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October 15, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-15

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15, X855




a AVi91 r.

Michigras Plans To Begi at Meetin

Shouts of "Hurry, hurry, step
right up and get in on the fun,"
will soon be ringing in the air as
the gala bi-ennial carnival, Michi-
gras, gets under way.
Leading off with a mass meet-
ing for all interested students to
be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in
the Union, plans for the "biggest
affair of the year," are rolling
along quickly.
Michigras co-chairmen Paula
Strong '56, and Barnett Helzberg
'56BAd, have planned an enter-
taining and informative schedule
for this first meeting including a
showing of "Academy Award win-
ning movies of the last Michi-
Chairmen Needed
Explanation of the 21 jobs avail-
able on the Michigras Central
Committee will be discussed in de-
tail. Among the chairmen posts
still open are finance, parade,
booths, decorations, publicity, tick-
ets, programs, concessions, prizes
and refreshments.
Petitioning for these posts will
be open from Wednesday through
Monday, Oct. 24. Interviews will
be conducted Wednesday, Oct. 26
through Friday, October 28.
Fun and entertainment is avail-
able for everyone on this, "The
most exciting student activity at
the University," Helzberg remark-
Campus residents and other or-
ganizations will soon begin getting
into the swing of things as the
carefully laid plans for booths and
floats start mobilizing.
The 1956 Michigras will be held
April 20 and 21 in Yost Field
House with late permission of 1:30
a.m. provided both nights for wo-
men students.
Miles of Lumber Used
It has been estimated that more
than three miles of lumber and
250,000 paper napkins have been
used to build the framework for
r-past floats.
From a vantage point in front
of the Union, judges view the two-
hour long parade as it moves along
State Street.
Booths for the carnival portion
of Michigras are selected on the
basis of originality, selling ability,
carnival spirit, expense and
thoroughness of the petition.
Special consideration is given to
*traditional booths..
Trophies will be awarded In
thret division, including show
booths, refreshments and games of
Calendaring for the Spring Semester,,
1956 for all-campus events must be
completed by Oct. 28. Submit requests
for date reservations to the Calendaring
Committee, Student Government Coun-
ci, Quonset Hut A. For further infor-
mation call Jo Ann Yates, chairman,
NO 2-5675 or 3-0553.
* * *.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: To-
day, after game, open house, Guild
" s "

--Daily-Sam Ching
ON YOUR MARK-Getting ready to "open up the Michigan
gates," co-chairmen Barnett Helzman and Paula Strong have
been putting up posters for the mass meetings, to be held at
7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Union.
WCBN Sees New Studio,
More Power in Future


The Campus Broadcasting Net-
work is coming of age.
With a new constitution, which.
was approved by the Inter-House
Council Thursday night, a new
studio in East Quad and a stronger
transmitter in South Quad, the
future for WCBN is looking
brighter than ever.
"Our new network constitution,
which was the result of fine IHC
cooperation, will help WCBN work
more efficiently," commented John
R. Szucs, '57, chairman of the
network board of directors.
Board Has More Power
"The main improvement pro-
videdhfor in the constitutionis
that the board of directors is
given more power in dealing with
the individual stations at the three
quads which make up WCBN.
The board of directors, which is
composed of three station mana-
ger, and two faculty members, now
has more effective control over
the program policy of each station
where previously the board could
only make suggestions.
One of the bright factors in
WCBN's future is the more power-
ful transmitter soon to be installed
at South Quad. Last year's fre-
quent complaint of "I can never
find it" will not be justified any
longer as south Quadders will find
the station as powerful as WJR.
East Quad Hopeful
Over in East Quad, members of

