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October 15, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-15

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hrer dUigian B3augh,
Sixty-Sixth Year




Murphy Portrays Self
Mrh PorasIn "To Hell and Back"
ALTHOUGH "To Hell and Back" is given a standard Hollywood
treatment, it emerges as an admirable film largely because of
the force and validity of its story, and a good performance by its star.
Audie Murphy, this country's most decorated soldier, plays him-
self in the picture, and the war-time life of this courageous man is
convincingly told. Murphy, who is equivalent to a real-life Shane,
distinguished himself in World War II by repeated acts of bravery

Editorials' printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
American Legion Remains
Consistently Confused
HE American Legion held an annual con- A year ago in Washington, it urged us to
vention in Miami this week. And with re- "seriously" consider severing diplomatic re-
markable consistency it achieved -its usual dis- lations with Russia.
tinction: blind, uninformed resolutions on At that same convention the work of in-
government affairs. vestigating committees was lauded, and their
Voting as a body, the Legion still lives continuation "with no limitation of their pres-
the golden irrationality of isolationism. The ent powers" urged. An amendment disap-
United States it views as perfectly capable of powegs"curgesAhamedent disap-
living comfortably apart from the rest of the proving of committees that do not follow good
world, and fighting off with ease any number administrative practices and proper procedure
of opposing forces. was voted down.
Peace, of course, is something rather de- In 1953 it was urged that Emanuel Bloch,
-sirable (at least they know what war is) but the lawyer who defended Julius and Ethel
that co-operation, good will and understanding Rosenberg, be disbarred. The Legion "de-
are ingredients of peace is something' incon}- plored failings" of the respective bar associa-
prehensible. tion to take what they considered appropriate
For the third time in the last two years, action on the question.
the Legion attacked the United Nations Edu-
. cational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. ANOTHER resolution called on President
It overwhelmingly denounced UNESCO, and Dwight D. Eisenhower to oppose any legis-
added that Congress would do well to eliminate !ation that would "open our shores to additional
its membership in that group. displaced persons."
In fact, the Legion was well on its way to In the interests of something it calls
asking us to withdraw from the United Nations "'Americanism," the Legion has repeatedly
entirely, but this. motion was narrowly voted asked for investigations of the American Civil
down. Liberties Union, and warned that communists
might be infiltrating "religion, education, com-
HE Legion does have its more objective mem- munity affairs, labor, and organizations such
bers. After the last convention, for ex- as the YMCA, YWCA and community houses."
ample, there was a committee formed that The GirlScouts have been the latest to be
found no support for charges that UNESCO questioned for their motives.
was administered by atheists, communists, or
worse yet-men favorable to world government. In the interests of free expression ( ome-
The pro-UNESCO report was submitted thing the Legion itself knows nothing about)
to another committee-and from then on it the Legion can go on making its resolutions.
was clear sailing to official condemnation of But in the interests of realistic thinking they
UNESCO as a disseminator of "subversive edu- must be recognized for the confused political
cational materials." opinions they are.
It is interesting to review the Legion's -DEBRA DURCHSLAG,
statements of the last few years. Daily Magazine Editor
USSR Waiting Its Chance
S THE Geneva conference of foreign minis- ing in an occupied state, the offer may have
ters rapidly approaches, Chancelor Ade- appeal.
nauer's attac of pneumonia has increased Many Germans want above all else, a re-
Western anxiety to groom a successor to the unified Fatherland. They would prefer it
aging German leader. neutral, for most want nothing to do with war
again. They picture re-armament as a chance
Germany is ertain to be a key focus of to begin anew German militarism, so feared
attention at the conference, and the Russians, throughout the world.
with new diplomatic ties to Bonn, are licking Russian offers of re-unification, aimed at
their chops for the day to come when the luring the Germans from the Western fold,
Chancelor will pass from the diplomatic scene. could appeal in this direction as well.
While Adenauer is' in the picture, the Rus- In addition, the Russians are in a good.
sians will probably not try to force their hand, position to talk to German manufacturers of
for he stands sternly against allowing the trade agreements, and reports admit the man-
Russians to lure West Germany from the West. ufacturers are interested.
However, the Russians, in the midst of
their "smiling offensive" are making consid- IT IS generally conceded that although the
erable propaganda gains, and when the chance- Russians will attack points which could
for fades from German politics, Bonn is likely weaken Adenauer's prestige, they will not make
to be flooded by offers of re-unification, with- pressing demands, or force their propaganda
drawal of troops from East Germany, and trade too far while he is in office.
offers. However, as Mr. Khrushchev told the chan-
celor in Moscow, Adenauer is not immortal.
ALREADY the Polit Bureau has dangled items The Russians smile, but their aims remain
.world conquest.
Aquite tempting to the German populace in wolcnqet
the eyes of theleader. For onethyhaTheir strategy is based, in part, on being
the yesof te lades. Fr oe, tey ave able to "wait out" their opponents, and in this
offered to evacuate East Germany if the West-a
ern powers will leave the West zone. case it appears a well-founded idea. For there
is no one on the immediate scene to replace
Of course, there are not many in the Konrad Adenauer. If the West plans to hold
camps' of Western officials who believe the Germany, we had better keep reminding the
Russian troops will be completely withdrawn leader of the need for grooming a successor.
behind home borders, but to the German liv- -LEW HAMBURGER
Murry Frymer -.

