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October 25, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-25

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Varsity Night
To Feature
r Beauty Queen
Miss America 1955
Student, Faculty Acts
To Appear in Program
Sponsored by the University
bands, the 17th annual Varsity
Night will feature a glittering ar-
ray of campus and professional
personalities, introduced by Steve
Filipiak and Howard Nemerovski,
masters of ceremonies.
The two M.C.'s will add their
talents to the star-studded roster.
Filipiak, former director of WHRV,
and law student Nemerovski have
both been active in campus reviews
and productions.
One of the main attractions of
the evening will be the guest ap-
pearance of Miss America of 1955,
Lee Ann Meriwether. Miss Meri-
wether, a member of the Dave
Garroway Show, will conduct an
informal interview with football
players Dick Balhiser and Danny
Two music faculty members,
Harold Haugh and Walter Collins,
} will perform a selection of old-
time collegiate songs as a vocal
duet. Accompanying them will be
pianist Wesley True, who will play
also for solo tenor Dan Pressley
in another act.
Alumnus Jim Lobaugh will
display his talents as comedian
when he does his routine on fe-
male impersonations. Also in a
lighter vein is the black magic of
Russell Brown who will saw a
woman in half.
As a special number, "The Vic-
tors" will be conducted by its com-
poser, Louis Elbell of South Bend,
Other performances include a
modern quintet, a classical pianist
and gymnastics exhibitions as well
as a repetoire of light selections
by the Michigan Symphony Band.
Tickets for Varsity Night, which
will be held at 8:15 on Friday in
Hill Auditorium, are currently on
sale in the lobby of the Adminis-
tration Building.
Soiling Clubs Vie
For First Place
On Saturday and Sunday, Octo-
ber 22 and 23, the University of
Michigan sailing club was host to
sailing clubs from various schools
for the first annual Michigan Fall
Invitational Regatta at Base Line
Schools participating were
Michigan State University, North-
western University, Wayne Uni-
versity, Washington University and
Xavier University.
Sailing in all 12 races, in vari-
able winds, Northwestern emerged
victorious by one point over the
University of Michigan sailors,
67-66. Michigan State and Wayne
were tied for third place with 58
Five first places and two second
places were won for the host team
by Bruce Goldsmith, Martha Wiles,
and Tom Johnstone.

Coed Positions Filled

-Daily-John Hirtzel
Natives Make Home
in MichgnMenagerie

Interviewing and Nominating
Committee of the League has se-
lected coeds for the fall fill-in
Charlene Paullin is the compos-
er-arranger and Barbara Mc-
Naught is the poster chairman for
Junior Girls' Play, the annual pro-
duction written, produced and di-
rected by junior women.
Other junior women chosen were
Julie Fahnestock and Ruth Alke-
ma as committee members on the
Public Relations Committee.
Ruth Ballman is the junior co-
ed selected to be on the Special
Projects Committee, and Gigi
Kochweser was picked to be on
the Merit Tutorial Committee.
Coeds who have been selected
for positions on Soph Scandals in-
clude Judy Roxey as the assistant
secretary and Patty Hallett as the
assistant tickets chairman.
Diana Marcus was chosen to be
the assistant stage manager and
Joan Sluggett was selected to be
the assistant dance chairman for
the revue where sophomore wo-
men present a dance, shows and
various types of entertainment on
two different nights.
This annual event will be giv-
en on Friday, Dec. 1, and Satur-
day, Dec. 2 this year.
These coeds were chosen on
basis of their interest, their plans
for the position, and their enthus-
iasm for the job.
Junior Panhellenic Association
announced the names of its new
officers yesterday.
Three girls, chosen through in-
terviews, were nominated for each
Jean Willoughby of Chi Omega
was elected vice-president for the
coming year. Also nominated for