the station have their fingers
crossed in the hope of completing
work on their studio within the
next six weeks.
"Once everything gets straight-
ened out in both South and East
Quad, WCBN will be heard in
nearly every dorm on the campus
which comprisesa listening audi-
ence of around 6,000," Szucs said.
Supporters of WCBN have yet
another reason to hold high hopes
for the future. The amount of
gross receipts taken in over the
last three years from advertising
has shown a marked increase.
Should Be Self-Sufficient
Szucs explained that "Although
we still have to depend partly on
the quad councils to help us out in
finances, we feel that in the near
future WCBN- will become rela-
tively self-sufficient."
An ambitious program schedule
for WCBN which is now in the
tentative planning stages will in-
clude coverage of hockey games'
and possibly some experimenting
with drama later on in the year.
"We feel that one of our main
functions while on the air from
noon to one in the morning is to
provide study music for students,
and with this in mind," Szucs
added, "music makes up most of
our programing."
Blind Dog Has'
Human Guide
PUNTA GORDA, Fla. ()-Phil
is a blind dog who has a Seeing-
Eye man.
Phil, a 12-year-old setter is
deaf, too, and has lost his sense
of smell. But his owner, Arnoldj
Keys, has refused the advice of
veterinarians to put the old dog1
to death.
"The way I figure it, this faith-
ful unto death business between
a man and his dog should work
both ways."
Parke .Davis Plans
Salk Release
DETROIT (IP)-Parke, Davis &
Co. expects the National Institute
of Health to release additional al-
lotments of Parke-Davis produced
Salk polio vaccine shortly, Harryk
J. Loynd, Company President, said
The Detroit pharmaceutical firm
hasn'tushipped any vaccine since
last June 3, Loynd said, but hasX
several protocols awaiting decision
with the NIH in Washington.
Protocols are the company re-
ports on the procedures, standardsE
and safety regulations under whicht
the vaccine was produced.C

Army Laws
A Benefit
To Reservist
Current Army reserve laws offer
an excellent opportunity for tem-
porarily deferred men over the age
of 18 and a half.
Not as well publicized as the
new six month active duty and
seven, and half year reserve hitch
being pushed by the Army, an en-
listment for a total of six years
is also available.
This period is broken down into
two years of active duty, three
years in the active reserve, and
one year in the standby reserve.
No Change in Classification
The draft eligible who enlists in
this program receives no change
in draft classification nor is he
required to enter upon active duty
immediately. For those who hold
a S2 or similar selective service
classification, signing up for the
six year hitch means continuance
of present status.
It is possible for a deferred
college student to put in all or
part of his required reserve time
while in school, be eligible for and
earn promotion to non-commis-
sioned officer rank, and retain that
rank when called to active duty.
Revert To Status
Instead of being drafted as a
private, the reservist would report
for duty as a corporal or sergeant,
serve for two years, and upon dis-
charge, revert to reserve status to
complete whatever obligation he
might have remaining.
Still another advantage of re-
serve duty, prior to entering upon
active duty, is the accumulation
of longevity which means extra
pay while on active duty.
For ROTC students, this is par-
ticuyhelpful as time in the re-
serve is credited to him as enlisted
service and counts toward longev-
ity in the same manner as active
A Second Lieutenant going into
the Army with no longevity draws
a base pay of $222 per month.
With two years service behind him,
that figure is increased to $237.
Three Month Pay Jump
When the "shavetail" has served
a total of three years, active or
reserve, his pay jumps to $297 per
Over a period of eighteen
months, this means a difference
of $1800 in pay.
Due to the recent changes in the
reservt laws, the local Army Re-
serve unit, Company "E", 33rd
Infantry Regiment, 70th Infantry
Division, several openings.
Those interested in further in-
formation on this program or in
joining the unit should see Master
Sergeant Robert M. Gillespie,
whose office is located on the sec-
ond floor of the National Guard
Armory, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
UAW Denies
United Auto Workers official yes-
terday denied Gov. George N.t
Craig's statement that the inter-
national union overruled the lo-l
cals on strike policies against the
Perfect Circle Corp.1
Raymond H. Berndt, Region 3
director of the UAW, also reaf-I
firmed the union's decision not toI
meet with company representa-e
tives while the plants are being
kept open under martial law.

The piston ring firm's foundryt
here, scene of a bloody riot, 10
days ago, operated again Fridayt
with nonstrikers while NationalE
Guardsmen patrolled the area.
Plan Conference
Is the bright literary college
student being forced into activities
by a lack of academic stimulation?
This question will be the basis
of a student-faculty conference
planned by the literary college
steering committee.
Several possible solutions to the
problem will be discussed, includ-
ing the advisability of enlarging
the honors program,.
Steering committee conferences
are open to all students. Sugges-
tions or comments will be wel-