*'gr -*d- hv+r~r~: Eks

Free Vacation For Sen. Malone

IT looks as though Ike's heart
specialist, Dr. Paul D. White of
Boston, isn't going to get all the
money he wants for research into
the cause of heart disease.
Budget Bureau estimates are
worked up long before Congress
convenes, and last week the pre-
liminary figures for the Eisen-
hower budget on heart research
were up for confidential backstage
discussion. The figure is not sup-
posed to be known, but the fact
is that Dr. James Watt, medical
director of the National Heart In-
stitute, which comes under the
Department of Health, Education,
and Welfare, was willing to hike
the budget for heart research on-
ly $2,000,000.
DR. WRITE, in eloquent testi-
mony before Senator Hill of Ala-
bama last- spring, pleaded for

more - at least an increase of
White told how the U.S. is the
"unhealthiest" nation in the world
because of heart disease, how some
areas like Southern Italy, Sicily,
and Norte Africa don't have heart
disease. How he had spent money
from his own pocket on research.
He estimates that 10,000,000 Amer-
icans now have heart trouble, and
that 80,000,000 Americans, one-
half the population, will even-
tually die of it.
The final budget figure for heart
research hasn't been fixed yet.
However, last week's confidential
talks indicated it would be about
$1,000,000 less than the increase
Ike's doctor asked for,
ONE OF THE most unusual and
important political sitdowns in
years is now taking place in Penn-
sylvania. It's aimed at young
George Leader, who at 36 amaz-

ed the nation by becoming the
first Democratic Governor elect-
ed in Pefinsylvania in 20 years.
The Democratic surge was so
strong that Leader, all his life
a chicken farmer, carried the low-
er house of the Pennsylvania leg-
islature by a workable margin, but
with fewer seats up in the Penn-
sylvania Senate he has a margin
there of three Republican votes
against him.'
As a result of this three-vote
margin, the Republican Senate has
kept the Pennsylvania Legislature
in session for 10 long months, has
bottled up some 500 pieces of leg-
islation already passed by the
House, and has left the third state
in the Union with no appropria-
tion bills and on the verge of
bankruptcy. It's one of the most
stubborn political sitdowns ever
seen in the nation.
(Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

in the face of what seem impos-
sible odds. He has led squads
against troops, single-handedly
wiped out countless machine gun
nests, and gone so "far and above
the call of duty" that Murphy the
man is almost a legendary figure.
CONSISTING mostly of innum-
erable battle , scenes, the film
shows his rise in the ranks. The
explanation for his great sense
of responsibility is given, not too
clearly, by scenes of a bitter child-
hood wherein he had to be the
breadwinner of a large and im-
poverished family.
In many ways, this offering is
like many others turned out each
year. There is -the usual cross-
section of soldiers: the boy from
Brooklyn, the American Indian,
the soldier who wants to be a
citizen of the country he fights
for, the tough and hard-bitten
combat veteran, the wolf w7,o real-
ly pines for the girl he left be-
hind, and so on through th. stock
characters we have seen 400 many
THERE IS also a bland senti-
mentality pervading, with violin
music softly underscoring the mo-
ments of personal loss, and the
oft-repeated theme of "what
principles are we fighting for?"
which is asked but not answered
in the film. It is these things
which smack of contrivance and
tend to vulgarize an impressive
story of real excitement.
But it is Murphy and his life
that predominate, and fortunate-
ly they are worth something. "To
Hell and Back" could have been
a better film had it been treated
with more taste, but, as it stands,
it is still noteworthy.
to the
H.aize and Blue.. .
To the Editor:
LET'S have a "Maize and Blue
Day." This would be an out-
ward reflection of school spirit
that seems to be increasing with
every game.
The idea is simple. On a Olven
Saturday, i.e. Homecoming, every-
one wears a yellow and blue com-
bination to the football game. Yel-
low tops such as shirts, sweaters,
blouses and jackets, and blue bot-
toms such as slacks and skirts
would be the most easily acces-
sible items because of the colors
In a year when the students
have a certain "fever" this idea
should be easy, to promote and
would have. some merit. After
all, it has already been demon-
strated that we have an enthusi-
astic student body (panty raid)
and the football team looks
stronger every Saturday and de-
serves our support.
So let's "dress up" some foot-
ball Saturday. There would be
little, if any, trouble and it would
be a respectable way of expressing
our pride for Michigan and our
football team.
-Tony Drabik, Jr., '56.
Defending the Small..
To the Editor:
I WOULD like to correct what
seems to be a common miscon-
ception of the type members of a
large group often assume toward a
smaller group.
In Phil Douglis' column "Shuf-

