
is destined to eventually be the
center for atomic and engineering
research and for the School of
Already completed is the Cooley
Memorial Laboratory, dedicated in
October, 1953, the Phoenix Me-

morial Laboratory, dedicated in
June, 1955, and the Central Serv-
ice and Etack building, -completed
last winter.
Nuclear Reactor
Now under construction are the
$1,000.000 nuclear reacto- and
building, the Automotive Engineer-
ing Laboratory and the Aerona'i-
tical Engineerhng Laborary.
The Cooley Memorial Labora-
tory, nrmed for Mortimer C,)oley.
dean of the engineering college
from 1903 to 1928, is primarily
devoted to research laboratories,

Beckett Heads Health Service

Dr. Morley B. Beckett was ap-
pointed director of University
Health Service by the Board of
Regents at its July meeting.
Formerly director of the Veter-
ans Administration Hospital in
Ann Arbor, Dr. Beckett took over
his new post Aug. 15. He was also


appointed to the public health
school faculty.
He succeeded Dr. Warren For-
sythe, who had been head of
Health Service since 1918 when it
was only a five-year experiment in
medical treatment for college stu-




Construction of Activities Building To Start

Ground will be broken
for the new $1,700,000
Activities Building.

this fall

As a center of student organiza-
tions offices, the building will be4
located just south of the Student
Publications Building. It will be
bounded by Maynard St. and
Thompson St. on its sides, and
will face Jefferson St.
Preliminary plans and blue-
prints and an architects' model

major student activities will be on
the first floor. These include
Student Government Council, In-
terfraternity Council, Inter-
House Council, Panhellenic and
Assembly Association.
The Dean of Women's office
will also be located on the first
floor, with the Dean of Men's
office on the second floor.
Also on the second floor will be
offices of various student activi-

Nine lots had already been pure-
chased, with three belonging to
the two holdout property owners.
Total appraised value of the 12
lots was $300,000, according to
Vice President Wilbur K' Pier-
Plans for the building have
been studied for more than two
years. Among the problems was a,
location and the amount of space
to be alloted various student

....... ......

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