Haste, Waste
Detroit (P)-John R. Smith
overslept yesterday morning
when he was due in court to an-
swer a traffic charge.
So he tried to make up a
little time.
Police pulled him to the
curb and accused him of driv-
ing 55 miles an hour.
They gave him an escort to
traffic court, but they also
charged him with reckless driv-
On the original charge-in-
terfering with traffic-Smith
was acquitted. On the new
charge -- reckless driving -
Smith was convicted, fined $60
and deprived of driving privi-
ledges for two years.
Poles Open
Nazi Camp
OSWIECIM, Poland (P)-Aus-
chwitz-Birkenau, the concentra-
tion camp where the Nazis exter-
minated four million persons is
open to the public--the Poles have
turned it into a museum.
You drive past the little black
gibblet where Rudolf Hoess, the
commandant, was hanged on a
scaffold so small it needed four
steps to reach the ground. It stood
halfway, exactly, between his
fancy villa and the biggest crema-
torium. The Poles didn't waste
much wood on it.
You come to a swampy meadow.
At the far end is a stagnant pool,
bubbling from time to time,
The Polish guide says:
"This was a mass grave. Nobody
knows how many bodies were
burned here in the open and
Not far away one sees the rows
of barracks which made up Birke-
nau, the real death mill. It
stretches starkly ahead, miserable
in its sameness.
Onesbarrack is like another.
After one has seen the three tiers
where humans lay like cattle
awaiting death, there is no point
to repeating the process.
In the Auschwitz headquarters
building one sees a mountain of
human hair taken from victims
to be used for mattresses and for
weaving textiles and rugs; a
mountain of shaving brushes; a
pile of children's toys and shoes;
a weird collection of wooden legs.
Today one hears only the shuf-
fle of feet. Five thousand adults
and childrengothrough the"mu-
seum" every Sunday on guided

Davis Says
A utomation
Means Jobs
tor Company official said yester-
day the new push-button factories
will mean easier, safer, better-pay-
ing jobs rather than mass unem-
D. J. Davis, Ford's vice-president
in charge of manufacturing, said
his company regards the increas-
ing use of electronic and automat-
ic machines, known as automa-
tion, as nothing revolutionary but
"just another evolutionary phase
of our advancing production tech-
Opening Witness
Davis was one of the opening
witnesses at hearings of a Sen-
ate-House Economic subcommit-
tee on effects of the growing trend
toward automation.
Chairman Wright Patman (D-
Tex) said Congress wants to know
whether it is "a curse or a bless-
In the meantime, the United
States Treasury announced plans
to use a huge electric brain in its
check auditing system.
To Replace Men
It is said the machine would re-
place 450 employees and save an
estimated 2% million dollars a
year. Most of the displaced work-
ers are expected to get other gov-
ernment jobs.
"We at Ford," Davis told the
congressional investigators, "do
not share the apprehensions of
some that the increased use of
automation equipment may throw
thousands of people out of work,
or otherwise dislocate our econo-
Automation Cuts Priceis
"Indeed, withoutautomation in
the steel, chemical, refining, food
processing and Ligarette indus-
tries-to mention only a few that
are much more highly automated
than we ever hope to be-there
simply would not be enough pro-
duction of their products to fill
our needs. And certainly not at
prices we could afford to pay."
Two other witnesses agreed that
automation promises new bene-
fits for workers. They were Wal-
ter S. Buckingham Jr., associate
professor of industrial manage-
ment at Georgia Tech, and John
Diebold, New York management
Both Buckingham and Diebold
predicted that automation will
lead to an eventual 30-hour work
week and provide more leisure
time for workers.

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and Chicken-in-the-Basket
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Allgood Desig
Lee E. Allgood, '56E, is the win-
ner of the first place $1,250 award
presented by the James F. Lin-
coln Arc Welding Foundation of
Cleveland, Ohio.
The awards are made annually
by the Foundation for student de-
signs of machines or structures in
which are welding has made a
significant cost reduction or im-
The competition is to encourage
engineering undergraduates to do
some creative work in which they
will use modern industrial tech-
Allgood designe"a starhping die
of welded construction suitable
for low production quantities. He
estimated the cost of such a die
to be only.-20% of the cost of one
made in the conventional manner.
In addition to awards to stu-
dents, the Foundation also dis-

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n Wins Award
tributed $2000 in scholarship
funds to the University, the Uni-
versity of Cincinnatti, and the
University of Detroit.
Top German
Ace Returns
From Russia
(P)-MaJ. Erich Hartmann, top
Luftwaffe ace in World War I.
returned to West Germany yes-
terday in a group of 39 war pris-
oners amnestied by Russia.
Credited with downing 352 op-
posing planes, Hartmann was cap-
Rtured by the ussians in Czecho-
slovakia in 1945.