Vulpes fulva . .. Procyon lotor
. may sound like Greek (or
Latin) to you, but to J. Stewart
Lowther, the names are as com-
mon and real as ice cream and,
well, ring-tailed racoons.
As animal house attendant at
the University zoo for a period of
years, Lowther has gotten some
interesting insight into the wild-
life world, and has made some re-
markable animal friends.
One of these is "Brother," the
bear, who, along with thirteen
other members of the animal king-
dom, is housed in 'the circular
menagerie in back of the museum.
Surrounding the cages, given an-
onymously in 1928, are rustic
shrubs and paths which lend an
authentic atmosphere to the zoo-
logical garden.
Described as "big, black, in-
telligent and slightly rheumatic,"
"Brother" will celebrate his 23rd
birthday in February. Long with-
out a mate, for "Sister" died many
years ago, "Brother" has as a com-
panion two-and-a-half year old
"Toodles." Although the two are
not related, they get along on
what' Lowther terms an "armed
Strange Diet
Fed every day except during
hibernation, "Brother" exhibits
several eating peculiarities. He
will drink only from running
water and has a remarkable affin-
ity for eggs, any style.,
Two foxes; who are extremely
timid and high-strung, have been
at the zoo for four years. Because
of weak lungs and a low resistancy,
most foxes don't survive in cap-
tivity for so long a period.
The most colorful inhabitants of
the zoo are the eight members of
the racoon family. Extremely in-
telligent.as well as constant busy-
bodies, the racoons are separated
into two pens. Six relatively placid
ones, four males and two females,
share the same dwelling, while the
troublemaking twins live in the
next cage.

Attendant Lowther terms the
family arrangement "a complete
anarchy," and for this reason calls
the racoon tribe "The Anarchists."
The twins, both males, are named
"Ann and "Arc" - the feminine
appellation not at all disturbing
Odorless Skunk
Another congenial member of
the zoological garden, although
visitors have their doubts, is
"Churchy," the skunk. Formerly
a house pet, "Churchy"' is meticu-
lously clean and odor free.
"Churchy's" favorite supper is
"mouse," hungrily accepted each
A long-time resident of the zoo
is the badger, who has "yet to be
baptised." Somewhat unsociable,
his primary interests center around
using his strength in digging inside
his pen.
In the true Michigan tradition
the zoo housed a wolverine until
its death several years ago. This
mascot lived to be past 20, estab-
lishing a record of longevity for
the species in captivity. Because
of the expense of harboring a
wolverine, another has not been
purchased since.
Natives of State
Other breeds have been rejected
at the University zoo, either be-
cause of lack of hardiness or pos-
session of unsuitable habits. Noc-
turnal animals such as the opos-
sum have been turned down as
well as some species not originally
found in the state of 'Michigan.
Theoretically, every animal ad-
mitted to the menagerie must be
native to the area.
Disregarding the barks of the
foxes and the racoons' arguments,
Lowther finds work at the zoo
"pretty quiet" although never lack-
ing in excitement.
Fourteen special residents on
campus, namely the zoo animals,
find there's "never a dull moment"
living at the University of Michi-

the office were Mary Jean Herder
of Gamma Phi Beta and Sophie
Shambes of Kappa Kappa Gam-
Running for the office of secre-
tary along with the winner, Kitty
Bell of Collegiate Sorosis, were
Lee Sarraf of Alpha Delta Pi and
Sara Weiner of Alpha Epsilon
Joan Logan of Alpha Phi and
Joan Taylor of Sigma Kappa were
candidates for the office of treas-
urer as well as Kay Byers of Delta
Delta Delta, who won the elections.
The president of Junior Pan-
hellenic, Molly Dwan of Kappa
Kappa Gamma was elected last
February and her term expires
next February.
Unique Group
Composed of
Calvin Men
One of the youngest professional
fraternities at the University of
Michigan is Phi Alpha Kappa
situated on East Ann Street.
This fraternity was started when
a group of Calvin College gradu-
ates enrolled in the University for
post graduate study, decided they
would like to room together. Most
of them were of Dutch descent
and had common backgrounds and
religious beliefs.
In 1929 they rented a house on
North Ingalls Street.
Because the men were not un-
dergraduate students and repre-
sentedd i f f e r e n t professional
schools, the group differed from
the other fraternities on campus.
The name Phi Alpha Kappa was
agreed upon and was intended to
signify "Fraternity of Alumni of
Calvin." Its purpose was to pro-
vide adequate living quarters and
a wholesome atmosphere for its
Leaving this house, the men fin-
ally moved to East Ann Street in
At this time there are fifty ac-
tive members in the fraternity and
the men have pledged 25 more
this fall.
Many of the members are mat-
rned and the wives have formed
an active auxiliary organizatiun.
From 1945 to 1953 the fraterni-
ty sponsored a group of war or-
phans in Europe and for thU last
two years has given Christmas do-
nations to various charities. They
also sponsored a Christmas party
complete with Santa Claus.
Last year the fraternity cele-
brated its silver anniversary.