flin' Along" in the October 11
Daily he says, "Northwestern-a
team of misfits they called them.
A team so poor it was smashed by
tiny Miami of Ohio, of the Mid-
America Conference."
I believe Miami of Ohio is per-
haps the least known college of its
size in America. An uninformed
observer reading Mr. Douglis' col-
umn would, I imagine, interpret
the word "tiny" as used in the
above quote to refer to a school of
perhaps 800 or maybe 1,000 stud-
ents: This uninformed observer,
as well as Mr. Douglis and many
others would probably be surprised
to know that Miami of Ohio has
over 5,000 students. What was the
size, just 15 years ago of our new-
est state University and neighbor
and rival, Michigan State Univer-
sity? Not much more than 5,000.
... I haven't meant to step on
anyone's toes. I'm merely defend-
ing a University (Miami) too tiny
to defend itself!

WHATEVER else may be said of
this 1939 version of Emily
Bronte's "Wuthering Heights," the
film is accurate in tone and spirit
to the author's intentions.
Miss Bronte was one of those
exceedingly romantic nineteenth
century writers whose works are
a paean to the human art of cry-
ing. .Hers was an art unchalleng-
ed (except perhaps by sister Char-
lotte) in the entire course of Eng-
lish literature. Heaped like a tea-
spoon of sugar withromantic fa-
talism, her novel is one of those
things respectable ladies of yes-
teryear could read in the early
evening and still face the world
the next morning.
* * *
Heathcliffe (Laurence 01Ii v i e r)
were simply doomed from the very
beginning to be miserable. Her
father, a kindly man, had brought
him home when he was only a
wandering gypsy boy. But, upon
the old man's death, Heatheliffe,
having incurred the wrath of Ka-
thy's wicked brother, was thrown
into the stable to tend the horses.
Happiness was not for them;
and through a misunderstanding
Heathcliffe left the house and
Kathy married Edgar (David Niv-
en), rich owner of the neighbor-
ing manor. When Heathcliffe re-
turned, Kathy could not bring her-
self to desecrate her marriage
vows, so she developed a "will to
* ~* *
rection, the performers play their
roles with the relish of turn-of-
the-century melodrama.
-Ernest Theodossin
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
The University of Michigan Bood
Bank Association has arranged to have
a Red Cross Mobile Unit at the Student
Health Service on Oct. 24, 1955, to take
care of staff members who wish to con-
tribute a pint of blood and thus be-
come members of the BloodBan with
the privilege of drawing upon the bank
for themselves and their immediate
families in the event blood is needed.
The Unit will be at the Health Service
Basement from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00
noon, and from 1:00-4:00 p.m. Staff
members who are interested should
contact the Personnel Office, Ext. 2619,
Room 3026 Admin. Bldg.
Late Permission: Because of the 1.
Hop, all women students will have a
late permission on saturday, Oct. 15.
Women's residences win be open until
1:25 a.m.
It is expected that the Directory for
1955-56 will be ready for distribution
about October 27. The chairmen of the
various departments and directors of
other units will please requisition the
number of copies required for University

campus use. Requisitions should be
sent to the Purchasing Department and
delivery will b: made by campus mail.
If individuals wish a copy for home
use the Directory will be available by
payment of 75c at the Cashier's Office,
Main Floor, Administration Building.
Business concerns or individuals not
connected with the University desiring
a Directory may purchase a copy at a
cost of $2.00.
Academic Notices
Astronomical Colloquim. Fri., Oct. 14,
4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Dean B.
McLaughlin will speak on "The Spec-
tra of Slow Novae."
Placement Notices
City of New York Civil Service atf.
pounces examinations for the following:
Speech and Hearing Therapist, Housing
Community Activities Coordinator,
Chemist, Architect, Recreation Leader,
Assistant Supervisor of Recreation, As-