English Landscape Tastes
Cited in OText


New Plaid Patterns

Cottons -- Rayons - Flannels

Summary of Engineering Council
meeting of Oct. 13: Members absent:
Heidgen, Jones, and Sommers. Baum-
gartner and Kuhn were selected to
help in Senior Assembly. Committees
formed: Class Board Reorganization,
Newsletter, and Engineering Election.
Election of vice-Pres. will take place
at Oct. 27 meeting.
Fireside Forum: Miss Catherine Jones
speaking on "The Principle and Prac-
tice of Quakerism." Oct. 16, 7:30 p.m.,
Youth Room First Methodist Church.
* * *
First Baptist Church: Layman Sun-
day, Prof. Wm. Keer speaker, Oct. 16,
11:00 a.m.
Folk Dancing: Oct. 17, 7:30-10:00
p.m., Lane Hall recreation room. Swed-
ishHambo will be featured. Instruction
for every dance.
Graduate Outing Club: Meets every
Sunday at 2:00 p.m., Northwest Entrance
to Rackham Bldg. Wear old clothes.
* * *
Hillel: Community Sabbath Services,
Oct. 15, 9:00 a.m.
* s 0
Hillel: Open house after football
game, 4:00, recreation room.
* * *
Hillel Chorus: Rehearsal, Oct. 16,
7:00 p.m., Main Chapel of the Hillel
Hillel: Hillel Supper Club, 6:00 p.m.,
s * *
Kappa Phi: Songfest, Oct. 17, 7:00
p.m., Wesley Lounge, First Methodist
* * *
Michigan Christian Fellowship: Rev.
Charles Baker, Pres. Milwaukee Bible
College, speaking on "Revelation of God
to Man: The Bible" Oct. 16, 4:00 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
s * "
Unitarian Student Group: Buffet
dinner, Oct. 16, 6:30 p.m., Kay Schu-
maker speaking on "Liberal Religious
Youth" Unitarian Church.

Students Get
New Licenses
For Bicycles
Something new has been added
on Ann Arbor bicycle licenses
within the past year.
A new white tape with green
figures is replacing the tin plates
used previously. The change was
prompted in the interest of safe-
ty because the new licenses reflect
brightly at night, distinguishing
the cyclist from other objects.
This type of tape has been con-
sidered so helpful that the Graff-
O'Hara post of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars in co-operation with
the Youth Bureau of the Ann Ar-
bor Police Department has insti-
tuted a new program.
As a part of the program, addi-
tional strips of red reflecting tape
will be applied to the bicycles of
Ann Arbor school children.z
Sgt. George J. Simmons of the
bureau said University students
would be given tape upon request.
Students are urged to have
their bicycles licensed as a protec-
tion against theft and to aid in re-
covery if bikes are stolen or aban-
There are an estimated seven
thousand bicycles on the campus
but only four thousand licenses
have been issued in the entire Ann
Arbor area.
Application forms may be ob-
tained at the Office of Student

A University professor and his
wife are authors of a text on land-
scape painting to be published by
the University Press next Friday.
Associate Prof. and Mrs. Henry
V. S. Ogden have written "English
Taste in Landscape in the Seven-
teenth Century," a record of land-
scape representation growth in
Prof. Ogden, of the English de-
partment, is also author of a bibli-
ography on painting and drawing
literature in seventeenth century
England. Mrs. Ogden is assistant
editor of Middel English Dictionary
and editor of a medieval collection
of medical remedies published by
the Early English Text Society.
The new book contains 165 illus-
trations. Not a history of land-
scape painting, it records the
changing trend in British land-
scape taste.
Topics covered by the text in-
clude different landscape types
and prose and verse descriptions of
landscape in the 1700's; Inven-

tories of English collections made
in these years, auction sale cata-
logues, technical painting and
drawing treatises of the day, paint-
ings and prints known to be by
English artists, surviving data
relating to stage scenery tapestries
and book illustrations have all
provided the Ogdens with evidence
and background material relative
to English landscape tastes.
The preface to the volume states
that materials are "in part relevant
to the studieĀ§ of the art historian.
They pertain indirectly to those of
the student of English literature in
the seventeenth and early eigh-
teenth centuries."
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