For the casual life
you live .. .
See our "CAR COATS"
Smart, new-length coats for the sports car
crowd. Wool tweeds, plaids and cotton pop-
lins with alpaca linings and collars, flap
pockets, knit wristlets. In black watch,
blues, beiges, greys, and red. Sizes 8 to 18.
16.95 to 25.00
Other car coats and dressy coats
of beavalure - fleeces - tweeds
from 39.95
Sizes 8 to 18.

Majoring in Business Administration
New and exciting careers for college women are opening up in
the Customer Contact, Administrative, and Personnel fields of
telephone work at Michigan Bell.
We can now offer a wide variety of excellent positions to
college women with good scholastic records who have majored
in Business Administration.
For a personal appraisal of your career potentialities in the
telephone business, just get in touch with your Bus. Ad. Place-
ment Office. Our representative will conduct personal inter-
views . . .
ON CAMPUS Thursday, October 27
Telephone Company

........,.«....... :'s^. ".s" t: yy " . t a .,.Vy'~tWA:.a$;. t .;" t''oy{':Z. * "",.y:::......-.;.;.,5ti"?;: . ^".. n"i 'Y


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BALLET CLUB-Students inter-
ested in joining the ballet club may
attend the meeting today. Be-
ginners will meet at 7 p.m. and ad-
vanced students will meet at 8:10
p.m. The business meeting of this
co-recreational club will be at 7:50
* * *
be a Soph Scandals makeup com-
mittee meeting at 7 p.m. tonight
at the League.
for Crop and Saddle, exhibition
group of the co-recreational rid-
ing group will be held today and
Thursday during the time when
the regular riding club meets.
* * *
USHERS-Ushers are needed ev-
ery Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
and Sunday at the Dramatic Arts
Center. Coeds who are interested
may sign up in the Undergraduate
Office of the League. /

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A modestly priced undercover
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incomparable nylon tricot.
Exquisitely detailed slips -
fragile to see, lovely to wear -
amazingly self-reliant. Basics
that love the laundry,
spurn pressing.
a. Sheath, opulent with nylon
lace. White, 32 to 40. 5.95
b. Expensive looking, enhanced
with deep ruffle. White,
black or navy. 32 to 40. 4.95
c. Perfectly proportioned tailored
slip. White. Short 32 to 36;
average 32 to 42; tall 34 to 40.

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Will be on Campus Oct. 26 and Oct. 27
At Convair, in beautiful, smog-free San Diego, California, you will
find the diversity of challenging, far-reaching projects that offers you
the unlimited career opportunity you seek.
This is young country, beautiful, exciting country -the very heart
of the busy, vital aircraft and missile industries. And good, young
engineers are needed now to grow with new, long-range aircraft and
missile programs.
You will find the Convair Engineering Department a genuine "engi.
neer's" engineering department - imaginative, energetic, explorative.
You will discover the very latest engineering equipment, excellent
working conditions, salary, personal job advantages, and optort ties
for continuing education.
Remember these facts about Convair: Convair was awarded the
Nation's first production missile contract and the first production
contract for supersonic all-weather interceptors.
Convair has the greatest diversity of aircraft engineering projects
in the country, including high performance fighters, heavy bombers,
large flying boats, transports, trainers, seaplane fighters, vertical take.
off aircraft and guided missiles.
Convair has a completely integrated electronic development pro-
gram devoted to advanced development and design on missile guid-
ance, avionic projects, radar systems and special cathode ray tubes.
Now you are invited to get full information about your career at
Convair. Talk it over with our Convair Engineers on your campus soon.
GRADUATING CIVIL ENGINEERS interested in the field of aircraft
structure are also invited to apply.

iardrobe basics-.
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Graduate degree candidates in Engineering, Mathematics or Physics are invited
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OCT. 26 and OCT. 27


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