Referendum Holds Saar Future

Some "Education" Students Are Missing

EACH YEAR millions of dollars are spent
by American tourists traveling abroad.
The motivation, besides a good vacation,
is often said to be educational-to get to
"know" the people. What happens is that the
American usually gets to know all the other
American tourists in town, talks about the,
good old US.A., and goes home a well-traveled
man. ,
Pretty much .the same sort of story is' re-
peated here on the Michigan campus. American
students are intrigued by the fact that more
than 1300 foreign students come here to study.
In describing the glories of the University to
home friends, this is one of the wonder fre-
quently mentioned.
Yet, the curious fact is that in a four-year
career here the average student, at most, makes
only a passing acquaintance with one of the
international group. It's more than curious, it's
tragic. To study the history, politics, and
what-not of a foreign land can get to be a
little dull when the entire material is drawn
from books and lectures. There's even a bit
of superficiality in that. There's an enormous
amount of realism to be added through actually
meeting these people whose names are so diffi-
cult to pronounce on the pages of a book.
BUT ITS tragic in another sense, also. That
is in the impression taken away from this

icans are terribly rude." It seems he was intro-
duced in one of his classes, yet found that none
of the Americans stopped. to speak with him
after class.
Of course, you can say to him that it just
isn't done, but it's more difficult to explain why.
There's also the problem of loneliness. It's a
long way back home for most foreign students.
He gets too much time to think of that fact
when he spends too much time by himself.
This year, the International Students Associ-
ation is again making & noble effort to some-
how integrate the foreign student into the
community. Tony Wallwork, a British student
and president of the -group, is devoting his
time now to build up the United Nations week
program, scheduled October 20 through 25.
-n cne past these efforts have been mild fail-
but Tony is optimistic this year.
HE program includes a talk by Prof. M. S.
Sundaram, Cultural Attache, of the Indian
Embassy, a dramatic work on the UN, an In-
ternational Sports Day, and a debate. It could
work. It might not.
What Tony wants most, he says, is to
change the atmosphere of the International
Center from an "isolation ward," as many for-
eign students fell it is now, to what its name
implies. The initiative must come from the
Americans, individually and through organi-

(EDITORS' NOTE: This is the third
in a series concerning political affairs
in West Germany. Mr. Koenig is this
year's exchange student from the Free
University of Berlin.)
IT HAS now been 35 years since
France and Germany have been
disputing about possession of the
Referring to a map, one finds
an astonishingly small spot of soil
representing Saar-territory. Its
population of about one million
inhabitants is entirely German.
Yet what makes France so eager
to include this territory into its
own country?
It is certainly not its strategic
position nor is it its population.
Fortunately the necessity of ob-
taining a strategic position after
the conclusion of one war in an-
ticipation of the next between
these two countries, as was done
continually in the past, seems to
be over.
The present reasons for the dis-
sension over this territory are of
an economic nature, especially in
the field of steel and coal produc-
tion. Lorraine, the ,center of the
French iron ore mining, is de-
pendent upon the coal of the Ruhr
and the Saar for steel production.
This is the reason why France
takes such great interest in the
HERE IS the present situation
in the Saar-territory: In theory
the territory is politically inde-
pendent. Soon after the war,
however, France began conclud-
ing certain economic treaties with
the Saar-territory. These were
extended by degrees to an eco-
nomic union which contains even

government has little popularity
among the inhabitants.
* * *
THAT WAS the situation Dr.
Adenauer was faced with when he
signed the Paris Treaties, one of
which dealt with the Saar, pro-
vides a new statute for this ter-
ritory. Its main contents are:
f equal participation in the mining
industry of the Saar and admis-
sion of the German parties. An
international commission was el-
ected to supervise the referendum
concerning this new statute. If
it is accepted, then a new elec-
tion is immediately provided for.
In the beginning of August the
German political parties in the
Saar received their licenses. They

work at present independently of
the corresponding parties in Ger-
many, whose officers aren't even,
allowed to attend their meetings.
* *1 *
THE OFFICIAL policy of the
German government aims toward
acceptance of the Saar statute
which would only make a new gov-
ernmental election possible. In this
election German parties see their
opportunity to institute a demo-
cratic government in the Saar-
territory which truly represents its
No one can predict the result of
the referendum, but one thing
seems certain: a refusal would be
a big step backwards since it would
reestablish the' situation existing
before the Paris Treaties.



by Mike Marder


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